I like the visuals and the casino theme overal, the bullets are making great patterns and the mechanics feel nice, the design are beautiful overal, specially characters, I like it a lot really, sorry i coulkdnt rate before the jam was over, you did a good work here
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Catsino's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
Make your way through the casino making use of a wheel of fortune to grant you effects
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Yes, except some free casino assets made by Jephed, Game Between the Lines
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
I like the casino. I finally got to gamble without losing my life saving. I'm surprised that there is a tutorial. The graphics were amazing although I didn't see much of the theme. As I barely noticed when I got something on the wheel.
Liked my playthrough! It's not usual to have a tutorial level in jams, and I think this one was great to explain the basics in a playable way. Said that, the action was good, both player's kit and enemy bosses attack patterns. The gameplay loop felt well polished and it was a joy to go through the bosses. For the dealer, I think I would do something like limiting the number of items on sale every time you talk to him after a boss, to fight analysis paralysis when you open the shop and see all the different upgrades, and I would make the hub room smaller, so everything is on sight, but overall, very good job!
Liked my playthrough! It's not usual to have a tutorial level in jams, and I think this one was great to explain the basics in a playable way. Said that, the action was good, both player's kit and enemy bosses attack patterns. The gameplay loop felt well polished and it was a joy to go through the bosses. For the dealer, I think I would do something like limiting the number of items on sale every time you talk to him after a boss, to fight analysis paralysis when you open the shop and see all the different upgrades, and I would make the hub room smaller, so everything is on sight, but overall, very good job!
Fun game! I enjoyed the your artstyle and the all the music was very settling. I liked the variety of upgrades we can make, and the bosses itself has also a nice variety. In essence, good game! Well done
Its an amazing game. I really love the casino based visuals. The only thing that annoyed me a bit, was the speed of the dash. A bit too slow in my opinion.
I loved this game! It is very complete, and the visuals and sound are great, I even spent some time walking around the casino just to appreciate how beautiful it looked. The boss battles were really good too, but I felt overpowered with all those upgrades. My favorite was the second boss, I died once to him and saw a nice variety of his spells, but the second time I was so strong that I didn’t even get to see some of his attacks. Great game, very fun and well-made!
Good art is a well used theme. If you have some free time, how can you watch my game?
I love this game so much! The gameplay is very fun, the art style is amazing, and everything was so on point. Great work!
The vibes and theme around this game is soooo fun! the combat and everything just feels so smooth and the visuals and music is awesome! Really amazing game you guys made!
(PS: If you're willing to I'd love it if you can rate and leave some feedback on my game! This is my first ever jam and I'd love to see where I can improve for the future!)
Oh wow, the atmosphere and "vibes" of this gare are so sweet, I can't believe you even got cool art for the loading screens and even unlockable cosmetics!! That is so awesome. Also the training dummy being called the Ultimate Lord of Destruction got me a nice laugh
I also like the "player hub", and being able to actually play the Slots is such a nice touch. Just feels nice to walk around with the music and such. The upgrade system is nice and I love all the "Risk/reward" stuff.
The boss fights were fun, the patterns were enjoyable and some attacks were quite creative. I really really enjoyed this game, well done!
Just finished the game and WOW that was fun! With my first spin on the slot machine I won the jackpot which gave me enough coins to buy all the upgrades which was super fun lol. Its really cool that you managed to come up with a gambling themed name for each ability and the hat cosmetics which unlocked as you beat the bosses were a really nice bonus. The music for the game and all of the art is all brilliant and the game felt very well balanced. I hope the whole team is proud of their work :D
i've played a few casino themed games so far but this one has been one of my favorites! a lot of fun and liked all the art and sound done for this as well!
This is an all around excellent submission, really blown away! I loved that the tutorial checked if you used every input before opening the door. Your music is fantastic and fitting for the setting. The first boss training dummy is really funny, the effects when you defeat a boss are great. You've got charming loading screens, character customization with hats, cute credits, and the lets go gambling sound effect on losing the slot machines made me laugh and kept me there for quite a while.
More importantly though, each boss is distinct with their own unique attacks and feel, and I really loved this submission. Amazing job can't wait to see more!
the game was very fun! and the visuals are amazing! i liked the upgrades and the how they have drawbacks so they aren't op! and i like that there's a hardcore diffculty because the normal one was easy (for me lol)
the camera was a little bit bugged if you move the camera too fast it like increases the sensitivity or something but just for a moment
the area like the lobby where it has crowd sound it plays that crowd sound but there's litreally nobody there so it feels unrealistic lol
even tho some upgrades have drawbacks there are still some op and some other kinda useless like the double or nothing is kinda op lol maybe lower the chance of getting double dmg and firerate!
there's that arrow that appears when you get away from the boss it should be bigger and in the top of the screen instead close to the player because i can't pay attention to it
overall amazing game and i'd like to see more bosses for the game
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