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A member registered Aug 23, 2015 · View creator page →

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Ahh damn. I didn't notice that. I'm guessing its an artefact of the camera2d being able to move in subpixels or something. I'll need to figure that out before the next lowrezjam haha.

(1 edit)

Sick game, tight well paced progression and great visual design. Loved all the different environment palettes, and the the effects and tiny bits of juice were really cool, especially that candle effect and the animated grass. Powers felt intuitive to use and I enjoyed the kind of ghosty ambiance. Also that intro cutscene is next level for a jam game, very cool.

I did finish it and jump into the light. With no filler and all interesting content, the entire experience was thoroughly enjoyable.

Awesome job!

I beat the final boss but it took me a few tries! Super tight and fun shooter, with a unique premise. The parody programs and stuff were funny too. 

Awesome job.

Super cool idea. The scope worked really well, I was able to see stuff clearly that I couldn't see at all in the normal view. The idea of assassination puzzles seems really new and interesting to me. Game looks great too with lots of cool effects like the smoke and fire and enough set detail to make the world pop. Awesome job!

(1 edit)

Thanks :)

It's 64x64 but scaled to 640x640 (Unless i messed something up with the exported versions!), at least that's how I set it up in the godot project settings, not sure if that is true pixel perfect scaling but its set to integer and to keep the aspect ratio.

Interesting concept, the teeth bullets are pretty metal. Very doom like atmosphere, the sound track was sick. Fun to play as well. Quite difficult, I ran out of bullets and had to juke enemies a lot. 

Nice job, well executed and the vibe is on point for sure.

The presentation is so cool! The game itself is enjoyable as well, the precision required in movement and jumping feels good and the parry timing is not to hard. The sfx and music are really evocative of that kind of low bit depth retro kinda thing and the stingers like when you spawn or die are a nice juicy bit of audio design that fits the theme really well. I tried out the post jam version as well, and the effect of having the buttons actually click was super cool.

Super cool entry, well done!

What a fun adventure haha. I followed the clues and made it to the end and it was very satisfying.  So many cool little gameplay elements and bits of polish and juice. The music was chill and fit theme and setting, and the art is very cute.

Wasn't sure if I missed something in the starting island, I couldn't do anything with the huts, but I still got everything I needed for the you know what to appear.

Awesome game, super fun.

I got 292 coins. Awesome game. Loved the vibe of the different stages and how well the music matched the themes, the art is really awesome too. Super polished and fun entry. Awesome job!

Fun adventure with an interesting story progression. Controls feel good, I think the checkpoints are fair, I did die to a miniboss once and had to start from the weapon again but the levels are quite easy to navigate quickly so it wasn't annoying. I like the art, the parallax background is really cool. Wish I could skip the text cutscenes, I went back to play it again and wanted to mash my way through that opening.

Cool game!

Yea sure I played on the most up to date Firefox version :D

I love the artwork! Fun game too, collecting feathers to increase my flight speed is a satisfying loop. Such a cute game, awesome work!

I reached the top. Really fun movement mechanics, once I got the dash and double jump I was zooming around the place like crazy. Satisfying controls and visuals, sounds good, and is fun. Was sad it was over so soon!

(1 edit)

I am terrible at this game lol. 

I ended up driving off the course to go explore and saw the mountains were actually planes haha, it's a really cool effect as a backdrop/skybox environment. The game looks great, I'm just super bad at controlling the car :D

Nice game!

This game is really cool. Having to go collect my ball really changes how I approach combat, I had to be a lot more careful about my shots. I definitely found it difficult, I probably did 15 or so runs and never got of floor 1. I always made silly mistakes juking zombies (They are very tanky) and took a bunch of damage.

I really like this art style too. 

Gunna try a few more runs to see if I can improve. I think getting the right item is key, I'm not sure if there is a way to see what each item does but I think the one that lets me summon the ball is my favorite.

Okay, made it to the observers at the top and got 32 bits. Not sure if I missed any? Nice atmosphere, it's incredible given the low rez and fixed perspective how intuitive it is to move the character accurately around these islands. I never really felt like I wasn't landing where I expected to land, and the game loop of collecting bits to increase my range was satisfying.

Fun game!

