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Fates Gamble: a Russian Roulette RPG with an Interactive story!!!

A topic by Chillitch created Feb 23, 2024 Views: 13,098 Replies: 380
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Media Update:

Unfortunately I was going to have my YT Channel up and ready but due to some problems I wont be able to have my channel up today, hopefully tomorrow.

I'm still having thoughts about what I should do with the channel. I'm thinking of making it mix of the Sonic The Hedgehog YT Channel and Goodgis, where they do nothing but post anything related to their games. I'm thinking of doing something like that. So since I have Fates Gamble, I'll probably do videos related to that whether that be gameplay, trailers, horror entertainment, devlogs, game development, etc. Not saying I'm only doing Fates Gamble stuff. Just saying for right now, It's mainly going to be about Fates Gamble.

Unfortunately I cannot have the channel up today, will have to delay it for tomorrow. I swear, I keep trying to get youtube to contact me with a verification code but it's not working, ugh. 

Ok well, I do have the channel up, I just cant upload videos on it yet. 


Media Update.

Ok youtube is being dumb, REALLY DUMB. I'll see what I can do for the channel tomorrow, since youtube is making no sense. I will explain what happened when I get the channel going. 

Just know that I will have two videos up when I have the channel going.

Sorry not much to say other than I've been working on the story since I cant have my channel up, ugh.

When I made my channel, the process was very straightforward. Are you sure the problem isn't from your side?

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Well when trying to put in a thumbnail, I was asked to use a phone number. Admittedly one day I did have some phone service issues. However it was off and on, so when I did get service I would put in my phone number. However this didnt work because my service would cut out about 5-10 mins and from what I've heard, YouTube can take up to 15 minutes, sometimes they don't even respond. So whenever I saw my service go up I would type in my code again. however I gave up since it didnt work. So then the next day I logged into YT and it said "You have recently made too many attempts. Please try again later"


So I couldn't get my code. Sorry, I should've mentioned that it was also a bit of my fault too and not just YouTube. I needed to be patient and wait for the next day. But I wish they would give me a scheduled time of when I could put in my phone number because I've been waiting for days.

That's ok though, I think I know how to get my channel going today.

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Media Update:

The YT Channel is here!

YT Channel

Right now I only have two videos. Ones a gameplay video and the other is kind of just an introduction video. There's still a lot to learn, as I plan to understand what I want my videos to truly be. Also I plan to get better at editing.

Shut it about my mic being bad     ):<

Game Scene Update:

Also I did update the zip file of the game, but its nothing too interesting. All I did was get rid of the text that would pop up when you shoot yourself in the first round. It would give numbers for the blank and live rounds, because I realized I made them too confusing. Also in the first round live rounds wouldn't hurt you if you shot yourself. The reason for this was to make it "easy" but I feel like it just made it confusing and dumb.

Might do a "double or nothing mode" (Although I'll probably just call it "Hard mode"). Hey, maybe I'll even add more modes just for fun. After all, I hate having to let you guys wait for the full game, so I might add some small new things to the beta, just to ease the wait. 

I will admit I didnt really do much today, so I'll probably do more on the story tomorrow. But I'll bring some ideas for any "modes" I have.

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Ok, no post today, but hopefully tomorrow. Also I do plan on using the "explosive bullet" for double or nothing mode.

I apologize for no update yesterday >_<

Game Mode Update:

Yeah might as well add "Mode" to the name. Right now I have 3 new ideas for "modes".

  • No Items Mode
  • Chance Mode
  • Double Barrel Mode

And of course there is normal mode, which is basically the vanilla battle system you all played already.

I'll basically explain these three modes. 

(Also, in case no one remembers. Explosive bullet is a bullet that you cant activate or else it will...explode. To deactivate it you must shoot yourself.)

No items: This is what it sounds like. Literally the same thing as the vanilla battle system but no items and 1 "Explosive Bullet" will be in the ammo, so be careful.
Chance Mode: This is basically the "Double or Nothing mode". It goes on and on till you give up or die once (Also, you are given random items). However the ammo count will be always 6. Wont go up to 8 or 10. Also, 1 "Explosive Bullet" will be in the ammo count.
Double Barrel Mode: This is the only to access the Double Barreled Shotgun. In case no one remembers, Double Barreled Shotgun can do 6 DMG and it has only 1 live round and 1 blank round, making it a 50/50 chance. 

Story Update:

I'm almost done finishing rewriting this one characters Role System. There's possibly 2 more characters I have to complete. But when I'm done with rewriting this one character, I may or may not work on the other modes.

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Story Update:

So you know how I said I'm "almost done" with rewriting this one character I have. Well I was wrong, haha. I added a lot more things to this character that I'm writing, so it's gonna take a little longer than expected. Keep in mind when I say rewriting, I mean as in rewriting their ROLE system. I'll try to finish this character as soon as I can, so I can update the beta test on the battle system.    <3


Speaking of writing, do you write your stories physically or digitally?
I'm kinda new to story writing and I have decided that I will use a code editor to write the story of my game :D

I feel like that is a horrible idea but it just sounds so cool. lol

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I write them digitally.

I use Twine:

This is mainly for choose our own adventure stories though. 

Also code editor? You mean like you're gonna make your own program to help with writing your story or you're just writing your story in the editor? Not sure what you mean, but that does sound cool.


Code editors are just fancy text editors.
If you're interested, this guy wrote an entire article about why he prefers code editors for writing stories:

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Story Update:

Ok so I'll probably be able to work on the game modes this Wednesday. I'll see if I can finish rewriting this character tomorrow. Thanks for staying with me guys, hope I can ease the wait with an update.

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Story Update:

Ok I may or may not, work on the game modes on Wednesday. The reason is because I made a mistake. When I was writing my story in Twine I had a wi-fi issue. Twine was working just fine, but it's auto save feature was kind of messing up so I was working on my story but nothing was auto saving. So when I closed my computer, I lost some progress   >_<

It's ok, I'm still sure I can work on them Wednesday.

Story Update:

Wow I added a lot today to this one characters ROLE System. Everything is going good so far, however, now I'm not even sure I'll be able to work on the game modes tomorrow either. Also I wont be here this Friday through Sunday because I'm going on a trip. I hope this isn't bad news. I want to finish this character first before I make the game modes.

But I guess I could mention a few things...

Game Mode Update:

I might have some improved art, but not for everything. I'm also thinking of remaking the art for some of the items, since I changed their names (don't expect the animations to be that good though).

Also one quick thing I'm considering is adding super moves. I plan super moves to be a 50/50 coin flip though. When you activate one, it either can really hurt you or really help you.  However, I'm not sure If I should add them, as I would hate for super moves to ruin the horror of my game.

Story Mode Update:

Yes I wasn't able to work on game modes today, but I almost was. Again, I wont be here this Friday through Sunday, because I'm going on a trip. However I'll see if I can make some kind of update tomorrow. Thanks for staying with me guys

Game Mode Update:

Yes I got to work on the game modes a bit. So let me tell you the things I added as of right now.

  • For some reason I referred to the Revolver as "Gun" rather than just calling it what it is. This is fixed.
  • I added the Opponent giving details about how each gun works.
  • Added Double Barreled Shotgun into the game

Hope to make more another day. I wont be able to update you all tomorrow. I'm going to be working with someone tomorrow.

Ok so I just saw the news on steam about buckshot roulette. 

Ok so there's 2 things to looks at here. There's 4 player online BABBYYYYYYYY! I wanna know if there will be a teams mode though. This reminds me about my partner system. Something I've been wanting to mention is my thoughts on how much enemies you should fight in game, because if you have a partner, then it could definitely be easier to go against one opponent. I might have the player able to fight 2 enemies, but it's hard because battling runs on RPG Maker event system so it would be hard to implement that. I would explain what's specifically challenging me, but I feel like that's boring to talk about.

Also, NEW ITEM! If you look on the left part of the screenshot I gave you, you'll see some kind of tape recorder???? Mike did say he was making items specifically for multiplayer, so I'm not sure what it does, we can only go off of educated guesses. Surely it cant be some Echo Item, since it's about multiplayer. Also how would turns work? Since it is a turn based game, would they have to do it like Uno, where they take turns clockwise or counter clockwise? 

If so, my best educated guess, is that this item is some kind of "Reverse Card" or "Skip Card."

Not much of a post about my game, just wanted to tell you all I'm thinking about what I can base off of.

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Game Scene Update:

Double Barreled Shotgun Mode (DBS Mode) is completed. Just two more modes then I'll be done with the gameplay part. 

Item Update:

Also I changed some money values around. The four leaf clover is now 1000G and the Red Flag (Also know as Tactical Vest) is now 500G. When looking back on the Red flag being 2500G, I realized how outrageous that was.

One more thing. DBS Mode will only have Herbs and Red Flags as items. You cannot buy or use any other item in DBS Mode.

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Game Mode Update:

Ok so I implemented the random items mechanic. I didn't finish Chance Mode, but I was close to finishing it, haha. 

Item Update:

The Eye Card now costs 2000G and the Steal Card costs 2500G.

Battle System Update:

I finally added the explosive round. If you activate it, it will do +1 damage to you. I may or may not bump up the explosive round.

Originally, if you shot yourself, you would still get another turn. This is changed, if you shoot yourself, you will now lose a turn.

Also I added random ammo count. It could go 2 - 10 rounds, instead of just being set at 10 all the time.

Game Mode Update:

Chance Mode is completed. There's more things I plan on putting in the 2nd beta, so do wait for that haha.


I'm excited for the second beta!

... and also have some questions:
1. Do the explosive rounds currently have any explosion effects or is it just logic? I'm guessing that would be kinda difficult to implement in RPG Maker...
2. Have you forgotten to update the topic or the game is only 10% finished? I mean it seems like you have been making great progress lately but the tag hasn't changed at all.

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1: I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that. All that happens is when you activate, you just take -1HP and there's an explosion animation.

2: I understand. I have been making good progress, but I only really add percentages based of how much I added in my game. Not so much in stories or ideas I haven't implemented in the game yet. Hell, I'm actually almost done with the story ( Unless I rewrite it again /: )

I apologize if the game is taking a while, while the story is taking a lot of time, I'm still confident that the game will come at late 2025 - early 2026.

When I'm done with the more ideas and writing parts, then you will see the percentage count probably go kind of fast when I put it in game. I may or may not add 20% on my 2nd beta, it depends on what I put in it.


This is all I really plan to add for the 2nd beta, so I think it might be worth putting 20%. Might add more to this list. Again sorry for the long wait.


No it's alright, take your time.
I personally think doing things like writing the story, also counts as making progress but everybody has their own opinion...

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Game Mode Update:

No Item's Mode is completed. 

Item Update: 

Been doing some animations for the items, to replace the old animations. Right now I finished an animation for the Four Leaf Clover.

Sorry if this update is a little short, I didnt really get to so a whole lot today. Also I will not be making any devlog updates on Sundays.


Art Update:

Ok so I finished the animation for the the Four Leaf Clover, the next one I'm doing is the Heal Syringe. I'm trying to replicate a bit of Martin Walls scribbly art style while also sprinkling some originality. 

Here's a GIF:

This is specifically for the player. Might do something a little different for the Opponent. It's simple, but I think it's effective. I'm still using the sound effects though. I'm really in love with the stock RPG Maker SFX.


Art Update: 

I finished the Heal Syringe animation. I'll see if I can show it off tomorrow.

Battle System Update:

Explosion round now does 2 damage.

Item Update:

I'm cancelling the Averser. It was basically the Inverter from Buckshot Roulette. The reason I'm getting rid of it, is because of my "one live round" gimmick. Since there is always one live round in the chamber, it would be too OP.

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Art Update:

Alright so I finished the animation on the syringe...Technically. I didnt add any scribbly outlines, because I'm trying to decide what would look better. I might show another version of this animation.

Heres a GIF:

Might also add a little more frames next time.

Sorry, I've just been working on this the whole day (and also I had to go to the gym which took some time). Trying to replicate "cell animation" is quite hard in it's own way.

ALSO I REALLY HATE THAT KRITA NEEDS FFMP INSTALLED. GAHHHHHH!!! The last animation I did was in krita, but edited with ClipChamp. This time I used FFmp.


This is an update...But it's more about whining and complaining about Krita.

Here's the completed version of the Heal Syringe. sorry the GIF makes it look worse.


WHAT THE HECK!!! The one's with the purple faded background doesn't work for some reason in RPG Maker. Also the color is missing on them.

