You guys comment your games below and i'll give them a play/ rating.
Make sure to check out my game too :) Honest feedback welcome.
You guys comment your games below and i'll give them a play/ rating.
Make sure to check out my game too :) Honest feedback welcome.
Nice game, just a bit repetitive. Kudos on the new idea though. Check my game out here, Im looking for feedback
I also reviewed your game.
this is my game btw:
good luck
Please rate my game,! I'll make sure to check yours out! :)
Excuse me sir. I have come from the hellscape that is the Brackeys 2020 Jam comunity tab.
Please don't spam rate for rate topics. They get out of hand really quickly and the tools that provides for moderation are not fit to deal with it. I would suggest you guys congregate in one thread.
You can generally assume that the person whose game you rate will rate yours back. There is no need to ask people! Go into the random tab, rate a game, write a comment you will get ratings back naturally.
Gave your game a go and its hectic but pretty fun. Here's the link to mine if you want to give it a go
I like old-timey fantasy games really well done. You guys can check out mine here
Rated your game a few hours ago already, here's mine!
Rated and Commented! Come play mine when you can!
I played and rated your game, really fun :)
I will leave a link if any of you guys want another Rate For Rate Please play mine, playing yours now!