Interesting game with really awesome art, that ending cutscene is really cool and the final boss is a sick set piece, with what seemed like different phases and stuff (It was a little tough to figure out what was going on I was just spamming left and right at them and trying to dodge the beams). The beginning bit where you learn the controls and then get into the actual game was a really interesting diegetic tutorial as well. I did have a bug where the mouse kept pulling down so I had to constantly adjust upwards, not sure if that's a me or a browser issue.

Awesome game!

Purchased! Hi from the dcjam discord :D

(2 edits)

Late to the party on this one, but I'm working through some entries I didn't get to and this one is super cool!

The art is cute and polished, love the juice on the cards and the nice animations and tweens. That effect behind the texture with the bubbles is really cool too. Love the ambient sounds. Even the main menu is cool with the camera angle looking up at the tower.

Combat is tight and really satisfying, the bombs affecting the level geometry is a nice touch. Tactically it provides some interesting opportunities to try position enemies to best use some of the weapons and their abilities. The fact that you need to kind of pick up and throw the card onto the field is just a super satisfying physical control.

I can see why this entry was rated so high, it's nearly production ready and probably the most mechanically fun and satisfying game I've played so far.

Super awesome job.

The only thing I would have liked, and this is just personal preference and not like a bug or issue or anything, is that the turn system had a bit of leeway so I could move in front of an enemy without them hitting me instantly (Or be able to "wait" a turn). The way it is now means that if I want to use a melee card I had to tank the damage before I can use the card, it would have been nice to be able to time the turns so I could get in there and hit first and then they took their turn.

I know the rating time is over, but this is one of the games on my list that I didn't get to play in time but I still wanted to leave a comment :)

First off wow, I love the visual style of this game! The geometry looks so cool and the verticality really breaks the space up and makes it seem more natural rather than a flat maze. Sound design was also excellent, I loved the ambient background track. Definitely worked well with the visuals to give an oppressive vibe to the dungeon.

The movement was implemented well, I just wish I could move a little bit faster.

I escaped before I saved all the cats, I didn't actually mean to but I should have realized when a door was leading off the map that it could have been an exit. I actually used a map to navigate, I think the minimap was a cool idea actually, it gave me enough information to locate myself but not enough that I was playing by staring at the minimap and it prompted me to explore and learn about the space.


Really interesting mechanic using the traps to kill the enemies! Fun game.

Cute characters and the voice over style was a really cool idea, reminded me of like story book narration.
I liked the puzzle aspect and the different areas having different tilesets was good to keep things interesting.

I got the impression that the combat was a rock/paper/scissors style thing but I didn't fully understand the interactions between the different attack types.

Great entry!

This game is so fun, probably the most fun I've played. The spell crafting and different effects are so much fun to play with. My favorite was getting those damage fields down and trying to merc multiple baddies at once.

My only complaint is that I wish I could hold down the W key to go forward multiple cells, and just because I'm bad I wouldn't say no to a minimap :D

Visually I think it hits the mark, with the different art styles in the different dungeons and the cool sprites. The audio is also solid.

Really great entry!

Yay I ascended!

Man what a stylish and cool looking and sounding game. The bells and chanting and the colours. Really interesting and cool aesthetic. I really liked the combat as well, almost ryhthm gamey, and very satisfying.

What a cool game, nice work!

I got a bug where I lost my staple gun trying to swap it for a tooth. Other than that it worked great! I notice you've said that the game is endless, however I did find a door that had an exit sigh above it but beyond it was more whale insides, so I think there isn't an escape at the moment. I did find another room with a gun though so I was able to get back into the fight. Those enemies are suitably gross as well, it really does evoke the inside of some giant beast.

The visuals and the sounds are fantastic, and they make the environment is gross in a really good way. Lots of juicy squelches haha

Nice entry!

I escaped with 1 silver coin haha

My primary feedback would be the perspective, it's a little confusing figuring out when an enemy or treasure chest was in the tile directly infront of me and I could interact with it. It's something I also struggle with in my games to be honest.

I actually had quite a bit of fun playing this one, exploring and fighting the enemies, the music fits the dungeon well and the layout was interesting while not being too maze like to where I just felt lost the entire time.

Not sure if there was a map and I just missed it, but I actually learned the layout of the dungeon pretty well by the time I backtracked to the exit ladder :)

Nice entry!

