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A member registered Oct 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing the game.

On the note of the duck sounds, all of them were actually voice acted specifically for the game, so we did hope they would leave a good impression. On the note of keeping track of progress, the group has talked about it and we did decide that, if we had a bit more time, we would add a way of telling which wave your currently on. It didnt come up in testing as we could see it in the debug menu and we forgot that wouldnt be visible in the finished game. Thank you for your feedback

Thank you for playing the game.

Thank you for all the compliments, it means a lot. With the idea of a pause menu, that could work really well.

Than you for playing the game.

Yea, we talked about it as a group and decided if we did have some more time, we would add a way of tracking which wave you are currently on and such.

In the current state of the game, there are 10 waves. each wave starts with regular ducks and then top hat ducks. So one way of seeing is when the duck type changes.

I do recommend trying to reach the boss though on wave 10, as it is a challenge to beat.

Thank you for playing the game.

With the sounds the ducks make, they are actually all voiced acted and added into the project, so its entirely first party. The aim is affected slightly by the water layer which may affect aim a little bit. Thank you for your feedback on the game.

Thank you for playing the game.

There were a couple bugs with shooting, but i feel we hit a good balance at the end. With the reticule always pointing to where the bullets will end up if undisturbed. But I can see where it goes a bit wrong. If we had a bit more time these issues would be sorted fairly quickly

Thank you for playing the game.

The lego bricks had a few uses in the game, with them being able to deflect a few enemy projectiles and to add more for the player to look at in the game.

Thank you for playing.

The game uses a wave based system with a set number of enemies. The games description has been updated to show this now. With the aim of the game being to reach the boss fight and beating the boss.

Thank you for your feedback.

With this game, it uses a wave based system, with a set number of ducks you need to beat in order to reach a challenging final boss, which once defeated, leads to a victory screen. Though a way of keeping track of waves could be a good addition.

With the sounds, all the duck sounds were actually voice acted and implemented into the game.

I cant access the game itself

I like the controls of the players ship. However, the lack of sound, lack of collision and lack of enemies made it feel a bit dull. The models were fine, if just a bit basic.

So I was really confused when I was suddenly dropped into the game.

firing cannon balls felt a little unintuitive at first, then i found my cursor which started off screen for some reason, even then they were difficult to shoot.

The obstacles and items were hard to identify at the start, until i realized only rocks hurt you. But then i found out you can enter negative health perfectly fine.

There seems to be a lack of a goal with this. 3D models are nice though.

I like the idea of needing to visit planets as you travel through space. The idea with over heat is a nice balance thing for the game.

However, i feel the shooting reticule is a bit miss leading, with it not shooting where your pointing, but rather just directly infront of the ship.

Also the meteors spawned inside the planet, so when i got close i suddenly received a ton of damage. On the planets surface, i did like the look of the world, but after i jumped over a plant it said i ran out of time and i had to close the game down, leaving me a bit confused.

I like the idea of switching between 3 different attacks to fight the enemies.

However, the games controls are extremely difficult to get used to, shooting is extremely difficult to aim properly,  some enemies couldnt be killed for some reason while I was playing and the sounds of the shots became a bit annoying after a while.

I like the idea of switching between 3 different attacks to fight the enemies.

However, the games controls are extremely difficult to get used to, shooting is extremely difficult to aim properly,  some enemies couldnt be killed for some reason while I was playing and the sounds of the shots became a bit annoying after a while.

Fun game over all, with the art and how enemies work being the best part of the game.

There were a couple bugs however, with the player ship shooting off a 3rd projectile every once in a while that fires off diagonally into space.

So this was absolutely amazing to play, the comedy and style had me smiling through the entire game. The addition of characters talking an even directly affecting the game is brilliant.

The only downside really is it feels a bit easy. Just needs something like an enemy that can shoot you.

I really enjoyed playing the game, with the art style looking great and the controls feeling responsive and accurate when shooting. The music also works really well in the game.

I did manage to get past the first boss and a second boss spawning and being a constant threat during "wave 2" was an interesting experience, making it so I was forced to constantly be moving in order to complete the game.

Though the UI on the victory screen is a little broken currently, with it spawning the message in a bit of an empty void and in the far right corner of the screen

I love the art style of the game and how well made everything looks. However there was an issue that once I got into the game and started shooting, the thing crashed and I couldnt reopen it

Just played it again and noticed that its running a lot slower for some reason. There was also a bug which made the wizard go forward even when I wasn't touching the keyboard, which was odd, didn't affect gameplay too much but it was worrying.

Great idea and such, though in the current build I can't really get a good idea on it. I'll probably wait for a few levels to be made before making a proper comment though.

