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BLUEView project page

A musical ocean adventure, inside her world
Submitted by Blue Lava — 27 minutes, 18 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#24.5484.548

Ranked from 62 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

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  • Gorgeous textures in this work-- the overall sense of space is very apparent. I quite like how you choose instruments overall in your submission. The piano on "BLUE" is really nice, and it blends very well with the melodic style you've chosen, giving everything an expansive feel that succeeds quite well. Building ensembles for a theme like this can often be challenging, and I think you've mostly navigated that challenge throughout. Perhaps the only place where I felt the instrumentation choice was a bit uninspired was in WAVE-- I get *why* you would choose steel drums, but I think it runs the risk of being a bit cliche to use them like this, especially against your other writing and instrumentation choices which are fantastic. Having said that, this is a great track to showcase that you absolutely can pull off (with panache!) the "ocean steel drum" sound, even if I think your other tracks are more impressive. I did feel like the trumpet line in particular, but almost the whole mix as well of "DIVE" could use just a touch more reverb to give it a sense of space-- it feels very dry as-is. The material of the track is quite good and has a wonderful soaring quality that I very much appreciate-- the wind arpeggios that sit above everything are a very nice touch. FLOW was delightful. I loved the staccato synth voice sounds, which were enhanced by their synth-ness in a way that I think is rare and also really neat to hear. It can sometimes be a challenge to work with instrumental tones like that but here it sounds effortless and is an utter delight. Thanks for the interesting harmonic stuff in SINK, which I thought was a really fun and thoughtful composition that fit into the overall whole quite nicely. I enjoyed the section with the portamento lead too-- it provided a nice contrast to the rest of the track and really elevated the whole thing. I would encourage you to write genuine endings for your tracks rather than relying on fade-outs, as I find that doing so really forces one as a composer to create a complete statement with the track, and it is surprising how doing so can affect things that come before the ending. I myself have written many "fade outs" and listening to them now, I wish I hadn't, because "landing the plane" is more satisfying for the listener and really would have been better for me as a composer. The more aggressive writing in DEEP is nicely handled-- the constant dynamic nature of the track gives the whole thing interest and I really liked what you did with it!

In this OST, the story centers around a woman and takes place in the ocean of her mind. The game is intended to be a story-driven exploration/collector adventure game. I was very inspired by both the image and prompt themes and have created a soundtrack that encapsulates both, with themes of introspection and a vast array of internal emotions in the setting of a beautiful ocean-set world. I invite you to read along in the track descriptions while listening. Please enjoy!

1 BLUE: This track serves as the opening title sequence and opening theme for the game. The game opens with her falling through the sky and eventually crashing into the cerulean ocean. She is now back in the sea of thoughts and memories and is not sure how to escape. Drifting slowly downward in the clear blue water, she realizes that she has a chest tightness as if she was holding her breath, but she wasn’t inhaling the water either. She looks at her hands and feet and realizes that she sees the limbs of a child and realizes that she is wearing the pink kimono her grandmother gave her when she was young. Looking around, she starts to see things moving through the water, hazy at first, but then they become more clear. She recognizes a goldfish swimming by as one from her childhood. Swimming and eventually finding a bed of sea grass, she notices sprouting from the sand the sunflower she watered every day from the seeds she found in a field by her house. Countless memories appear in the ocean and the scene becomes filled with vibrancy. In the distance, though, she notices indistinct shadowy figures with red eyes darting back and forth just out of clarity. She feels calm, but cannot shake the feeling that something isn’t quite right. For the time being, she rests in the soft seagrass as the opening sequence fades into the title screen. In this track, I tried to capture the serenity of floating calmly in an azure ocean through various pads and a lot of reverb on the main piano melody. To get a more natural flow, I also refrained from exclusively using a strict metronome and performed the piano in large takes. I also introduced the feeling of contented worry in the middle section to represent the complex emotions the main character has.

