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A member registered Jul 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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Great work!  I feel like the current levels could do with a redesign, and since the switch key pauses all of the moving platform properties, it should also pause the frog and tank properties, I personally died a few times from trying to switch with a tank but it shot me.  Cool mix of platforming and puzzling, and could definitely add a lot of levels with new properties and enemies.  You could even have secondary non movement properties (like color or camouflage) for puzzle purposes.

Neat concept.  I found that the hooks that come out of nowhere and grab your fish was a little frustrating, and it felt like the best strategy a lot of the time, was to wait instead of go around the hook.  So maybe an incentive like a net that's gradually moving behind you, to keep you constantly moving.  All in all, cool visuals and addictive gameplay loop.

Yeah experimenting is really fun, I was thinking of something similar to neon white, where the better score you get, the more information you're given, which allows for experimentation, but also mastery.  Still, great game and cool idea.

The idea is super cool and is very capable of being expanded upon.  I think separating the audio settings to another ui element would give more options, and things like buttons and other interactables that the ui elements could take care of would be cool.

Really fun.  Green walls are a great addition and the gravity mechanic is very nice, in addition with the incentive for speed with the stars.  I would play a lot more levels of this game!

I love the gameplay loop and the way of casting spells, quite fun.  There's definitely room to add in depth though, if this was made to be a full game.

The game seemed quite easy to me, but was fun getting to the point where I could consistently get a 0 score.  

Super awesome idea, a lot of potential for variety in terms of the ai and level design.  I do wish we had different levels that forced us to exploit certain aspects of the ai, and once we move on from the ai, being able to see a full representation of it, to help us get a better score.  Still great.

So I had the opposite problem that everyone had.  Once I figured out how the chicken works, its pretty easy to kill him.  I ended up getting a score of 3.  If you have a 3 lanes, you wait until the chicken goes to lane 2, activate 1 and 3, and then activate lane 2, and its really consistent.  It was fun in the regard of solving it for me personally, but I don't think that's where most people derive fun I would assume.  Cool concept.

Super creative and hilarious game concept.  For 12 hours, really good.

I feel like invincibility frames were kinda busted, I solved a number of puzzles by just placing needles in front of hearts to prevent the player from picking them up, and I feel like I exploited a mechanic as opposed to solving a puzzle.  I also feel like I didn't really utilize all of the game's elements.  I optimized the fun out of the game.  I still think this is a cool idea, but definitely needs to protect the player against themselves.

Super cool, I do think the isometric perspective is not the way to go for this.  I think a standard 3rd person camera would be the way to go, just because of how important angles are in this.  I also thought it was annoying moving the area between rooms, a recall button would be nice, or a special ability where you are able to fire the arrow, but its on a long cooldown.

So it seems like you including your Unity project in the file.  I don't recommend you do that in the future.  I don't mean to echo everyone else, so for future reference, you can create an empty folder on your desktop and set the file location for your build there.

Now about the game, I've played with toys like this when I was a kid, and I think it's a really neat game concept, especially because you're able to expand upon it, which you do with spikes and the holes in the wall, which I think is pretty cool.  Definitely can be expanded upon further, I had a fun time, I definitely think it'd be super fun to play more levels with more mechanics, but this is really good.  Music and visuals are great.  I did run into a bug where my ball got stuck inside the mound in level 2.

I like the idea a lot, and the drawing of the track was satisfying, but I found it difficult to actually utilize the premise for an advantage.

Fun and hectic!

Great idea!  I do think the puzzles could've been a little more well designed, because I felt like I was kinda stumbling through the puzzles, which I think is also due to the limited camera.  Also I found a couple points, where I didn't realize I picked up a card.  Regardless, this game can absolutely be expanded upon, and it'd be a great full game.

Fucking awesome!  Can definitely be expanded upon, and be a full game.  I enjoyed replaying this and speedrunning, I feel like this game is prone for that.  I did mess up a few times because I accidentally clicked out of my browser, but other than that.  Great job!

I think this was pretty cool.  There's some jank moving the platform into hitboxes like the player or enemies, and the movement feels a little clunky, but all in all, you can expand this with really cool ideas such as becoming a spring platform or different types of enemies where you want to use the platform as a shield.  A lot of potential here.

Super fun!  I did experience a couple bugs, like when a new piece of the snake spawns, it moves and that can kill you, or the gaps in the snake.  Regardless, super fun, my highest score is 113!

Very fun!  My highest score was 500 unfortunately, but I can see myself sinking a lot of time into this.  I personally would enjoy a mode where there's no timer, but I can understand that that's not what you're going for.

Thank you for the kind words!  I agree rotating the cube gives a lot of depth, because technically you have the same range of control as normal tetris but some maneuvers are going to be more difficult than others, because you either have to chase a block sometimes or get at them perpendicularly.  There are definitely a few bugs, I kind of overlooked gravity for blocks for specific edge cases, so that'll be one of the first things I fix.  Thank you so much!

Thank you for the play test, super valuable!  The blocks do speed up over time, but it isn’t fast enough, the spawn rate is very slow.  I also saw that you encountered a couple bugs with the Incendiary blocks, which is a shame.  I’m glad you like the idea and the different blocks!

I do think there need to be more second person games.  I do think the cameras could be placed in a more orthogonal direction, to make moving the goose more intuitive.  Also I think you should be able to see the other cameras through walls to get a better sense of the geometry.

I really loved this.  Super awesome!

I think the big issue is moving the player, the only way to do that is with the magnet (as far as I know) and the magnet deals damage to you unless you use another magnet, and I feel like the magnet is too quick.  I think that idea is interested having to switch back and forth consistently to avoid damage and deal it to the boss at the same time, so I think difficulty balancing would do well.  Also prevent the boss from attack during the tutorial.  Other than that, cool concept, cool combat.

Thank you!  I do think if I expand this, adding difficulty settings to turn off and on certain blocks would do well, because it is very difficult.  The highest number of line clears I got was 3.  Also turn down the spawn rate for the moss blocks.

I like this take on Tetris for this prompt.  I do think the timer should be lengthened or removed, because of the lack of intentionality.  With that, I do think move previews would do well, so instead of block previews in normal tetris, you can see the moves for the next block, or the one after that, which would add an extra element to the planning ahead I think.  Cool submission!

Really cool.  I enjoyed the unexpected social class commentary lol.  I do think it is very hard and the pawns need to be slowed down quite a bit.  There were moments of fun, but I personally was really frustrated.  You did a good job though, fun story, fun game.

This is super polished, wow!  Music, sound, graphics, awesome.  It did take me a second to understand what I was doing, but that now that I do, it's super fun.  Great Entry!  I do wish the tutorial was a lot better though, but everything else, great.

I completely understand, I had a couple of bugs and issues with my game up to the last minute, so I patched it with less than satisfactory solutions.  Best of luck with your entry.

I agree with paperarrow, I do think there's more to be added and in its current state is not much.  It did remind of me of scary maze from years back, but I do wish the higher power was explored more, because this feels like a standard maze game.

Elephant in the room.  The glitches are rough, glitches are going to be common but these do get in the way.  However, this is a cool concept and I was having fun when the glitches weren't affecting it too much.  Here's some suggestions if you want to expand this further: randomized tracks instead of selecting them (so you get a preview of your next track but that each next track is random so you have to deal with what you have, starting further to the right, and finally have the train stop when there's no track in front of it.  Overall, I think this is a great concept.

The human screaming was hilarious to me, and the game king of reminded me of hill climb racing.  I do think the gameplay is lacking, you can kind of just hold d and win.  There's not much thought when you're actually playing the game for me.

I think this has a lot of potential.  It's fun, it could do with some balancing and I think teleport needs to be reworked (probably gives you two and just teleports you to the next portal, using it.  The way it is now is super chaotic and hard to play with any intentionality.)  Also I think the snake should be slower, because this is more puzzly arcade and I think it would fit better.  But amazing job, really good for a first submission.

Story is really cool, the horror element is nice.  I do think Gameplay is lacking though.

I've actually never played Tetris DS, it'll be good to look into that.  Thank you for the feedback.

Really great puzzle game

This was super fun!  Break is such a great thing in hindsight to prevent getting boxed in.  So fun.  I definitely like your take on Tetris for this prompt.

Really cool!  I could be stupid but Under Load is a great level for revealing that not just the wasd/space keys spawn, like I did not even think to try the other keys.  I think the final level is a little frustrating because I had an idea, and it worked, it just took me so long to execute it correctly.  And the fact that some levels are more puzzly, and some are more platformy, and the puzzly levels still require a bit of precision which I feel is slightly annoying.  Overall, awesome job!

AI does need work, but I love board games, I love strategy games, and I also love solving games, especially when there's a random factor.  So if you add a local coop, I will absolutely try to play this with friends.