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A member registered Mar 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! It's hard to believe it's been so long. Based on what you and others have said, it seems like things really ended up being a lot more punishing than I had anticipated when I was making it. It's something I keep in mind when working on projects now, especially for game jams. Since you mentioned it, I did participate in Magical Girl Game Jam #8! I think I improved in some areas, but I think I also fell back in some parts too. Looking forward to participating again, but I've just had some unfortunate timing!

Thanks for playing! I'm glad to see the camera wasn't super rough for everyone! I think a more relaxed pace would definitely help a bunch, trying to fit the dialog into the little bits of downtime was pretty tough to give everything the space it needed, and the way I had set up the rail made it pretty unfriendly to make changes to the timing, and it'd help to make sure that people really got a chance to fight back. To be honest, I was originally planning on voice acting the game so that you wouldn't have to focus on the text popups, but I couldn't get my voice to sound decent when going that high-pitched, and then it was pretty late in the game to get someone else's help.

Thanks for playing! I definitely have a better understanding now! There's a lot of parts that I hadn't expected to become an issue, and then things I added to make some stuff feel better ended up making other parts feel worse. It was a pretty tough balance.

Being able to use both weapons at once was definitely intentional. Some of the weapons required a bit more active thinking than others (bow charging, gun ammo/reloading, and to a lesser extent, the sword angle), so there was kind of a soft intent that you'd have one weapon you were constantly firing without having to think too much and then another that was a bit more intentional, but I left it in the player's hand to choose how they'd want to play it.

I didn't think about having any dialog after the boss, so that's a really good point. The ending could definitely use some extra work on it in retrospect.

Thanks for playing! Definitely a big step up from some of the other stuff I usually work on. I'm glad the core of it was appealing though. Fine tuning was absolutely something that could use more work, and I think there's a lot of room for improvement to make it feel better to play.

Thanks for playing! Definitely pretty tough in some cases - I tried to make the hitboxes more forgiving but I think the way the projectiles and stuff move still makes it a little hard in some spots, especially if you're turning a lot. 

Thanks for playing! I'm glad the 3D/2D mix was appealing and that the weapons all felt really different from each other. Music unfortunately is always something I forget about until the end, so it definitely doesn't get as much thought put into it as it should. Maybe next time I'll learn how to make some music of my own!

Thanks for playing! I think if I want to keep working on this I'll definitely need to get a better set up for the rail system, since it was pretty inelegant to try to change or edit anything afterwards.

Thanks for playing! Camera motion was pretty tough to get a handle on (this was my first real project in 3D), but hopefully it wasn't too bad!

Thanks for playing! I wanted to add some more big bosses like that but I ended up running up against the time limit!

Pretty interesting! It was cool to have to plan out how to balance all the different stuff, like making sure you're gaining enough hope to do damage but trying not to develop so much despair. Definitely seems like there's a soft cap on how far you can get, since I think once the big guy spawns it's pretty much the beginning of the end.

Thanks for uploading!

This was really cool! I loved the way you implemented the chain attack. Initially I was kind of treating it like a little puzzle to match the hits so that I could kill a whole screen at the same time, but the bosses making you really focus on using it was cool, and you had some pretty inspired ways of implementing that. It was pretty tough to dodge all the bullets at the same time though, although I imagine that's part of the difficulty. 

Thanks for uploading!

This was pretty neat! The character art was very cool and the ending was real dramatic, I just wish I knew some more of the background stuff they were talking about. Control wise some of the movement felt a little weird, like sometimes I would move exactly how much I wanted to and other times I'd keep moving for an extra half second or so. I didn't use the dash ability very often for a similar reason, it felt a little tough to control reliably. Also, "U" was a pretty awkward button to press to use my ultimate, I'd have to reach all the way over my keyboard to use it, and I missed the key a couple times in the middle of a big fight.

The music was really cool! Thought it really fit with the aesthetic a lot. I wish there were some more sound effects for out attacks though, I feel like it would give them some extra punch.

Thanks for uploading!

Wasn't expecting it to turn creepy like that, but it definitely gave the game more of a hook. The stopping enemies in space was pretty cool, although some more feedback on it might be useful, since the first few times I used it, the monster hadn't moved yet, so I really didn't know what it was doing until later on. 

Speaking as a coward, the atmosphere was set up pretty nicely to be spooky, yet not so tough for me to finish, so I appreciate that. 