I think this might be because the one with the black background was made using JPEG's and manually editing them in ClipChamp instead of the new one being made with PNG's. I would try to change it but Krita's automatically makes my videos in PNG, and I don't know how to stop that. Stop giving me headaches Krita! Either I find out the problem or export all these frames into JPEG's and manually edit them in ClipChamp frame by frame, which I don't want to do.    XP

I'll try to figure out the problem later, right now I need a break.

Also here's the Zip Tie Cuffs.

Sorry, had a kind of tough day today. I'm trying to understand how to fix the problem, had to take care of some kids, and clipchamp cant help with my problem, because it squishes the screen too much. Uuuuuuuggghhhh.

I would have an update tomorrow but I don't do updates on Sundays anymore. Sorry guys, I'll figure it out, I just needed more time.


Art Update:

I have successfully found a way for the animations to work, but I have to use ShotCut to help me.

Game Scene Update:

The game will now be 640 x 360 instead of 544 X 480.


You're making me jealous with your devlog schedule :P

Also, I know I'm a bit dumb but is it the resolution that you are changing to 640x360? If yes, have you disabled dynamic resolution?
I'm not sure how Fates Gamble looks now, but if you have pixel art in the game, it will not look too good with such a resolution.
Maybe export the animations with a low res but let the game have dynamic resolution.

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It's funny you mention that. The developer of "Rain World" once said, make a devlog update everyday, even if you don't have much to show. I'm not sure if everyone has the availability to follow that approach, but luckily I've been able to do it... even if I'm not the best at it.  X3

There is definitely some problems, that I plan to re-fix. For example when your in battle, the opponent is put in a bad spot which collides with the table, but that's ok I'm getting rid of the table anyway and replacing it with something new.

The title clips here, so I'm getting rid of the fog.

I have to redesign this whole room to fit the dimensions. Added a bit of water too for fun.

(I may replace the beginning area with a crayon background though)

Edit: Also I don't think RPG Maker has dynamic resolution, but maybe the newer ones do.


Item Update:

Challenge card: Challenge an opponent to rock, paper, scissors. If you win you get +4HP, if not, then you get -2HP.

I might add a variant where you can damage your opponent.

Art Update:

Doing animated work on the Eye Card. Using rodoscope to help me out.


Sorry had to take care of my nephews today. I might be able to work tomorrow but not for a very long.

Art Update:

I finished animating the card, I just need to add the red eye art on the front. Not sure if anyone remembers, but the Eye Card had a red eye on the front, so that's all i need to animate. Rodo scope animation really helped me create it. Hopefully I'll finish it tomorrow.

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Art Update:

eyyy, I got to finish it. I'm thinking of keeping the wobble on the red eye for inconsistency.     :D

Cant wait to make the others. It kind of sucks when I realized i cant use the paint bucket to color in stuff for these animations lol.

The next item I plan on creating is the Plasma Cutter (Although, I might add some more details to the Eye Card animation to make it more visually interesting). I may or may not be able to work tomorrow, it depends. 


Art Update:

I've been working on the plasma cutter, I will probably finish it tomorrow.

Also I realized I didnt put a Scribbled outline on the Eye Card, so I'll finish that too.


Art Update:

Added the scribble outline.

Finished the Plasma Cutter.

I'll do Tactical Vest (originally Red Flag) next.

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Art Update:

Been doing tactical vest, hopefully finish it tomorrow. usually these things only take like 2-3 days, haha.

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Item Update:

Yeah, it's not really about animation, sorry. I didnt really do much today, but I did come here with some new ideas for items.

Dice Poppers: every time your opponent makes 2 moves it jumbles the the Live and Explosive round in the chamber. This might sound like a useless item as you have to guess the live and explosive round's placement anyway, but it's mean to be a counter to Eye Card and Fortune cookie.

Hot Potato: You activate a hot potato which can explode at a random time (keep in mind you wont be able to see the timer). Every time you shoot your opponent (weather it be a live or a blank), you pass the hot potato to him/her, and every time he/she shoots you, he/she will pass it to you.

Also I've been thinking of changing the silencer a bit. I've been thinking of nerfing it to where it cant even hurt your opponent and also giving the player to cancel the item when he wants. I want it to only be another way of having safer guesses when shooting yourself, and I feel like if your able to give damage to your opponent but not yourself is a bit OP, even if it still involves some luck to get a shot.


I'm curious, how do write logic in RPGMaker? Is it with nodes or blocks or events?
I'm asking it, because you have added a lot of items in the game which the opponents have to interact with. So I'm guessing their AI is very complex.

Isn't it difficult to make complex systems with these kinds of logic-making systems or am I just a stupid programmer? :P

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Well, RPG Maker does use Ruby as a programming language, but I use a thing called the "Event System" which is technically like code. I'm not sure what you mean by "blocks" though, but it's definitely not nodes haha

Also yeah it is kind of complex, because using the event system makes it easier but also limiting. Also calling it "AI" is stretching it, because it's pretty basic due to how limiting the event system is. Honestly I'm pretty lucky that I'm able to make such complex items in a game engine that wasn't built for this complicated stuff. When it comes to the event system, you have to push the limits to get something good. 

Usually when making the "AI", if I have to make something really complex, I'll have to think creatively to solve a problem with the "AI" or make my "event code" pretty long.

Here's an example. If the player chooses "yes" they get a message that says "HELLLOOOOOO", but if it's "no", then they get 9 potions.


This is basically a snippet of the Opponents """AI""", if you can even call it that. The event system isn't necessarily made for enemies. 

"[Eric]" is basically the player until you change his name.

the "Control varibales" are basically used for the Opponent to randomly pick items.

I'm gonna change some of this item picking "AI" though,  so he'll/she'll be smarter to choose certain items. There is a conditional branch to detect the players items, so I plan for him/her to use steal cards straight away if he/she sees you have a healing syringe (he/she doesn't F around with those).

(if you look on the screen, you'll see "Common events." These are basically functions/methods)


A snippet of when you choose to use items


A snippet of the reloading ammo event.

sorry, I'm not the best at explaining stuff like this, haha.

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I wasnt gonna show more, but... ah i dont care.

If the opponent shoots himself with the four leaf clover, then he uses the knife so he gets a guaranteed shot. if he doesn't have a knife, then he will check if you have a knife. If you do have a knife, he'll use his steal card. (of course the knife will be no longer and instead it will be plasma cutter)


AGGGGGHHHH. I have to use so much conditional branches when the opponent uses a steal card T_T


this is a huge downside of event systems.    ):

also I'm gonna change a bit of this script, because it makes my opponent a bit dumb.


I would show more of how my opponent chooses items, but it's so bloated that I'd rather show it when it's recreated

If you want to see some more specific event systems then let me know.    :3


Also as a little side note. The limitations of the event system have (in a way) helped me more then if I were not limited. That's how I came up with the explosive round. while my first idea was to make it an item, it became part of the game now. The reason was because the live round is basically an integer variable and also to detect it, you need a conditional branch (if-else). If I want to put more live rounds then that would mean I have to put more variables and conditional branches, so I would get a long list of IF's and ELSE's.

Not to mention that I would need a control variable to give a random number for a specific version of random ammo counts with random amounts of blanks and random amounts of lives meaning EVEN MORE conditional branches to find these random ammo counts. I probably butchered that sentence way too hard /:


Oh god, event systems get hard, real quick in complex projects...

If you want to rewrite the opponent's AI, try using weights and RNGs instead of pure if conditions, this time. By that, I mean:
For example if the opponent is shot, a number will add up to his 'anger meter' times his 'personality multiplier'. Then we generate a random number and if that number is smaller than the 'anger meter', the opponent makes a risky & aggressive decision.

I know this is a bit too complicated but it helps you to make different personalities for your opponents by just adjusting simple values. (like the 'personality multiplier')
This is """"kinda"""" similar to how real neural networks, work.

Also, if you need to put multiple bullets in a gun you don't have to use multiple conditions, instead you should probably use a for loop + condition combo.

Also also, RPGMaker's UI kinda reminds me of Audacity. It has a certain charm to it :P

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Damn, reading this made me feel really dumb T_T . It's weird how my brain shifts when using different projects. Yeah, I'll keep these in mind. 

I would like to apologize when I was talking about making the explosive round. I over exaggerated it and now I feel embarrassed that I made that reply. The real reason for the explosive round was because back then I didnt know abut Common events. Keep in mind I was pretty new to RPG Maker and also I worked on the "Troops" tab, WHICH IS WAYYYY SMALLER!

Troops tab: 

Also I tried to use the random variable, but i cant use other variables to get random numbers. My plan was to use this:

Control Variable [0002:live round] = Random No.(1...Ammo)

But you cant do that.

So basically it was a mix of screen crunch, not using Common events (methods), being a newbie to RPG Maker, and also no variables for randomizer. All of that combined made me think "Oh it would take too long and also my event code will go off screen because my script is so small, oh well, I'll never try it again."

I thank you for reminding me. When I was reading my reply, I was having a hard time even understanding myself when I said it was too hard, that's when I started doing what you said in RPG Maker and I remembered what I truly meant.

Anyways here's what it basically looks like:

yeah, the code really isn't that long at all...If it's in Common Events    :3

Also for some reason I have an "Else: Break Loop" for the conditional branch "i < Ammo".... Oops.

It is just a quick dummy script I made when I saw your comment, so there's more I plan on adding. I'm still gonna keep my explosive round but maybe I'll mix in some of this stuff too    :3

Also, I'll keep the other suggestions you gave me in mind.


Art Update:

I still don't have the tactical vest animation ready, but I did finish the animation where the players hand grabs the vest.

Item Update:

Ok I'm not sure if I'll actually add this in as an item but it's an idea I've planned in my head.

Mask-on-a-stick: If you wear this item, you can read your opponents mind, giving you hint's about beating your opponent.

I have to go to a party in a little bit as of writing this, so I'll stop working for today.


Art Update:

I have finished the Tactical Vest Animation.

It shows a little too fast, but it wont be like that in the 2nd beta.

Battle System Update:

If you read the really long reply above this update, you'll know that I'm adding more live rounds to the mix. It was only 1 live round before, but now there will be more. 

Here's what it basically looks like for right now.

Art Update:

I've been working on the Steal Card. I'm using the same rotoscoping technique from the eye card. I will finish it tomorrow. :3

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Art Update:

eyyy, I finished it. It's a little hard to see the yellow arrow though on the card. I'll see if can fix it.

the only one left of the OG items, is... Tarp. I'm not gonna like animating that one. Uuuuuuugggghhhh. I'll see if i can make another rotoscope animation to make it easier, but I really don't know how I should animate it. After I'm finished with the Tarp, I'll proceed to animating the new items.

HOWEVER, keep in mind that I wont do the Gift Box item, because I can only see it doing good in the final game.

MV Update:

So I'm not sure if a lot of you even remember, but back then I used RPG Maker MV to develop a high quality version of the game. It didnt work though because I either got bugs or errors whenever my player died. My Idea was to make Fates Gamble a Dual Release game (kind of like Pokémon). Now I'm thinking about using MV again. To fix the problem with the bugs and errors, I needed a conditional branch to detect if the player is dead (for some reason). I just need to tediously find every time the player would die in my event script so I could implement that logic.

So basically Fates Gamble might have two version of the same game. There will be "Fates Gamble VX Ace" and "Fates Gamble MV." I might change their names, but right now I'm keeping them. 

What's the point of VX Ace when MV is basically more modern and nicer looking?

RPG Maker MV isn't better at everything. First of all, UNEXPECTED BS DOESNT HAPPEN OUT OF NOWHERE WHEN EVENT SCRIPTING. Second, VX Ace allows more Map space. Lastly, VX Ace will have more personality and engagement in the NPC's. I cant really explain "why" for that last part for those who don't understand RPG Maker that well. 

Here's a list of the upsides and downsides.

Fates Gamble VX Ace:

  • +More engaging NPC's
  • +Bigger Map
  • +Works on older windows PC's like "Windows XP"
  • -Looks worse
  • -Smaller screen resolution

Fates Gamble MV:

  • +Looks way nicer.
  • +Bigger screen resolution
  • +Works on Mac, Linux, Windows.
  • -Smaller Map (Which could mean some removed content also T_T )
  • -Less engaging NPC's

Art Update:

Ok so I rotoscoped myself with a blanket to get a Tarp animation. To be honest I don't think I'll be able to finish it in 2 days like all the other. This animation might take me 3-4 days. Also I still need to finish some parts on the Steal Card and I forgot to give tactical vest a purple fade background.

Art Update:

Ok, so my art program Krita is lagging lol, it's a bit hard to use at the moment but I'm sure I'll finish the Tarp animation tomorrow.

