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A member registered Jan 24, 2022

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Nice!  I cannot wait to dig into this and give the 3x version a try!  Thank you so much for your continued efforts  in development and maintaining this project.  You rock!!

Fantastic work!  This feels like a really nice start!  Way too hard for me and not really my style.  The movement could be improved by preventing the wall jump at rest.  That seemed to cause a lot of frustration during my play.  However, you did a  great job at getting the feel of a Metroidvania down.  The level design is tight, the art is so adorable and feels so good.  There is a whole lot to like here and is a beautiful entry.  Way to go!

This game is neat!  Fantastic game!  I really like how you took the equipment mechanic and used that to traverse after gaining gear.  I really liked most of the movement, though I  feel it would play better if the jump was less floaty.  Overall, it was nice, played well, simple, short and sweet.  Well done!!

OMG!  I LOVE the animations!    So cute!  I especially love  the idle animation.  You all did really good with that.  Just WOW.  I found it to be a bit difficult to get the controls down in a way that let me enjoy the game... but I just cannot get over how smooth and adorable the animations are.  Big smile!  So cool.  Thank you for making this  :)

So hard!  But the animation and style have a lot to love about it.  The fonts are pretty cool too.  I think if you allowed a bit more health or less punishing hazards in the beginning, it would play a lot better.  The slice/death animation combo for the enemies is SUPER cool.  Very nice touch :)

Cool concept!  I think the controls  need some attention.  However i really liked the play on alchemy and the combination of the potions used to bring down the barriers.  I also really liked how you made sense of the reasons the items worked instead of just red destroys red, etc.  Very cool you played with  the physical properties of the solids.  Nice one!

WOW!!  Really cool entry!  The art and animations are spectacular.   Really enjoyed the hit and death animations of the characters.  So cool.  I will be really excited to see where you take it.  Has a very neat feel that feels a lot like Castlevania 2 and  Steamworld.  Great job!!

Really neat art style and animations!  Really liked  the action of the climbing axe, though I found it to  be a bit awkward or maybe need more of a reminder on how it works.  Either way it was a blast to play and I hope you keep developing this more.  Good job!

Nice start.  The movement feels pretty good.  If anything I would suggest working a bit on the combat and especially the feedback when striking enemies and objects.  Good job on your gate logic!

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So cool you made a Gameboy game!  Neat idea!  I really like the art and the palette you chose as well.  The hit detection could use  some more work   though.  I also just love the name ♥ So much fun!

Cool.  Very nostalgic  and short.  I think the font might be a bit hard to read, but I think you did well on this project.

Very tough, but cool minimal Gameboy style!  I think the controls could use a lot of work, but it's a very interesting game.

Cute art style!  I think the concept is neat and the lighting effects are cool.  However the movement felt  hard in a lot of places. Also, I  didn't really feel like the powers did much of anything to progress through the game.  I really enjoyed the menus though.  Overall, I think it's going in a good direction.

Very smooth controlling and the water canon is fun!  I like the art and simple design.  Some of the animations and transitions caused a screen jitter that was really jarring and uncomfortable.  It's also pretty tough - although your checkpoints are... right on point (lol).  This seems like a good start to a fun game!

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That was awesome!!  Not my usual style of game, but it was really neat.  Very cool art, effects, and the ending scene was just fantastic.  Oh and the music was perfect!

Nice one!  The movement is smooth and I  like that you gave the throw arc to aid in aiming.  The inventory system is pretty cool too.

Neat game!  The movement is nice and the design is cool.  It was very difficult and could benefit from  a tutorial or menu system. I like the idea of story through gameplay. It would be cool to somehow enhance that and give some good player feedback.

FANTASTIC start!  I love the animation and the overall feel to the art.  The platforming and attacking feel pretty good so far.  Will be awesome to see where you go.    If anything, it need a menu ASAP, but wow...  Awesome!

REALLY cool minimal design!  That is super impressive how you do so much with so little.  I particularly love the way you spawn the enemies, especially the red zombies.  Hit detection could use some work and it could also use some kind of map or tile variance  to help with visual navigation.  Nice entry!

Fun design!  I really like what you did with the fonts and the fancy-ness of the gold/treasure theme.

I found the hurt state lasted a bit too long which marred the playability of the demo.

