I think I have a fix, the FMOD extension had a bug in it. I'll see if I can get it uploaded - DJ Yunomi
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Damn. This was by far the creepiest game I played all jam. The audio actually made me really nervous, and my heart was starting to jump out of my chest. I can't believe you managed to do so much with the limited textures and objects you had. Fantastic use of shaders and phenomenal use of audio. 5/5, only thing I would change is making it longer.
The possession mechanic was really cool and unique, and I loved the artstyle. The platforming was a bit tough because it was lacking some features like coyote time and jump buffering. For your first game though, it's understandable that you didn't know about these things to make the platforming smoother. Here are some videos on what they are, how they make your platformer feel better to play, and how to implement them. Great first game, and I hope you keep it up!
I liked the mix of 2d and 3d sprites, I think you ran into a bug where if dialogue is open from dialoguemanager at the same time as a pickup prompt, you cant click on the pickup prompt. You can solve that by queue_free ing whatever balloon you have open when a pickup prompt opens up. Good game otherwise though!