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210 entries were submitted between 2025-01-01 00:00:00 and 2025-01-14 00:00:00. 4,032 ratings were given to 210 entries (100.0%) between 2025-01-14 00:00:00 and 2025-01-21 00:00:00. The average number of ratings per game was 19.2 and the median was 17.

All in

by mog13

Ranked 1st in Was there a sense of progression? with 27 ratings (Score: 4.333)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Was there a sense of progression?#14.3334.333
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#144.1484.148
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#233.8153.815
Did the game align well with the task?#234.0374.037
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#253.8523.852


by Potatuetata

Ranked 1st in Was there a sense of progression? with 36 ratings (Score: 4.333)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Was there a sense of progression?#14.3334.333
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#24.3614.361
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#54.3614.361
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#74.0284.028
Did the game align well with the task?#134.1394.139

Press 'Space' to Die

by nahtgud

Ranked 3rd in Was there a sense of progression? with 37 ratings (Score: 4.135)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Did the game align well with the task?#14.5144.514
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#34.1894.189
Was there a sense of progression?#34.1354.135
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#74.1894.189
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#84.2704.270


by aerial301

Ranked 4th in Was there a sense of progression? with 26 ratings (Score: 4.115)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Was there a sense of progression?#44.1154.115
Did the game align well with the task?#114.1544.154
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#204.0384.038
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#273.8463.846
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#323.7313.731

Foxy Farming for Blood

by nickbdawg

Ranked 5th in Was there a sense of progression? with 42 ratings (Score: 4.095)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Was there a sense of progression?#54.0954.095
Did the game align well with the task?#214.0484.048
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#233.8813.881
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#313.7383.738
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#503.6673.667

Unruly Bounce

by mocha4coding

Ranked 6th in Was there a sense of progression? with 53 ratings (Score: 4.038)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Was there a sense of progression?#64.0384.038
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#173.8683.868
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#174.0944.094
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#223.9063.906
Did the game align well with the task?#244.0194.019

Rift of Mine

by SpookyMan

Ranked 7th in Was there a sense of progression? with 40 ratings (Score: 4.025)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#44.2754.275
Did the game align well with the task?#54.3504.350
Was there a sense of progression?#74.0254.025
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#84.0254.025
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#104.2254.225

Project Spackle

by NitramiuZ

Ranked 8th in Was there a sense of progression? with 47 ratings (Score: 4.021)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#14.4264.426
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#34.2984.298
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#64.0434.043
Was there a sense of progression?#84.0214.021
Did the game align well with the task?#104.1704.170

Laser Beast

by Brainfart Studio

Ranked 9th in Was there a sense of progression? with 52 ratings (Score: 4.019)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Was there a sense of progression?#94.0194.019
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#143.8853.885
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#154.0194.019
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#194.0584.058
Did the game align well with the task?#264.0004.000

Throw A Punch

by TingGame

Ranked 10th in Was there a sense of progression? with 46 ratings (Score: 3.978)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Did the game align well with the task?#44.4354.435
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#44.1744.174
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#74.2834.283
Was there a sense of progression?#103.9783.978
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#144.0224.022


by malek elsady

Ranked 11th in Was there a sense of progression? with 22 ratings (Score: 3.955)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#93.9553.955
Was there a sense of progression?#113.9553.955
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#213.9093.909
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#224.0004.000
Did the game align well with the task?#403.9093.909

Hold My Wand GDKO Round 2

by Foozle

Ranked 12th in Was there a sense of progression? with 20 ratings (Score: 3.950)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Was there a sense of progression?#123.9503.950
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#124.0504.050
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#154.1004.100
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#533.4503.450
Did the game align well with the task?#613.7003.700

Backpack Bug Bash

by Loten

Ranked 12th in Was there a sense of progression? with 40 ratings (Score: 3.950)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#44.2754.275
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#94.2504.250
Was there a sense of progression?#123.9503.950
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#213.8253.825
Did the game align well with the task?#353.9253.925

Gold Burrow

by FunkyRuben

Ranked 14th in Was there a sense of progression? with 17 ratings (Score: 3.941)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#134.1764.176
Was there a sense of progression?#143.9413.941
Did the game align well with the task?#194.0594.059
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#223.8243.824
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#483.6473.647

City Sweepers

by 3 AM Games

Ranked 15th in Was there a sense of progression? with 49 ratings (Score: 3.939)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Did the game align well with the task?#74.2654.265
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#84.1634.163
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#124.2044.204
Was there a sense of progression?#153.9393.939
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#203.8373.837

Flower Quest

by Simoncb

Ranked 16th in Was there a sense of progression? with 40 ratings (Score: 3.925)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Did the game align well with the task?#84.2254.225
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#133.9003.900
Was there a sense of progression?#163.9253.925
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#253.9753.975
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#363.7503.750

Spark Jump

by c10ud_ten

Ranked 17th in Was there a sense of progression? with 17 ratings (Score: 3.882)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Was there a sense of progression?#173.8823.882
Did the game align well with the task?#194.0594.059
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#333.8243.824
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#523.4713.471
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#553.5883.588

Retail Rush - GDKO R1 2025

by mooshroom

Ranked 19th in Was there a sense of progression? with 29 ratings (Score: 3.862)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#24.3104.310
Did the game align well with the task?#34.4834.483
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#44.3794.379
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#104.1034.103
Was there a sense of progression?#193.8623.862

Lightspeed Tower

by SmokedSalmon

Ranked 20th in Was there a sense of progression? with 21 ratings (Score: 3.857)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Did the secondary mechanic complement the core mechanic well?#103.9523.952
How well implemented was the core mechanic?#164.0954.095
Did the game align well with the task?#184.0954.095
Was there a sense of progression?#203.8573.857
Would you like to see this game idea developed further?#353.7623.762