I got the correct creature :)

This game is so stylish and polished. I love the UI and the cute character sprites. The textures area really awesome too, the general look of the dungeon is stylized and coherent. The voice over was at a really high level of quality. Really high quality entry and a pretty fun romp through an interesting and enjoyable location to explore. My only feedback would be that the movement could be a bit faster, but apart from that mechanically it was great. I liked the camera minigame, simple but effective.

Super well done!

The visuals look good, if a tad dark for my monitor. The editor seems quite advanced with some nice features like draggable toolboxes and groups and stuff. Really well done to put this together in such a short time!

I'd say you're more than ready for DCJAM2025!

I died before I could explore the ruins fully ;_; Without anyway to restore health I think I made a few bad decisions and ended up burning more HP than I should of on attacking.

First of all I love the hand drawn art style, it looks fantastic and stylish. I really like it. Good use of the theme as well. I liked that there was some strategy to the combat because you had to balance your resources and potential have enough to destroy a wall and fight a monster directly afterwards so you needed to use different attacks.

I was pulled in by the story setup and setting too.

Nice game!

I was a little confused as to what was going on, I explored a bunch and then I think I died and I didn't quite understand what the arrows were for. 

That being said, I really really like the visual style of this game. It looks really cool and the fact that it's an actual gameboy game? That is wild! 

(1 edit)

Score: 315.

Got it first try! I think I had about 15 second left on the clock when I stepped into the portal haha

I loved the otherworldly visuals and void space that I was exploring here, the lighting was really atmospheric and all the textures looked great. The gameplay is interesting, solving the puzzles was fun but having them all connect into a larger riddle was a great touch that I think enhanced the overall experience. I also appreciated the option to have immediate movement.

I definitely felt the tension of the timer, so that was effective.

Well done!

Cool aesthetic here,  love the hands and the magic particle thing (Though it's a touch to big, takes up a lot of the screen). Gameplay is fun, dodging projectiles and blasting eyeballs mechanically feels satisfying.

Boss battle was well done I think, apart from not actually being able to shoot the eye after killing the hearts, the fact that you setup a multi-phase boss battle is pretty rad for a jam game. The art on that guy was sick too.

I really appreciate the effort you put into your itch page as well, it looks fantastic, and the fact that this is your first game is very impressive.

Well done on a great entry!

Man what an interesting idea. Took me a few tries to figure out that there was like a global timer that I could predict. I died from debris quite a few times, and I think the mechanic needs to be explained a bit and maybe some work done in the UI (I didn't figure out at first that it bounced back and forward) but concept is really cool and pretty trippy too.

Definitely could do some polish, sounds, etc because the actual visual vibe is also quite intense but it's missing something. Theres a strong vibe here to build on.

Great idea, and one of the more unique gameplay mechanics I've seen for sure. Nice work!

I destroyed the pyramid :)

Man wow, what a rich atmosphere. At first I thought the movement was way too slow, but in retrospect I think like tank controls in other games it actually added to the creepy survival horror aspect, it could still probably be a bit faster but the slow pace of moving through was on-theme for the underwater horror aspect.

In terms of visuals and audio I love it, so spooky and crunchy. Those body bags at the end are super creepy. I also got a fright the first time I faced one of the faster enemies (Siren I think?) and they rushed at me. Some interesting environmental story telling as well, like the spear in the dudes side that matches the audio log.

I was a bit confused whether or not my attacks were registering on the enemies, but they eventually died so I guess they were. That would be my primary piece of feedback, adding some more juice so I know when I connect.

Really cool entry, well done!

Interesting idea with the traversal mechanics, though I found the grab frustrating until I figured out how it works. Maybe some more UI feedback on whats going on with that would be helpful for smooth brains like me. I'm not sure if there was ever a situation where I wouldn't want grab to be enabled.

The rest of the movement is snappy and feels good. I really enjoyed the jump. I definitely over shot a few times and had to circle back, but I again I just had to slow down and be more deliberate with my movement. The fact that it unlocked a bunch more of the level built a great progression to the game.

Strong presentation with the vibey opening and closing cut scenes and the presence of the cute little robot dude. I think this game looks and sounds really good, the environments are varied and the space is large and logically consistent as a kind of mine or something.  There was also just a ton of polish and variety and environment art that made the space fun to explore, it wasn't just a bunch of corridors. I especially liked the cafeteria with the posters and tables and stuff, then to come back and be able to jump across the rafters was a cool way to revisit the space in a new way.

