Saw this game on swagshaw's feeback stream and have to say glad i gave it a download. Super satisfying combat and not sure if you mad things easier but I felt the parry window was really fair and satisfying to pull off. The visuals are great too! Great job
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Cygnify's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Spin your sword at the right time to destroy rotations/energies and gain health
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
Cartoon Coffee:
The game was very addictive and fun to master. By the end of playing I found myself parrying over and over to lay the smack down and that was a good feeling. The fact that every single attack can be parried was awesome too.
However, I think the parry may also be the game's biggest weakness. The parry timing is very generous and healing after every successful parry makes the dominant strategy to stand still, wait for the boss to attack, and then parry and mash attack. It's fun to master that, but can feel a little one note and repetitive.
I still had a good time though, great job with this!
I love the style of your game, the feeling on the movements and the parry is cool!
I really enjoyed this game! The artistic style has a lot of charm to it and the normal maps were a neat touch to the environment. Despite the stiff animations, the boss attacks were pretty well telegraphed, other than the salty hag's basic swing which maybe could have used a more distinct anticipation pose. Overall, nice work! I love these types of 2D hack 'n' slash games :>
Cool game, but I would say parry a bit too much OP and you don't need to use dodge/jump at all. Like perhaps parry window is a bit too large. Perhaps there could be some attacks, which you can't parry (like usually in games they have different attack indicator). Otherwise you can just spam attacks and parry with minimal movement. Perhaps your attack indicating is also is too good, so it not that hard to get parry timing :)
Hey sweet game, you got some sweet lighting effects going on with the art well done. Congrats on the game and good luck in the jam!
I rated and submitted to return the favor of your rate submission of my game below! - If others read this, play/rate my game to get me to try yours as well! Thanks!
I like the art. It got me asking if it's 3D or 2D. The sfx are super smooth, the controller is fast and snappy as well.
I needed multiple times to get hang of it, I'm noob in these kind of games. AND THE PARRY IS AWESOME!
Your game is AMAZING, I LOVED IT. I hope you get a good ranking in the game jam. Congratulations on the great work, I had a lot of fun playing it.
I can feel the love in this game through the hand drawn animations and carefully balanced parry system and all the attacks from the bosses. I think you guys did an awesome job and should be proud of how good the game feels to play. One more boss would've been awesome (and make it hard! No more freebies imo)
Awesome ! It was kind of hard, I would advice to make boss patterns attacks more predictables, other than that everything is good :) Well done !
Very fun game! Deflecting the attacks feels amazing, super juiced up!! Hitting combos could also use a bit more juice but thats just nit picking. The controls feel nice but are a bit unresponsive??
The art is beautiful, really love the use of the bloom effect!
I don't know if its just my end but I found the game had a good 1/2 second of input delay on every action. This made it very difficult to get the right parry window.
Unfortunatly I couldn't get past even the first boss due to this latency, so I'll judge based on what I've seen so far.
The art is really nice and fitting for the game, and the boss seemed to have a decent amount of telegraphing. Honestly if the game were working smoothly I could see myself enjoying this one.
So it really is a shame.
Enjoyed it very much! The music and graphic were great in my opinion, might play again later! The fights were really well done as well! Very unique! WELL DONE! 10/10
Silksong spotted. The animation and the art is actually really good. Gameplay wise with the parry mechanic reminds me of nine sols which is cool. Great entry!
OOOO it feels so good when you got the perfect timing of the incoming attacks, and then you keep attacking and healing!! The art is great and the game is fun!
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