really unique idea! loved it!
just think the movement needs a bit of refinement, it feels hard to dodge stuff, at least with little experience.
i also apreciate the coconut spider, clever!
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Super Smoothie Slasher's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Spin the speed up on this blender in your S.P.I.N.ach suit to battle it out with flipping bananas, web-spinning coconuts, and disco pineapples.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Yes, we created all the visual assets during this Jam.
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
We received consent from John 5 and their management team to use their music for this jam. Sound effect assets were purchased during a humble bundle.
I really like the idea and the visuals, its really well executed and graphics are colorful and fun, the way we play is really as we expect, well made overal!! I rate graphics, fun, control and everything else on top, really well made, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!!
Very cool game, I had a little but of trouble with the controls and how slow it felt at first but i like it, good job!
What a silly fun game haha, fighting in a blender is a blast! I didn't see the use for the blender power though, I face tanked most bosses as well. This game made me thirsty! Haha, congrats on submission! Feel free to play ours as well!
Super fun and tough game!
Loved the animations and the boss design of this game!
I'm going to get a smoothie now.
The design of the bosses is pretty good, cool concept and that intro with the comic style is awesome!! I love the multiple phases, did I already say that the bosses look amazing? The art and animation are good and I just can't believe how good the boss design is. The only thing is that I spent a lot of time figuring out how to use the controls and how to play specially that spinning attack took me a while to understand how to use. Overall it's pretty good, good artstyle, good job!
Quite an interesting and cool game!
A cool intro to the video comic and the overall style of hand-drawn, good overall boss designs with good animation.
Of the minuses, I would like to highlight the rather difficult training, which is why
A hilarious concept with the blender, but what I loved even more was the intro comic! The gameplay and boss fights (especially the coconut one!!) are really fun! I had a great time playing—excellent work!
I love the idea of fighting in a blender, and the bosses are very varied! Congrats!
Hey, Main artist here. Thanks for checking out our game!
This was my venture into both Pixel art and especially animation, and while it definitely tested me.. I'm really happy how it came out! Great to see peoples comments about the bosses, designing their looks and move sets was the best part. As you can imagine there are even more bosses we had planned which is still hope to create some day.
Cool game, the blender acting like a fan that you can control the speed of is pretty cool. Boss design is unique and interesting too! Good use of spin with the blender. I think the hit boxes for the player attacks are a bit awkward sometimes but overall great work!
Oh my goodness, these bosses are epic! I was horrified when something opened the banana, and then oh my goodness I had to fight a (I won't say which one freaked me out, spoilers!). But woah, what a trip. I love the sounds the little guy makes when he's jumping and moving! I think he was a bit too difficult to move around, but I was still able to at least kill a boss. I love that I could try out more than one, too! Fantastic idea and you really got a lot done in a month!
Cute game ! I particularly like the idea of wrestling against a ... Banana ?! Which is inhabited by... something, i guess ? Good one !
The comic is awesome, and the concept, your take on the jam theme, are all superb. All it needs is some balancing and audio. I think you did an excellent and fresh take on the spin concept.
Easily my favorite boss designs so far. Multiple phases made me happy too!
The controls were challenging for me to acclimate to. More mouse utilization would have made me more comfy personally.
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