Thanks for uploading!

The puzzle just about drove me crazy, I ended up having to use the hint after. This was pretty cute though, and I liked the look of it. Definitely kind of an inverse difficulty curve cause the puzzle was a lot more difficult than the fight, but I don't think it's that big of a deal. The music was nice, but I think it stopped playing after a while, which left the puzzle solving pretty quiet.

Thanks for uploading!

I would like to sincerely thank you for making a game about maids.

All in all, I had a lot of fun with this one! A pretty unique spin on the tower defense stuff, balancing out where to place units along with keeping them healed up in the staff room or trying to farm in the kitchen meant that there was always a lot of stuff to do. I think there's some balancing issues a bit though, since on the later level it was pretty tough for me to win if I didn't get an omurice within my first couple of item drops. Getting an omurice always felt good since it was a lot more permanent, but getting the 1 heal was a little disappointing, especially since you unlock the 2 heal right away, and you can heal for free in the rooms. 

The different units were fun to use though, seeing their different abilities and how the level ups changed them was pretty fun, and all the effects were quite nice.

Thank you for uploading!

This was great! I really loved the presentation of all of this, all the characters had fun designs, and the environments of both levels were very different from each other, but felt like they fit very well into the overall theme of the game. I also really liked the way you did the cutscenes, it made for a really interesting presentation. The combat was very fun, and weaving all the different attacks and character swaps into each other was very satisfying - I'm really looking forward to a version of this with a lot more stuff we can play around with! I don't really have much I can complain about, other than some text errors this was pretty phenomenal. 

Thanks for uploading!

This was impressive! A lot of things I really wasn't expecting that you could do in an RPG Maker game. Unfortunately I think the was a lot of enemy spam for those normal enemies, which didn't really make me change tactics so much as take longer. Also I couldn't figure out how you were supposed to beat the boss at all - I thought you'd have to keep moving so it couldn't target you but that didn't really work consistently. In the end the only way I beat it was by just spamming projectiles into it and tanking as much damage as possible, which did manage to work at least. 

Thanks for uploading!

I was excited to play the follow up to the first game, and you didn't disappoint! It was nice getting to see into Seassa's mind this time, and now I'm wondering if we'll play as Homura for #3! The only thing that bothered me a bit was at the beginning, the clouds in the background would snap around a bit, and it was a bit distracting. Other than that, the effects were quite good and impactful when they came in, especially during some of the endings. 
Thanks for uploading!

Looking forward to more, the character portraits are really well done. The music was pretty nice too, but there was some kind of audio issue that made the songs overlap once I got sent back to the starting screen.
Hope you all continue to work on this! Thanks for uploading!

Hey, this was cool! I like the idea behind focusing on the item usage instead of stuff like skills. The art was very well done as well. I wish there was some music playing on the start screen, cause initially I wasn't sure if I had my volume turned down too low or something. It's definitely pretty easy to run through a combo and decimate everything, so I think if you want to expand this project a bit more, keeping an eye on the balance of how some of the effects stack up will be helpful. I will say, it is possible to beat the final fight (at least, I assume the difficulty is in left-to-right order) without any health upgrades and without using blind/poison/burn (I did use a toaster), so I think even if you tone down some of the effects it can be okay. 
Thanks for uploading!

Hey this was super cute! It was fun to play around with all the different options and mix and matching to make a bunch of different designs. It's pretty amazing how you were able to make all these pieces and have them fit this quickly. I was pretty surprised that there weren't any shoe options though. There was also a part where I think the skin tone buttons got a bit messed up as well - I'm not too sure how to describe it, but it was like they would each swap between two options instead of switching to the selected tone?
It was nice seeing everyone's magical girls in the comments and stuff as well. Thanks for uploading!

This was pretty tough! I took quite a bit for me to get used to the controls, but I think it made it for a pretty interesting way to play the game. That first jump was pretty tough for me to get over though, and I don't really know if even with more experience it would be something I could accomplish reliably. I wasn't a fan of how you could fall off the sides of the map, it felt like with how much you'd have to commit to jumps or how the boomerangs bounce you up, it could be a bit more forgiving with not killing you. Also I wished that the game paused when you were transforming. While it was fine for phase 1, it felt pretty tough trying to transform without taking damage with the missiles. I enjoyed the voice acting! Sounded like there was a lot of fun being had with the different lines.

