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A member registered Mar 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Art is great, music is groovy, and gameplay is fun! I personally was okay with the camera, but I think being able to rotate it more freely with Q and E instead of set angles would make navigation a bit more smooth :)

Love the art, audio and general atmosphere of the game! Gameplay itself was a lot of fun and smooth, though I agree with the other comments that I felt all the controls were geared towards one hand (my right hand kinda just sat there awkwardly lmao)

Definitely gave me QWOP vibes! It was entertaining trying to control a character that has no semblance of any motor ability and only through sheer willpower climbing up, what I could only assume to be, a single meter lmao

Wow amazing game and I really value puzzles that can be solved with different approaches. Seeing Rube machines at work has always been entertaining, so getting to build one was a lot of fun (without the pain of cleanup)!

I love this game. I literally had a smile the whole time starting from just reading the game title lmfao. Funny gameplay, an aesthetic that I vibe with, and a dog that I relate to.

The art + music really set up a good atmosphere for this game and while the mechanics were simple, it felt incredibly fluid. Something so satisfying spamming water droplets on the turnips (churnips?) and seeing them grow rapidly LOL. Overall an addicting game that I could see at a literal arcade.

(1 edit)

While I agree with others how it's reminiscent to, that speaks to me that you managed to replicate the mechanics properly which seemed to be your intention for this jam. And at the end of the day, it was still an enjoyable game :)

Super fun mechanics for this platformer, I really enjoyed the crazy physics as I tested the limits of scaling things (although I will say it felt inconsistent which made it hard to properly attempt speed-running lmao). At some point it also definitely leaned into being a puzzle platformer. Overall an entertaining game :)

Great take on the theme! I first assumed it was going to be more geared towards a card game but it turned out to be  more-so an interesting puzzler instead. The text that showed up each level were both helpful and funny, and the gameplay itself was engaging :) I did have to restart quite a few times though which sometimes broke the planets haha.

Loved the aesthetic and the tone of the game. I agree that the controls were a little wild, but I actually quite enjoyed how silly it was.

Novel concept! The music got me in the festive vibe and the gameplay was incredibly entertaining. I had to restart a couple times because I kept trying strange builds that never worked, but I think that's what made it so enjoyable :)

The art, music, and voice acting all worked well together and really set the atmosphere for this game. The gameplay itself was smooth after understanding the mechanics (though it took a bit to get there admittedly...). Overall it was a joy to play :)

Solid game! I'm a sucker for deck building roguelikes so this was a ton of fun. Learning the mechanics took a bit of time, but after getting it down it was very engaging.

Clever incorporation of the theme! First memory based game I've played for this jam and I had fun with it + audio was great :)

Creative puzzle game! The sound when resizing the banana tickled my brain, but I had a lot of fun playing.

Nice concept! The game mechanics were neat and I had fun splitting myself into a billion clones lol. I look forward to a more complete version as I think it's a promising game if given some polish :)

Love this arcade-esque game! It's addicting and the sound feedback of popping the balls is incredibly satisfying. The events were unexpected but added freshness to the game that I enjoyed. I do agree about the other commenter's suggestion on scroll sensitivity though as my mouse is terrible for fast-paced scrolling lmao.

Game was amazing after understanding the mechanics, but it did take a while to get my bearings. Very impressive work for 4 days!

Ha! Kicking myself for not thinking of banana for scale. Great concept, great entertainment :)

Definitely is one of those frustrating, but addicting platformers. The difficulty makes beating a level much more rewarding :)

What an entertaining game! Had a lot of fun with this one, definitely fitting name  ;)

Also the gameplay was very fluid, but I realized my right hand was awkwardly doing nothing since all the controls were geared towards the left side of the keyboard lmao

Clever concept and one of those games that just felt good to play. Surprising but welcomed difficulty, would definitely love to see more content in the future!

Loved it! At first I was spamming left click to try to attack lol, didn't realize it was automatic. Gameplay and visuals felt really nice especially as my army grew.

Fun gameplay with good and funny audio! Core mechanics were interesting and I agree with others that the mini-map was incredibly helpful. Excited to see it polished :)

Nice work! I had fun, very much enjoyed the concept and the pixel art. The scaling mechanic and controls could be more polished as I managed to get myself into a lot of weird states by scaling up too fast. I hope you continue making games as it's promising considering this is your first!

I love tower defense games so this was amazing! The aspect of literally balancing towers was a great twist and added a layer of complexity that this genre usually misses.

The game aesthetic is amazing and the mechanics were neat once I understood them! Overall loved the atmosphere and puzzles! And the goose.

I didn't expect to find a game like this, but I'm honestly glad to have been enlightened...

Wow, there's so many games to look through this jam that when you find one this entertaining it makes it all worth it. Definitely agree with this being a hidden gem, even failing builds was fun. Hoping to see this into a fully fledged game.

Wow, this is a clever take on the theme and on platformers in general. Mechanics were easy to understand, but that didn't prevent the game from being fun and challenging.

Loved the concept and the game itself was incredibly charming. The gameplay was intuitive and a ton of fun!

Cute platforming game that felt very fluid! Enjoyed it a ton and making the slime blow up repeatedly gave me a good laugh.

Great concept that's well polished! Kept trying to up my high score for a while which goes to show its replay value.

Fun game! Big fan of the genre thought I was able to cheese many of the encounters lmao

The level designs were very clever, definitely made you approach the game from different angles which kept me engaged throughout :)

Love the gameplay and the dialogue! I thought that being able to slide the scale was a neat mechanic, hoping to see more complexity in the future.