2 DIVE: As the game opens, you see the woman, appearing as herself as a child, looking up to the sun’s rays shining through the water. She swims upward and eventually reaches the surface where she sees bright blue skies and a calm sea. Expecting to breathe, she still is not able to and feels the uncomfortable weight on her chest still. She then sees a small boat that she remembers from bath time as a child. She climbs on board and rests. In the distance she sees something floating in the water. She picks up the oars and slowly makes her way to the object when she realizes it is the yellow crayon that she recognized as her favorite crayon color. The crayon was enormous though. She lifted it on board and it stood upright in the center of the boat. Nearby, she also found her favorite pink blanket, so she hung it up on the crayon to act as a sail. The gameplay then opens to the ocean surface which serves as the overworld for the game. The boat becomes her dive boat with which she can travel to different areas of the ocean to dive into the various locations. In the overworld, she can collect items that represent memories which she can use for further boat customization, and thoughts that she can use as items with various effects through her adventure. This track was written with an adventurous vibe in 6/8: classic sea-faring track characteristics. I got creative with sound effects and instrument plug-ins to create the illusion of moving from underwater to above the surface to help connect it to the other tracks that are mostly based underwater.

3 WAVE: After collecting some items, the woman notices another boat in the distance. On board is a small man who looks suspiciously like a doll that she remembers once having. As the other boat approached, the small man waved (yes, that kind of wave) at her enthusiastically. He drifted up next to her boat and she realized it WAS her doll. He was always a comfort for her when she was little and she was happy to see a familiar face. He explained that he also was a collector of thoughts and memories in order to help keep them safe (but he also favored some ideas and memories over others) so he offered to make a deal that he would trade his wares with those that the woman had collected. After bartering, they bid farewell and he sailed off into the horizon. This short theme is intended to be the shop theme for the game and is a nice reprieve whenever the doll shopkeeper drifts by.

4 FLOW: After exploring the surface, the woman finds a shallow coral reef that she decides to explore first. The sun is high in the sky casting radiant gleams that shimmer through the shallow water and highlight the vibrancy of the reef teeming with life. She dives in and swims with the fish, turtles, and jellyfish. Having fun, she feels the weight on her chest ease slightly. She then notices a bright blue glowing object floating ahead. Seeing this bright glow sparks a memory of a feeling inside that she can’t remember the origin of. It feels warm and cozy, but sad at the same time. Following the glow, it takes her through the reef until she finally catches it. When she holds it in her hands, she remembers parts of her life as an adult. She sees herself crying and staring out the window, not feeling able to move. She can’t remember anything else and the memory fades. She notices other similar glows far in the distance and she realizes that these are key pieces of information and that maybe they will help her return to her life from the depths of her mind. This leads to a key gameplay element in that she has to navigate through the different areas in the ocean to collect the glowing memories. In this track, I wanted a fun but serene groove to explore this first benign area. To help give the song a ~flow~ vibe, I used gentle and overall soft instrumentation, used simple diatonic harmonies, and I automated a lot of panning to gently sway back and forth.

5 SINK: The woman explores many areas in the vast ocean and recovers many memories, both pleasant and unpleasant, but all leading her closer to remembering how she ended up stranded in the ocean of her mind. One of the last locations to explore was in an area of the ocean that is stormy and littered with sharp rocks. When she has collected enough memories and thoughts, she is able to fortify her ship well enough to traverse the treacherous narrow passageways. This theme plays when she makes the dive and finds herself in sunken ruins. The shadowy figures were now numerous and darting very close by. She was now able to make out the shapes a little better because they were so close, and they looked like ghostly swordfish and squids. Each time they swam near, she could feel her heart beating faster, her stomach tighten, and her throat close up in a fearful panic. She deduced that these creatures must represent her emotions of fear and anxiety. She wondered why they were so densely populated in this location. Using many positive thoughts and memories that she collected throughout her journey, she was able to fend off the enemies that were starting to make attacks at her. Making her way through the ruins, she finds the last glowing object, but this one is much larger than the others and is a grisly crimson color. When she reached out to grab it, suddenly a deep and dark memory was unlocked and she was filled with horror. She remembered being a little girl wearing the pink kimono, coloring with her yellow crayon, with her blanket and her doll, and sitting in a dark room alone for hours waiting for her mother to return. Her mother would often lock her in that dark room for hours, hungry and waiting often through the night before her mother would return. One day, her mother did not return and she was left for 3 days alone in the dark room before her grandmother found her emaciated and sickly. It was at this time in her life when she learned that, in order to survive, she had to retreat into her own mind to protect her from the harsh realities of the real world. She never saw her mother again, but through the rest of her childhood and into adulthood, she would occasionally involuntarily fall into the ocean of her mind. As a protective measure, her memories were dispersed to shield her from the pain of her traumatic childhood. This track uses more synthesized instruments to demonstrate that the main character is getting out of touch with herself and the fear and anxiety is making it difficult to remain calm. The strong kick drum is meant to represent the heart palpitations she feels.

6 DEEP: Now having collected the majority of her memories, she was desperate to return to the real world. She could not figure out why she was still stuck in the mind ocean. Suddenly the sky darkened in the distance in a direction she had not ventured before and a large glow emerged from the sea. There must have been one last memory that she needed to collect, but she now could feel the shadowy bad emotions growing in number and were traveling closer than they dared before. She knew that going to collect the last memory would force her to face something terrible. Going to the area of dark skies and glowing water, she made one last dive. Swimming deep through the dark and murky water, she felt low rumbling vibrations through the water and noticed that in the dark below, it seemed there was something big with bright red eyes swimming rapidly toward her. She deftly propelled herself to the side and the creature streamed past her. She could then see more clearly that it was a large shadowy sea serpent that made her heart sink and almost completely immobilized her. This sea serpent was the embodiment of the trauma she suffered and has never been able to face before now. This time was different though, there was one more memory that she knew that was more important than her fear of the snake. Using everything she had learned and collected throughout her journey, she fought the snake head-on with a newfound bravery. After a long duel, she eventually vanquished the beast. The last memory appeared before her and glowed a brilliant blue. Tired, but with her head held high, she reached out for the memory. This track is the final boss theme for the game. Using tropes from other water villains (like low double basses playing neighboring tones from Jaws, as an example), I created an epic battle theme fit for the serpent. I tried to encapsulate the emotions that the main character would be feeling in this situation, starting with mystery and fear, leading to dread, then determination. When the violin melody emerges, it has an element of courage to it that wavers with stabs of anxiety, and these emotions all intermix throughout the battle, until finally there is a somber resolution.

7 BREATHE: Grasping the final blue glowing memory, she suddenly felt all her worries and fears wash away. She heard the sound of a crying baby. Her own baby. She remembers that she is now a mother and the intense fear of turning out like her own mother is what had cast her into the ocean at the start of the game. But now she had faced the trauma and finally would be able to move on with her life. The shadowy figures were darting away far in the distance and she could feel the tightness in her chest lifting. She felt more serene than ever before. Every muscle in her body was finally able to relax after so many years of visceral anxiety. She was able to let go. She closed her eyes and started floating upward toward the surface. A blue light shone brightly from the surface and she felt nothing but desire to go toward the blue. When she emerged from the water, she was finally able to breathe, and there she was no longer in the ocean. In her arms was her newborn daughter. She knew then that the ocean would always be there, but never again would she be cast in involuntarily. Finally, it was time to start living.

Message from the artist
Thank you for choosing to listen to my soundtrack! I’ve been wanting to write an ocean soundtrack for a while and I am so glad that this is the venue in which I get to share with all of you. Please enjoy!


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I covered this in depth in the description of the individual tracks, but in short, the entire story of my game is set to both the prompt “Inside My World” and the image prompt. The main character is both the young girl and the human-shaped bubble from the image and the entire story takes place exclusively inside her mind which is represented as an ocean, taking inspiration from the image. To convey the theme of “Inside My World” musically, I tried to write themes that are very reflective and flowing using reverby/watery piano. I also tried to use voices and choir as a thematic instrument in multiple tracks to remind how personal this soundtrack’s music is. Many strategies were used to get a “water” sound to the music including lots of reverb, increasing low end EQ, writing with flowy strings, and using pads that evoke the sense of floating weightlessly in the water. All in all, the entirety of the soundtrack is written to perfectly encapsulate the themes.

