It could just be mean but the controls got messed up. I was playing with keyboard a mouse and somehow WASD got inverted and I couldn't really enjoy myself.
What I did see was an awesome Art Style, Cool Boss, and an awesome arcade feel. Sounds were also really nice!
Play game
Spinfinity's pageGame's Take on the Theme
A shooter like game (shmup) bullet hell"ish", Spin themed enemies
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
I got distracted with the music and forgot to dodge haha!! It might seem challenging at the beginning (lot of chainsaws for my brain to process ngl), but once you lock in, you're good to go. I just wish it had a clearer indicatior of when I'm taking damage, I couldn't really figure it out if I did or didn't take damage in some runs. this Touhou with the Portal cores?
It's pretty damn good, but, Jesus Christ, I don't think my eyes can't handle this many bullets.
I typically don't play bullet hell games but this seemed like a decent difficulty for new comers, the patterns aren't so complex that you get lost, it might take a few tries to find the trick and once you get it you have a blast weaving in and out of the attacks. The game had pretty good music too, kept up the hype train going :3
Overall I found myself enjoying the game and lastly...
We love robot ladies in this household <(OuO)>
I'm not good at bullet-hell shooting games, but I was excited by the game.
The graphics match well, conveying a high-tech future. The gameplay is a typical vertical shooter,
which is quite enjoyable.
Very fun fast paced bullet hell shmup, I found the boss patterns to be pretty thrilling while still staying fair and dodgeable with precise positioning and reaction time. I do wish the feedback was a little better upon getting hit, because the robot going "taking damage" didn't feel very congruent with the pace and feel of the gameplay
Cool game, I really enjoyed the sound effects and music, but the boss was kind of like unbeatable. I kept on dying wondering if i was doing any damage to the boss. The game is cool BTW.
The design of the side UI is excellent. I was fun.
Really good gameplay and mechanics, cool art and sound track... Really enjoyed my time!!!
This truly challenged my (lack of) bullethell skills, but it was a fun experience after getting used to a couple of the patterns! One thing I didn't quite get was the spin button and its function, I kept spamming it but I wasn't able to clearly tell what it's doing.
One of my favorites so far though!
Unfortunately wasn't able to play due to issues porting to Mac through Wineskin ): It's a shame, the game looks great from the screenshots.
fantastic game... the screen truly felt chaotic and dodging the boss attacks felt like I was always barely getting away from them.
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