While the start is a bit confusing and a little cruel to someone not expecting to be attacked, it was a fun little game to play.

I think the sprite work is amazing on the game, with the players character being very well and interesting, same with the goblins. I just wish there were more levels and such.

Amazing game, i love the art style and the general idea.

There were a couple issues while i was playing though, a minor one being that the sound didn't work till i accidentally turned it down using the sliding bar, which suddenly kick started the music. Another issue was that some times the regular attack wouldn't activate, which lead to a couple deaths.

other than that the sprite work was amazing and the gameplay felt good, though losing all progress at going to the start when you die, yet there being little to no issues with falling felt a bit odd.

Great game, I agree with the previous comment, this game hurt to play just because of how difficult it is.

I love the art style you went for with the game as well, though the controls confused on my the point of how many times i could boost or use the double jump. Using the arrow keys also felt a little weird.

Great game and idea, I really like the visuals of the game paired with the music.

I did find a couple minor issues though, mainly with the dash ability. With it sometimes I would hold the space bar down for a good while and have nothing happen, leading to a death, or lightly tap it to jump normally and instead getting launched across the map. A couple times I glitched a little inside the platforms when using a jump pad to get on top, which hitting the side causing the glitch.

One small issue I have is the lack of air control after you leave the ground, needing to purely rely on momentum, which lead to certain simple area's feeling tedious.

However, other than the mechanical errors, everything else was great and I think the game has a lot of potential.

Seems to be a very good idea for a game, however there were a few issues with the UI. The main issue being an issue were it became impossible to leave the shop no matter what i clicked.

A great take on the concept. I love the art work and the music works in nicely.

On the side of gameplay, at first i thought the losing money to random events could be an interesting way to increase playtime, but after a while it became more annoying than anything, with my money barely being able to go over 1000 for a good 2 minutes after it locked me at around 950ish due to the large number of events happening

I also feel like there could have been a few more upgrades available in the shop

Great game and great idea. Though it took me a second to figure out how to destroy the on coming blocks, once i did it felt very engaging.

one issue though as bad rng and how fast the gun moved, making it extremely difficult to hit the blocks with the correct colour, often leading to me needing to spam at the edges to cycle through the colours, which did lead to some accidental shots.

Id say just slow down the gun a little bit and maybe add a more official spot to shoot at to remove colours you dont need.

Its a good start, though it may need more memes and a slightly longer run time.

A great start for a game, though the game itself is painfully difficult.

The only thing I could really say is to start replacing sprites with things that are more interesting, maybe add a jetpack to the back of the character which does nothing but look nice.

Very good game, I love the art work and the music fit in extremely well with the game, paired with the sound effects it felt really enjoyable to play.

On a side of adding to the game, it was really difficult to think of anything. Though maybe add windows to the buildings your jumping over to make them feel more like sky scrapers.

Maybe add a new type of obstacle, like something coming in to block you?

Other than that its a great game.

Thank you.

On the point of the warning, it was originally intended to go with a sound que in order to alert the player. However, as im new to unity, I had a lot of trouble figuring out how to add the sounds into the game. If given more time for this I would definitely add the sound que as intended. In the code itself you can even find the sound folder with the sounds already in there, just unused for now.

On the side of turning, that is a small timing issue on the codes end, though that should be an easy fix. If there is a way to replace the version of the game uploaded, this will be fixed soon.

With how often he turns is also determined by a random number generator, so that he is difficult to predict.

Thank you for your feedback

Love the art for the game.

Maybe add some spoopy music?

I loved how relaxing this game felt when I first started it, paired with the great music and calming frog noises.

There is something really great about the simplicity of the game in general to make it this enjoyable.

Maybe you could give the player points when they successfully jump over a log or having a way to visually tell how fast the logs are moving?

Love the game, I've always had a soft spot for rhythm games.

The only issue i found was hit detection to be a bit rough when multiple hit indicators were stacked on top of each other.

This could also work with a system that gives you more points on how perfectly you hit the timings, like most games of this nature.

Other than that though, its a great game.

Amazing game, I really liked the idea of flipping the area over to use the other cube.

Amazing quality over all. Though maybe a trap that comes out of the ground to block the path as an extra thing to look out for, or maybe a tile that you can only stand on for a short period of time, or even a button you need to stay on to allow for the other cube to move instead of just needing to pass over it once.

Other than that I think this game is great and also has a lot of potential

Amazing game, I was really surprised at how well you used the one button concept. While I was a bit confused on how to play at the start, once I figured it out it was great fun.

The sounds in the game were also great, even took me off guard a little when i first messed up a hair cut.

Only issue really was the loading screen.

Loved the music

Game felt like a good start to a classic clicker game, though there wasnt a way to exit the game unless i tabbed out