Thanks for uploading!

Hey this was pretty interesting! I kinda liked what you did with the camera, I think it makes for a pretty interesting perspective - it's kinda like a side-scroller but not. I guess? I don't really know how to explain it. I think the only issue with it is that something definitely become hard to see, and you can have enemies really get the drop on you if there's no way for the camera to see them. There's a lot of areas that could use some polish, most notably the blank obstacles were pretty difficult to tell apart which made it difficult to navigate the level, and sometimes the little sphere that was the cursor would be up against my screen instead of aiming at the enemy (I imagine it might have been an invisible wall? But I'm not too sure.) I liked the designs of the characters though, and I think the opening graphic was very nice.
Thanks for uploading!

This was pretty fun! I thought that the setting was pretty cool and I think it was a pretty interesting choice to set here.  I wish there were a couple more abilities that we could choose from using, just cause I was expecting to get more after fire breath. It was pretty short overall, so maybe it wouldn't change much either way, so perhaps it's nothing to worry about. I liked the dynamic between Flor, Azuli, and the staff though, it was pretty funny seeing them try to convince Flor that she wasn't a murderer. 
Thanks for uploading!

Hey, this was pretty interesting! I like the concept, and appreciate how even if the mix you attempt doesn't work out, it still gives you some hints for future ones. There's definitely a lot of variety in the abilities, but I wish there was some kind of option to be able to reuse them in different ways, for a lot of them you just use them once you are able to and that's it. For example, I was able to use Giant Form to get a feather early, but I definitely don't think that was intended. Having more interactions like that could be interesting. As it stands the only ones I really felt encouraged to reuse was deer form and the combat forms.
I really like that there were a couple effects that didn't really do anything or were actively harmful. It felt fun to flesh out some of the options some more!
Thanks for uploading!

Hey, this was interesting! It was fun switching around the characters and using the different abilities. I think the only thing hindering it was some quality of life features to help understand what was going on. Since there weren't any real tells when stuff was taking damage, it lead me to just using the fists real early on (for a bit I thought the rocket was just knockback), which made me pretty underprepared for when I was expecting to start rocket jumping. Also some of the jumps at the end were pretty tough to make as well.

I wish there was some kind of indication of which magical girl we turned into, it felt less like changing characters and more like just swapping weapons.

I really liked the designs of the characters, and of the enemies too. Even though we couldn't see the characters in game, I enjoyed seeing them when the cutscenes happen.

Thanks for uploading!

Hey, I really liked the styling for the intro, I don't think I've seen something like that done before! It felt a little clunky to play, but I could kind of see where you were going with it. It looked like when you fired a lot of fireballs in succession, the animation would kind of strangely replay, and also one of the alien/zombies walked through a building and I couldn't shoot it until it walked through again - I would have been pretty lost if I hadn't happened to see it walk through when it did.
Thanks for uploading!

This is a nice idea. I liked the different abilities that you could use, and I can imagine a lot of ways this could grow in the future. It was a little confusing figuring out how to use them at first, but it was fun to play around with once I got used to it. I couldn't tell why you'd ever use the automatic attacks since you also take contact damage from the enemies - it seems like if you're trying to avoid damage to just use the skills, although getting fully healed on level up does mitigate the worry for that.

It's a shame that you couldn't get more of what you wanted in, but hopefully you have a good time in university!

I liked this one a lot! The colors and art was all very nice, and it was a unique interpretation of a classic story. There were even some points that I didn't even think about (didn't even consider her wearing a wool sweater!). I think there could have been a little more juice - early on I wasn't sure if my sound was working or if there was just no sound - but the sound that was there was enjoyable! Also the beginning of the match-3 was a little confusing at the beginning. It felt a little out of place, but I won't complain. I just can't resist the simple pleasures of putting 3 things in a row (also as I'm writing this out I'm realizing the connection between the match-3 and the three pigs so maybe it's a lot more thematically appropriate than I thought). Also, love the design of the dress at the end, very cool! On one hand I wish we could see more, but I do think it made a nice reward for a game well played.

Thanks for uploading!

This was very cute! I loved the way it looked. There was a lot of charm right from when you opened the game that continued onto the way the UI looked once you got in game. I feel bad about nitpicking some stuff, but I think there were a lot of little improvements that could have gone a long way to improve the look. It looked like the character animations weren't correctly animating, there were some little gaps in the tileset, and it would have been nice if everything used the same font.  Gameplay wise I think it was a little easy, but I think it ramped up a bit more towards the end to a more appropriate point. 

