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A member registered Dec 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Some of the points you said are the main changes I plan to bring on my game after the jam. Thanks for pointing them out. I realize I need to get my level design more appropriate so the scaling can be useful. 

I didn't realise the sound was a bit harsh, I don't think anybody pointed that out for me and I'll keep that in mind now.

Thanks for your feedback. Glad you enjoyed it.

The game is basically a dream, so the viewfinder ability here is manipulating the dream world, so not exactly a camera. 

But yes, thanks for the feedback and glad you liked it.

I love the hand-drawn art in this game, that has given a unique style and looks soo good. The theme interpretation is quite different from the rest of the game that I've played so far and has given me a fresh experience. The gameplay could have been made better, but its fine for a 4 day game jam. 
Good game, Awesome work! 

Really a creative game. Made me think of tetris a bit too. I like how you added the rotation mechanics to balance the figures as well. You can tell there's a lot of thought that went into this. Solid work. Good Job!

Pretty cool game. It's easy to pick up and play. The size mechanic is pretty well done as well. Good Job. 

Ps: Could have removed that W and S keys to scale and shrink xD

Very impressive game !  Good level design and overall a great entry for the game jam!!

Love the game, feels like a familiar shoot em up game already and was easy to play on the get go. One thing I would suggest, is to only show the controls screen in the first launch of the game, and not every time you restart. Closing the controls screen each time you restart is not quite user friendly.

The rest is solid, Overall a very good executed shoot em up game. Good Job.

(1 edit)

This is a very creative and innovative idea of using scaling as a means to noclip player out of the box and reach the end. I thought I broke the game when I was like I no clipped out of it, but then I realized that's exactly how you want us to play the game. The level designs are pretty cool as well. I love that you designed it in a way it's impossible initially but is doable if we think it through. 
Great game. I loved it!

Didn't realize Betsy to be a whale. I like the way you made on how to get the key. It was fun and creative way of using the Scaling band.

I've did run into a bug, when I entered the whale's insides, I scaled down and moved into the smaller pipe or intestine, then I scaled back to the default size and it glitched and made me go out the map. 

Just pointing this in case you might want to fix this in future if you continue to work on it. 

Good game !

This is a very good game. One of the best I've seen in this jam. The puzzles are designed very well that makes you think a bit and go "aahh right" when you finish them. I love the Win 95 theme, made me nostalgic for a bit. 

This is seriously an impressive game design, absolutely love  it!

Pretty fun game. I loved the level design and the puzzles that you've added. I wish the game was longer though. Hope you will build up on it! I enjoyed playing this good one.

This game has a unique concept. Scaling the world as an interpretation of the theme was something that didn't cross my mind. This is an interesting take on it. Pretty good execution too. The Stealth sections that you added was a pretty good creative twist on this.  I loved playing this, watching the ball bounce around and then get big enough to crush through everything was satisfying.

I wish it was longer, and you could have added in a few more enemies to make this more engaging and strategic. I really enjoyed the stealth part, but I feel like it ended a bit too fast. Since this was made in a game jam, I understand the time constraints, but I hope you build up on this.

(1 edit)

Yes, this was inspired by Viewfinder. I always had that game in my mind and wanted to recreate it. I'm nowhere good enough to recreate it in 3D. So the next best thing I had in mind was creating it for 2D.  Initially I wanted to create a top-down adventurer game with this mechanic with pressure plate acting as keys and stuff. But the whole thing seemed like way too out of the scope for me. The whole taking the snapshot and pasting it and building colliders to it mechanic took me more than 2 days for me to make. I had really low time to design levels to actually make use of this whole mechanic as you pointed out.

I had way too many ideas on my mind while creating the mechanic. Some of them were what you listed down below (But you did bring more extra ideas than what I had in mind). Since this is a game jam, the tight schedule made me drop some of those ideas to make a bit more consistent gameplay. I didn't want to add more mechanics into the game and make it a bug-ridden mess, when I can focus on single mechanic and make a more stable game with much less noticeable bugs. 

I do have a plan on updating this after the game jam since people seems to like this mechanic and I haven't seen any other game that have used this mechanic in a 2D game. I'll keep your ideas in mind when I build it after the jam. I've mostly used Unity to build 3D games and its my first time building a 2D game in unity in a loooooong time. So I needed some time to adjust to. 

