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A member registered Jan 30, 2024 · View creator page →

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day 3 and 4 seem to be pretty huge difficulty spikes, definitely need to iron them out

its in the bugged tutorial, you give them wine

we were unsure whether item picking up/dropping would be done via mouse location or last movement direction, and we went with the latter, but i think the former mightve been better

lack of mouse controls was my call, and its safe to say it was the wrong one. apologies.

(1 edit)

your game is fun itself. it wasnt super clear how to get upgrades or enter lighthouse mode, but i figured it out. things could do with better signposting, but you've got a good loop.

stuffing your page with AI art was not great, though. not a fan of that at all.

(2 edits)

i do apreciate the ambition, but overall i think this was just alright. you definitely a lot right, but it was the jank that left its impression on me. mechanically and story-wise (in game story, not what you  wrote on the page) i dont believe this fits the theme in the slightest.

- the objectives just required scouring the map, it gets very frustrating. some kind of in-game map of where objectives are would help a lot

- stealth was very much optional. the "calm" approach is no better than sprinting around and knocking everyone out. it enemies could do with being more threatening once aggro'd

- the timer is just salt in the wound. losing only means you have to re-do what you've already done, it doesnt add any interesting gameplay challenges. instead, if the timer actually brought a "storm", like aggroing every NPC in the town, it would both fit the theme better and be an interesting mechanic

- navigation was kind of buggy

- the game's 2D art looks overall a bit cheap.

my game used godot and animated sprites and we saw no such lagspikes. its not a compiler issue

i had some fun with this. there are quite a few things i would change.

storm/no-storm modes should be more impactful, and switching should be instant and/or on a button press. as is, i just stayed in storm the entire time, because changing took too long and calm felt bad.

movement was far too imprecise. jumping felt kind of off, like, i never really wanted to jump because it usually just got me hit. the character felt too slippery, and enemies took maybe one too many hits each.

the art was beautiful. i really do apreaciate the animation on the main character.

this was harsh i know, but i promise can see the bones of a genuinely fun experience here.

i liked this a lot, but the lagspikes in webGL is a major issue. i obviously dont know what caused them, but i expect you're doing something like loading the character sprite when you instantiate them?

i think this game generally controls quite poorly. the slippery movement and jump mechanic seems at-odds with the focus on precision movement challenges. attacking costing HP feels at odds with enemies that spawn infinitely and spam projectile attacks . i also didnt know how to control where the attack went? it didnt go straight all the time. basic enemies taking two hits is too many. i also dont understand how it fit the theme at all.

graphics were pretty

for your next jam game, i recommend you take a totally different design approach. there's clearly some coding talent on display, but it didnt resolve into an enjoyable game because of your design decisions.

send _varii (discord) a picture of your eviction screen and you (and your game) can make it on our leaderboard!

oh wow we really had the exact same idea :3

so, this has the appeal of incremental games to me.

people like the experience automating the gameplay out of incremental games. instead of intending to remove the left-right swiping strategy (which is essentially an automation of gameplay), why not add upgrades that automate that strategy.

either, more levels of quantum so that you can sit your circle still, an auto-seeking circle, or an auto-swiping upgrade. or maybe some combinations

on firefox, the fullscreen button appears to crash the game

LOL I sincerely apologise for any raised blood pressure I may have caused :3

I am *so* glad to hear you enjoyed it :)

your suggestion about movement directions is an interesting one that I'll definitely have to test. my gut tells me it would be a bit unintuitive but the current system definitely isn't good enough so for sure something needs to change.

day 10! I'll put you on the leaderboard!!

to echo quinten, this felt kind of like more of a tech-test than a game. which, if this is your first game, makes a lot of sense actually.

when taken as a tech test, its not bad by any means. good job :)

i just love this concept. being forced to show empathy for people who are just about to die really gets me. its a concept i really want to see expanded in one form or another.

that being said though, the QoL was lacking. a map wouldve been nice, as well as an in-game journal, maybe? NPCs just standing around when unposessed also felt a bit weird, i ended up leaving the grandma in someone else's house lol

the main menu music goes so hard

i love the concept, but the chess AI being so poor really hampers the game.

black blundered both their king and queen into me before any crazy rules could show up :/

this rules


bro was rattled they didn't make gta6 in a week

message _varii on discord with your failure screen and you'll be added to the leaderboard 

when you do, please send your death screen to _varii on discord! we have a leaderboard!