Cut Content Update:

I'm canceling Super Moves. The problem is that an opponent could use it when at very little health. Imagine getting so close to killing an opponent and then losing your turn, just so he could use a super move on you    ):

not very fun...

Art Update:


At least I finished it, I'll see if I can post it tomorrow.

Right now I am doing fortune cookie item. Which is something I wanna bring up... I'll (possibly) only be adding 2 new items to the 2nd beta and leaving the rest for the final release.

Art Update:

I finished the fortune cookie.

Ok so apparently I need to dumb down the resolution a bit for the tarp, sorry it looks so bad and slow. It wont be like this in the final game.

I'll probably make the challenge card. I'm probably gonna use the same rotoscope video again. Also I know I said I'll only do 2 new items, but I'm thinking of adding one more item to the second beta, so I'll see what I can do.

Art Update:

ok I finished the challenge card.

There is only one more item to do, and then I will go to RPG Maker VX Ace and implement the new items.

Also, I'll be fixing fortune cookie and tactical vest animation, as they are missing some scribbly outlines.

Yep, I did the Padlock item, so now I'm done with the items.              :D

Also I had to do some finishing touches on the fortune cookie and tactical vest, like adding there eoutlines.

Now that this is done. I'm going to go back to RPG Maker VX Ace and implement these items.     :D

Item Update:

Hot potato is being replaced. If your opponent was at low health, It wouldn't be fun for him/her to use a hot potato and then do a lot of damage that you couldn't prevent. So I'm changing it to....

Briefcase: There's a chance to get a big damage buff if you use this item. To use this item, you tell your opponent "Deal or No Deal". If they say "No Deal" then the challenge will not begin and you keep your item. However, if they say "Deal", a challenge will commence. You'll look inside the briefcase to see if there's a bomb or not. Then you can tell your opponent what's inside the Briefcase or lie and then proceed to say the words "Deal or No Deal". If your opponent says "Deal" they'll take the briefcase, if they say "No Deal" you keep the Briefcase. If there's a bomb in the Briefcase, then whoever has the briefcase gets a bunch of damage dealt to them. If there isn't a bomb, then whoever has the briefcase gets damage boost. This weapon is great because then if your opponent uses this item, you can just decline the challenge, so it wont be annoying. Think of this weapon as an Echo Item for the Plasma cutter. (I love using that term)

Maybe I'll use Hot potato as a rare/secret item, but idk.

Also I implemented the three new items in game, however I'm going to add the Briefcase to the 2nd beta, so there will be more variety with my item collection.

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Art Update:

I finished the animations for the briefcase... well kind of. I'll show the finished product on monday.


Art Update:

it's a little too fast, I got to dumb it down a bit.

Also I'm not just doing items, keep in mind I'm also doing weapons, as well.

right now I finished the shotgun, I plan to do the tranquilizer next. Although there is still some things I need to fix with it I guess.

also when I do the revolver animation, I'm gonna use this toy gun as a rotoscope. 

It's such a weird handle for a revolver. Some might say, they're replicating a revolver shotgun, A revolver shotgun has a support on the barrel, but there's not one here. It's literally a revolver,  but they slapped a shotgun comb/stock on it.

OK SO APPARENTLY, WHILE I WAS MID WRITING THIS. There actually is guns that do look like this toy. The image below is a  Colt Army Model 1860

They don't use guns like these anymore. Although there is still attempts to make pistols or revolvers have a stock, but usually they don't work well. I mean, why would anyone even use this over a standard revolver????

Anyways, I thought the design looked weird, so I decided to use that as my reskin for the revolver.


This gun looks like something I would see in a dreams lol
Also, the guy who made that abomination of a toy, probably didn't even knew about the existence of the real thing. He probably just wanted to make a shotgun but only had revolver molds. XD


Art Update:

Ok so, I am working on the tranquilizer, right now its looking alright, but definitely needs more time for the animation. I'll probably be able to finish it tomorrow.


Art Update:

still needs some fixing, but it works for now

Also I finished the revolver.

I made it a little too fast though... oops.


Item Update:

ok so I technically finished the Briefcase item, however there's still more I have to add to make it the way I want it. Also I want to mention that when you activate the briefcase, the opponent wont have a 50/50 chance of saying "Deal" to take the briefcase, he thinks before he leaps. So you have to think about the best option when challenging him.

ALSO, I've been working on rewriting some characters, due to some new ideas flowing in my brain, haha.


Art Update:

Item Update:

I totally finished the Briefcase item. I'm really excited to release this beta. My plan next is to redo some art for the Opponent and give him some animations. 

"RPG Maker VX Ace doesn't allow you to animate any enemies though..."

That is true. However I have a little trick to make them animated.

Your tranquilizer design, reminds me of that scraped gun from Team Fortress!

This one:

Did it inspire you or is it just a coincidence?

I mean, to be fair, all dart guns kinda look the same lol



However I used another gun for inspiration as well

I was looking for some inspiration, and really liked the reload animation for this TF2 Mod. Nice to know you play tf2 as well lol.

This video shows a different model, but yes that pic you sent me also inspired me lol.

I'm genuinely scared and surprised you even found that out lol.

Art Update:

I apologize for no updates these days. Work has been hitting me hard. Unfortunately I wasn't able to do much today, but basically I'm importing the animations into rpg maker. Also, I'm adding unique different sound effects for some of the items animations, so I wont just use stock RPG Maker SFX.

Art Update:

Again I wasn't able to do much today, but I'm sure tomorrow I'll have way more time to work. Right now I'm working on some animation for the brief case and also still working on getting ogg files for rpg maker.

might get rid of outline for the dynamite.

 Krita tends to take some time loading animations, haha.

Art Update:

I'm almost done with everything with importing animations. I just need to give them some sounds and stuff. Also I thought I'll be able to do more today, but due to some unfortunate circumstances I wont be able to do it. For some reason importing animations was way slower. It felt like every time I did 10 minutes of work, I would look at the clock to see that it took 30 minutes.    /:

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Art Update:

OK FINALLY. I was having a bunch of trouble. For some reason VLC Media Player wouldnt be playing my animations. It just stopped...for NO REASON. SO I HAD TO FIND OUT WHAT TO DO FOR LIKE 2 HOURS. I realized I needed to mess around in preferences and update VLC. So then when I fixed it, what do ya know NOW RPG MAKER VX ACE DOESNT PLAY MY ANIMATIONS... FOR NO REASON. So I started thinking, it it VLC's problem? Is it RPG Maker? I mean RPG Maker has be pretty bad when using kritas renderer...But, no that doesnt make sense because I would fix it with VLC, but now VLC just stopped working for no reason, so then... WHATS THE ISSUE. I tried to see if i could fix the issue, with so many ideas, just to end up with no explanation or fix...

LUCKILY, I found a website called Convertio. If you dont know, RPG Maker only allows OGV files. So instead of using VLC, I'll render my animation in MP4 with kritas renderer THEN use convertio to convert it to OGV...Ugh.

Well anyways, Importing should be way easier now. I hate that I take so long fixing weird stuff instead of making my game.

Item Update:

I'm almost finished making the tactical vest. I cant believe I almost forgot it. the item should be finished tomorrow.

Item Update:

I'm messing around with the items mostly, Also I finished that Tactical Vest Item. Now I will add no more items

Art Update:

I realized that I have to make a few more animations. I have animations for when the player shoots an opponent but not for when they shoot themselves, so I'm going to fix that.

Miscellaneous Update:

I'm thinking of adding pets to the game. 

For what reason?

Well, I actually have a lot of reason, but mainly it's just because I think it would be fun to have some little buddy by your side. They can also help with certain quests you have. For example a dog can be used to sniff out a dead body.

Also I'm adding more secrets, there's only two secrets in the first beta, but I'll see if I can add more. 

Another thing I might add, is DLC. Ok it wont be "true" DLC, it will be more like an expansion pack (think of street fighter 2 and SUPER street fighter 2). Again, I may not actually do this idea, but as someone who wants being a game dev his future, I think it's something I might do.

Art Update:

Ok so I've just been working on animations where you shoot yourself. Right now I finished the shotgun, now I'm going to do revolver, tranquilizer, and Double barreled shotgun. I cant believe I forgot to do double barrel in the first place.

Animation Update:

Alright I'm almost done with the first three guns. Then when I'm done with those, I need to do the animations for the double barrel shotgun.

Animation Update:

Yes they're pretty simple, but that's because KRITA KEEPS F-ING EVERYTHING UP, and also I didn't animate them firing because then it would look kind of weird when you or the enemy gets hit. Especially the sound of the gun firing would be delayed.

Also I'm sorry if I don't get to show much today, Krita has really been a pain in my butt, but hopefully, I'll have more time to work on the game then the art.

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Item Update:

Pocket Watch: This basically resets time. Your items are restored and your HP and the fight starts as it was. Probably going to be the rarest item you can find in the full game. I may not even implement this idea, but I've been thinking of it.

Miscellaneous Update:

Ok so a lot of the animations are finally porting correctly, it's looking better and better, each time. also I did a little fixing to some of the items.

Also I plan to use "Scene 1" song from RPG Maker VX Ace's built in music for a battle possibly.






Item Update:

I was fixing some of the items, especially the briefcase. I'm getting really confident in these items, I hope you all like them. Also I'm gonna keep the red flag for this beta.

Art Update:

I'm going to be completing the double barrel shotgun animation tomorrow.

Art Update:

Not really much of an update, since today is labor day, I decided to take another break haha. But just to let you know, I'm almost done with the double barrel shotgun animation.

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Art Update:

I finished the Double Barrel Shotgun animation. 

ugh it goes way too fast again.

Unfortunately didnt get to do much today (I had a lot to do), BUT I can do way more hopefully by tomorrow and this next week, since work wont be bothering me and I'll be having more time to do gamedev.

Also I'm almost finished with double barrel shotgun shooting yourself.


Art Update:

I finished the double barrel shotgun, also I forgot to add outlines to Double Barrel Shotgun and the "shoot yourself animations"

Battle System Update:

I'm working on adding the new items for the Opponent so he can use them against you. Then when I'm done with that, I'll add the Opponents animations. Guy's I'm really excited I cant wait for the 2nd beta for the battle system to be done.

Battle System Update:

Mainly I've been fixing bugs in the battle system and also implementing items for the Opponent to use. Yeah not much other than that, but I'm almost done implementing items for the Opponent. and then that means I have to do some animations for the opponent. 


Battle system Update: 

I finished the Opponents items, now all I have to do is add animations. just needs a few more test, and then I'm gonna do some art for the Opponent.

Battle System Update:

Ok... I had to do way more test than I thought. HOWEVER, that's a good thing because it made me realize some problems with the Opponent. I've improved a bit of his AI, and I plan to do more to make him smarter    :D

I had to do a lot of bug fixing with the items, so hopefully tomorrow I'll be doing Opponent animations.

I didnt really get much to do today, I'm sorry for the bad news. Basically today was pretty tough. Right now I'm kind of just making another gameplay video of Reanimated, and then tomorrow ill do more work. Sorry guys, just had a rough day is all   :)


Battle System Update:

Ok, I should be done with testing the items now. When I do the art, I'm starting on remaking the Opponents art and then doing some animations with him.

Media Update: 

I'm making another gameplay video on reanimated, also I do plan on making another devlog on my YT channel, so I can basically put all this info into one video. I might even make some exclusive devlog videos on my channel to talk about my various ideas for my game, whether that be enemy design, art design, map design. I'll still use this devlog on Itch, but I wanna see if I can make a following on YT to get people to play my game. Expect more videos :)


Art Update:

I guess it depends on your preference. I'm trying to find out which one I like, and I cant really decide. I'm thinking #1, but still not sure.



I think i need to give this one another chance, definitely got to redo the head.



Wow I love these designs :3
I think the first one looks better.
In my opinion, the color of #2's head doesn't match his body.
And for both #2 & #3, the silhouette of the body might be a bit confusing.

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yeah I had to redo #2

I think I might use #1, but I really cant decide. For #1, I coated it heavily in black crayon and then used a crayon eraser. The only thing I didnt do the eraser trick on, is the white shirt and the red tie. Maybe I'll redo those too or just keep the red tie and white shirt that way.

For #2, is how I did all the items. Its sort of like how "Yoshi Island" colors it's backgrounds, where you just keep on stroking your crayon in a diagonal line instead of using the paint bucket tool. 

I'm thinking maybe I will just have the dealer use this "crayon eraser" style to make him stand out and everything else have the (what I call) "Yoshi Island" style. Or maybe have everything in the Yoshi Island style like #2. Idk what do you think lol? I'm still thinking of using #1 but I'm really debating it.

right now I'm gonna try and make the female Opponent art and see if I can make some kind of animations.