Thanks for this whole constructive feedback. I really appreciate it ! ^_^|

PS: The story I made for this game only took 2 hours and it was done at the end of the jam. I had some time to spare after the whole level building and bringing it together. 

Edit: I did think about creating a mechanic on using the copy of a Key to unlock a door. But since the scaling mechanic is in place, I think it would have been a mess bringing it together.

The jump feels and looks good. The whole effects on holding the jump and the releasing it is well down. Good job.

This is pretty cool. I did get my game crashed on my first run though. But you already had written the fixes in the description so I could move my way around. 
The scaling mechanic is pretty cool. I love how you used scroll wheel to scale it up and down. The jump felt a bit awkward at times but its manageable. The cat is a nice touch. Feels good to know you are not alone and you have a companion with you. Overall, great work. Would love to play this again when the bugs are fixed!

Yes, I'll keep that in mind when I work on this after the jam ends.
Thanks for the feedback! 

Adding everything onto the Left Click made my game break when I was suggested to do it by a friend. My code was already a spaghetti mess and adding that late to game jam period was scary for me. So, I kept it as it is. 

Thanks for the feedback!

I made the color change because I want people to know they are duplicates and those are the ones that got placed. If I had them in the same color, it might be bit difficult to notice when it overlaps the real level layout. 
Thanks for the feedback. !

Now that you say. I kinda feel like its a bit longer. Thanks for the feedback ^_^

Really well-made game. The comic book pattern on that intro made me hooked to the game. The art and sounds just made this all better. The physics and the extra challenges after each levels are very well designed. Really impressed with this game and the way it's made. Top tier. Good job.!

Cool concept. The game is challenging as well as enjoyable. Not being able to go down the ladder made it more difficult too. This has great potential. I hope you'll develop on this after the jam is over.

Interesting game. I wish this had more levels added, but it's a really good game regardless. 
The music and sound effects are the only thing missing.
I enjoyed it! ^_^

Pretty cool game. Would have been better if you could have added more abilities to the game. Great job!

This is insanely difficult like wow. I didn't realize I'll hate this crane just as much as I do the one in real life lol.

The art and style are all pretty cool. Loved the visual quality this game has. I kinda missed the point on what to do at first, but then when I got what to do. I knew I wouldn't be able to do this (T^T). Overall, a really great entry for the jam! I loved this just as much as I hate that crane.

This is very well implemented and thought out. Adjusting the gravity field in real-time and adding slow motion for it is just top notch. Great Job! 

The only thing I'd fix in this game is the text speed in the tutorial section. The text is a tad bit slow. But that's a minor issue. I don't mind it at all.

This is a really cute and cozy game. It's very evident you put much effort and thoughts into your game. Loved playing it. Didn't realize the theme can also be interpreted this way too.  
Great work ! 

This was fun playing. I knocked a little too many buildings in my first run lol. It's a bit hard to know where you are landing when you jump to moving platforms. But, you have nothing to be disappointed about. The building destroy mechanic is a nice touch. Great job!

Lol this is a funny game. I enjoyed it and the art style is great too. The cat in the background taking notes cracked me up. Well done!

Awsome game! Amazing level design and the music is a vibe too. I enjoyed playing it! Well polished.

This game is really fun. Enjoyed it fully. I wish you made few more levels. The levels made use of the mechanic and it felt fun to fly and glide with the bubblegum. Great game ! 

Fun game. But its really hard to get the hang of it. Its hard for me to play :( But Interesting concept and Great take on the theme.

Thanks ! Glad you enjoyed it

Glad you enjoyed it! ^_^

Thanks for the compliments, really appreciate it! 

Thanks, Glad you enjoyed it!

I'm not sure about the momentum thing, I haven't tried it out myself. Glad you enjoyed playing it

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

The scaling was a different experience. I didn't read the description, I went straight towards the palace and wasted a few minutes in bridge. Then I jumped off lol. Interesting take on theme. Nice one! 

I'll put my review on a different thread. 

The game is pretty good. Nice concept. But what I see lacking is the lack of information at times to decide where to go and what to do. It's pretty fun, the art style is really pleasant to look at. Great Job on this game. Nice one! 

Omg. It was that simple.