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Color scheme and theme are a MOOD!  Love the layout from top to bottom, and everything ties together so well.  Spectacular work!

I love everything about this one!  No notes.  The last 3 pages are superb 👌 

Understand completely!  You have a great foundation.

Love the feel and color scheme you used here...inviting and unique.  Great layout and use of space!  Terrific job and definite replay ability.

Love, love, love the clock mechanic.  These are great when implemented effectively.  Nice work.  I really enjoy the esthetic, especially font, art, and color pallet choice.

Tons of content, and great use of tables and maps throughout.  The suttle blue (perrywinkle/cyan?) is a nice touch!  Critique would be to use 2 column layout on pages, to give more of a module feel, and less of a report visually, as well as being gentler on the eyes.  Overall, nice job!

Love the creativity and the concept of the game.  Art is pretty dope!  Critiques are that it's too long...I feel like 2 or 3 of the first pages could have been condensed into one pretty easily to get closer to the parameters.  Overall, Great concept!  Cheers 

Great maps and nice breaks in the text.  Critique would be to move page 4 (2nd map) after page 5 for easier referencing.  

Engaging backstory.  Found myself reading through and imagining the world, history, and lore...wanting to find the backstory of items.  THAT is what any storyteller wants...investment.  As the guy who watches the behind the scenes BEFORE the movie, and a lover of lore/history...this ticks all the boxes.

The layout is clean, and I love the art style...appreciating the time and thought of hand drawn maps.  Cheers!

This is an absolute gem!  Great layout, wonderfully haunting vibe, terrific color choices, and outstanding usability of stat tables and maps.  The rich conciseness of this module really makes it stand out!

Overall, the layout is clean and very well laid out.  As other have mentioned, could use some breaking up of the text.  Love the cover and vibe of the story, and as a fan of fungus and witches, you get bonus points!  Cheers


Love the color choices, and the history/origins of the power.  I appreciate the effort in the design.  Taylor covered much of what I would suggest.  I might add that using words to show importance repeatedly, can take away the very effect you're using them for.  Mood, Vibe, Feel all describe essentially the same thing but don't become "standard." An example is "might," where you could use: arcana, vigor, force, or sway.  Bonus for using my favorite color purple!  

The adventure seems like a great intro into the system of Shadowdark.  Love the old-school, trapped in a cell approach to anchor the players in the familiar.  Only suggestion might be to incorporate some of orange and green from the images into the color pallet of the design layout...section breaks, Bold lettering are some places perhaps.  Fantastic work!

Thank you!  I really appreciate that, and your time and feedback.  Glad you enjoyed!

Very old-school vibe.  The details are what I adore in this adventure.  The perfume and it's effects...the Owlbear costume (want), and the dread nesting dolls...the uniqueness is what makes it memorable.  Cheers!

This immersion into the world is really felt in the layout and presentation.  This almost feels like a journal that was kept by someone who has been through it all before (probably a completionist, like myself).  Love how the information is delivered as it is needed and easily referenced.  Great job!

More so the overall vibe...knowing what it is and leaning into it.  An old Western where Aliens crash down...often the instinct would be to explain why it terrifies the populous so much more in that setting, but I would imagine these people are hardened by life, living on little and have seen a bunch of "alien" things new to them moving out west from across the sea or even just East.  They would probably handle it like anything else...I get that vibe here.  

The humor also comes from the names, and professions and again, leaning into the them.  I hope that makes sense.  Cheers!

I appreciate that you got that.  I really enjoy story where you can see WHY an NPC/villain acts the way they do...great counters to heroes that you invest more then a glance in, enhance the story in my opinion.  This video really inspires any writing in that regard:  


I really appreciate it.  That is kind of happened by "dad pun" accident.  Bait the players with odd mystery, Cast out the monsters, Hook them with twist at end and possible continuation of this (fishing reference cheese, lol).  Thank you for the time and feedback!

As a lover of movies, this gave me the same vibes as the old B horror movies that were on as a kid, like 'Them,' or 'Night of the Lupus' their weird, pulp horror feel.  Absolutely love the whole vibe, and the color pallet really works.  I hear that there will be a b&w version...very interested to see!  Adore the creativity of the Fleaborn. Look forward to playing this.  Cheers!

I'll bring the crowbar for the mind-gremlins.  Great work, Cheers!

Love that this is a Campaign seed.  Could definitely see expanding on this over time.

Grand looking map, and like the font choice...adds to the mood

Came for my favorite color, stayed for absolutely beautiful layout, and that art style 🤌.   So much wonderful content in such a short amount of space that doesn't look cluttered!

Absolutely, and the task alone of removing all that glitter...*chef's kiss*

I second this!  Those random tables are wonderful.  Cheers

Glitter bomb boxes for the win!  Tons of great GM tools!  Wonderful job!

This has some real seeds for an entire adventure in it, and that is a good thing on many levels.  It stays in the players minds, instead of completing and being forgotten.  The whimsical creativity on display is what really inspires.  The layout could use some polishing and breaks to keep the text from bleeding...however, I learned a while back that it is the content that keeps people coming back, and this has that in spades.  Refine the look a bit, and you will grab those that might rely on first glances or visual cues to grab interest, because there is some amazing stuff here!  Terrific job!

The cover art grabbed me, and the what followed did not disappoint!  Great use of the mood set from first glance with the bad guy, the layout and color pallet really continued the vibe, and the use of the GM tools at the right time is top notch!  Well done!  Cheers 

Love the layout, and as a graphic designer, this font really fits the theme and draws you in.  Great use of getting the important bits in short and concisely.  Impressive work!

The monster art at the end is awesome.  Most of the maps were nice, though I did find it hard to read the grids on some of them (faint).  The layout overall flowed with the story.  I did find the indentation, especially with the bullet points took me out of wanting to be emersed in the story you were trying to convey.  The Moongrasp, Mine, and Shrine of Pines Abbey were very nicely done.  I appreciate the hand-drawn maps!

Love the maps, especially the maps, especially the library.

100 percent.  When I started DMing my first time, I got frustrated with similar things and ended up homebrewing a whole world...down to the profession breakdown of the population lol.  Refined that since then...cheers


That was kind of what I was going for without trying to feel "railroady."  My Storytelling style is to set a scene a little to give a vibe and then ask the players describe what they see.  I appreciate you noticing ☺️.  Thank you for the feedback and wonderful remarks.  Cheers!

I feel you on the ADHD brain.  Did that for myself as much as for others.  Great suggestion for the summary.  I think the initial draft had that and then got lost in revision.  Made a note and will add in in the 2.0 release.  Thank you!  Love the feedback!