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Im just gonna go through this one one song at a time!

BLUE: The rubato in the piano was an excellent choice, it really helped the song have a more natural feel! Super rich instrumentation and incredible ups and downs that made this feel really complete and professional. The story along with this was so nice!

DIVE: The feeling of exploration was really strong here! I think 6/8 does an excellent job of fitting vibes like this, and you handled the rhythms well contrasting the drums and that repeated string rhythmic pattern. I think the trumpets were a little bit on the loud some times and felt a bit piercing compared to everything else but still excellent

WAVE: Really fun and playful little shop theme, with enough variation I think it would work well as a loop in game!

FLOW: I love how purposeful your instrumentation choices are, i especially liked the guitar in this one! Super relaxing, and I love the reverb and how you used it on the backing instruments! I love the contrast between the soft and louder parts, but i feel like the soft parts were a tad on the quiet side, really lovely though!

SINK: This song has a really strong feeling of determination to it, the woman's determination to get through these fears and anxieties and using these positive ideas to help her! The bends on the strings really helped to add another personal touch to this which was really cool.

DEEP: An excellent tonal shift from the rest of the soundtrack! I think this was really well done, i do wish the percussion was a bit more present throughout the track (but i do like the removal of it around 1:40, the space there felt super intentional and resonated with me a lot!)

BREATHE: Finally a story where the mother doesnt die/j 

This last one felt like such a lovely conclusion to the story you made for this, and the great thing is that this soundtrack still stands out very well as its own work separate from the story! This song made me feel incredibly at peace, which is an excellent way to end off this journey!

Really well done overall!


I am thoroughly humbled by the amount of time and attentive listening you put into this comment. Your feedback is highly valued and I didn’t even notice some of the detailed things until you mentioned them (the trumpet in DIVE for example, I agree should have been a little further back, and the percussion in DEEP probably should have been mixed a little more clearly with less reverb). Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience of my work and for the quality of your feedback. I appreciate it immensely!


Blue was really peace and gentle :)

Dive was a great mood change !

Enjoyed the groove from wave and the instrumentation!

Flow was ... weird? x) those choirs surprised me a lot! positive vibe

Sink was really cinematic and the harmony shift cool!

Deep is deep, what else? Epic vibe!

And Breath to conclude the journey, i did laugh a lot when the aaaaaah came x)

Overall great OST ^^The only down thing would be the mix and the lack of dynamic :)


Thank you for sharing your reactions to each of my tracks! It means a lot that you went through the entire soundtrack! I can’t say that laughing was the reaction I expected at the end, but I do agree that every time I recorded myself inhaling, it kept sounding like an exhale, so I agree it could have been improved!

Submitted (1 edit)

The change of pace and tone in BLUE is welcome and bring a good dynamic. I felt instantly carried away in the mind ocean of this game when it happened.

DIVE felt like a joyful adventure after the contemplative opening. The mix of major tone  melody with the "spanish cadence" around 1.00 (it's how I name it ^^) helps to convey the idea of discovery and wonder within the adventure.

WAVE was a fun break. I love those kalimbas sound! It evokes The Little Mermaid :)

Again, FLOW gave me an animated movie vibe! Maybe the combo of choirs and Bell sounding instrument. 

SINK really was entertaing and interesting in its mouvement. I see it as a couterpart of DIVE. It hit me with the rythm before making a link with the title :) (i have to be honest, I just read the game description and didn't go on track detail you provided :( I might give it a shot after the jam... blind listening with the main idea is cool though)

DEEP : oh the first real threat is coming.. I like that I can just listen and understand what is going on. I mean this one is obvious but still, there is a story ongoing in my mind right now.