Art Update:

I like this one. It feels just right. Maybe I could make the head smaller? But anyways, I'm gonna be using this one.

The ones I wont use.

I'm sorry it took me so much time. I really couldn't decide the way I wanted it to go. Also I'm gonna see if I can delete the post I made yesterday. 

ALSO, I'm probably gonna make another update today as well since this post is early.


Art Update:

Ok right now I'm working on the healing syringe animation for both Female and Male Opponent. Also I tested them in Rpg Maker VX Ace. I think they look good, but probably need a slight bit of work done on them when imported. 


Media Update:

I'm sorry if you guys were expecting art, but I really need to focus on my YT Channel more often. Right now I'm editing a gameplay video on "Reanimated" and I plan to have an exclusive devlog on my YT channel on hopefully this week. I need to make more videos to get an audience. The thing about being a game dev is that you have to imagine yourself being put in a room of people shouting about their game. Whoever's the loudest basically wins. And so I need to really focus on my channel (and also get verified lol).

But do expect some more engaging devlogs on my channel then the short daily updates.

If you haven't already, please subscribe:

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Media Update:

Right now my new video on Reanimated is on my channel. It's another long one    :3

My plans now are to make an exclusive devlog video for my YT Channel. It will be about the way I plan to make my horror. I know I talked a bit about it before, but there's a lot more I need to discuss.


Thanks <3


Media Update:

So when trying to figure out the type of horror I want to create, I made this diagram to help understand the horror I want to create. It's not perfect. You can tell by the question marks that I'm not totally sure if some of the things in this diagram. BUT THATS OK, as long as I understand the main point. What do I mean by that? 

Let me explain...

I'd like to say there 4 pills to horror.

  • Wake Pill
  • FNAF Pill
  • P.T. Pill
  • Slender Pill

Let me explain them two sentences.

Wake Pill: Get rid of the threat. Weather that be using a weapon or not.

Fnaf Pill: Prevent the threat from hurting you. For example, locking some doors to stop a threat, not kill it.

Slender Pill: Escape from the threat. Whether that be running away from it, hiding, etc.

P.T. Pill: Accept the threat. Think of it kind of like those haunted house rides, where you basically have no other choice but to experience what's gonna happen to you in that intended experience, so you just have to accept it.

This diagram isn't perfect, but it will help in my next video for my devlog, where I explain where I want my horror game to fit in.

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Hmm, that's very interesting.

When I'm planning my horror games I don't usually think about what type of horror game I want to make, I more think about what type of horror experience it will be in general.
Because in my opinion there are many horror genres that has not yet been explored by video games.
I think it would be helpful if you also made a diagram of general horror elements. (like fear of the unknown and fear of being watched & etc...)


This is definitely true. Also it's interesting you say "horror experience", because I do talk a little bit about it. Also I'll take your idea's in mind. I really like your "diagram of general horror elements" Idea. 

Also what do you mean by "there are many horror genres that has not yet been explored by video games." I feel like a lot of games have used all types of horror, but I haven't been able to play everything so what do I know, haha. Thanks for the reply  :3

This Idea was based of this video:


Media Update:

I should be done by tomorrow or on Friday. I'm adding just one more part to my video, and then I should be doing the editing.


I really hate clip champ sometimes. Video will have to be tomorrow unfortunately, I really wanted it to be today. But I hope it serves as a good video to keep you guys invested in what I'm cooking up for my game.


Media Update:

Hey, the video wont be out today unfortunately but it will be tomorrow. Sorry guys, yesterday hit me like a brick. It's my fault for the delay, but also just a bunch of other stuff too. 

Game Scene Update:

I was intending Chance Mode to be timed, just like the 3rd fight with the Opponent. But instead it's going to limit your moves instead. So you have to be wise with what you choose.


Media Update:


Read this after watching the video. 

I felt like this video was more of a video essay on horror games then a Devlog, and I should've realized that. Yes a video game essay on YouTube did inspire this video, but I didn't mean to lean so much on other horror games then my own game. I only really talked about my game at the end. I realized I didn't wanna spoil a lot of my game, so I ended up accidentally making a video on horror games then a “Devlog.” Either way I hope this video was fun and informative in some way, I hope you guys don't consider it a waste of time. 

Also O_Tire, if you're reading this, I'm still gonna use your idea, but I plan to make that it's own video instead  


Just some miscellaneous things to note that will be in my game, that I should've put in my video.

  • Explorable map (that’s basically where more of the danger is. See if you explore and find some dungeon, that’s when stuff gets actually scary.)
  • Feelings of distrait
  • Claustrophobia
  • Decidophobia.
  • Hallucinations (but expect them to only be in the game just a tad)
  • And of course anxiety

Sorry for keeping you guys waiting, next devlog would be way better. I'm gonna go back to doing some animations.


Absolutely loved the video :3

Juss wanted to say something:

You should tell your fan base more about your game. Telling people about what they are going to experience ain't gonna spoil anything. In fact, this makes them more likely to play your game because if the idea sounds cool of course they would want to play it.
If you share a bit of the story or gameplay with people, they will get more hooked with it.

I know you want people to play your game without having anything in mind, because that's what makes horror well, horrifying! I think the same. But this is not really achievable by us, indie developers. We don't have triple A budgets to spend on advertising our craft. Instead we should connect with gamers (i hate that word) on a more personal level.

Fates Gamble is one of those games that will be under development for a long time. And it's also one of those games which will attract more people than just your community. So at the end of the day, most people will play your game without carrying any thoughts.

Wow that's a lot of words, I hope you're still reading lol.
Anyway, you get the point, I will shut up now :P

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Thank you I really needed this. You're right, I'm gonna start doing that for now on. My plan is to make (hopefully) 1 video every month, So I'll definitely spread a lot of information for now on.


Art Update:

I'm really close to finishing the syringe animation. I cant wait to show it tomorrow. After that I'll probably do the zip ties.

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Art Update:

Ok so I finished The healing syringe, and I'll probably finish the zip ties tomorrow. Also I would record the healing syringe animation but I need to do that tomorrow.

Art Update:

Excuse the bad GIF quality. I used clip champ to make it. Also the Male Opponents arm is a bit messed up on the Four leaf clover and Zip tie. I need to fix that. Don't worry about the Male Opponents arm clipping when using the Syringe, my plan is to remake the table to hide the clipping.

Can they look... better.

Well, I actually wanna keep it this way, as long as its like "cell animation", also It would be slower if I tried to import more frames. The reason being that RPG Maker doesn't allow animations for enemies, I had to trick RPG maker into thinking the individual frames are enemies. 

So since I cant use Krita's animation renderer I have to crop and save them individually. Then I use RPG Maker's event system.

Also I can only add 999 enemies in rpg maker. I don't think this would be a huge problem. However, keep in mind I'm going to add more items, that need animations, and also more enemies which means even more animations.

Thoughts on Buckshot Roulette Online:

Critical Reflex has made another post on Steam stating:

"To celebrate we have prepared many, many surprises for you throughout the whole month waiting to be unpacked, like an advent calendar of sorts. And we’ll be launching the BUCKSHOT ROULETTE Multiplayer Beta as one of the gifts — sorry for spoiling the surprise a little. Hope you don’t mind."

I'll indeed be looking out for any content I can stea-... borrow. If they state anything that I feel like I would like to have in my game, then expect me to talk about it.

Art Update:

I almost finished the Plasma Cutter animation. I'll show it off tomorrow. After that, I'll probably do Eye Card, but that will be easy :3

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Art Update:

Well I still need to finish it. I'm surprised it took this long, for some reason I'm really fast with work and then just slow. ALSO KRITA AND RPG MAKER JUST BECOMES RANDOMLY SLOW!!!!!!!!
I plan to show way more that I finished, I'm just showing the male dealer with the revolver for right now.

WHY IS IT A SLOW STUTTER????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

definitely working on the eye card tommorow.


Art Update:

Ok I finished Plasma cutter with the other items. Also I fixed the arm issue with zip tie and Four Leaf Clover. 

ALSO, I finished the animation for eye card. I'll show it off tomorrow. Right now I'm working on the Padlock.

OK MIDWRITING THIS, someone from a discord server I'm on, made these pieces of art for me. They go by "Tem"



I might use something like this for some kind of "boss phase", or Idk, BUT I DEFINITELY WANNA USE THIS FOR SOMETHING. Tem was telling me about how I should take into consideration about making the "female Opponent" waist and chest thinner, so he cooked up these designs. Overall, this design looks so cool. It's way more monstrous than my mischievous look I gave the Opponents.


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Art Update:

Also I do have the Male Opponent using the eye card and the Female using the Plasma cutter, I just decided not to show them so I can get this out a little quicker. 

Also some of my friends said they liked how the CUT design for the female opponent looked adrogyneous or ambiguous. They also suggested making the waist thinner.

Honestly I kind of wish I used it, because by it looking ambiguous, I wouldn't have to make 2 design for each animation like what I'm doing right now. Oh well, I like the male and female designs anyways. I probably wont use this design, I mean... who knows, maybe if my friends REALLY want it, but Idk how to this design in my game.

Also I would have to do more animations...    T_T

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Art Update:

Ok, so I finished The padlock animation for the Male, now I'm doing the Fortune cookie animation. I'm sorry if I've been very slow, I've had some unexpected work the past days. hopefully ill finish it tomorrow.

Art Update:

I finished the fortune cookie animation. Now I plan to do some more card animations and then what's left is the briefcase animations. I'll show my progress tomorrow.


Art Update:

Ok I finished the card animations and others.

Tomorrow, I'll be hopefully finishing the Briefcase.

Art Update:

Ok I plan to finish the briefcase tommorow. Im almost done with it. 


Game Update:

there's a video I just watched today, it made me realize something. In short he talks about games tricking you (for example, "Mimic Chest")

Its a great watch. However, it is something I want to talk about. I've had thoughts about putting "mimic chest" or "fake safe rooms", but after this video I'm really thinking I shouldn't. At 21:40 of this video he talks about how something like "mimic chest" makes him put his guard up rather than making him excited he found a chest. He talks more about it, but anyways... I wont be putting any mimics or fake save points, or fake safe rooms. I want people to be excited when they find something interesting... well, there is one thing I plan to have, that can trick you. BUT, it's only for the story, please don't think It will come at the cost of some cool exploration. I wont explain what this thing is, but it will be in the game.

Art Update:

I have finished the briefcase, the one I'm doing now is the Tarp, when I finish that, I will show you the briefcase and the tarp animation.


Media Update:

I'm writing for another devlog video exclusive to my channel. It's an Idea suggested by O_tire. He said "I think it would be helpful if you also made a diagram of general horror elements. (like fear of the unknown and fear of being watched & etc...)"

So look out for that video. Hopefully it will be out this week.


I can't wait for the video >3<




Media Update:

I finished recording audio, now all I need to do is edit the video. Hopefully it will be out by tommorow or saturday.


Media Update:

Its out now! Another Exclusive video for my devlog. In this video I explain what Phobias I will use in my game. I know I talked about Decidophobia in my game before, but there's NEW info about my game in this video, that I have not talked about before.

I'll see what my 4th video for my devlog will be, but for now, I'm gonna take a break on Sunday and get back to doing art on Monday. 


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Art Update:

I Finished the Tarp animation and almost finished the tactical vest animation. Unfortunately I had to take care of some kids so I couldn't do too much work other than rethinking the story. speaking of which

Story Update:

I may or may not rewrite some parts of the story. I felt like my characters didnt have enough screen time or didnt have any impact on the story. Right now I'm rethinking some things and might add more stuff to the story.

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Art Update:

OK, All that needs finishing is the red flag (also I need to do an red flag animation for the player)

Story Update:

I'm having a lot of thoughts about the story. Basically I was watching a YouTuber called "Dumbsville" and I watched his Metal Gear Solid review videos. I was really inspired by their villains personality, and wanted something like them in my game. 

when looking at my OG story, I realized some of my characters didnt really have that much going for them. See in something like Undertale, the characters got a lot of screen time and more character. Of course I'm not saying my characters need Huge amounts of screen time, but to give an example, when playing my game, you would meet a main character and then pacify/kill them at the get go without any buildup or any other time you would meet them. You got some build up of Undyne, you got to go through Papyrus's challenges, you even got to have a warm moment with Toriel. They weren't just "a character you had to pacify/kill" so I'm gonna see if I can make my characters have more important scenes, while still being optional to meet. Undertale has it easy, being a more linear game. 

