Same as all other posts; I'll be trying and rating some games later today, so show me what you've got!
Mine's a little 2D roguelike with different weapons and upgrades, give it a shot! (no pun intended)
hey Tomineitor! Nice to see that you submitted a game!
Looking for relaxing game? Come here :
Heyo! My friends and I are a group of artists that made a little visual novel! It's not too long, probably 15-30 minutes for the whole game depending on your reading speed. It's mostly story based and has a lot of nice scenes and sprites! If you'd like to try it out, I can direct my friend who submitted it to your game too :>
Creature Corp, a Monster's Inc inspired card-game: try mine and rate it and donate 5$ to support me (just kidding in the last one)
Listen to Instructions. Find and Detect the Anomalies. Distribute and Discard. Hope you enjoy :D
Hi! Will play your game for sure, here's mine:
Enjoy! Have a great time while playing :)
Unpacking inspired Stealth horror game:
Please do check it out! Its fun memory game with teleporting doors! Match the items of all doors to proceed to the next level! I forgot to mention the undead that are spawned if you try to match the wrong item. They cant be defeated only avoided using your trusty dodge! Feed Back is appreciated
Resident Assistant: A short horror game inspired by I’m On Observation Duty!
I’ll try to rate everyone’s here as well! Heres the game! Im not currently logged into the account that submitted it cause im on a different device, but i worked on it! Have fun!
K to interact. I REPEAT "K TO INTERACT"
The first game jam game I made with my friend is a little difficult but worth a try.
If you have time, try my game, i will rate yours !
https ://
Enjoy the craziest game of your life :
This is a puzzle game. Please read the descriptions for tips on the game page. Good luck!
Already rated yours, and really liked it :))
Hope you like mine: :))))
If your still interested in trying games here's mine
Hey, this is our game, it's a short childhood experience of waking up at midnight and wanting to pee. Hope you like this:
Short horror game where you must escape from the house whilst hiding from the figure that lurks in the darkness...
Will rate everyone's game who rate's mine!
Just tried your game, I love these roguelike shooters! It was quite challenging, but still fun. The sounds you made for it and in general the fact that everything was made from scrath is awesome! 👍
If you feel like giving our short puzzle game a go, we also made everything from scratch :D
In my crazy game, a TV Horror Host Dracula Dinosaur gives you the choice of three doors. You must choose one! Who knows what's behind each door!? (We hope it's not bees!)
weve got a retro puzzle dungeon-crawler! hope you like it :)
I am trying your game out now!
Here is mine: