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A jam submission

My Domain of JellyfishView project page

Submitted by TossDaCook — 4 hours, 35 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#1053.9313.931

Ranked from 29 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

The game draws inspiration from ABZU and Omori and I imagine it would be a blend between the two. Taking the elements of exploration and sea from ABZU and the elements of rpg, dreamworld and direct story-telling of Omori.

Each track represents a fragment of a much larger soundtrack. I have a theme for Opening, Conflict and Resolution, as well as an upbeat theme and a characterization theme.

I composed most of my tracks the first couple of days in bits, moving around my projects. I mixed and perfected most tracks in the latter days.

I used FL fruity edition with mostly stock plugins and SurgeXT.


The story takes place in the imaginative sea dream of Yuni, a young girl. She explores the sea of jellyfish with a companion she made sure to bring along with her, A jellyfish!(not the large one in the soundtrack cover). Moon the jellyfish accompanies her throughout her majestic journey in the sea. Moon has a calming and cautious nature, and treats Yuni much like how a mother would. However, conflict arises when they approach The Great Jellyfish, who is in much distress about the abyss's greater activity. Yuni and Moon decide to help and venture towards the abyss, but with many obstacles along the way. Something does not want Yuni to head towards the heart of the abyss, and her mind takes the toll of the stressful environment. However, Moon helps Yuni stay calm throughout the journey until finally they reach their destination. The abyss is frightening and it is very truthful towards Yuni, she has been hiding from a reality she does not wish to face. A nightmare emerges from the abyss and swallows Yuni, as she struggles she feels that she is drowning in anxiety and sorrow. Luckily, Moon reaches deep inside the nightmare and brings Yuni to safety, but not without a cost. The journey to safety was very damaging to Moon and she does not make it, but throughout their journey, she had subtly taught Yuni how to grieve. It is revealed that Moon is a manifestation of Yuni's Mother who she had lost very recently, and inside Yuni's world, Moon was teaching her how to cope with her situation. In the end, Yuni leaves her dream world of the sea, and comes back to reality.


Blue Fantasy - Title theme, a great blue sea.

Guidance - A fun theme about Moon guiding Yuni.

Fun in Coral Town! - Coral town, the town of mostly sea urchins. A horror story in disguise but Yuni doesn't know any better so it is a fun fantasy land.

Abyssal Nightmare - Theme that represents Yuni drowning deeper and deeper into the frightening nightmare of the abyss. Hopefully someone saves her.

In Loving Memory - Theme about the loss of Moon and the important message she left behind for Yuni to move forward.

-edit, added story and song context

Message from the artist
I hope you enjoy my tracks! This is my first time doing a jam and I look forward to joining more in the future.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
The game takes place in an aquatic dream of a young girl. I perceived the the humanoid figure as a the spirit of the girl's mother, which are represented with my characters. Inside her sea dream world, the two journey together.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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I liked fun in coral town the best! It felt like it had a lot of dark undertones which I thought was really fitting despite being named fun in coral town


Thank you! Coral town was a lot of fun to make, I am glad you liked it. Thank you for the listen and compliments!


It was really nice to read about you in the post!


For some reason, the sustained notes in Blue Fantasy, I associate them with movement of  the jellyfish. Truly evocative!

Fun in Coral Town! is my favorite one! Melodic treatment is wonderful as well as the bright and colorful sounds.

Very solid entry! Well done!!


Thank you! I appreciate you reading my post and listening to my soundtrack! Thank you for the compliments too!


Beautiful and quality work, my favourite is Abyssal Nightmare such a great bassline really like it


Thank you! I appreciate the listen and the compliments! It was a fun bass to work with, made me feel evil and dark like I just robbed a kid of their ice cream or something

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Blue Fantasy: Right off the bat I'm getting Omori vibes with the instrumentation. Pretty track! Love the tempo change towards the end.

Guidance: Very fun and matches the story you gave. Feels like a character theme for Moon similar to Mari's theme from Omori.

Fun In Coral Town!: Groovy town theme. I like how the melody is more upbeat and centered around the major tonic, while the chords indicate minor (I don't think I've heard a V-i movement in a town theme till now!). Gives me a sense of happiness while also holding some mystery and darkness. Unique town theme! Hold up I just read your story description for the track, it lines up perfectly! Great theming! My favorite track on here.

Abyssal Nightmare: Getting spooky. This paints the perfect horror aspect for an Omori inspired OST.

In Loving Memory: Emotional! I particularly love the part after 1:20 with that synth.

I really enjoyed this OST. Great work! 


Thank you! I appreciate your comment, it is very in depth and it makes me glad. I am glad you appreciate the thematics I went for too, thanks for the listen and compliments!