Overall a very impressive game with a ton of content, a lot of polish, and some really interesting gameplay ideas.

Take that Apophis!

This is such a fully formed experience with such a strong style it's actually kinda nuts. The story and dialog and stuff was on-point, I also want to uppercut anyone that blocks my way with riddles lmao. The characters had personalities and the fact that it was so strongly themed was really impressive, I actually feel like I kinda learned something about the mythology, though I didn't fact check that at all :D

Combat was well implemented, though to be honest I did rely heavily on just attacking but that's pretty standard for me unless the combat is difficult enough to require using abilities, that's more of a commentary on how difficult it is to balance jam games and my own laziness than anything though. I did have to use healing and debuffs in some cases.

The levels were fun to explore, they weren't to large and maze like to outstay their welcomes and the objectives (Liek the buttons) were super clear so I didn't worry to much about missing key things. That last level is gorgeous, with the space tiles. In general the visuals are very well put together, obviously heavily "sand" coloured but that makes sense given the setting.

Audio was good as well, I appreciated that the audio was reactive and changed when I went into battle and stuff.

I think this is just a really strong and complete experience. Well done!

I burned the idol :)

I definitely see what you were going for here, and it was a huge experience you were trying to craft. Multiple large locations, an open world hub with the swamp section. It's a shame you didn't have a chance to finish it because the concept itself is cool.

In terms of whats there, when actually exploring the movement felt good however the the sheer size of moveable area meant I wanted the option to move a bit more quick (Like being able to spam forward and speedup/skip the move tween) just to help getting around, especially where I need to backtrack. The actual environment design that is in place is really good, It's clear that had you the time these environments would have been filled with set dressing and interesting immersive spaces to explore.

In your description I see you're planning on taking this forward post-jam, and I definitely think you should because you've clearly got a complete vision and just didn't have the time to execute.

Good effort!

Interesting ideas at play here, with the changing layout and the health/madness mechanics. The fact that there is an internal logic to the level changes is fantastic, because I was able to learn how the dungeon "behaves" which is really cool, as opposed to just random layout changes which would have been frustrating.

I will say that moment when you pick up the book and the music hits that kind of 80s power rock bass line starts going and the synth kicks in, is RAD. 

I wasn't quite sure if I did the right thing to finish, I found what I think is the boss but I wasn't able to kill them before I died. 

Some really cool ideas here, a good entry. Well done!

Interesting. Part puzzle, part dark souls, part metroidvania with a really solid progression that feels rewarding. 

Nice use of verticality, the world was more of a core part of the puzzle than a place to explore which I think fits this games mechanics well. The inclusion of traversal abilities is just a really interesting idea that I haven't really seen to much in this genre.

Enjoyed the combat, a little simple (Understanding given its a jam game) but I like that kind of positional combat and the ! made it easy to choreograph the attacks as opposed to having to read the animations or learn the specific timings which can be frustrating. 

Not sure if you pulled the background music loop from a CC0 source or its something you put together for the jam itself, but its nice. Really relaxing and chill vibe. At the beginning I thought it was maybe an odd choice for the game, but once I started to kind of click with the game as more of a cute tactical puzzle crawler, it resonated a bit more.

Beholder defeated, nice.

Super nice lighting and textures here, the space itself is very varied and has easy to recognize shapes and landmarks so I found it pretty easy to kind of figure out when I'd been somewhere and kind of familiarize myself with the dungeon. Verticality was awesome, there have only been a few games so far that I've seen really implement that well and this is a great one. The different height levels broke up the space really nicely and provided enticing glimpses of areas I wanted to get to and had to figure out how. I also appreciated that the paths to the higher areas was logically consistent and I didn't have to like do a massive loop of the dungen just to get to a high place in the same room.

Combat was pretty straight forward, though for some reason I found it super easy on the run that I actually finished the game. Prior to that I got wrecked pretty badly by some of the first enemies I came across, so I'm not sure if maybe there was a bug? There was also a minor bug where I couldn't walk forward after a fight, but that was easy to work around (I thought it might be like overlapping battle triggers or something?) In any case, I liked the tatical party based approach to the combat though it could use a bit of polish and juice if you make a post-jam version. 

The fact that you can create your own party and there is a bunch of lore was a really nice touch that is over and above what I would usually expect for a jam game! (Though I ended up winning using a premade party). 

Really well put together entry, nice work!