The level spinning mechanic is well implemented, and made me have to think about how to escape the boss. I like that you have to take a risk by blindly falling to gain more speed instead of walking normally on the floor (but being slower).
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SPInc.'s pageGame's Take on the Theme
User can spin the world, bosses have spin attack
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here. VFX
Really cool concept and execution. A lot of things in the game work well together.
Some more variety in how the player attacks bosses would be cool, but I also like how the simple weapon allows for more focus on running away from the first 2 bosses. especially once I learned I can just hold to shoot.
Really good game, very funny and challenging experiencie, direct to mi favorite list.
- Nice art and environment design! Felt consistent, polished, and well put together
- Rotating the map is a fun mechanic, gave the fights a more frenetic feel as you have to watch where you're going and think ahead a bit more
- Would have liked the camera to lead the player a bit more so you have a better indicator of any dangers in the way, found myself falling into obstacles a lot with little warning
- Would be interesting if you could damage the first or 2nd boss (when the shield is down) by kiting them into the hazards the player has to navigate over
- It's been said in other comments but +1 for adding a mini-map to make the navigation a bit more focused
Great job!
This game is actually pretty good, need some getting used to and sfx needs more love, but ey its good! Goodjob!
Art design and lighting are very good. Navigating is a little tricky, maybe that was intended, but yeah, i liked that
Interesting idea. The game mechanics, lighting and others stuff r really admiring. but a bit too hard to survive.
Cool idea! Very fascinating game, a bit hard to navigate with the controls. I like what you were going for. Good work!
Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it!! :D
Yeah, I agree we could shave off somethings there to make it more intuitive, unfortunately it took a lot longer to adjust the core mechanic of rotating the world at will that we had to rush some things at the end haha
But we are happy with the result, it was a big learning project for us!
An interesting game, rather than having some weapon you spin, you instead spin the level.
However due to the nature of the game, most of it feels like blind falling, you can't really aim for the health pickups or anything as there's little to no time to react before you fall past.
This isn't necessarily bad but it feels like you have little control. Maybe some form of mini-map with coloured dots for pickups and a simplified layout of the map would help.
Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it!! :D
Yeah, we had plans for a minimap from the beginning but we were having some frame-drop issues, and the rotation mechanic was a bit of a nightmare to make it work without breaking other stuff. Maybe in the future with more experience, we can create this without having optimization issues.
but we are happy with the overall result, at least it is entertaining enough!!
Very true, I actually have some experience doing a world rotation type mechanic myself in one of my previous jams; so I understand the limitations and complications considering the time constraints. In the game I had made back then, getting my minimap working with the world rotation took some work, and this was just a basic metroidvania-style map with very little detail.
But regardless, its still a decent game and I'm sure its been a good learning experience for you and your team.
yeah, we found out only now that our minimap was not working properly back then due to an interaction with the URP that made the minimap use the Pos Processing effects twice on the whole level! hahaha
that is why our frame rate went bogus and we couldn't solve it
Thank you very much for your insights!
Really cool and engaging idea! I did find that due to not knowing what I was falling into, when I fell/spun the environment I'd often fall into obstacles that I didn't know would be there. I think it'd be worth experimenting stripping down the level design into a simple square arena, and seeing how the game feels from there. I definitely understand the idea behind why the level design is so elaborate because it does allow for more skill expression, but sometimes as designers we can get in our own heads in terms of just adding and adding because we just get so used to the skeletons of our games.
Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it!! :D
Yeah, we had plans for a minimap from the beginning but we were having some frame-drop issues, and the rotation mechanic was a bit of a nightmare to make it work without breaking other stuff. But the camera should be a bit farther away to give more visibility, I 100% agree on that, and maybe with fewer traps on the way. Unfortunately, creating the game mechanics took longer than expected, and I did not have much time to balance it properly, since I was already used to the map and gameplay.
But we are happy with the overall result, at least it is entertaining enough!!
A very good concept, the boss fight through escaping rotating "mazes" feels quite fresh. The visuals, sounds, and music are top-notch. As for suggestions: I'll repeat the point that there's an issue with moving and falling into the unknown—a mini-map would really help with that. But even so, the game entertained me a lot! Great work!
Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it!! :D
Yeah we had plans for a minimap from the beginning but we were having some frame-drop issues, and the rotation mechanic was a bit of a nightmare to make it work without breaking other stuff hahaha
but we are happy with the overall result, at least it is entertaining enough!!
Cool Concept. I wasn't able to beat the entire game at this time however I will return to it. I tried to start with the third boss and quickly realized that wouldn't work lmao, I got past the first two bosses and really liked the spinning the map mechanic as well as the difficulty. the map is a bit confusing though as its quite big so I would suggest a minimap. Really good job though!
Very cool concept, the mechanic has a high skill ceiling and the concept can be expanded to great lenghts.
The maps are really confusing, everything looks the same and a minimap would be of huge help. I think the bosses are a little bit too fast. You cannot escape them if they see you which is kind of annoying.
Overall very nice game!
Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it!! :D
I agree with you, the speed of falling is faster than just running but there is no indication of that anywhere in the game
The main idea is to fall and use the Spin mechanic to keep falling, but it lacks some visual feedback for the player
But thank you for the feedback!!
nice game need some bec it is hard but not harder than my game link try it
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