BREATHE made me feel like I was still deep beneath the surface but protected by a big bubble in which I could breath and rest after the previous challenge.

That was a great musical narration where I could still recognize your style. Well done Mr.Blue Lava :)


Thank you so much, Peluche, for your very thoughtful and attentive listening! I think that one of the best ways we can help each other as fellow composers is sharing how we, as an extra fresh set of ears, experienced the music to help the composer determine if they conveyed what they intended. I always appreciate you thoroughly sharing your thoughts. I also really appreciate you allowing the music to tell the story on its own first. Maybe after the rating period I invite you to read through the descriptions to see if what you imagined was similar to what I was intending to convey. :) Thank you so much once again for sharing your thoughts!

Submitted (1 edit)

BLUE: Lush ambience right from the start. Beautiful arpeggios. Vast ocean vibes.

DIVE: Seafaring overworld vibes. 6/8 is always a great choice for this vibe. 

WAVE: Always love a sweet bVI-bVII-I. The occasional #4 usage adds some nice sweetness. Effective shop theme.

FLOW: Effective use of tried and tested harmony. Pretty cinematic while remaining serene! Nailed the flow vibe.

SINK: That chord around 0:15 is so cool (bV add#11?). Love how the darkness of it contrasts the brightness of the Dorian borrow in the following section. That contrast gives me a sinking feeling followed by a tiny glimmer of hope. My favorite track!

DEEP: This is such a cool boss theme. Lots of urgency. And then that softer choir section.

BREATHE: Such a beautiful ending. Emotional strings. 

This was a journey. The story was great. Great work as always!


Thank you so much for your attentive listening and for sharing your thoughts! You have such a good ear - I’m particularly impressed with your analysis of SINK. I have a text message saved that I sent to my sister before writing that track saying that I was going to try to write something with a dark and somewhat mysterious vibe, but with a hint of hope and your comment is incredibly similar to what I had intended! I appreciate you taking the time to enjoy my music!


Mind-blowing! Really great work! ❤


Thank you!


Yup, that's the Blue Lava quality right there! The instrumentation is very lush and the tracks are great to listen too. My fav one was DEEP, it really delivers with your setting. Great work!


Thank you so much for listening! I spent by far the most amount of composition time on DEEP and I’m glad that paid off! I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts!


It's simply gorgeous. Everything from the shimmery sounds, the flowing arpeggios, the panning, and the surges and swells in the melodies comes together so beautifully! Thank you for sharing this OST, it was a fantastic listen. 


Thank you so much for listening! This is high praise and a wonderful compliment coming from the composer of one of my favorite compositions in this jam!


Sink is so good along with everything else this body of work has to offer. The mixing, dynamics, and melodies are all of professional quality. I think this fits the picture theme perfectly as well. Great stuff man!


Thank you so much for listening! I’m glad you enjoyed it all, especially SINK, which was the last track I wrote. It came together right at the very end so I’m happy to hear it felt cohesive with the rest of the soundtrack.


This is a FANTASTIC entry friend. Highlights for me include Blue, Sink, and Deep, but this whole thing is incredibly dynamic and gorgeous. 

My only note is that Dive may sound a bit thin to me, but that could be a result of my piss poor laptop speakers. Otherwise, everything is just so well thought out and composed.

Lovely work! This is in my top 20 for sure.


Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment! Your favorites are among my favorites as well. I like your feedback about DIVE - I tried to contrast it from the thick underwater sounds, but maybe I backed off a little too far. I really appreciate you listening to my work!


God this level is crazy! The transition in Blue is MAGNIFICENT! BLUE is definitely the standout track in the whole set for me. I'm a bit sad that DEEP got muddied a bit too much because the composition is great too.

Overall super solid submission, crazy how many ideas you were able to fit in a week! Liked this very much and keeping BLUE in a loop for sure!


Thank you so much for listening and for sharing your feedback! I agree that I maybe could have reigned in the reverb on the low instruments in DEEP which maybe would have helped with that. BLUE was the first track I wrote and it went through the most revisions of all of my tracks so I’m really glad to hear that that time was well-spent!