However, I think you have something you can really build on here.  Cool to see the "mimick" as the hero to the story instead of a hazard for the player :)

A perplexing submission.  I am unable to see how this fits into the game jam parameters, but it's neat to see another game made with Blender :)

Really neat concept!  I like the discovery mechanic, but it definitely could use some work, but I really like the direction.  Also, fantastic work on the background image.  I love how simple it is yet at the same time conveys so much.  Nice one!!

Really smooth platforming!  It has a nice feel and charm to it.  Well done.  Will be neat to see where you take it from here.

WOW!  This was super cool and I really liked the slick design on the UI.  It seemed like I lost the ability to control the drone or run commands.  However, I would love to see this developed more and to see where you take it.  Awesome concept and design!

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I wasn't able to do anything other than load the game, no matter how many times I tried it.  Seems like this build might be broken.  The skyboxes look fantastic though!

Really cool to see something made with the Blender Game Engine!  I think the movement could definitely use some work.  It might play a bit better to avoid the death platforming at least in the beginning. Cool lighting on the wand!

The controls and movement feel pretty good so far, so I think your goal was achieved with this prototype.   However, I found the  navigation around the level to be very difficult with all the reflections.  Cool effect along with the glow effects.

I like the simplistic style.    I had a lot of fun playing, but the wall climb was a bit tough to get the feel of to progress.  I have to say though, the fish in the water was SUPER cool!  Nice one!  I might have to go back  for another look :)

Thank you so much for the awesome feedback!  I love what Colin did with the design.  The movement, however got a little funky with the different parts.  I'm not sure what that was about.  It's nice to see the parts were noticed.  The boss, is also comprised of several pieces.

Great perspective on the map.  I think it will feel a lot better with a tighter and more focused design.  When it was built, I decided to change the collision system to a tile (vs. object) based system which presented a lot of other challenging issues I was not prepared to handle.  Something also prevented the final room from loading, which is why the end screen wound up being just an image.  I think it will be great to have a write up about the process once we are done with the Jam  ratings.

Yeah, the movement was supposed to be better earlier on, but I ran out of time making collectables and the upgrade logic.   I think ultimately, it just feels better with better movement.  Will definitely be tweaking this.

A mini-map is planned to aid with navigation, but I also think the tighter level design would aid in this  as well.   I'm thinking about a different approach to  the level design as well.

Thanks again for playing!

Nice job!  I really liked the menus and the save points.  The fonts and design you chose are really nice, but the character seems to clash with the other assets.   The platforming feels a bit floaty as well - the jump, when held, makes you fly.   That all being said, I think it's a really nice start.  It was interesting going Right to Left instead of the traditional Left to Right as well.  Good job!

Nice solid entry!  You did a great job adding lots of content and things to do.  The weapons all feel different and provided a cool spice to gameplay and the checkpoints were a fantastic addition.  Will be cool to see where you take this one.

I would polish the stuff that happens on hit to both the player and enemies, as well as making the enemy attacks more varied, or add more types.

Good job!

Cool idea and the paint effects are fun!  The sound effects also sound good, though the volume was significantly low on my machine.   It sounds like you had some good ideas going into the development process and it will be neat to see those get developed.

Very nice start!  Love the art style and animations.  It has a very nice fun feel to it, but also I would adjust the puzzle mechanic to be friendlier.  It's a bit too easy to  get the player into a frustrating situation.  Might be cool to have a carry or a drag - either for the player or could be some kind of subweapon.  More help text would also be cool.  Nice job with the menus!

Very cool to see an NES entry!  Lots of character  for that reason.  There wasn't much content,  but it's a nice concept.  I think it would benefit from a Readme file with recommendations on emulators used in production and/or suggestions for getting that installed for anyone interested in playing.  Cool idea!

Superb entry!  I really liked the way this played, sounds, and looks so far.  There's definitely room for improvement on the platforming aspect and feedback.  Just a really great start though.  I particularly enjoyed the checkpoints and the pause menu.  Very cool!

Fun music and nice clean design.  The controls could use a bit of work though.  I also enjoyed all your eggcellent description more than I should have :)

This was a fun little game.  I enjoyed the minimalist concept and the contrast of colors.  The movement needs a bit of work.  Great concept though!

Great art style!!  I think the  movement could use a little refining and there could be more enemies or things to gather earlier on.  Checkpoints would also be a great addition.  It's going to be really fun to see where you take it.