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A member registered Sep 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Really great submission, Love the unique artstyle, can't help but notice the artstyle every game as it stands out so well. The gameplay was fun and engaging and provided a good challenge for the player, the sound design really fits in well with the overall theme of the game, and the animations are really well done, looking smooth and crisp. Great game, had fun playing it, good job!

The overall theme of the game and the visuals of the game are really good looking, especially the animations. The gameplay was fun to play, especially the boss fight. Some audio in the game would have been a nice touch as well as tweaking the shooting mechanics. Good submission, great job!

Liked the overall under water theme of this game. The inclusion of multiple levels each with their own boss fight fun and made the game more enjoyable, would have loved some sort of audio and would be a nice addtion. I had a little problem with FPS, though judging from other reviews that seems to be only an issue for me, couldn't finish the third level as it was more like a powerpoint at that stage.Also the bosses not launching any attacks didn't really make them a challenge and they were easy to defeat because of it. Other than that great game, good job!

Liked the overall visual aspect of this game especialls the background design, the gameplay is fun and enjoyable. Loved the minimap at the bottom of the screen, was a little confused as to the goal of the game at first, a little text explaining the goal somewhere on screen would have been a nice touch. I also found that you could just take out all the bombs with the shield as you always have a new shield drifting past. Other than that good game, great job!

(1 edit)

Loving this game, the overall gameplay is fun and enjoyable and had lots of fun playing it. The inclusion of a little bit of dialogue with capsule boy? Makes the overall game standout from the rest, alongside the animation and the style of the main menu also. The game featuring multiple levels as well as a tutorial level is good, helping to orientate the player and make it more enjoyable. One critique i have with the game is the sight, often it seems the bullets don't follow the sight, especially when the square is on an enemy (might just be me being bad at it). Anyway good game, really enjoyed it.

(2 edits)

Loving the retro GBA artstyle in this game it looks great and paired with the overall theme of the game and  8 bit music fits it plays real well. The colour shifting mechanic is a good touch and adds a nice extra layer of gameplay in the game. Really nice that this game has a tutorial intergrated into the level and that the level itself has multiple different plaths to take.  Great game, job well done.

(2 edits)

Really love the artstyle in this, it fits the theme really well and looks sharp, alongside the little intro story in the beginning they both look realy good and adds character to the game. The gameplay is tense and enjoyable.  A few critiques with the game would first be with the ui placement of the player lives in the middle area of the screen. Alsothe green missle power up rockets get stuck on the van and push the player about when firing. Other than that enjoyable game good job.

(1 edit)

Firstly love the ww2 theme for this game, the artstyle of the sprites, level and UI design are nicely detailed and look really good, fiting the overall theme really well, along side the music. The gameplay was really challenging and exciting, especially the boss fight, love the boss music. A few criticisms with the game are when defeating the boss I had to bring his health down  -11 before they died.  There also seems to be a dead zone at the bottom of the level where no enemies spawn and bullets can't touch you so by sitting there I could get to the boss without any troubble. Other than that really good game, really enjoyed playing it!

The overall visual design of this game is verry good from the menus to the overall character design it's clear that alot of effort was put into this. One thing I like alot is the character selection, most other games have the characters locked but this game actually has multiple characters which is a nice change. The gameplay was fun and tense at times when playing with mates, which is good. Great game, you guys did a good job.

(4 edits)

I love the art work in this, especially the background art which is well detailed and gives the illusion of 3D. The character designs are also well done. The music fits the game really well aswell. I love that the game has the 3D aspect which allows greater movement for the character. A few critiques are the enemy hitboxes, it often seems impossible to hit the enemy without trading your health and the lack of a block or doge. The game also lacks a goal for the player to strive towards, other than that its a good game, good job!

(First thing I can say is headphone users beware). The overall character designs are good and give off that Rayman/forget game name vibes. I love the ancient Gladiator theme that you guys went for and how it clashes with Egypt style in fighting guardians of their underworld. The animation and background art are nicely done aswell. The charater fists though have white pixels around the edge where they were cut and the overall game itself doesn't seem to have an overall goal to work towards.

overall though this game is a good attempt at creating a fighting game, good job guys.

The sprites look nice even though they're low res, it's a shame there isn't much to review as I can see what the overall design of the game was ment to be, it's a shame that the game didn't get to reach that stage, i'd have loved to see it fully how you guys invisioned it. Even though the game isn't fully functional you atleast managed to submit something so good job for that.

