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My Trainer is Dumb?View game page

A reversed monster tamer game where your trainer is a little dull
Submitted by Daniel Graves (@nulled_wine), ThePatientHusky, smush_ed, Lichajen — 5 hours, 31 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 198 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The game reverses the roles in a monster tamer type game, however your trainer is dumb and you have to determine when to follow or ignore her.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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Really cute game! The art style is amazing, the story is fun, and mechanically it feels great. If I'm nitpicking, the screenshake felt a bit much, but apart from that awesome job!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)


Visually, not a single bad point: the sprites for both characters and creatures are amazing (Bonpurr's eyes convey the purest c o n c e r n), the game is very easy to read, and the actions you take have obvious visual/textual feedback.

The little story is very cute, and you really feel bad for disobeying the trainer, even if it is obviously the right thing to do. :c

I knew there would be some reversed-pokemon concepts, and yours is a very well executed one.

Excellent job to the team! =D


Pretty cute game!

I'm not exactly sure about the tree command, and also the way that flame dash works... I swear, it sometimes feels, like flame dash just never works when you need it...

Otherwise, the game is neat, art is cute, I like the music... And that surprise at the end is really good!


very cute game with a neat and well executed concept


i couldn't figure out how to "hide in a tree or something", and sometimes i'd do what she asked me but still get a negative response. but i still beat the big bear! this is a fun game, and it's SUPER cute. great job!


Haha yeah the system isn't as accurate as I'd like it to be but hopefully it wasn't too much of a nuisance. Hiding in a tree just means you need to stand really close to a tree without doing anything else. Still really glad you found it fun, thanks for playing!


Exploding Kitten :)


OK that is a really iconic design for the kitty lol, I had a lot of fun! great job!


I think she's ready for the Elite four


Daaaaang. All the stars! What a killer game for 48 hours ?!!! You clearly have a talented team with a lot of personality! Big high five to Cathy. I absolutely love how the kitty stands up when idle. <giggle> and there's something so satisfying with the frown on the trainer. Only immediate suggestion would be to get caught, like, right away. I had no idea what I was doing until it happened.


Super happy you enjoyed it so much! Cathy actually had to leave partway through the jam so there was a lot of pressure on her - I'm very grateful to her lol and I'll make sure she reads this. I definitely could've done the tutorial/intro better, but it was meant to introduce your trainer and sort of "how did I get here" haha. Thanks so much for playing!


Super funny game, my girlfriend's favorite :)


Come play our gobo game if you get a chance!


Cute cat critter and interesting idea. I thought it could be better if the trainer gave out commands more often because if felt like you were free to do whatever you wanted most of the time. I enjoyed playing, great work.


Thanks so much for the feedback! I tried experimenting a bit with the command times but I figured that having the commands go too often would take away a lot of the fun in controlling the character; I guess part of the goal was for you to still enjoy playing as the cat but be ready in case the trainer makes a command. Glad you still enjoyed it, thanks for playing!


The art-style is FANTASTIC! The characters are also quirky and fun, I love em'. The whole team did an incredible job with this game, lots of care was put into it and it shows! You took the theme and ran with it in a really unique and interesting way, and I love the dynamic between the trainer and out smol hero. Overall, great job!


Enjoyed the game! The boss was unexpected and more challenging then I expected, but luckily I, Bompurr, pulled through. It would be fun to see a fleshed out game with this concept where you as the creature have to train your trainer as you work as a team!
Also, I love cats and will look for any excuse to draw them. You design was such a cute little goober with its big eyes that I took a stab at it in my own style!


THIS IS THE BEST THING IVE SEEN!!! You've made my day, gonna make sure the whole team sees this.

Super happy you enjoyed it and loved the designs haha.


Aw thanks! I'm glad you like it! I had a lot of fun drawing it haha.
If y'all have time as well, we'd love you to take a peak at our game "Disconnect" and share your thoughts.
Appreciate it!


Absolutely! Just gotta do it in the morning - I'll make sure to get the other team members to try it as well lol




Obligatory "OMG CAT"

Love the art! Fun gameplay. Awesome spin on the theme, that was probably the most creative game I've played in this jam, (although, I haven't played much).

One thing that would've made me enjoy the game more was to reward the player for following orders instead of punishing them. Maybe give the cat a treat as powerups/heal each time you obey?


Obligatory "OMG CAT"

Love the art! Fun gameplay. Awesome spin on the theme, that was probably the most creative game I've played in this jam, (although, I haven't played much).

One thing that would've made me enjoy the game more was to reward the player for following orders instead of punishing them. Maybe give the cat a treat as powerups/heal each time you obey?


Thanks so much for playing and the feedback! We did originally have some ideas for the trainer to be able to heal you and whatnot if you keep obeying her, but time was sort of running out and I figured the best thing to do last minute was to be a bit more generous with the healthbar lol.


Fun game with a very charming art style!

Mechanics were simple but fun, and fit the theme well. Good job!


The art is just really good!
the gameplay was fun and I liked the concept.
good job!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Very nice level of polish! I am so grateful for the volume options, and love that the time was taken to make the UI fit the rest of the game visuals. Boxbear showing up when I only had a sliver left of health was delightfully terrifying.

Controls were kind of janky, though that might be partially due to playing on a laptop with a trackpad. The mouse buttons felt like they weren't responsive, especially for the scratch attack.


Haha yeah, personally it feels good for me to play with a mouse - hopefully it wasn't too janky for you! Very happy you still seemed to have fun.


Oh, yeah I definitely still had fun. Also I guess I didn't mention, but the art is so cute! It's delightful. I might take a second go at it, and if I do I'll grab my mouse for it for sure.


I was able to beat boxbear! Really great idea and awesome execution :D 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

It was really fun!!! Only negative thing is that a longer game doesn't exist, cuz I need it now! And some minor bugs such as the last boss battle not always showing up.


Thanks for the feedback! The last boss is scripted to pop up when you've completed all the waves, possibly one got stuck or something. Oh well, still glad you had fun!

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