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A jam submission

Blobbert Life - DemoView game page

Submitted by Blobii Studios — 2 days, 5 hours before the deadline
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Blobbert Life - Demo's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 39 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
It is a game about scaling yourself up and down and shapeshifting to traverse various different platforming environments.And for the cheeky speedrunner looking for extra movement options, you can spam space along ledges with the right timing to "scale" the ledges :)

Development Time

48 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
I used all my own assets
A lot of the art is on my pixilart profile:
The music is on my youtube:
See the description for the full credits :)

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Great great work! And for 48 hours too?? You should be super proud. I loved the take on the theme and I love those moments where you figure out the exact sequence you need to shapeshift into to bypass a certain piece of a level, execute it perfectly, ahh just so satisfying! Great submission!


Thank you ! Yeah I did this over the weekend in roughly ~20 hours dev time, and that was exactly the feeling I wanted to create with my limited time. I found myself playtesting quite a bit to make interesting solutions. Glad you enjoyed and good luck!


Neat game. Even more impressive you got it done in 48 hours! I'm a sucker for puzzle platformers! Was this is a solo project? 


Yes this was a solo project made by a teenager. I am probably in the 'special' type kid if ykyk so I tend to fixate really well on goals. So I think i pulled it off pretty well for who I am and my resources. Thank you for your review!


Pretty neat concept! The platforming is quite decent, and it's a fun short game - I would have preferred to have some sort of reminder of what each form did, but it's a nitpick really - my main criticisms here would be that the player can very easily bypass the game by just running against a wall and jumping, which seems to keep me stuck to the wall, but lets me climb up it, which doesn't feel intentional :p 

Other than that, it's a pretty nice entry, especially for a game made under 48 hours, and I had fun playing it to the end!


Update: Just read the theme notes! That makes more sense now,  but that movement still feels very much so not intentional :p perhaps giving a bit more feedback (sound effects, slight physics adjustments) to the climbing happening would make this feel less unintentional?


Yes I do definitely have to work on movement. I am revamping this weekend so lets hope it can come out better in a couple months :)


Great game ! Especially that it is done under 48 hours. Movements can be polished more, but i especially liked the music and art ! Keep up the good work :)


Thank you for your rating! Yes I agree movement needs a bit of work, but hopefully it'll all be fixed in the polished version! :)


Very fun! amazing job for getting this much done in 48 hours, the movement is a tiny bit buggy but what game jam game doesn't have a bit of jank :P. The levels were all great and the background music was pretty good!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I agree some bits were a bit janky and this feedback will definitely help me in my hopefully full release of the game :) 


Cute game! Jumping and wall-jumping is kind of janky but the level design was fun. The big pile of enemies at the end made me giggle. Thank you for your game :)

If you’re using the physics engine to move blocks around it might be better to use Unity’s 2d Character Controller instead.


damn they added a whole component for this type of thing?! Thank you for informing me about this cool feature! Will be sure to take this into consideration when polishing the game!


Neat little game, Ramming the enemies was very juicy and it's nice that you got multiple levels up and running within just 48 hours. Good game


Thank you very much for your comment! I made sure to have some sort of objective and I figured having a juicy little thing to smash would be nice. I like juicy features in games and I’m glad others enjoyed it too! :)


I really enjoyed this game! I like how the characters have the characters all look different and have different abilities. The levels were also nicely designed. Overall solid game. Good job!


Thank you! Yes I took pride in making the little ‘blobberts’ and making the levels as I wanted it to be a decent little experience :)

Submitted (1 edit)

Realy liked the different characters :D, the game is realy nice, although the character controls were a bit annoying.


Thank you for the feedback! May I ask what specifically was annoying about movement so I can improve?


The slime jump felt like it had almost no gravity & sometimes when I was moving the slimes would get stuck in the ground. So yeah, that was annoying  :D


Just fixed the ground thing, will tweak the jump, but I might have trouble trying to make the jump feel gravitationally bound while still making the jump high enough :D


Interesting choice of design! I liked how distinct each character is and what they bring to the table. Making the platforming process way more interesting. Nice game!


Thanks! The cute and funky little blobberts were definitely one of my favourite bits too! I had fun designing them! Hope you enjoyed their silly little faces :)


Blobbert was a lot of fun! All the forms had a lot of character, I think my favourite was number 3. Congrats on making the game!


Thanks! Yeah I had a lot of fun making all the little blob Bert’s and drawing them, it was quite silly and therapeutic for me :)


I like the way you merged platforming puzzling in a very enjoyable formula that requires both strategy and agility. Well done! 


Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoyed. I might finish up the game and post a massive ultimate edition of sorts for like a couple bucks in the near future so if you are interested yeah I might launch something idk :)


Would love it!!! Wanna play our game? Its also a puzzle so you might like it!


sure :) I’ll add it to my list 

Submitted (1 edit)

Very cute, I liked the ideas it felt sort of like little big planet 3 with all the different sackboy forms having a different unique ability to solve puzzles, I enjoyed it it was fun and charming! Here's what I would say to improve it, I think that you could put your player sprite on a higher z-index  so that the sprite is over the ground, I think the jump would be better if you hold it down it jumps u a little higher sort of like mario, and I think some nice sound effects when u stomp on the slime guys would be nice! Overall fun! :) also the designs of the characters are so silly I love them.


thank you for the feedback. yes def a lot of room to improve for the game, and for my dev knowledge too. Hope you had fun and good luck to you!


Great little game for the jam! I loved that each block felt very unique both gameplay and personality-wise. Having so many different options for each area was really cool, but I think it may have led to me discovering some unintended shortcuts through a few areas. Regardless, I think you did a great job with the whole game, especially considering you made it in only 2 days!


The unintended shortcuts were even if a dev oopsie of sorts, all in the spirit of the game! Hope you had fun finding these cheeky 'easter bugs' of sorts! Good luck to you!


Very cool game! there's a bug which lets you scale the wall which means that I didn't use the springy one as much as you probably intended. Nice art style, good job!


thanks! yeah i left that in to add to the 'scaling' lmao. Scaling cliffs. Probably could have fixed it but ran out of time.


Love the art , definitely a 5 for style . I did encounter a couple bugs here and there but that's normal . Really good game .

Best of luck !


yw, best of luck to you too! yeah i tried my best to fix the bugs but it is what it i slmao


Death to all evil schponklas!!

Nice little game.

I sometimes got stuck when moving. And I am not sure if walljumping is an intended feature. Generally there is still space for brushing this game a little up.

Yeah lmao it is not. But I wasn’t able to fix it in 48 hours so I kept it in as a fun little secret :)


I think I saw you post an image of the game in the progress updates on discord! Glad I stumbled onto it, the faces are just awesome.

I love the idea and the level design really delivers. Keeping the controls of each character simple makes the management of swapping between so many somewhat reasonable. The levels really made sure I used them all too (though I wish that last level told me to swap to the big guy before I dropped onto all the enemies!)

I think some sections I could skip if I wanted to since we could stick to walls to get infinite jumps. I'd also have loved some extra sfx eg for squishing the enemies, and maybe some UI to remind me which character was paired with each number.


Definitely would have added add but I literally submitted just in time for 48 hours. Some things I have tried to fix but even with continuous rigid bodies the tile map still clips, just less. Hope you still had a fun game :)


Tho there are some bugs but overall this is a great game. I love the tiny form, it looks cute


thank you :) i will check out your game now


Not sure how you're supposed to leave the game? Up until that it was fun :)

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

luckily that didn’t ruin the gameplay :) wasn’t my priority as you can usually just windows key it. sorry if you had some troubles with that :(

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