(1 edit)

Loved the 3D aspect of this game, this is the first game i've seen with 3D so far. Loved the 3D animations for the main menu as it adds a unique flair to your game, the inclusion of a character creator aswell is really good aswell and adds a creative aspect for the players. The animations are well done and look verry good ingame. The overall level design and character are well done, the ai fighter aswell is fun and a challenge to fight, though he did get stuck on my head a few times. One thing that would have been good is the abaility for both the player and the AI to block as it would lengthen the fight and present an overall tougher challenge to the player. Overall this is a really good game,  

job well done guys!

This is a really well made game, honestly I can picture this being released on the GBA back in the 00's. The overall art of this game is really good and well done, I especially liked the extra little detail in the dojo using actual Japanese characters in the scrolls on the wall which is a nice touch. The gameplay is fun and tense, had a lot of fun playing this. The inclusion of multiple levels is nice as it adds more variety to the game. The inclusion of a level selector would have been nice on the main menu as opposed to the round selector. The only other critique I have is the audio on the bridge level which could've done with a bit more work due to how it suddenly cuts in and out, other than that this is a great game, GOOD JOB!!

(3 edits)

I love the artstyle of this game, the character designs were good and the music fitted the game well. Love the overall design of the multiple levels and the light effect on the main menu is a nice touch. The main critque I have with this game is the overall gameplay, it seems a bit bare bones, just mashing spacebar is enough to win the game. The addition of more moves for the enemies and different directions for their spawn would have been good. It is a good base for a fighting game and I love the visuals, good job.

(2 edits)

Love the overall cyberpunk art style, music and the overall theme of this game. The design of both the day and night level which give off a cyberpunkish LA feeling, its a shame that the two designs are looped, would have loved some variation. The music is a nice addition to the game and fits the overall style verry well. Loved the sprite designs I feel that the game could have used a place where the controls are displayed so that player would know them beforehand. The game could also use some alteration to the hitboxes as it was often impossible to avoid taking damage when hitting the enemies. Had fun playing, good game.

Love the overall theme of the game with the character design and how well the music fits   the design aswell. However the game is super short, unless I am missing the way to access the other levels, also the game doesn't seem to have a clear goal aswell which made it feel bare. A solid foundation for a platformer good job.

(2 edits)

I love the spooky them and atompshere within this game as well as the overall art design of the levels, characters and animations, reminds me of Microbian and Limbo. I enjoyed the overall gameplay traversing through the multiple levels and how they got more difficult, love that little bit of lore aswell, though it could be expanded upon. Solid base for a platformer and good game. One critique is the level design it could do with a bit more variety as it felt the same as previous levels in some places. Overall great game!

I love the art syle of the game and how well the music fits with it, the soundtrack aswell also gives the feeling of being on a hostile world. It has a solid base for a platformer, a good game overall, good job. A few critiques would be the attack animation, no kill zone under the map and the lack of the end screen. With the last one I was unsure if I died or won.

An overall fun and enjoyable game, I especially loved the feature ,which I won't spoil for people who haven't played it. The feature made this game unique and verry fun to play and different to other platformers, Any critiques I had with the game have all been addressed in the comments and some important lessons learned. Good game by a great team, i'd love to see this updated in the furture and get it back to where it was.

Its a unique ill give it that, kinda reminds me of the games linked to HP Lovecraft. The gameplay is a bit janky is some areas but overall it provides an enjoyable experience and is overall is a good game. If I were to name a few critiques it would be around jumping, sometimes it doesn't work and smashing space bar near a wall shoots you to the moon. 

A good game, the overall artwork and music seem to fit well together. The sound effects of the game were a nice touch and I loved that there was the inclusion of multiple levels. The use of the whip was a fun and nice touch to the game, doging bullets and using it strategically to land on enemies heads was fun. One thing that could be improved though is the length of the overall game, it was a bit short.

(2 edits)

Ahh the smell of Communism in the morning. I love the concept and implementation of this idea, this game was verry enjoyable to play and I kept finding myself playing this game again and again.  The art style and music stay true to the retro feeling of the original Mario game. The overall gameplay was fun and enjoyable "crushing the capitalists dogs!" Overall a great game. One critique though, if its a glitch, but some enemies seem to take flight and get stuck on the platforms, maybe this is western spy technology?

(3 edits)

A nice platformer, the level art style looks verry nice especially when paired with the melodic soundtrack. The only thing I can criticise is the player movement, tapping left or right seems to move the player quite far which made the player walk off numerious edges. this made navigating the single tile platforms difficult. Other than that a good game.