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A member registered Mar 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for trying the game out!

Fun quick game. The setting is an interesting take on urban although the trash bags clashes a bit with it. Also if you were to make a change you could reduce the amount of motion blur, its a bit nauseating.

Fun game with a fun concept. I think I got to the end where I maxed out the first two upgrades. I imagine the last upgrade always has a random option available since it seemed to cycle a lot of upgrades I already got. Don't have much to say other than I wish the stats upgrades (damage, speed, etc) where a bit more significant because I didn't notice a significant change after getting it. Still good job tho!

Fun game! I liked the environment and the game plays well. Don't have much to say other than good job!

I stopped playing at round 4 since I found the rounds to be long and I felt like I saw everything. I really liked the style of the game and it seemed to work well, but its missing some good feedback in my opinion. The only thing I saw the towers do is turn towards the rats so its hard to tell what they are doing. If the rats had an hp bar or the towers would shoot something it would make it clearer and show that you are actually doing something.

Love the style of the game, very cute! The concept is really although I don't know how much control I have over the cat. Sometimes it would leap towards the laser, sometimes it would bap it. 

I like the idea of using your gun to move around. Is there supposed to be puzzle element aspect to it? It takes multiple shots to kill targets and you only have so many bullets, so it feels like you have to plan out routes to kill the targets while also saving the bullets until you need them. If the goal wasn't to have puzzle aspects I feel like either being able to reload all the time would be nice or if you wanna keep the ammo pickups maybe you could store the bullets so you don't lose out on them if you were full.

The game is fun and I liked the different options available. My main issue with it is that its hard to know what is interactable. After running around a lot I had a pack of gum that I didn't know where to use and there was a guy who lost their card that I had no idea where to look. Maybe if interactable had a highlight it would be easier to see. Anyway cool game nonetheless.

I really like the perspective of the game of flying over the globe, it gives it a unique perspective. Overall I enjoyed playing the game although I did come across a few cases of buildings popping in in front of me or a wall of buildings being generated.

I managed to beat the game with the different controls so its definitely an improvement of what it was before.

I found the controls to be too difficult to use to get past the first section unfortunately.  The main thing is that I don't know when I'm moving left or right, so I'll land on a platform to then immediately fall off. The main thing that could help here is having a bigger neutral zone for the mouse where the character doesn't move.

Very chaotic game which makes it fun. A bit hard to control since if you are not at the right angle the car will ignore your mouse position. I did run into an issue where my last car spawned in a traffic jam and couldn't move, but other then that good job!

Really fun game with an interesting movement mechanic! My only critic is that at some times it was a bit annoying having to wait for the wind to change direction. Maybe if instead of wind you had to physically swing your mouse, it would've made it more interactive and make you always in control.

This games reminds me of rubble trouble which is great! It was fun destroying all the buildings but I do have a bit of feedback. First off the difference between stuff you have to destroy is not significant enough so it can be hard to tell what to actually destroy. Second, I think the buildings should be more resistant to receiving a small piece. I had a whole building destroyed just because one small piece hit it.

Nice fun game! Having the grind on some objects or jump over others brings some nice decision making in a genre that is often just jump over everything. I did find a fun bug where if you mash the grind button instead of holding it you get to gain points way quicker since you get the 10 points per click. Anyway good work overall!

The game was very fun and has nice presentation! My critique would be that the fight is very long. for like 75% of the boss health there is a limited selection of simple patterns and that lasts a long time. The new patterns at the end are really fun tho! I especially like when two patterns are combined like the ground exploding while dodging the balls.

Simple game that easy to understand. I struggled a bit controlling the car since if my mouse is too close or too far it doesn't move.

Its a cool concept but I was not able to get past the first level. I was initially just clicking so I wasn't getting far, but I did realize that you are meant to draw the path. That didn't help much and I wasn't able to get far. I also didn't really see the point of switching to the gun since the enemies cant hurt you. 

I think this idea needs a bit more work to function. Currently the game is just click on the square that you can't see since it blends in the background. Maybe it would work better if you had fewer selection of colors and they were not on top of the color you need to compare it to? Also when building a game around the use of colors its important to take note that some people have different levels of color blindness which would make playing the game harder.

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The game looks cool but I had no idea what was going on. Better in game feedback would be very important. What rats am I currently controlling? What is the goal? What do the ores do?

Nice game with a creative movement mechanic. It would've been nice to have more control over when the cannon shoots since I killed a lot of people by moving my mouse wrong. 

I wasn't really expecting to see a visual novel in this jam, but I enjoyed it. I liked the style you went with for the environment. I did think the ride back on the correct line was a bit weird since the whole reliving past conversation didn't really go anywhere. Maybe if the wrong line had reversed conversation since you were going the wrong direction, but then you get to hear what they actually meant when you board the correct line?

I really like your game! Very relaxing and it has a nice simple art style. My only criticism is that the jump is not very intuitive. It took me a bit to understand that the strength of the jump is based on how far the cursor is from the character. Maybe if the direction arrow changed size it could make it more obvious.

Fun time! I think your game makes great use of the mouse input only prerequisite. I do think that there could be a bigger obstacle variety or at least change the speed the farther you get, but I did really enjoy the detail with the birds. 

I think the game functions well, but there isn't much to do. After I put all my units to the right I was mostly left doing nothing. I think some ways to improve things would be to have the enemy come from multiple direction with a preview of where you should expect them to come from. I also think that there should be something to do while waiting for the next day like training new units or at least let us skip directly to the next day. Even with my comments its still a nice combat sim!

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Wow I am surprised by how much you were able to do during the jam! I really had fun playing the game. I also enjoyed the different mechanics that were introduced. For feedback, I feel like you could maybe make it so you slow down when touching a wall to give more control for the wall jump although I had no issues with it with the current version of the game. Also I don't know if its just me, but the portion of the game in the red level where you had to jump on platforms with the moving spikes (I think its the portion of the red level in the screenshots of the game) I found to be really difficult compared to the rest of the game.  Last thing is that I think it would be nice to be able to look around a bit. There was a spot where you had to jump down and it would've been nice to see a bit more further down.

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For something made in 2 hours this is really impressive! I had a fun time playing it and didn't have any issues.

Really fun game! I really like the powers that were available to use (even if it sometimes didn't trigger properly). It adds more decision making in a game that would normally be more mindless. Good job on finishing your first game!

Fun game! Having to draw the graffities under a time pressure is a good idea. I do think the game ended unfairly because an obstacle spawned too close to another causing me to land on it, but that might be a skill issue on my part.

Great job with the game! I had a fun time playing, but I have two comments. The first one is that I think 10 levels is a bit too long, since there isn't much changing other than more zombies and the occasional big zombie.  My second comment is that while I do really like seeing the bullet to make the falloff more obvious, I do think it should move faster. 

Thanks for playing! Its unfortunate that you didn't stick with it but I understand. I agree that it feels very slippery, but I thought it brought a good level of challenge and I designed the level with it in mind. I did think of adding a reason why its slippery like for example it being a rainy day, but I was more focused on getting the game done.

Thanks for playing! I'm assuming you probably got stuck in the dead end? You are meant to get hit by a pot to fall bellow the platform where you can land on hidden platform. Maybe I should've added down arrow sign there too to make it more obvious.

Fun concept of using buildings to kill people. I thought initially that it would just be avoid killing people, but there was mechanics that rewards the behavior that I really liked.  A comment that I would have is that I have no idea how to reach 20000$ at the end of the week. I wasn't even close to that amount at the end. Anyway good job on finishing the game jam!

Very fun game with a fun visual style. Its really satisfying getting the shot that goes directly in. My only comment is that when the floor has a darker color the puck will sometimes blend in and be hard to see. If you plan to expand on the game it would be something to take in consideration. Anyway good job on finishing the game jam!

I really that you used different traffic sign to make a suika game. I unfortunately wasn't able to beat it, but it looks great! Good job on finishing the game jam!

I think a game where you drive around tagging buildings is a fun concepts. I also think something could be changed to make it more exciting. Right now the police car is the same speed as the player so unless you mess up, you have no chance of getting caught. Maybe if the police car was faster in a straight line but slower in turns that could make the chase more interesting? Also a nice quality of life would be an indication of the next tagging spot since the map is very big and it can take a long time to find another tagging spot. Anyway good job on finishing the game jam!

I found the car to be really hard to control. Only being able to turn while moving really messed me up and caused me to often miss the coins. I did like that there was an arrow to show the next coins so I wasn't driving around aimlessly. Its unfortunate that you didn't follow the prerequisite since I think a mouse only driving game would've been interesting. Anyway good job on finishing the game jam!

Shooting in the game feels amazing. Just shooting the targets is really fun. I especially like the different feedback you get when you start to run low on bullets. Its a small game but so polished. The only thing I would say because everything else is great is that there should be more related to the theme than the background image. Anyway good job on finishing the game jam!

Oh wow I managed to actually finish it! Using the soccer ball was brutal to get over the fence. I was probably stuck there for more than 20 minutes dreading the idea that there was a chance that if I get hit by a car I would be brought back to the beginning. Thankfully that wasn't the case (Thank you so much for the checkpoint!). The level design was fun although probably needs more polish. Jumping in the gap in the beginning was so much harder than it should. Anyway good job on finishing the game jam!