Thanks for uploading!

This was a challenging game! I think the bosses had a nice difficulty curve overall for me, but I think the curves of their individual phases might have been a little rougher - on the final fight I took a lot more damage early on than I did later in the fight (although maybe I was just performing well under pressure). The patterns felt like they had a nice flow, and it was pretty clear how I was supposed to navigate them, if not on the first try, then on the first two or three rotations.

I'm not super familiar with the genre, so I think it might be helpful to have a mini-crash course for people like me. By chance I was aware of the star representing the hitbox, but I thought the focus button was going to make my bullet spread tighter rather than make me move slower. I also didn't think to hold it down since I just pressed it to play the game.

There also might have been a bit of a bug? I got stuck on a screen that said BONUS when I tried turning off the music after I beat the game. Which is to say I was just testing things out, not that I didn't like the music - I thought the music was very fitting and really enjoyed listening to it.

Hey, this was a fun time! I believe I got all the endings. It was a pretty good length for how often you were kind of expecting to play it, doing a successful run didn't feel like too much of a hassle despite the repetition because of how short each run was. I think the main issue I had was within all those failed runs - that first encounter with the four monsters was pretty tough to get through for a while, although I think a lot of that had to do with how I hadn't realized you could sprint. The platform was pretty tough, but I think I got the hang of it eventually. I think I felt better about dying often since it fit in with the theme (and because I thought the maid was cute).

I think there may have been an issue with the white wand ending, where as opposed to the other endings, it looked like all the text was overwriting the same letter, so it was very hard for me to attempt to parse.

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed the interpretation, there was a lot more I wanted to do with it, but I didn't have the time...
Some better camera movement/control is definitely something I'll need to look more into, but I'm glad you liked some of the scenes. Unfortunately, I didn't have much time for balance, so I leaned a bit more on the easy side. Hopefully it didn't take away too much from it, though.

Thanks for playing! I was definitely worried that it might be tough to read the dialogue - I wanted to add voice acting so people could hear what was being said even during combat scenes, but I (vastly) underestimated the amount of time I would need. I think spacing things out a lot more would have helped a lot - if I follow up more on this, I'll definitely need to make a better system for the pathing and the scenes.
The weapons were kind of intentionally hidden, although the reason for it got cut by the end, so it would have been a good idea to make it a lot clearer.
Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for trying it out! Sorry to hear that it was too much! There's still some stuff I may do with this idea, so hopefully if/when that comes to fruition you'll be able to play. :)

Thanks for playing! It might have been a bit too ambitious for just me, lol. If you don't mind, which parts specifically were confusing?

Hey, this was fun! I like the idea of running some sort of magical girl dispatch agency! The designs of all the magical girls were pretty neat, and I think you got a lot of mileage out of using a similar pose for the same classes - they each still give a different energy from them and the individual designs and props help to distinguish the silhouettes.

Gameplay wise, I think things might have been a little too straight forward, it seemed to me like the only thing affecting the success rate was the combined level of the girls. I think you may be able to get a bit more depth out of the dispatch system if there were other factors that also impacted the success rate. 

Also it felt like the magical girl's powers went down really slowly - I did just to be safe, but I think I would have been able to complete the game without interacting with the recharge/medical bay system at all.

I enjoyed reading the little mission blurbs as well.

Thank you for uploading!

Thanks for playing! The balance was pretty tough, and I think I could have made each of the rounds a little more difficult, but I think I wanted to lean a bit more on the easier side so people could see everything, especially since I didn't end up checking if moves would put your King in check.

Thanks for playing! The UI bug is a bit embarrassing, I knew about it pretty early, but I guess I kept putting it off and completely forgot to address it.  The character select screen definitely isn't built to hold that many characters, so hopefully it wasn't to difficult to still build your team like you wanted to. 

Thanks for playing! Animations are a definite point that need some looking at. The original chess pieces are pretty strong for their level too, I was hoping that I could balance to similar strength levels, but I think the way I had combat set up makes it pretty hard for the other pieces to find value when compared to the originals. 

It was pretty unfortunate I didn't add pawn promotion and only allowing legal moves, I think for the next time I should probably prioritize stuff that people might expect to see early on so I don't get caught out at the last minute.