The concept is pretty interesting, especially the different types of ammunition effects and usage of spin for reloading, but I’m really too bad to go any further :c
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Revolving Chambers's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Spinning wheel to reload. Casino theme with spinning slots.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
The audio assets were made by us. Majority of the art was from asset packs, with some assets custom made by us.
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
An excellent and unique interpretation of the theme!! I love how the fun never slows down for a second! Awesome visuals, awesome music, and an overall fantastic execution!
Great job!!
Really liked how the final boss made use of the coloured bullets! It would have been nice to have a reload key though, I kept getting the wrong colours :)
fantastic work on this! art and theme are all really solid and love the overall feel of the game. it did take me a while to figure out the reloading mechanic for swapping to different weapons but otherwise this kept me playing through all the bosses available! wish there was more.
I'm not usually a super big fan of bullet hells but this one is super fun to play! I love the casino theme and I feel like it uses the spin theme well! I love the music! I do wish the player fit into the environment more then just being a little orange guy. It was a little hard to understand what to do at first but I got the hang of it. Great Game overall!
Love this game, the art is great and very cohesive! The bullet hell alone is pretty fun to play through, but layered with the bullet color mechanic makes this a really unique game!
Overall art/visuals here are just gorgeous, paired really nicely with the music, and it's such a fun mechanics. Great job!!
The only thing i noted was that it was a bit overwhelming at first to try to understand how the game works (maybe the first boss could serve better as a less challenging tutorial that ease player into the game), but once i got the hang of it, it was a blast!
The game was very fun! I love that the projectiles aren't very hard to dodge by themselves but because there are several things to be aware of it makes it challlenging, but not frustrating. I wasn't able to beat the third boss, but I loved the mechanic and it's my favorite boss of the game. The movement is responsive and I liked how you implemented the theme into the game.
It's a very creative game. I enjoyed it. The graphics are beautiful!
It’s a bit repetitive but this game has a really really fun core concept and some really unique bosses, i like it!
Noo my life savings :(
Very fun game and solid bosses. The second boss fit the theme really well but I had fun trying all of them! Some clarification on what the different bullets do would have been nice and an auto fire mechanic without needing to click every time too. Other than that the game felt polished and fun to play.
I really really like this take on the theme! It's a really fun concept to use the "spin" mechanic to choose the type of bullet in your chamber, and the bullets themselves felt different enough to be interesting, to the point that I would actively try to get a specific one in specific situations, and if I "failed the timing", I would adapt to get the most out of the one I got, which was loads of fun!
Loved the casino theme/visuals too, and the music fits this atmosphere quite well. Great job, loved the game!
Super fun shooter, nice concept and good use of bullet patterns. I really enjoyed the music in this one too. My one and only issue was with the final boss, I was too stupid to figure out how those cards that blocked my bullets would collapse so I could get a hit in. Overall very cool game! :)
Man, I love the creativity this game has, love the bosses and how they represent the casino soo nice. Also, final boss was hilarious, I didn't expect to see "The House", really an amazing boss fight, congrats :D
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