I will log this as a bug :) thank you. clearly we didn't test on 4k monitors LOL

hmm, thats a very odd bug that i dont seem able to reproduce. what browser are you using?

anyway im glad you had a great time regardless of a major bug :)))

ahhhh, thats a shame! scaling difficulty like this is hard to balance. i didnt think to test on mid-skill playtesters.

on my end i've already adjusted my levers to change this. it wont show in the game, but the 3-5 period should be slightly easier.

cute little game :) i got a score of 41. love how it scales in difficulty

so i really disliked the "explore" mechanic on day 2. i was missing just one tree, and couldnt find it. very frustrating. and it was even more frustrating that i lost because i couldnt find a purple tree

yay! im glad you had fun!!

thats feedback we'll definitely take. thank you :)

I'm glad you got to night 5! that means you gave it a real chance 

you've got a point about the gameplay. lots of our systems actually scale infinitely based on maths functions. we didn't have enough time to properly tune them, which is probably what led to the game being too uneventful early on. In later builds I think we will make the early levels harder.


(4 edits)


ok so I've been thinking about this game over the past few days, and I think I've come to a conclusion.

egg? is an exercise in futility. it's also a story about learning a skill

you're told that the egg pickups across the map matter, but they don't. they do nothing, the final counter all the way to the right doesn't reflect them. you go out of your way to collect challenging eggs off the beaten path, all for nothing.

you're told that you're on a journey. but you're not. the whole game can be completed by simply pressing a button, only the button prompt is miles away.

the enemies; the pits, they're meaningless too. death costs nothing, it's barely an obstacle. by all rights, this game should be terrible. 

but egg? made me feel something. I think the greatness of egg is not in its systems, but in how it's components sum together to make an experience that genuinely made me reflect. 

what does egg? say?

well, one potential reading is that the true power is in knowledge; all of us could "hatch" at any point of our choosing, if only we knew how. but that knowledge comes through a tedious journey that, when viewed with hindsight, seems almost pointless. it comes through engaging in activities that ultimately do not bear fruit (collecting eggs). sure, you could hit U by accident, just as you *could* pump out a masterpiece game on your first try. but to attain consistently, you must first do *so* much menial, pointless work to acquire the relevant knowledge. only then could you hatch consistently; could you develop quality games consistently; could you truly master your skill.

to that end, the gameplay of egg? being bad actually serves it's theme very well. I don't want to replay egg? from scratch. and in the exact same way, I don't want to relearn game development from scratch either. 

how much of this was intended? who gives a shit, LOL. the proof is in the pudding.

go hatch yourself, egg!!!

(1 edit)

hi, I'm really sorry you've had those issues. they're all down to a lack of polish.

1) that was because we forgot to put a clamp on the camera's rotation. total rookie oversight on my part honestly. if it happens again, you can re-flip the camera by just rotating it upwards.

2) yeah shadows completely broke in our web export. so sorry about that.

3) now to actually explain why every potion was "unstable luck". your reagents are actually 3d objects, and the effects they have are based on the 2d shapes they contain. you've been using the "orthogon" (a cube). that reagent contains six squares, which by default add +6 luck to the potion.

to make a different potion, you could use a different unlocked reagent (you start with two) or apply runes to the specific sides of your reagent. there will be a sound effect when the rune is applied.

for example, if I had to make a "potion of misfortune", I would pick an orthogon, take it to the shadow table and apply a regular inversion rune to it. that reagent would them create a potion of unstable misfortune, instead of a potion of unstable luck.

"unstable", however, is actually a bad thing. a potion would be better with fewer levels of that effect. to create a regular potion of luck, I could apply a minor inversion rune to one side of an orthogon, and then brew a potion from it. that would create a potion with +2 luck.

finally, remember that you can throw multiple objects in the cauldron.

I apologise again that you had to get your tutorial through one of the Devs on request instead of in-game. it's really frustrating honestly because I genuinely think our gameplay loop is fun, but nobody gets to it because the mechanics are unintuitive and not explained. I do hope on second try you'll agree, at least to some extent.

of course you are. that's your natural state of being

guess you started way lower than most. hope you catch up soon.

at least i can say im proud of everything ive made. your backlog is full of absolute unplayable garbage. stuff thats below even MVP level.

so hostile!