Another thing about my OG story, is how I treated the ROLE system. See I did say in Devlog #3 that I would like to use gimmicky and goofy ideas to pacify enemies. However this wasn't the case before. It would take way longer to pacify because I wrote so much for dialogue, so the player would be invested in the character through the ROLE, rather than Undertale more focusing on cutscenes with their characters. See if I could pacify a character quickly like Undertale, then My ROLE system would have shorter scenes and my characters would feel less interactable. The ROLE system is supposed to be a more interactive, less limiting, and not repeat as much as Undertale. It made it feel like you could be yourself and have interactions that feel real. If the game had a more Undertale styled ACT system, not only would my characters not get a lot of screen time, they would be broken. What I mean by that is... Lets say I used Undertale's "flirt command." If I make that work, then my more serious characters would break character, just for your flirt command to work. Also, most of my main characters get their characterization from the ROLE system anyways, so it would be very bad If I chose this approach.

Anyways, I don't think having these One dimensional characters that you barely even meet are a bad thing. At 36:50 of this video, it made me wonder "Is there's a way I could have these types of villains in my game." 

It made me realize a mechanic I totally forgot about. I'm not sure if anyone remembers, but I talked about adding a mechanic where if you killed someone, they have chance to come back to life due to a "revive" item and become your rival. If you died by them they would probably have a better rank (for example, they could get promoted for killing you or become a better fighter.) This is something I wanted in my game so it would help create a unique rival for every run. But of course, you could just pacify them. This where the ROLE system would get more fast paced and fun, because I don't have to worry if I "break the character" or "make the character have little screen time." Having a villain be one dimensional can help you give them character. Lets take the "flirt command" again. If I used "flirt" on someone who is one dimensional, well I'm not really making them one dimensional anymore (Kind of). I'm giving them character. Also they don't really have a lot of character to begin with, so I'm not really breaking them.

This is especially great considering my game has an interactive story. 

In short, My main villains/characters get a more compelling ROLE system where you can be yourself and deeply feel the character and the others get a fun and fast paced ROLE system, while still being a huge part of the story.

Art Update:

I have finished the animation for the red flag and the opponent using the red flag. I'll show them tomorrow.

Art Update:

I will admit I didnt really work today. I think I couldn't focus due to me being sick and also I had to focus on some other things than my game.



New Update on Buckshot roulette says:

  • New items  for strategic mutual annihilation. No pills included.
  • Round customization  from more health points to item load outs for your convenience

Also, they said they're allowing beta test on their discord, so I plan to test it out when I get a chance so I can see any Ideas I can base off of.

Also I was working a bit on the game adding animations and event changes.

Art Update:

I'm doing weapon animations now. I forgot to work on them... my fault haha. I didnt get a whole lot done, but I'm doing the shotgun animation for both the female and Male dealers. Hopefully I'll finish them tomorrow.

Art Update:

Ok I finished the shotgun animations for the opponents, now all I have to do is finish the revolver animations for them.

Art Update:

I finished the revolver and the tranquilizer. I will hopefully show them out later. Next up is the double barrel shotgun.



Art Update:

finished the Double Barrel shotgun animation for both male and female. will hopefully show it tomorrow.

Media Update:

I'm working on another video, but its just the script right now. I'm mainly talking about my story the next video.

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Finally! The weapon animation are here!

In those two idle animations, is the opponent supposed to be pointing the gun at the player or they're just holding it?

Because they don't seem to be pointing it directly at the player, nor are they holding the gun at a rest pose...

idk I'm just curious lol


yeah I wanted to show a bit more perspective with the revolver and tranquilizer. Although it kind of was meant to point at the player. Now that you mention it, it really doesn’t look like it’s pointing at the player at all. I’m a little embarrassed, haha.
I could do what I will do with the shotgun where I will add a screen flash, to give the illusion he quickly shot you. But idk, I’ll probably just fix it. >_<

Unfortunately I lost that revolver toy that I showed off. It would’ve helped me since all the opponents hands are rotoscoped as mine (because I struggle with perspective a lot). 

But I’ve learned a bit from this experience, so I’m sure I can just fix it.

Media Update:

Ok so I'm almost done with the script BUT, I'm going to see if I can fix the revolver and tranquilizer animation and then work on the game tomorrow. 

I'm getting even more excited to make this game, because I feel like I'm understanding what I want my game to be. In the video I'm making, I talk a lot about the story of course, but there's a lot of mechanics in my OG story that made me feel like somethings missing in the game. You'll see what I mean once the videos up, but for tomorrow I really wanna work on my game.

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Art Update: 

Ok I finished reworking the Revolver and tranquilizer, I'll show them off tomorrow. 

Yes, I did redesign the double barreled shotgun, which looks nothing like the OG. I didnt like the first design so I'll be redoing the players double barrel shotgun animation for the full game.

Battle System Update:

It really embarrassed me how much bugs there were haha. It's really hard finding bugs with events considering just how awful they are to work with. But oh well... I wish I got more done today, but it's hard while taking care of 3 kids. I hope to do more on Monday.

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Ugh I feel so bad that I haven't updated in a while. I'm sorry guys. I didnt have time to record the animations and I said I would >_<
but really I do have them up, they were easy to make. Also I realized I need 4 more animations haha, I forgot I need to create an animation where the Opponent shoots themselves with all 4 guns... oop.

Thoughts on the Buckshot Beta:

I tend to mention Buckshot roulette a lot. I'm sorry I don't want to come off as someone being a copy cat, haha. I just wanted to see what they added, so I can see if I could take some inspiration.

Should this count as spoilers? I mean people who have buckshot roulette are gonna get the Multiplayer Update. But anyways, I was on the CR channel and I got the notification for the buckshot beta on Monday. Wanted to tell you guys my thoughts on Monday but I unfortunately didn't >_<

To start off, one of my educated guesses were right! One of the items ("Remote") really is an Uno Reverse card. 

However the other item ("Jammer") in the game is really disappointing. It's just the handcuffs... but for multiplayer. I was disappointed because one of them I already guessed and the other is just a reskinned handcuff. It really is a shame, but oh well, the multiplayer was fun. Although I got too addicted to it, to the point where I didnt want to do work on my own game >_<

I might make an item like remote, which would be good for maybe partner based battles in my game.

Media Update:

Started recording for my video about my story. I hope you guys like it, I also mention a new mechanic and a little more about the keyword system. If you haven't already, you should check out my YT channel for exclusive updates.


Media Update:

Ok so hopefully the video will be out by tomorrow. I'm a little sad I didnt get to do much today though. Hopefully I will have a lot of time tomorrow. 

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Animation Update:

Sorry I should of just showed these off before, but I would make an update when I'm tired so I would say "eh, I'll do it tomorrow", and then never do it >_<

Media Update: 

As usual I hoped my video would come out today, but it didnt today due to circumstances. Oh well, I'm sure I'll finish it tomorrow... I hope  ._.



(2 edits) (+1)

Oh I already told you a week ago haha. 

I use rotoscope since I have problems drawing hands. I take a picture of my hands and draw over them. 

Excuse my bony hands lol.

I used a BOP-IT toy to help me. 


more examples:

Small Spoiler for Faith: the Unholy Trinity.

You can kind of tell by the Four leaf clover animation, that I'm not particularly good at drawing hands by themselves. I might change the Four leaf clover animation...Maybe, but I genuinely was considering making all hands in this weird creepy look. Who knows what I'll do. Might use it again for future use.


To give some Behind the Scenes for Fates Gamble. This video by Andiematronic was an inspiration

Again spoilers for Faith: the Unholy Trinity.

(Skip to 17:25 for context)

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ye i believe i have dementia...

The hand in the Four leaf clover animation looks stylized and nice. Don't change it!

It reminds me of the hand in 2DBoy studio logo intro:

btw does Fate's Gamble have a main character? (not including the protagonist)
The video got me curious :P
I hope this doesn't turn out to be another dementia situation again lol


holy shoot the developers of “world of goo”!!!!!!

I’m not exactly sure what you mean. See my idea is to make a character creator. So it’s not like the “main character is a fully developed character with a backstory. My plan is to make “you” the main character, have amnesia, so there’s no real backstory.

Also I don’t know what you mean by “not including the protagonist.” It’s not the character in the beta if that’s what you’re thinking. Right now I really only have a mascot, which is the “Opponent.”


Im tired, bleh... Here's my new exclusive devlog video on YT.



Art Update:

I finished the tranquilizer and revolver animation for the opponent when he shoots himself. I’ll see what I can do for the shotgun.

I kind of wish I could do more than say sorry. I was going on a trip to Disney land, but somehow forgot the Ac adapter to my laptop so I couldn't even do work /:

Oh well, I didnt get enough time anyway. You guys might think I'm preparing for something special but... no i just went on a trip >_<

Hey at least it over, I will hopefully have enough time tomorrow to work.

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Art Update:

Ugh, I realized the Male Opponent doesn't hold the revolver right. HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THAT. Also the Tranquillizer animation is messed up on the Female Opponent.

Also here's what would happen if you hit the Opponent. I always imagined them with a "Kermit the Frog" neck. Maybe you guys don't like it, but It's how I imagined them.


Game Scene Update:

So I was working in the game again and added a more proper intro. You can now put your gender in as well.

Art Update:

I was mainly experimenting with pixel art. Trying to see what fits and what doesn't. Sorry I don't have much to show, I'm trying to figure things out with some the art.

(Also yes there is a video on my channel but I didnt advertise it since I realized that people aren't here to watch my gameplay vids, just the devlogs about my game.)

(But by all means go check out my channel, (Not asking >:3) there's exclusive info about Fates Gamble on there.)

YouTube Channel

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By the way, I just watched a video about an old roulette game and I find it way more terrifying than Buckshot Roulette!

I'm not sure if you have heard about it before. It's called Orange Roulette.

I haven't played it yet but I think you will find it interesting! \(0 30)/

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HOLY SHOOT, THATS AMAZING! I like a lot of the decidophobia you have when playing it. Not only is shooting an opponent way scarier, but now even shooting yourself is scarier. It is interesting since in my opinion, Buckshot roulette encourages the player to be more offensive while Fates Gamble encourages the player to be more defensive. It's made me wonder if my game is not that scary, so I really do appreciate this, I really want to implement this in my game because of just how many choices are scary. 

You don't want to shoot the opponent because then you have to shoot yourself, but you don't wanna shoot yourself, because you might give the opponent an advantage in getting the live round. But lets say the gun passes to you. Do you spin it or shoot yourself, either option could kill you on the spot. This is great, To be honest, I might genuinely add this in the 2nd beta.

Also to give some behind the scenes, I was considering on adding a "spin cylinder" button before, but got rid of it, because I felt like it was useless other than preventing the fortune cookie item. But after this video I'm starting to think I should use it. However this would mean I have to get rid of Fortune cookie as its really not that useful, or make it really cheap. Idk might just get rid of it tbh. Was thinking of using the "spin cylinder" button limited to the revolver but I want every gun to have it.

Apologies for no Update yesterday. I had a massive headache and it felt like I couldn't even look at my computer screen. I did some things yesterday but couldn't do much due to me being sick. 

I'll be making another update today.

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Items & Game Update:

If you read the conversation with me and O_tire, you'll know that I'm taking Orange Roulette as inspiration.

This will now be the main focus. I will discuss it more in a later devlog.

Also the video is important as it's the reason why I'm unfortunately canceling 2 items. The Fortune Cookie and the Tactical Vest. I'm very sad that I have to cut these items, but If I'm using this game as inspiration, then I cant use them. If the player is allowed to spin the cylinder, then the item wont matter. Also the Tactical vest was useful, but since the gun passes to your opponent when you shoot yourself in orange roulette, it's not really that interesting. The player might as well just have a heal syringe and a red flag. I mean I guess it could be helpful... if you had 4 HP.

Goodbye Fortune Cookie and Tactical Vest. You will now be put as "Cut Content."

Also I was fixing a whole mess of bugs on the briefcase item. Also Dealer is smarter when dealing with the Briefcase Item.


I apologize for no update today. I took a break on this day, since I forgot yesterday was Sunday. Plus it's veterans day anyways, haha.

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Battle system Update:

Was gonna make this yesterday but when I was done with everything, I noticed it was already 12:00 pm for me so I decided to just make this post tomorrow. 

So here's some things I'm planning. 

  • Spin cylinder button
  • No blank rounds will be ejected
  • Don't let player use eye card for four leaf clover.
  • Ammo reloads ONLY once live round is found.
  • Get rid of Explosive rounds.

Yes I am getting rid of explosive rounds... Most likely, not that I'm absolutely sure, but "most likely." Explosive rounds were there to encourage the player to shoot themselves. However using Orange roulettes system, you're encouraged to shoot yourself so much, that I don't think there's a point to keep them.

Also still working on adding more to the event system/script. I'm very confident about this whole "Orange roulette" thing.

EDIT: Expect another update today.

Battle System Update:

Ok, There probably still needs to be some more test in order to bug test it, but the Orange roulette system is now in place! There will be no more Buckshot roulette inspiration. Also Might change the title of this Devlog. 

Weapon Update:

I probably don't need to really say this since I haven't talked about it in a while. But whatever. Do any of you remember when I talked about a gun that would get stronger the more you shoot yourself. I was thinking of calling it "Sniper Rifle", but I may or may not be getting rid of it. I'd rather have the Double Barrel Shotgun be the strongest weapon and also it sucks to see an opponent just shoot themselves a lot and then do massive damage to you /:

It's the same reason I got rid of Supers.

However I'm thinking of another weapon idea. It's sort of an opposite to the shotgun. It does only 1 damage instead of the revolvers 2 damage. It's called the "Silenced Pistol." What do you think? Much like how the shotgun is for players who are confident in winning, the silenced pistol will be for players who aren't confident. ALSO, it can be for people who find the Plasma Cutter to be an annoying item.

Item Update:

Red flag will no longer get rid of a round. It will instead skip it. Also I'll be declaring Red Flag as an echo Item to Eye Card. I mean The Red Flag is basically just an Eye Card except it skips the round.


There's a slight problem. When making Items, weapons, etc., I noticed a slight problem. I was making these with the OG battle system in mind. Now that I changed it, I need to rethink some of them, to see if they still work with this new battle system I'm proposing. It's what happened to Red Flag. I'll need some time to think. I'm starting to realize that things don't work as well with this new game mode.  I hope I don't get rid of anything, I'm thinking of getting rid of Double barrel shotgun, but lets see if it survives if I change some things about it.

Again I apologize for no update yesterday. I was trying to figure out some bugs mainly. Also, my attention span has been pretty bad, but that's probably because I haven't been used to working on the Event System. When doing art, story, or whatever else, my attention would be very good. But it's ok, I just need to remember my habits to keep my attention. Habits are very important and I've completely forgotten about them, so I need to start using them again, because it's what's been helping me work on this game from the start. Overall the Battle system is looking promising.

Also, I haven't been working today, because my friends wanted to play L4D2 with me, and I didnt wanna wait till Sunday (my usual break) since I never really get time to spend with them (If you're wondering, yes it will be a gameplay video on my channel). Also I had to help my mom with stuff, so I didnt wanna work on my game because I wouldn't have too much time to really update yall about my progress.

On the bright side...

Media Update:

I think I'm gonna be making a new devlog on my channel. I'm thinking of making it a mix of talking about the date my game will come out and what I'm implementing in the battle system.

Battle system Update:

Ok, I finished with a lot of bugs, and also I'm working on the Opponent AI when using the red flag. ALSO, I've realized how unfun the Double Barrel Shotgun is. It does a lot of damage, but the fact that it can only has an ammo count of 2, makes it way to easy to end yours or the Opponents run of the game. Of course that was the intention, but the more I played it, the more I realized how unfun it was. So I'm making the Double Barrel Shotgun an ammo count like the other guns instead of just being capped at two. 

I also might have a new mode. Insta-kill mode! This will be more like how Orange roulette is played. 

Guys, I'm almost done with the mechanics and modes. After that I need to do some pixel art and put in some spice to make it look good. I've mainly been calling this a beta, but really I should be calling it a beta/playable teaser. Not only does it show what I'm creating but it's also meant to be a unique experience to show what's happening.

Stay tuned!

Media Update:

Ok so I'm working on the video. Still trying to figure out what to do with when I want the game to come, especially since I'm changing things. I'm still hoping for 2026 to be when my game comes out, but again, don't count on it.

Media Update:

Alright hopefully, Ill be doing some voice work tomorrow.



All I want to do is edit my video but everything goes wrong /:

Genuinely might get rid of ClipChamp /:


ClipChamp? You edit with... ClipChamp?
In your video you said that you love editing but it can slows down the development of Fates Gamble, so keep using ClipChamp because it will make you HATE editing real soon XD

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Yeah this comment didnt age well lmao. Yeah a "love hate" relationship X3. I love it when it works haha. Kind of scared to learn an all new editor at the same time though, thinking of using shot cut. 

It just lags like sh** for no reason and crashes for no reason, so I have to restart my PC for it to work. If you recommend any other editors let me know lol, might check out blender video edits. Or maybe I need a more powerful laptop, haha


Ok it's out. I'm sorry for taking so long. Ngl its kind of my fault for how long this took.

Anyways I just talk about when I hope to release my game despite it not being wise to answer that till I'm like 80% done LOL.

Game scene Update:

I probably will work on making a proper intro to the battle system or maybe work on the game modes. Especially chance mode (might even rename it).

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Battle System Update:

Okay the Opponent should be ready for the intro to my game. It's looking really promising.

In other news, Orange roulette, when you shoot yourself, the gun would pass to the opponent, but in this game when you shoot yourself, you have 2 options. Either you can pass the gun or shoot the opponent, and if you shoot the opponent, you will have to pass it to the opponent. This is so I didnt have to get rid of the four leaf clover. Also, I finished fixing a lot of bugs

Item Update:

I really worked on the Red Flag a lot. At first it was just kind of a "meh" item, like the "Beer".  But now with this new orange roulette system, it's making everything great by making the Red Flag a way more unique item, and with that, it can help the Opponent be smarter when using it :3

Item Update:

Zip-Ties don't stack anymore. See in buckshot roulette, you could hand cuff an enemy, but if they were already cuffed, then you couldn't use it again, so the dealer wouldn't be cuffed for ever. Also fixed a bunch of bugs. I swear the event system is way too limited for a battle system... which is my fault for choosing it lol.

Game scene:

Ok so the Intro to the battle system will start out normally. It will have the no item battle, then have items, but the third is changed. It wont be timed, instead it will have limited actions. Also I will have the player pick items after the no items match, so they understand a bit better

Game Scene Update:

Ummm, I'm not really sure what to say other than I'm still working on everything, haha. Also I hate how much bugs slow down progress for what I want to do. So rn, yeah, not much to say. Hopefully I'll have much to say tomorrow :3

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Battle System Update:

I'm very happy with how things are going with the Opponent. Also, much Like Buckshot roulette, My plan is to make the AI smarter for hard mode (AKA Chance Mode). But of course there's a problem. When I playtest the Opponent, I keep seeing bugs that make him cheat or make him worse. I understand bugs are not something to be scared of, but in RPG maker it is! The event system is very limited and easy, which means it's hard to create bugs, but once you get one, you feel like you're mind is going to explode, because you're trying to understand what's wrong with your events. Of course, the event system isn't made for Complex battle systems. I am simply pushing the limits of it. 

Also I technically finished the Intro. I just feel so scared to make two AI difficulties of the Opponent, because if one is bugged the other will carry it. Ugh...

Anyways I'm having fun testing lol, things are looking promising for the Opponent as of right now.

Media Update:

I GOT A NEW MICROPHONE! It makes my voice sound better. You guys will have to get used to how it sounds though, if you're used to my compressed voice. I hope it doesn't become a H20 Delirious situation with my mic. X3

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Game scene Update:

Ok this is going great. everything looking good so far with the introduction. Hopefully I'll have more time for the other game modes. I have a lot planned for the Opponent AI and it's going great. I just wish I could add more polish to the game in general. I'm starting to realize RPG Makers limitations in polishing. Especially when it comes to how blurry the ogg files are, or how I cant really edit the text boxes that much. It's all starting to hit me like a brick. But it's ok, I'm pushing the limits of this thing. Maybe there is some saving grace.

Item Update:

Had to edit some descriptions and fix some bugs with items, which should also make the Opponent smarter as well.

Also I didnt have an update yesterday, because I had Thanksgiving off :3

so uhhh... Happy Late Thanksgiving

Game Scene Update:

Fixed some parts of the map. ALSO apparently when you would beat the Opponent a third time, the door still wouldn't open, ARGGYWGDWHKGDWKH. It's fixed, this time for sure! 

The Game Over theme has changed to this:

Not sure if it sounds too happy. I thought the organ fit as a nod to a funeral.

Also I've been redecorating some maps :3

There's more I did, but not in the mood to screenshot them all. Also fixed some bugs that would've hurt development, as usual. Everything's coming along. Hope to work more on the modes.


So in other news, apparently Orange roulette has a new 3D remake out AND it has some planned new modes to it, as well. Interesting... Might check it out to get some inspiration.

Item Update:

Might change Healing syringe. When playing buckshot multiplayer, it made me realize how annoying the cigarettes are, so I might change some things.

  • red flag used to be 500$ is now 1000$
  • Eye card used to be 2000$ but now its 1500$
  • Steal Card used to be 2500$, but now it's 2000$
  • Tarp used to be 1000$ but now its 700$ 
  • Heal Syringe used to be 1000$ but now its 1500$

Battle System:

Opponent uses the Challenge Card only when useful. The problem with the Dealer in Buckshot was that he would use Expired Medicine (EM), even when he only got shot for -1 HP, despite the EM giving +2 HP. I mean... I guess it's useful if you really need full health, but most of the time when I would fight the dealer it would never be a good enough strat for him to do that. 

Fixed a bug where the Opponent would shoot himself/herself/themself even when it's obviously a live.

it's kind of hard to make the AI, well... HARD. Their is some improvement's, but it's kind of hard to make them "smart", since I feel like a smart play in a pretty luck based game, is kind of hard to make since a lot of people have different opinions on what a smart play is. Some might even debate on what items are good. Tier list exist for a reason. When you guys playtest it, I sure do hope you give feedback on chance mode. 


Battle system Update:

When playing the remake, I realized Orange roulette only let you spin the chamber once. So I'll be adding that. Does this mean I will have the fortune cookie back. Well, no, I still don't think it's that useful until the opponent spins their own chamber. It's only really good when using red flag, but then the price wont be worth it to buy 2 items, so I feel like when the full game comes out, it's gonna be one those items that people rarely use or look at it as the "meh" item. 

Everything seems to be fine with the modes, I think the whole beta is finished just needs some more playtest, just in case and some visual improvements (especially the background). I'm mainly having problems with sprites, but I'll get there.

Also this song will be specifically for No Items mode:

Item Update:

Fortune cookie might be coming back, but not in the way you expect. I was playing the remake to Orange Roulette, and I liked the "Orange royale mode." It has only 1 item. It's called the Company Dollar. It basically will allow you to choose 2 effects. Shoot the Opponent in the face and pass it OR get more lucky. Idk how lucky works, but it sounds cool, maybe I'll contact the dev. Anyways, I was thinking of reviving fortune cookie just to be like this, with maybe some differences. However, I don't know if you guys would want to wait longer, just for me to implement 1 more item. So I'll see.


Battle system Update:

Ok so I don't know how to fix this, but there's a problem where RPG Maker it will put letters to identify the Opponent so it will say "Female Opponent G shot you." This is really annoying, I'm assuming it has to do with how the Opponent is animated, since I use "Enemy Transform" to create them.

Also I don't notice any bugs sooooo... I think everything's fine. The game could honestly be out right now (but it needs some polish).

I'm getting rid of Double Barreled mode and replacing it with Insta Kill mode. The reason being there's a lot I have to consider with the Double barrel, and I'm afraid of changing it again. I haven't quite found out what I want to do with it, after I tested it out.

Also fixed some bugs here and there.

Art Update:

I'm having trouble figuring out, what to do with the female sprite I'm having trouble drawing her. I was never much of a pixel artist. I'm thinking of using a program that can give me some free sprite sheets to go off of. Also I need to redo the female tranquilizer animation and give a proper background.


Oh god, there is a second beta coming!?

Can't wait to try it out!

Art Update:

Fixed Tranquilizer animation for the female Opponent. Also I have a new table that doesn't clip with the Opponent in the background. Also I added some 1 more frame to both the Male and Female Opponents shotgun animation where they shoot themselves.

still figuring some things out with the sprite art.

Also I fixed some bugs in game. Today has been very short day with not much unfortunately. Hopefully tomorrow will be a different story.

Art Update:


Ugh, I didnt think it would be that small as of writing this, sorry I'll repost a bigger one when I can.

Also I finished the Male Opponent a long time ago, sorry I didnt show it off.

Also fixed the shotgun animations. Tomorrow I'll put these two in the game and, well... the beta should be finished. But I also need to finish the MV version, which should work now because I think found out how to get rid of the errors. I'm sorry if this is another short one. It took me hours to find something I liked. I did some experiments and also some other cut pixel art for the female that I'll show off tomorrow. 

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Art Update:

Ok everything seems to be going great. I also have a walking animation for the player:

Also the bigger version of the finished versions:

Cut Versions of the female:

Although it's weird I looked at these design and felt like something not working. It mainly had to do with the arms, but looking back at them now, I don't think they're really that bad. It sucks, because I took so much hours experimenting and felt like somethings not working just to find something I liked and now i kind of like these two a little better now. Idk why...

Also, added a bit more to the intro. The tall sprites have been doing well. Also been testing out the game, fixing some bugs. 


Miscellaneous Update:

My 2nd Beta will come out either tomorrow or on Wednesday. Although I'm having some problems with the Items and weapons. I want to change their icons, but I'm having trouble finding out how I can make custom Icons in VX Ace. This is also a problem with the Game Over Screen. I looked up a tutorial Online, but when I import my graphics it crashes the entire engine! AARGGGHHH.

*As of writing I figured out the problem. The the Game Over Screen I imported was WAYYY too big, so I had to squish it down. Also I figured out how to get custom Icons.*

Anyways here's the Game Over Screen:

Also, please, please, please do tell me any bug you find in my game. It really helps me out. ESPECIALLY since I'm gonna be importing this game to MV. I need as much bug busting as possible when the 2nd beta comes out (Hopefully) tomorrow.

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2nd Beta is OUT NOW!

However again, pls do tell me about any bugs you come across. I need as much play testers as possible. Maybe take a screenshot or record gameplay. I will also be asking my friends for help. 


Ok actually as of typing this I probably just need to change the title screen to 640 x 360

Anyways here it is:

You need to click on "FatesGamble.exe" instead of the zip file. I'm sorry if it may not seem much, for something that took a long time, but that was a result of the animations and having to rework the entire battle system to be like orange roulette. I'm definitely cutting down on animations for now on! 

Also some of my icons for the items and weapons may not be the best pixel art, haha.


While it is just a beta, please criticize anything in the game that confuses you, or if you feel something is too OP, etc.


Ok so when the Opponents shoot themselves with a shotgun, they turn their had really quickly, wth? I swear it was evenly paced, but it's ok this should be a quick fix with frame wait times.




Beta 2 is out now, so download Fates Gamble.exe!

Fates Gamble Game Page

Battle system Update:

fixed some bugs and also fixed the reloading ammo text boxes. 

Items now have descriptions when you use them.

Also the Female Opponent had a bug where she would display a Male Opponent graphic. 

Also a spinning chamber animation will be finished tomorrow. Unfortunately I will have to redesign the shotgun and tranquilizer to have a chamber, so the animation makes sense. T-T

However I wont redesign them for the beta.

Also Zip file download should be coming tomorrow.


Wow, I wasn't expecting you to fix the bugs this quickly!

Also, I finished the sound effects you wanted. I hope you like them!:
SFX For Fate's Gamble

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LMAO the name of the file, bro roasted me.

shut yo bi*** a** up I mainly use audacity for my voice T_T. 

Also good news, that walk animation stuff is in fact a plugin. I found one for VX Ace that can be used for running, walking, and idle animations. Although I will have to figure it out since the creator said there could be bugs, also the code wont be ported to MV, so I need to see if there's something for MV too.

EDIT: I love the sound effects :3


Also you don't have to, but I allowed you to be a contributor to my game. I think you have to click the the link I DM'd you on Twitter / X

Tell me if you have any issues. One of my friends had some issues with it. 


Art Update:

Here's the Spinning Chamber animation in all it's jittery and cell animated glory :3. 

Still a shame it will be very blurry on VX Ace. Oh well most of this stuff is fixed in MV anyways, but it's still a shame that VX Ace will have that problem. Maybe I can find a way to have better video, idk.

Also I wont make a spinning chamber animation for the Opponent. Because that would be a lot of time right now, and I also have to redesign the guns. Once I reupload .exe file and make .zip for Fates Gamble beta 2, I wanna start working on the MV version so I can get a browser version going. 

Also I added just a slight bit more stuff. Not huge stuff, but just some tiny things.

Battle System Update:

just made a small tweak to the Opponent's AI on Chance Mode when he uses steal card.

Also I forgot to say this yesterday, but instead of the text box saying "Opponent luckily shot himself with a blank", it will just say "Opponent activated a blank." I didnt want to put himself/herself/themself, because it would say "himself" when the female sprite was on.

I'll see if I can make another Update today.

"OOOOuuuu you like playing Russian roulette don't you!" (I'm sorry for making this)

not sorry >:)

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Miscellaneous Update:

Thanks to O_Tire, I got to use his sound effects. Also I was skimming through RPG Makers SFX, and I really liked Down4 as the sound effect for the spinning chamber animation. Also there is a .zip file now in case anyone wants to use that one. ALSO AS OF TYPING THIS I FORGOT TO CHANGE THE TITLE SCREEN AAARRGGGGHHHH! Guess I'm gonna upload another one. 

There's still some improvements I need to make to this game, but for a 2nd beta for the battle systems, it's fine.

ALSO, you guys can press F1 to change the controls. Not sure how it really works though.


Made by a friend on a discord server I'm on :3

MV Update:

MV Version will have to come out tomorrow. Overall it's looking good. The graphics aren't totally improved, other than the tile sets and the item animations. But in the full MV version, the Graphics should start looking better :3

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MV Update:

While the MV version is not here, it's definitely close. I'm running through a bug where the Opponent is not taking any damage, so I'm trying to fix that. also having some problems with the animations. Dang I was so sure I would finish it today. But don't worry it shouldn't take long :3


Also a small comparison:

MV Version:

VX Ace Version:


Bug Update:

There's apparently a bug where the Challenge Card animation wont play AND it wont restart when you both get a tie. This is in the VX Ace version as well.

MV Update:

Ok it's still not here, so I'm a little upset. Remember when I said I was encountering a bug on MV where I wouldn't do any damage. For some reason when clicking the "Battle Test" button you don't do any damage to the enemy. Which made me think that it was a bug, however when I played the project I started inflicting damage on the enemy this time. So I again, thought it was a weird bug that somehow solved itself or was some RNG in the MV system. BUT APPARENTLY IT'S A FEATURE!!! UGHHHH SO MUCH HOURS WASTED! Oh well what matters is that I learn from that.

MV should be coming close. Although I'm having problems with the Animation feature on MV. I want the screen to flash as usual with the opponent, but it doesn't happen on MV and idk why.

Also the Opponent would only make standard attack sounds when using revolver instead of the Gun1 sound effect. This is on the VX Ace version as well. So expect an update of VX Ace haha.

MV Update:

Ok I fixed a lot of bugs, I just need to find out what happens when the Opponent dies. I'm running through a lot of bugs with it. I think after I'm finished with that, I should be able to upload it to

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MV Update:

The Beta for MV should be done, HOWEVER, needs to give me access for a bigger file size, for it to work.

Also, there is a bug where the screen flash doesn't work when you shoot an enemy but only work for the poison animation??????

Also when the MV version is up, please do tell me if you get soft locked, for some reason this randomly happens with the Spin Chamber animation and I don't know why. I'm assuming it's just my PC??????

MV Update:

I added the MV version but its only downloadable for right now. I'm still waiting for to help get rid of the file size problem so I can upload the browser version.

Media Update: 

Gonna make another devlog video where I talk about my plans for the dual release. 

I'll be taking christmas vacation for 2 days, so expect a devlog maybe after christmas day.


MV Update:

Ok so apparently my devlog i posted yesterday was deleted?????? Whatever not a big deal I guess.

All I said was that will only allow a browser version if in strongly believe that It should be on and if I could at least try to reduce the file size. Also I'll need to have some screenshots of MV and have a more detailed description. 

I'll see what I can do.

VX Ace Update:

O_Tire, if you're reading this. I realized it was dumb for me to say I cant fix the animation that pays when you start an animation. It's actually really easy I just need to fix the resolution. Idk why I said I couldn't fix it.

Also while the resolution is pretty bad, there is a way to make the screen bigger when in full screen.

Media Update:

Just a little idea of what I'll be comparing in my video:


  • +better graphics
  • +better resolution
  • +Works on Windows, Mac, and Linux (hopefully)
  • -Won’t work on older window platforms
  • -load times
  • -less interactable NPCs
  • =Smaller world map

VX Ace:

  • +Works on older Windows platforms.
  • +almost no load times (and even if you do it will take milliseconds)
  • +more interactable NPCs
  • -worse graphics
  • -worse resolution
  • -Won’t work on Mac or Linux
  • =Bigger world map

Naw don't worry!
I've gotten used to you being dumb :3


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Media Update:

Ok things are going well with my video Idea. I'll see if I can make more progress tomorrow

If you have any questions about the dual release, by all means ask me.

Media Update:

My video should be coming out tomorrow or Monday

Bug Update:

Eye card had a bug where it would display an incorrect round.

In the MV version there would be a text box saying "Is it working" or "TESTING TESTING TESTING." This will be fixed.

Media Update:


Sorry a lot happened today, at least I got to work on my game a bit.


New Video Out!

MV Update:

I uploaded a new version of MV with a bug fix, will do the same with VX Ace except do some other improvements to it as well

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VX Ace Update:

Battle start doesnt tile, and the screen is kind of bigger. It still has black borders but for now it will work. 

Ermmm, I'll see what I can focus on now for fates gamble. Probably gonna go back to fixing the story.

Edit: Hopefully a Mobile version will come out pretty soon. Idk if I can, I've never exported anything to mobile before, but I'll test it out.

MV Update:

Hey guys, I uploaded a browser version for mobile, but for some reason there's no sound on my end. I'm trying to fix it, but I'm very sad that it doesn't work on my end. Test it out if you can guys to see if sound works for u.

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Miscellaneous Update:

I HAVE A BROWSER VERSION THAT WORKS WITH SOUND... There's some sprite displacement when in battle though haha. The opponent looks like he's flying X3

But at least people can play it! I also have been working on rewriting some characters. I'll plan to do more tomorrow.

Also my boyfriend made a fanart redesign of the Opponent:

I'm not making this a replacement, but I wanted to show you all cuz I love what he did. Also yes I have a boyfriend now X3 <3 <3 <3

I also love how he was making art of the intro, with the "what be thy name?" X3


Omg! I wish you guys the best <3


awww thanks! 


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Story Update:

Erm all I can say is that I am working on the story again, but also I am figuring out the keyword system and experimenting with it.

Its going well :3


Story Update:

Right now I'm rewriting a character who is... a certain doctor named Ruvy. Does anyone even remember when I talked about him? it was 253 days ago as of writing this. Anyways I'm feeling more confident in his character now, and how he is portrayed. He definitely has a lot more scenes where his character grows.

Also I'm experimenting more with the keyword system. Definitely got to make a devlog where I talk about the keyword system more in depth. I'm thinking of adding a way for the keyword to be used as password system as well. For example if you wanna get into a place, you'll have to know a certain word. Or what if, I make the keyword system a way to understand other languages. That would remind me of Chants of Senaar which I have not talked about in a while haha.

Class Update:


New Class, the Gambler. Dependent on TP and MP. Use MP abilities to build up TP, then use TP to do some wild stuff.

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Story Update:

Ok I'm still working on the story and while I am still working on Ruvy's character, I did some story work on a specific part of the world.

Hope you all are doing well.

Ill probably make a post detailing some parts of the story.


Story Update:

Ok I think I have a good idea of the story. I'm thinking of a castle being a sort of introduction to learning the characters. This castle will have logs detailing some of the characters and where they could be. 

Also I'm almost done with Ruvy's character arc. Added some back story with him and another special character that I'll talk about later.

Also I'm thinking of using the keyword system to find the main characters. You could get their name as a keyword and then ask around town about that person to find their location.

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Story Update:

Genuinely have been forgetting to make an update these past 3 days lol. I'm so sorry for being incompetent. But on the bright side I'm finishing some character arcs, and doing some rewrites. 

I just need to finish 2 more character arcs and then do some parts that I need to rework and the main story should be done. Then when I'm done with those I'll focus on the side quest.

Side note: I'm thinking of adding some specific choices you make in the story to work depending on your class.

Story Update:

Ok I added some new parts to the story. I'm almost done with one character arc I'm doing right now and I'm still figuring out how to rewrite one ending of my game. Overall, I'm getting more confident in my story.

Dual Release Update:

I'm thinking of adding one exclusive secret boss to both versions of the game. I feel like its something people wouldn't criticize, since a secret boss is a very small thing in a video game.