Abyssal Nightmare was stressful, the liberal use of sustained dissonance captured the feeling of falling deeper and deeper into a nightmare. Good composition and mix, it never gets muddy despite so many tone clusters. This soundtrack is quite the journey, it takes you through a wide range of emotions; mystery, lightheartedness, distress and love. Despite the diversity of musical, it still felt cohesive, you did a good job on that!


Thank you! I am glad about your insight of Abyssal Nightmare, it is nice to have the feeling of the track I had in mind to be interpreted the same way. I appreciate the compliments and thanks for the listen!


Your work fits both the theme and the story very well. I adore the aquatic vibes! A great job already on your first jam, looking forward to the future songs you make.


Thank you! I appreciate the compliments and I am glad you liked the thematics! I look forward to yours as well!


Abyssal Nightmare is such a great one for me as a huge fan of more intense music! I'll second what NiSSAK said about cohesiveness, the whole vibe carries throughout the tracks. Very melodic, and closely follows the story. Great work!


Thank you! Abyssal nightmare was probably my biggest struggle to compose so I am glad you like it. Thanks for the compliments and the listen!


Extremely cohesive work, fits the theme well. I especially like the recontextualisation of the main theme in "In loving Memory". Definitely keep going, this is quality stuff.


Thank you! I appreciate the compliments and the listen! I'll be sure to join the next jam, hope to see you there too!


Blue Fantasy is giving me Animal Crossing museum vibes, which is working for the concept well!

Guidance has some really nice piano lines in it. The repetitions feel good the whole time and that's hard to do.

Fun In Coral Town! is my favorite of the 5. Makes me think a bit of Adventure Time. The sliding melody is great.

Abyssal Nightmare is strangely refreshing because of the change in tone, even though it's dark. I think the bass line really holds everything together nicely. 

In Loving Memory loved the repeating intro the turns into a longer melody. Great development with that.

Overall excellent job! Loved the concept and I think a game would work well with music like this. 


Thank you! I appreciate your analysis of each track, makes me even more glad you listened! I appreciate the compliments too!


overall a pretty nice soundtrack! the story is pretty cool too!

fav tracks: Blue Fantasy, Guidance, In Loving Memory


Thank you! I am glad you like the soundtrack and story!


I like what you did on the last track with the arrival of the synths. Very cool and soothing. Nice work overall :)


Thank you, I am glad you liked it! Thanks for listening!


Very cool mixing on this! I enjoyed the wave crashing SFX throughout the 2nd and 4th tracks. The couple spicy notes in the 3rd one add a fun bit of intrigue, I feel like it definitely precedes the following track nicely and gives the listener a taste of that horror aspect you brought up in your notes while still keeping us in the POV of Yuni. Overall nice work with these!


Thank you! I was waiting for someone to say something about the waves haha. I am glad you appreciate the thematics as well. Thanks for the listen!


I think you're on point lore-wise and thematically, and the whole OST makes sense together. I can't fathom how much work this must have taken... I'm happy to have listened. In loving memory especially is beautiful!


Thank you! A lot of stepping out of my comfort zone with some of these tracks so I am glad you recognize the work put in. I appreciate the listen and the compliments!


Really cool entry, very chill, very underwatery !  Abyssal nightmare is a mood, love dark ambiance like that


Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed my tracks!


First of all, always great to hear from a fellow ABZU enthusiast! This is a great soundtrack that you've put together. All the tracks sound nice and I like their progression with the story of this game. I also really like the melody in "Fun in Coral Town!". Awesome work!


Thank you, I am glad you read/listened to both my story and soundtrack!


A nice mix of music - I can kind of understand what you meant by the idea needing a larger soundtrack. Definitely will do a second listen, at some point.


Thank you, I appreciate it! The thought crossed my mind to just make a couple 10 second tracks to cover some important holes of the story but I restrained myself haha

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Although I'm not a huge fan about all the submissions about the ocean, I really like this soundtrack. Especially the song, In Loving Memory.

Also... DOMAIN EXPANSION: Infinite Jellyfish!!!


That is great to hear! I am glad you liked it, thank you for listening.


Amazing work especially with stock plugins. Abyssal Nightmare has incredible atmosphere to it, definitely my favorite!


Thank you, I am glad you liked it!


The soundtrack captured the underwater setting very well. I can definitely hear the Omori influence, a lot of the tracks sound very fun and lively (especially "Fun in Coral Town").  "Abyssal Nightmare" sounds very tense and suspenseful, and I think the bass works really well. The chords also work really well for the sound, but I think that the tension and dissonance was sometimes a little too much in the middle part. Overall a really fun soundtrack. Great work!


Thank you for your feedback! I am glad you listened to my tracks and I appreciate the compliments and criticisms.

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