I mean I have tons of troubles with my submission too so take it with a grain of salt, but really it didn't matter, I gave you mostly 5 all around, your work was amazing!


I think you captured the vibe of a vast oceanic world perfectly. I gotta say I'm a big fan of DIVE. It makes me feel like I'm setting out on a grand new adventure ;)


Thank you so much for listening! DIVE was almost going to make it my title track because I agree that it sets the stage for the beginning of a grand adventure. I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts!


The incredible elaboration of the soundtracks and their themes is simply amazing. The use of non-standard dimensions is not something that often happens today. The music perfectly conveys the right mood in each part, and you can feel a lot of experience. The last part made me cry a little... Thank you, it was a pleasure to listen to your project!


Thank you for listening to my soundtrack! I’m so happy to hear the emotional nuances were well-received. I really appreciate your thoughtful and kind comment!


Great compositions and narration that drives all that! The all thing is coherent and pleasing to listen to.


Thank you so much for listening and for your kind comment!


Strong composition as always! Great cheerful vibe and paired with the excellent composition and the in-depth story writing this is a really good submission! Great work! My favorite tracks are DEEP and BREATHE


Thank you so much for listening and commenting! I tend to gravitate toward cheerful composition, but I would be lying if I said that I didn’t consider while composing that Twitchywhalez always likes my darker tracks best and I always need to include at least one in my soundtracks!


I feel honored to have that kind of influence haha, always nice to have the variety!


Woah, this whole project, the soundtrack and the lore behind it, is so deep! It shows that it was thoroughly put together. I enjoyed reading the lore, and the tracks were so on point (especially SINK and onwards, they were my favorite!). This is a great entry!


Thank you for your comment and for reading through the story I made to accompany the soundtrack! SINK was the last track I made and I knew exactly the emotion I wanted because it needed to be the pivot in the story. I agree that I think it turned out pretty effective to help transition into DEEP and finally BREATHE. I appreciate you taking the time to immerse yourself in my story!


I knew in the first 15 seconds that I was in for a real treat. As usual, you made some incredibly thoughtful and creative music. Great Work!


I was watching a youtube video once (no recollection of what it was about…) and the presenter made a statement saying that if a song doesn’t wow you in the first 10 seconds, start over. While that seemed a little harsh to me, it stuck, and it has helped me realize that every second of music matters, particularly in these types of competitions with 600+ submissions. Thank you so much for listening and for your comment! It’s always good to see you and hear your beautiful music in these jams!


These tracks are very full and immersive! I think the ambience is doing a lot of work in bringing the world to life and it's such an important aspect that you nailed!


Thank you for listening! Immersion is a big goal that I wanted to achieve with this soundtrack so I’m glad that it translated well. Thank you for your comment!


Wow, these compositions are stunningly beautiful and incredibly well-produced! It fits the theme perfectly, and I really loved the thoughtful story you were able to construct. I strived for a similar story in my submission, but there's so much careful detail here that it's inspiring. Thanks for such an incredible submission! :D


Your comment means a lot to me! I had fun listening to your submission and I agree there are lots of similarities. Thank you so much for listening!


Great interpretation of the theme, and a fantastic mix of arrangements. I'm hard-pressed to pick a favorite, in all honesty. If I had to choose, it'd definitely be between BLUE and BREATHE. I think as a whole the album is great, but these two in particular reeled me in and kept me immersed. Great work!


Thank you so much for listening! BLUE was the first track I wrote and I think it set a nice tone for the rest of the album, and I knew I had to book-end it with something with a similar vibe and that’s how BREATHE happened. Thank you for your comment!


I really enjoyed listening to this while reading your descriptions. I loved how each track has a story and gameplay purpose to it making it feel like it could actually be in a game while telling a cohesive story on its own.


Thank you so much for this comment. I love world building and story-writing so it was a fun part of the process. I’m glad the story was conveyed in the music also!

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