Media Update:

Planning on making a video on how I fixed the Final Fantasy 2 Keyword system. Gonna go into a lot of detail.

Story Update:

Added some new characters, and also replaced one choice branch with another that I think is way more interesting. Progress is going smoothly. Will make another update on Monday.


Story Update:

There is now 7 endings... As of now. I said I was going to do 6, but here we are... I've always done that when writing interactive stories. I always somehow make more endings than usual. 

ALSO depending on your choices, one of the final boss will change. Yes I said "one of." Technically there's like 3 final bosses in my game.

Right now I'm rewriting this one part of my story to be way different. It involves a special crystal.

Media Update:

Gonna be opening an Instagram channel soon... Hopefully. Yeah, it's gonna be great to reach some followers for Fates Gamble on Insta.

Didnt really work on my video script but that's ok, I really wanted to focus on my story. probably will work on it tomorrow.


Media Update:

My Instagram channel is now up in case anyone wants to get some short Fates Gamble News. Right now I'm just uploading my videos into shorts.

Instagram Channel



In my opinion, it would be nice if you could also upload short Devlog summaries on your Twitter.


I prob should do that. But idk, twitter has been getting worse. And I'm thinking of using a twitter competitor, but at the same time idk too much about them. At least does support platforms like twitter and its competitors, so It definitely is helpful. Plus i already have a twitter so I guess I should. I'll see.


Media Update:

Hey guys. So in my pursuit to make my video, I will take multiple perspectives into question. While a lot of people hate FF2, there is some people who definitely do like it.

Of course I think FF2 keyword system could be greatly improved, but I like that he said it can help him pay attention to the story.

Of course I'm gonna brainstorm ideas as well. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

Media Update:

Gonna do some recording and editing for my video tomorrow. 

Item Update:

Instead of making the player buy specific items, ill just make them Item packs. So whenever you buy an item pack you'll be given random items of that pack in a battle. not only would this make things more fun and (fair) luck based, it will also help the player understand items better by upping the price of different packs.


Hey guys, here's my devlog video. I think I might make a small sequel where I give more examples of the keyword system :3

Also if you guys have any ideas you think I should do with the keyword system please tell me :3


Story Update:

I'm almost done with my main story. I'm adding more segments where the classes would have an effect on the story. Also just some finishing touches.

I mean technically there's still some stuff I have to figure out in the story when it comes to having a partner in your team, but for the main plot it's almost finished. :3


Story Update: 

Omg, I have 9 endings now. Of course it would be this way, haha. 

Ok the main story is done, unless I have any other ideas that I want to add to the story. Anyways onto the side quest again. :3


I get a seizure when thinking about adding a second ending to my game and YOU ARE ADDING 9 OF EM!?

Please share a fraction of your power with us peasants. XD


Hahahah X3

Hopefully it stops here. I guess it's way more easier to add endings with game engines like RPG maker with its event system.

Media Update:

I've mainly been reuploading to my Instagram and also I have a twitter account now.

Twitter account

I was gonna work on my game but I need to focus on my media.

Story Update:

added some 2 new side quest and did some redesigning for this one character i made making him talk in a different language to encourage the keyword system. I'll probably talk about this character tomorrow. 

Story Update:

I added another side quest. It involves a being captured by a crazy pyromaniac and you got to escape. Also I added more parts that require a class to get certain choices in the story.

Also, I believe I talked about this character before, but basically he's a ruler of a land and makes everyone's life who lives in his land totally crap due to his rules. This land involves a different language so it's gonna take some keywords to interact with NPC's and the environment. Anyways to find him, you must pass the two gates that lead to his castle.

If you're wondering why he does this, it's because he feels the need to be popular... and if he isnt, no one should be.


Hello! The concept of your game sounds cool! I was wondering if maybe I could join your project as a narrative designer for a fair and cheap price! You can check my profile to see what my stuff and the links to other sources. Also if you want to discuss this more you can message me through Discord: NovaMaster73

At this moment I am not looking for a Narrative designer. Also I wouldn't even be able to pay, but thank you.

Also I did try out your two story driven games :3 

Story Update: 

I added another side quest. This one involves you exploring a dungeon in search of a golden head. One of the main characters meet you in this dungeon and then you both got to escape the crumbling dungeon Indiana Jones style.

The other one I did is where you find repeating hallways and you got to spot the difference, kind of like the "Exit 8 Game"

Story Update:

Added another side quest that involves one of the main characters from before. You go into a dungeon where you meet a crazy man in a cage, he asks if you can save him. Do you or do you not?

Also I added 4 dominator characters. If you don't know, I've talked about it before on my Devlog 4 video

Fan Art:

I know this doesn't fit devlogs, but I do like to support some of my friends who make stuff.

Who knows. I may even use this design in the game.


Media Update:

My new Bluesky Account is here!

There will be short devlog summaries here as well!


Story Update:

I made another side quest, it's still not finished  but heres how it basically goes. Some guy says he is having a dream where an entity is trying to give him a heart attack, so he could die. You must go through his dream through his perspective to find what's wrong. 

Class Update:

Psycho Class: This class can read the others mind, spin the chamber more than usual, and do mind control. There might be more later to this class.

Item Update:

Abort Pass: This will be in the full game. When you use it, it will abort you from the battle.


Sorry no update today, I had a long day at my job and had to do other things. Don't worry, I can work on my game tomorrow :3


Story Update:

Ok so I finished the side quest from 2 days ago. Also I'm trying to finish writing another side quest. As of right now I have 12 side quest. A long time ago on my devlogs I said that I will make 15 side quest. This can not be the case, there has to be more so I'll be upping the number of side quest. Maybe 25 - 30.

Media Update:

I'm thinking of making a video about A.I. Improvements and the type of enemies that will be in my game.


Story Update:

I'm sorry for not posting these days. Anyways I finished a side quest involving sleeping next to someone. You wake up when they scream. What happens next is shocking.


Bro's brain is infused with youtube shorts XD


Lol wut???


No way you unironically said "What happens next is shocking" lmao


OH LOL! I was so confused. I guess it does kind of sound like a YT short or Dhar man title.


Story Update:

In this side quest. You see a man named Terry. He screams and cries about how everyone is gone. You try to talk to him, but he just passes through you like a ghost. Then he starts crying trying to remember what happened to everyone in the first place... Then his eye's widen, he starts remembering what happened. 

(You play through his memory as him)

When you go through his memory, what you find out is sad and disturbing.

Media Update: 

Ill be working on my video on AI tomorrow.

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Media Update:

I'm using a video to look at Dealer AI so I could learn to make the Opponent from Fate's Gamble better. I've realized that both the Dealer and the Opponent are smarter and dumber in certain areas. Ive written down a lot of information that will be helpful when I make the next devlog video.


Media Update:

Ok I'm going to edit my video tomorrow. Keep in mind I'm not just discussing AI improvements but the different types of enemies. I'll showcase their names.






I wont tell you what they are specifically but I'll explain what the Mimic is.

Mimic’s: They copy your every move. For example, If you shoot yourself, they’ll do the exact same thing you did. It might not copy everything you do perfectly, but for the most part they do a good job.

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Media Update:

Go check out my Devlog 8 video, where I talk about A.I. Improvements towards the Opponent by comparing him to the dealer from Buckshot Roulette. I wanted to talk about the enemies in Fates Gamble, but that will have to wait.

Story Update:

I have finished 2 side quest today, I will give some short detail on them.

Side quest 1:

You find a treasure map. once you find the treasure chest, there's gold, a map, and a note.

The note says "Gabriel, if you are reading this, I am dead. I hope the gold helps you on your journey. However, if you wish to see me, please follow the map. You must only come at night time though."

When you follow the map and come at night time. You see... a Ghost Ship. What lies in there. The only way to find out, is to go in.

Side quest 2:

You pick up a golden statue, but suddenly, two psychos come breaking down the door. You must escape before they can catch you.

MV Update:

I've noticed a problem with MV, and it mainly has to with the character dying. It's hard to explain for people who don't know how to use RPG Maker, but dying in the MV version is way different from the Vx Ace version, which could limit my domination system from the devlog 4 video. I'll see if I can fix it, but there's a chance the domination system wont be in the MV version and will stay on the VX Ace version.


Story Update:

I have finished writing one side quest. Here's how it goes. 

You find an island full of people who have turned into stone. What happened to this place? You see a billboard saying "welcome to Nim Island"

"Nim Island" will be added as a keyword

You can go around the island looking for treasure and such. But you can ask NPC's about Nim Island. What they give you, is a horrifying story...

I'm also im in the middle of writing another side quest where you get to travel someone's dream.

Class Update:

I'm going to change the "Soldier class" into "Killer Class"


Story Update: 

I'm almost done with one of the side quest from earlier, let's hope I can finish it tomorrow.



Story Update:

I have finished the dream side quest. And also I'm thinking adding another part to the main story where you have to collect memories of one of the main characters.

Sorry no update today. Had a long day and got my car stuck ;-; 

Its ok I got my car back 


Story Update:

Well I finished a rewritten part of the story. ALSO, I made a new side quest. You can get chased by a sea creature when sailing a boat. If it eats you, you get sent to it's belly. It's belly is basically a dungeon layout. You got to find a way to get out of this monsters belly, before you dissolve.

Miscellaneous Update:

So I am adding sailing to my game to find island. And i thought maybe it would be a cool idea if you could battle enemies in your ship. So I might take some battle ship inspiration for any sea battles. I was inspired by Mike Klubnika's "Concrete Tremor."

Story Update:

So I have finished a a side quest, where you go through a dungeon. However, if it's Non-Euclidean, so everything looks weird and hurts your brain! 

Ok, I'm going to stop making side quest for right now. I have 21 side quest as of now and I need to think about the domination mechanic I talked about my Devlog 4. See, trying to find your dominator is a side quest in it of itself. So I feel like it's important to focus on that. 

Also I've been focusing on adding more to the story. I added a new dominator as well!
I'll showcase some of them tomorrow!


Story Update:

Ok so as I said, I'm going to reveal some dominators:

The Control: He’s a leader who uses his mind control abilities to create his own army. Once in battle, he is able to mind control your inputs.

The Smile: A girl with a yellow smiley mask on. She never attacks you, She only tries to manipulate you. It’s a total reversal. Instead of you pacifying/talking to her, she does it to you.

The Trader: He’s a kidnapper who kidnaps people for his... Experiments. He rules an island where there is nothing but sadness and misery. In that island, he sells a certain type of drug. I wonder how he made it?

The Judge: He comes after you when you’re apart of [REDACTED]'s group. He's going to stop you, any way he can.

Also, side note. I'm adding more lore. YAAAYYY MORE WORK. I'm adding a new character, who's treated as a legend rather than someone or something you meet face to face. I don't wanna reveal a lot about this character, so don't expect too much. ^w^


Song Update:

O_Tire made an overworld theme for my game! 

O_Tires Twitter/X:

Check it out the song below:





Story Update for Fates Gamble:

  Ok so I am adding more lore to my game. Unfortunately, I can't reveal anything, but maybe later on I'll give a peak of what lore I'm adding in some time.

 Stay tune


Story Update:

Ok so I added some new lore, and I think everything is set, I just need to fix some parts of the story that need some slight changing. Also I'm not sure If I should add more side quest or If I'm forgetting anything. This is why it's good to have a checklist at the beginning of making your game. Don't worry, I've learned my lesson >_<

Also on the topic of side quest I (technically) have 25 side quest. 

In conclusion I'm almost done with story stuff, and when I'm done with that, I'll be doing more eventing, art, designing, etc. 


Story Update:

Ok, everything seems fine with the story. You guys may or may not see a story update in a while. I don't need to focus on anything else when it comes to the story, unless I get another Idea for a side quest or feel like something needs fixing. So anyways... What now? Well, I want to experiment with some game mechanics. The partner system, Opponent A.I., new items, enemies, the dominator mechanic. Keep in mind I said testing. I'm not fully developing them, because before I do fully develop them, I want to make some more art, and figure out the open world more. There's still a lot of thinking, and I need to push myself to have better focus on what needs to be done. 

Media Update:

Anyways, I'm also gonna make a video soon. Maybe a short devlog and discuss some thoughts I have for Fates Gamble.

Art Update:

I've been making some art for my enemies. Mainly just for my 2 enemies "Mimic's" and "Pyromaniacs". I'll show them in my next devlog video about the enemies in Fate's Gamble.

Also, go check out my short devlog video on why I'm getting rid of the "Healing Syringes." I understand that getting rid of a HEALING item is weird to do for an RPG game, but I have some good reasons. 

I might even get rid of challenge card, but who knows...
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