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A member registered Jan 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really fun game with some really nice music as well. 68:47

This is a lot of fun to play around with and make abstract art type stuff. Would be cool if you could change the shape/colour you place down but honestly the restriction of having to use the shape you are given makes it a lot more fun.

This is a really cool interpretation on the theme and I found the tutorial you included in the game to be pretty useful. The music fits the game well although I feel the sound effects could be a bit louder. Great work!

Great game! The art looks really good and the sound effects and music work really well together to create a spooky atmosphere. The controls and combat in general feel really nice. I did have a few issues navigating through the menus because of the low resolution text and the game hiding the cursor on the desktop version but it barely detracted from the experience. Well done!

This a really fun and well polished game and I found it really fun to play. The ghost AI is really easy to understand but is surprisingly challenging to fight against. I would've loved to see more levels for this game!

Thanks I was the one who did the music and I'm glad you liked it. I also really liked the music in RIT DOT WAV 

Here's the solution. You're not the only one to get stuck on that level lol

This is a great idea for a rhythm game and I found it pretty fun to play once I got the hang of the controls. It would've help if there was a symbol to show the pauses you need to add between pressing the arrow keys. The music is great and the controls feel pretty responsive. Great job!

Thanks for playing! In hindsight I probably could've put more thought into the difficulty curve of the levels - I guess I was a bit too focused on introducing all the concepts without spacing them out accordingly

This a really well made platformer and it incorporates the theme and wildcards really well although it  would help if the light/dark mechanic was actually explained. I really like how the box throwing mechanic was used in multiple ways - the box jumping technique was pretty finnicky but was quite satisfying to eventually master. Getting that last ingredient was super hard but the cutscene and the end was well worth it. Congrats on submitting!

I like this game's idea of incorporating the theme into a stealth game and the art for the game looks great. The movement feels a bit slow and clunky, especially since moving slower than the enemies makes the game a lot harder and you need to do a lot of backtracking although I do like the little animations used for the player's walk cycle and UI elements like the heart icon. Well done for submitting!

The controls on this game feel really nice and the art looks great. the levels are designed well although the last two levels could benefit from having a more even mix between wide open areas and more confined areas. Still really fun to play regardless.

also there seems too be a bug causing levels to end before you complete them

(1 edit)


Thanks for the feedback! I did implement a mechanic that makes frogs heal less when further away but it gets completely overshadowed by the fact that frogs don't take damage while shaded - the balancing could probably use some work lol


(1 edit)

I agree

Pretty good level design and the gameplay is challenging but definitely rewarding to finally master. Although fighting enemies would definitely feel more fair if enemies couldn't shoot you while off-screen. Great job

Cool game. The variety of enemies definitely helped keep it interesting and (extremely) challenging

I found this game really enjoyable - tightly balanced, really nice art and UI, A+++ voice acting. also frogs are cool

(Also I reloaded the game to hear that 'frog force' intro again and wtf there are different intros??? the amount of polish on this game is crazy)

This is a really nicely polished game. great art and super satisfying animations

Firstly, the music for this game is groovy as hell and the art for the game fits really well with the vibe of the music. I found the gameplay pretty engaging once I realised the lines at the bottom showed how far behind or ahead of the beat I was. extra points for the heavy amount of game juice

This is a nice relaxing game, mainly thanks to the art and the music. It was very fun to grow and establish my monopoly on the rhubarb market. Could do with more sell options (e.g. sell 5 of an item or sell 16 of an item) so I wouldn't have to spam click enough. Also for some reason the actual hitboxes for the buy and sell buttons are half the height of their textures.

Played through the whole thing. Getting to the end is totally worth it. The concept of controlling a slug is a novel concept and fits in a rage game really well. Using the audio to indicate the players health is a pretty cool idea and really adds to the tension when you're at low health as you don't know exactly how many moves before you die, making it all the more satisfying when you reach a checkpoint.

Thanks, I was definitely going for a more simple game this time round (I majorly overscoped on my last game jam game)

also that score's over 2 minutes above my all time best congrats on being better than me at my own game

This game is amazing! It's clear how much effort went into this - the art looks great and the music compliments it really well. The platforming does takes some time to get used to but its still pretty enjoyable to traverse the environment although I do find that the landing lag on the player frequently breaks up the flow of the gameplay

While the menu may not have any visual content, it certainly exceeds expectations in the aspect of getting me in the mood to set sails and start plunderin'. And oh boy did I plunder

...until I lost and then the game immediately crashed

10/10  definitively GOTY, great art and even better voice acting

This is a great game with some pretty smart interpretations on the 5 themes it incorporates from the jam. Each of the ideas from the last 5 levels could be easily explored further if you ever decide to make more levels

A simple idea but very well executed. I couldn't tell this was you were new to using physics before seeing the submission page. Well done!

Good job on emulating the style of classic adventure games. The level design is also noteworthy as well - it strikes a good balance between the puzzle and exploration aspects. as a result, the game has a pretty nice flow to it. Because of the permadeath mechanic, the player often ends up going over the same areas frequently so adding a timer would add some replay value by giving the player an incentive to optimize travelling through areas they've already seen. Regardless, I had a lot of fun playing!

also wtf this game is huge it's impressive how much you got done withing the time frame

This is quite a fun game. It feels pretty satisfying to attack and weave around enemies and the enemy death animation helps make the game more engaging however sometimes it seems like an enemy hits me out of nowhere - the game could benefited from having the size of their hitboxes reduced or maybe having the telegraph their attacks

This is a really well executed idea leading to some pretty fun gameplay.  Although it could easily be made more engaging by adding a few more sound effects (e.g. the head bouncing on the walls/floors, a sound effect for every 10 points)

Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed playing

Nice game. I like that the buttons on the tutorial are responsive to the player and the tutorial gives the player some space to find out how the attack works. The idea of exchanging health for attacks is quite interesting however I feel you didn't go as far as you could have with the idea to make it more challenging for the player. The sprint option is also pretty useful

Thanks for the feedback!

Interesting twist on the pong/brick breaker gameplay and the background music is great at building the atmosphere of the game. It would be great if there was more telegraphing for the witch  dropping cats and the slow down powerup ending, though

The opening cutscene is really cool and is followed by some tight platformer gameplay. I really like how dramatic the cut to grey is after finishing the level, it makes finishing a level quite rewarding.

Your game has a pretty interesting story behind it , has a good focus on the theme and the pixel art looks pretty good. I probably wouldn't put a click cooldown on an idle game or at least make a permanent cooldown decrease - you have to practically be mashing your keyboard to make a profit on the 3 second ability

Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I agree with your point about not being able to end the shape

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback! In terms of more levels, I plan to completely scrap the level generation system and make a new one which will probably allow me to do more levels and stuff