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Super KuroView game page

Are you a bad enough bird to get to the bread?
Submitted by Kustaa, Blobble, Ricky Balboa, Luciano — 3 hours, 2 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
NES Feel#194.2354.235

Ranked from 34 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I cannot really give high score for gameplay since I cannot even get past the first spike.

Sprite and the tilemap looks cool.

BG tune is also spooky and I pretty like it,

Cannot really say NES feel as I never played NES game before. 

Better to tone down the difficulty and make the wall less bumpy.


Unfortunately I am an evil person and wish to make game brutal and evil like me. However, I appreciate the feedback nonetheless!


It maintains much of the difficulty level of NES games. It tests the player's skill very well, keeping them focused on the game. It is entertaining and audiovisually pleasant. Good job.


Thank you so much!


Wish I could rate a 6 for NES Feel because this has the one thing a lot of great games in this jam are missing - ridiculous difficulty that can only be offset by a cheat code! By no means a negative - I found this game incredibly fun to play and would definitely make a hilarious stream game. "Flappy Bird if it was fun." Loved the sprites (especially Kuro's idle animation) . Never have I been so afraid of goofy cartoon ghosts! Genuine fear...

Tried my best to beat the game with the 30 lives code. And I'll be back to beat this game for sure!!


I appreciate it. I think difficulty modes weren't really appropriate for the NES so that's why there's cheat codes. If you beat it let me know!


I did it!!!

I gotta say, playing through the levels again, it's really clear how well thought out the level design and enemy placement is. I love how the game both rewards patience while learning and then rewards speed and confidence thanks to how the enemies load in/despawn accordingly. You introduce new level mechanics at the perfect pace and combine them in a masterful way to create a great challenge. I could definitely see myself beating this with five lives; I feel like this is the sort of game that really encourages growth in the player across the course of the game. I had such a good time playing this and I'm so glad I was able to beat it! I've uploaded my successful run as well as my second unsuccessful run beforehand. Thank you for the experience 🐦

Game over:

Happy end:


Thank you, I appreciate your compliments on the level design! It's awesome you were able to beat it eventually, I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to stick with it. We'll be extending this game to be a full length steam release and I hope that I can improve the level design even more when we're working on it. Thanks for sharing your gameplay as well, it's helpful and fun to watch!


This really felt like a NES game. Great work!


Thanks, I really like the Lost Levels and wanted to make a game like it!


This could be a great rage game. Its pretty and fun... and hard as hell. I'll keep trying!

Also, this totally feels like a NES game. Cool entry!


Thank ye kindly


I like this game.  It's like I Wanna Be The Guy but without the trolling.  Biggest suggestion is to give unlimited retries.  Maybe have player score be per board?


Thank you. Infinite retries are in the game as a cheat code actually! You can find it on the itch page if you're interested!


Absolutely FANTASTIC game! Loved the feeling of trying to overcome a really hard challenge, gave me massive nostalgia for older games I fell in love with ages ago.
While the movement caught me by surprise getting used to it felt like all part of the journey.
Level design was hard but not super precision like kaizo stuff and hit perfectly for me.

Congraturation on a great game!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks! How far did you make it to if you don't mind me asking? I think I know due to something you said, but I just want confirmation


i can confirm, watched him stream lol


How far did he get then?


he beat it, you read it right. was a funny end


Woo! Glad we got at least one person who did! :D


Didn't have the patience to get very far with it, even with infinite lives.
Not a fan of how easy it is to get out of control, and the wall rebounding felt awful to deal with.
But I can respect that it's that way by design, even if it's not my kind of game at all.
Dunno if the NES could actually move that fast, felt more like something on Genesis or similar to me.
The main character is very cute though, and was nicely animated.


I'm honestly just glad you gave it a try, even if it's not really your thing. Thanks for your feedback!


i am suffering from an affliction called skill issue. cool game, love the banana bird. just didn’t get far lol


First time I heard anyone call him a banana bird, but I like it lol


Super Kuro is simple but super FRUSTRATING, In just the right ways! The game gives off old Mario speed running trying to get to one lvl to another without dying and rage quitting in frustration. This game is solid and 100% gives off the old NES feel and vibe! One thing I thought could have been changed is the use of cookies or whatever the collectibles are called, I would have liked for them to display somewhere on the screen instead of just showing up at the end of the level but thats just me being really picky! Overall this game is AMAZING! (Forgot to add that the sound design is very cute and matches the cute little bird!)


Thanks for playing it! I definitely could have displayed that very easily but I didn't want to clutter the UI too much. However I think you're probably right about that in hindsight. That's noted for next time I make a game for a game jam. How far did you get if you don't mind me asking?


UI is always a bit tricky, finding the perfect of balance of not too cluttered and cluttered too hell is always hard. With no cheats I didn't make it very far, with the infinite lives I made it around I think 3rd LVL and rage quit.


I really liked the audio here. This looks like and feels like NES title.


Thanks, I was very happy with the sound designer for the game, he really nailed it in my opinion as well


Thank you. All chips were placed on authenticity for this Jam. Glad you noticed the effort!


IT'S REALLY GOOD!! it captures the NES feel perfectly and the gameplay was pretty challenging


Thank you! How far did you get? I haven't had anyone told me they beat it yet


1-1 AHAHAHAH dude it was really hard


I was going for Japanese Mario 2 difficulty when designing the levels so I'm glad that even the first level is challenging for people


could be great with work, but protagonist feels clunky to control. also spikes should only kill the protagonist when he touches the pointy end.


Could you elaborate on what you mean by clunky to control? Like what aspect specifically do you feel is clunky? Just so I know where you're coming from.


The protagonist is very momentum based, once he is committed to a path. It is very hard to change. Also, hitting a wall messes him up very badly. I think it was intentional. But I personally don’t like the movement of the character. 


Yep! 100% intentional, I knew the movement wouldn't appeal to everyone but it's a movement system I really wanted to do for this game. I appreciate your honesty and the clarification. :)


Very very challenging!! But super satisfying when you get the perfect flight path. Just for me, that was very rare haha. Nicely designed, good authentic art style to the pixel art. The physics were just a bit too fast for me to get very far! Here's my gameplay & ragequit lol. Nice work!


Thank you! And thanks for the gameplay vid, I love watching people play stuff I made :)


I almost passed the 1-2 perfect but died at the last bread piece and rage quit hahahaha I loved the game mechanic!


Thanks.  Am I evil for enjoying the fact people are rage quitting this game?



Kuro just might be composed of 99% rubber ball


He a bouncy boi


The best I've done so far is dying in 2-1 with 29525 points.

The game is excellent, I love it. It both 100% feels like a NES game and is very unique due to be based on this weird physics including bouncing on the walls, which is quite fun to apprehend and get better at using it. The sequences are different with the appropriate difficulty and the length of the levels is perfect too, it's not impossible yet quite satisfying to beat one more level.


Thanks for your feedback! I really wanted to make everything feel as retro in the game design as possible. I've actually not seen anyone clear World 2 yet.  There is an ending if anyone can clear world 3 but I have no idea if anyone will.


I'm happy because I just finally managed to clear World 2 for the first time while as the time passed I was starting to think I would not manage to before the end of the jam.

Now completing the game will require at least a couple of extra sessions. ;)