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A member registered Sep 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Oh this is much better, way easier to read what is going on!!!

This is really great. The lighting effects are top notch and the art is gorgeous. Very well polished for a 2 week project, very impressive!

Very nice atmosphere and pixel art. I had some issues understanding the goal, or what I was supposed to do with my inventory, but I like the concept of having limited time to explore a cave, and the game looks lovely.

I love the look of your characters. It's very distinct and adds a lot to the game. The boss at the end I think was engaging for a first level.

I agree with those below that there is much wanting in terms of story or gameplay. I wouldn't get discouraged though, there really is something her that you could develop into something great.

Excellent job!

This is a fun little concept! The atmosphere looks real nice and I like playing the monster, it's a cool idea.

I agree with some others below that it's a bit too dark. One option would be to increase the ambient light. Another might be to use shaders, which could be tweaked to change based on what the monster is doing.

Either way, a pretty fun little concept!

Thanks for playing! One issue that I've seen with people playing post release is that I was a little obtuse in my hints. If you have the key to the master bedroom it also opens the other room on that floor. After talking with that person, they will give you the last key you need to go anywhere in the house. From there it's best to use potions on absolutely everything.

Once again thanks for playing, and my apologies for things being so obtuse.

This is excellent. Could easily be a very fun metroidvania with a few more abilities and rooms. Well done.

The art style on this game is definitely it's strongest point, it's very striking, and a very good novel use of mechanics.

The controls in general feel a bit stiff, which make the game feel a little sluggish to play. Also there's only one real way to deal with enemies, and it feels very clumsy and difficult to dispatch them. Which could work if you perhaps leaned into the horror element you kind of already have.

In any case, you have a beautiful visual style that is highly memorable. There's also some very nice diegetic storytelling which I appreciate a great deal.

Loved the music and retro style. I really liked it. Reminded me of playing computer games in the 90s.

Really great movement and music, I can totally see what you're going for here.

Next steps I think would be to add some more feed back with the different weapons so that what's happening reads a little bit more clear. When I threw the potion thing in particular, it wasn't at all clear if it was doing anything. Either some FX, or sound feedback would be much appreciated.

It's a real pity you had troubles with your team. This has some seriously excellent potential. Like I said, the movement feels excellent and fast. I'm real impressed that you got it working so smooth in a web browser.

These are some wonderfully tight controls! An excellent start!

Very nice! Very clever use of mechanics.

Fun idea, and while I only played by myself, I can see some potential for fun multiplayer. Only issue I had was that once I picked something up I was stuck with it. That kind of stinks, especially when there's only one kart and the map is spawning things that don't go into carts. 

Still it's a fun game with a lot of potential for frantic multiplayer.

Sorry for the long wait, unfortunately there are features that I'm using that require the forward+ renderer, and I'm not sure if I can twist those features into the legacy renderer.

Mouse support is definitely a nice to have that I will consider adding. My goal by using WASD was to make the game playable with one hand, and while I hit that goal, there are definitely some areas where the control could be improved.

One of the first things I would do to improve this is giving more feed back on combat and raiding. It's one of those things that I only had time to get it working and not enough time to polish. I'd hoped to get a sort of digital manual explaining the rules that could be pulled up at any time, but ran out of time and had to rely on the blurb at the beginning. Which frankly sucks.

In any case, thank you for your kind words and taking the time to play my game.

Great little match three game, well polished and thought out. Definitely would be worth to expand a bit, and perhaps give a way to fight back against the spread, but for what it is, it's a charming match three with catchy music and a fun twist on the typical match three formula.

I really love the ambience of this game, it's rather soothing. I think it's a great starting point to build something else off of. I could see a puzzle game where you strategically have to place your three pieces, or something of the like.

In any case it was a fun little place to go for a little bit!

This is an excellent little game love the concept. I have a few points, but most of them have been captured below, so I'll just say great job!

I will second the comment below. I'd also recommend showing the controls for a second before starting. I'm the type that doesn't like to read when starting a game, and I didn't realize for the first three rounds that I could move.

The art is really cute, and this is an excellent start!

Love this game's grungy look, makes me think of the best from the PS2. Also the music is excellent. I also like the controls of the worm thing. It's rough and makes me feel like I'm piloting something way past it's prime, and it's way cool.
One issue I had that was kind of a deal breaker was how small the font showed up on my screen. I have a rather large screen, and there was no way to resize the window or the fonts (as far as I could find) and it made it so that there was a lot of dialogue that I had a hard time reading, and thus understanding what I was doing.

Other than that this was a cool little experience. It did a great job of whisking me away to these woods. The music was perfect and I cannot praise the controls enough. They're just clunky enough without being frustrating, and when paired with the sounds of the little worm guy, it's just expertly crafted.

Really great idea for a rhythm game. Only feedback I have is that I'd really like it during gameplay to know if I'm a bit late or early so I can adjust my play. Also some different songs on each level with different beats would help mix things up.

Also finding some way to highlight the difficulty options would be nice because I suck at rhythm games, and totally needed the easier setting but missed it my first time through.

Love the music though, and the minimalist art is quite charming. Great work!

Really well done! Nice creepy aesthetic and excellent gameplay on top of it! This is clearly something you put a lot of time and effort into. A few notes that I picked up.
1) I'm a bit of a numbskull, and when playing through the first level I missed the ghoul mechanic (which is way cool btw), and killed all the villagers and thus wasn't able to complete it. Perhaps you could have some villagers respawn to avoid that? It wasn't awful to fix, I just had to restart the level, but it was a little annoying.

2) Personally I'd like a control configuration that doesn't use the mouse.

That said, this is really cool. I loved the little voice clips and commentary the main character makes as you move him around, and think that could be expanded on in key places to make something really charming. The core gameplay loop is stellar and definitely something I'd love to see expanded into a full game.

That's something I will definitely consider one the jam is over. I don't think I'm doing anything the legacy renderer can't so it would be good to have options for those with older systems.

This game is one of the best usages of the theme I've seen. Good controls and really fun presentation. Only issue I had was I couldn't figure out what the squelch was about. My ick just did a little movement and nothing else. Not sure why I would want to do that gameplay wise. Also I think I found a bug where I got under someone's foot my first round, and then on the second round their feet were still dirty.

Even still I thought getting people's feet dirty and having them spread it for you was a cool mechanic. Would love to see more from this.

Really well done auto-clicker. Excellent art, and great UI.

I gotta say I love that jump. You've also got an art style that is excellent. I'd love to see this expanded. It has some real potential.

This is really ambitious and well put together. Control is really well put together, and I like the drawing spell mechanics. However I got stuck after I let the goo loose and couldn't figure out what it meant by destroy. I think some Valve style playtesting might help out, as I can tell there's a lot of effort put in here and it's also possible that maybe I'm just oblivious. All in all I liked seeing all the ambition and creativity poured into this, and am interested in seeing where this thing is supposed to go.

It's a great concept, and I definitely think it has some potential. I do think that having some tool tips, or some way to better explain how it works would help. It took me a whole session to figure out what I was supposed to do, and it was a little bit frustrating. On the whole though it's fun with a very unique art style that I'd like to see expanded upon.

This is really a fun idea, and I liked the concept a great deal. I just want to echo some feedback below that if the ship got moving too fast, it became really really hard to aim. Lots of great ideas though, and really nice presentation for only having two weeks. Great work!

I think I agree with everyone here. This is a great start for a game. Really neat twist on the clicker genre. I'm interested if you do more where it takes you.

Yeah I originally wanted interactable cutscenes between days, but I ran out of time.