Really fun and engaging game. The art and character designs are really well done. Great game. Loved it !
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Fun little game. Walking around picking and cleaning stuff after the party is such a good interpretation of the theme. I did see a few bugs the game has, but none are game breaking and doesn't hinder the game experience so it's fine. I did get some frame drops a couple of times, idk why maybe its from my end?
Still a great game, I had fun picking up some stuff and placing them elsewhere. Great entry.
PS: My game is kind of similar too. So, I pretty much like this a lot. ^_^
Very incredible game. I loved your interpretation of the theme. Even though its pretty hard to get a grasp on how things work at first, it's interesting to play after you get the hang of it. The art and visuals are pretty well polished. I loved the way gods are added into this, makes it much more interesting and fun with upgrades being buffs and angering the gods nerfs you.
Couple of things I want to point out is, the interactable objects are all placed really close together and its hard to interact with the intended object. Sometimes I get the bowl instead of a plate and vice versa. The other thing is, the tutorial is a huge text on the screen, the player takes a lot of time reading it and understanding it. Running the timer at the same time is not very user friendly. You could have made the tutorial be a step by step guide where there would be a popup after each step of the process is completed.
Other than these things I pointed out, I wouldn't change anything else and this game is solid as it is. Good job.
I always wanted Pokemons to be my pets. ^_^
The art is super well done, having pets with different evolutions and the artwork was really good and I loved it. Awesome work! But somethings are a bit off, like the player movement could be a little less slidey. At one point, I gave the tree too many fertilizers and the tree vanished with me having way too many coins. Idk if that was intended or a bug. And I was having difficulty in finding the wood after the monsters destroyed them the first time they attacked.
Overall, a pretty good idle clicker. Good Game!
I saved the village! Mom, I'm a hero!!
The Graphics are cute, and I love how the picked-up items are placed on the player's body. It was nice to look at. The only thing I didn't like about this is the camera, but maybe you wanted it to be like that to resemble the old games which is fine. Great game, I loved played it!
Pretty fun game. I'm not sure what the wrath mechanic did, but hey, I got the enemies and killed and beat the game. One thing I noticed is, the boss when teleporting spawned right on top of the player character and it seemed like I couldn't move. I had trouble reading the texts as well.
Great job on making this game!
The art and graphics look well-polished and the stretching of the sprite when turning is a good addition. Adds a lot to the game and is pleasant to look at. I get negative scores btw, I'm bad at shopping. I buy unneeded items too much T_T. The ranking system in the side is pretty good. Made me feel like I was doing a great job even when I ended up with negative scores.
I'm not sure how this fits the theme, but it's fun and playable. Good job.
This game is pretty fun to play, and I feel like I need to speedrun it more to get a more respectable score to showcase on the leaderboard. The sound design is AWESOME! I really like how the music gets muffled while you are underwater.
To be honest, I don't think I would change anything from this game.
PS: But it would be nice to have it like jump king where you lose a lot of progress when you miss a jump. Rage games FTW lol. (Just a joke. Don't make it a rage game T_T).
I didn't think I'd find a similar game of my own in this jam. The key difference is your game focuses on pleasing parents, and mine focusses on pleasing your gf/wife lol.
Cool game. The only thing I would have fixed is the camera cause, that made the game a lot harder to maneuver. Also, the movement is a bit clunky. Other than that, it's a solid game. Good job on the submission.!
The partner does ask for items, its denoted by the arrows in each items and/or you could hold Spacebar to view the current tasks. If you give any other items other than the one asked, you'll have the meter rising and not lowering.
Yes, I wanted the player to be on edge, so the meter would always be in the redzone, unless you are very fast and manage the tasks well.
Thanks for the feedback. Glad you enjoyed it!
This is a really fun game, I really like it. Something I noticed is when there is this bridge in the middle of the board, it's not perfectly aligned with the chess grid and seems a bit hard to figure out where the chess pieces would move, the same happens for me with the island modifier as well. Maybe it's a ME issue, but overall it's a good game and I love the twist it brought to chess.
Good job on the game!
The game is a bit easy the way it is. Making the player grab 2 items at once would make it even more easy to control that irritability meter. So I designed it in a way so that you can only pick 1 object at a time.
Thank you for the kind words and the brilliant feedback.! This comment made my day and thanks a bunch that you tried my game out. Glad you enjoyed it.!
PS: I was this close to not submit this game and scratch the whole idea 5 hours before the submission deadline lol. But you made me feel glad that I kept working on it and submitted the game.
Some of the points you said are the main changes I plan to bring on my game after the jam. Thanks for pointing them out. I realize I need to get my level design more appropriate so the scaling can be useful.
I didn't realise the sound was a bit harsh, I don't think anybody pointed that out for me and I'll keep that in mind now.
Thanks for your feedback. Glad you enjoyed it.