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A Journey toward OriginsView project page

Submission of the OST Composition Jam #7
Submitted by Kagegona — 1 day, 3 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#174.2924.292

Ranked from 96 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

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  • There is a lot of great material here-- a consistent theme that I noticed was a careful attention to expressive performance that isn't overly snapped to a tyrannical grid. Really lovely writing throughout and consistently great instrumental and compositional choices that kept me interested the whole way through. Good work on keeping the music itself varied too-- I was a bit concerned that the style wasn't going to quite vary enough, but then "Origins" begins with that beautiful cello solo and pizz. strings just bounding along and I found myself smiling. The opening track too is notable for its quiet, restrained beauty-- the piano avoids over-quantization and a wonderfully rubato human performance, which I think is key for what you are going for. The music in "In the Middle of Bubbles" made me smile because of its beauty. I see that you are intending for this to be implemented by cutting up these tracks into loops, which is a great thing to have in mind from the very beginning. In this case there is a lot of material that can be used to do that, and I think the result would work very well. I do, however, feel like there should still probably be a bit more material in each track, and each track should be shaped a little more to tell its own individual story, as these aspects tend to really help out the implementation process by presenting a "one true canonical version" of each tracks' story that is just a bit more extended than what is presented here. Still, that's a great bit of feedback to get-- I loved it so much that I'd like to hear even more!

Hi everyone ! Here is my submission for OST Composing Jam #7. If you're interested, I made a little story below that image the moods of the tracks. Enjoy!

The type of the Game:

It is a 2D atmospheric platformer (inspiration: GRIS).

Compositional aspects:

In game, each track would be divided into a few loops that would change accordingly to zones, situations or cinematics happening.


An amnesic little girl, wanting to discover more about her and her origins, begins a journey through a colorful world full of bubbles.


1. "In the Middle of Bubbles"
This is the beginning of the journey through this strange world filled with floating and illuminated bubbles . They sound like carillons and seem to lead the little girl through her progression.
2. "Where no Bubble dares to dwell"
The little girl lost herself in this damp and dark place where neither light nor bubble are allowed. She encounters a strange man that shows her the way out.
3. "Interlude"
4. "Origins"
The little girl feels that the end of the journey is near and that she will soon find answers to all her questions. The bubbles are all around her, guiding her toward a human shape in the horizon.

Artwork by @kawaakar._ (

Message from the artist
Thank you for this opportunity, I loved to compose this during this week! :D


Picture theme

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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Lovely piano pieces. I really enjoyed the arpeggios in "Origins".


Loved the dynamic aspect it gave!


If tranquillity, dreams, peacefulness, pastel colors with a tint of melancholia, is what you had in mind, then it's an absolute success. Your piano composition is gorgeous and tasteful, subtly telling a story and taking the listeners where you want to take them. 

The instrumentation choice and their arrangement is smart and perfect for story telling. Congratulations on a beautiful addition to this jam.


Thank you for this kind return :D


It evokes a sense of tranquility, with the piano music being extraordinarily beautiful—a purely untainted musical experience.


Thank you a lot !


In the Middle of Bubbles: Love the sporadic rhythm. Lovely instrumentation and composition. 

Where No Bubble Dares To Dwell: Creepy tone coming in. Love the chord choices and ambience.

Interlude: Cute transition/jingle type track!

Origins: Love the bouncy gallop like rhythm. Pretty percussion. 

Great work!


Glad you liked it!!


I love the playing here - it's awe inspiring. These pieces of music are so beautiful and remind me of composers like Rachmaninoff, but also of the music of games like BoTW. 

The music is so evocative and tells the story so perfectly. I also like how you made the story lead into the picture theme, that's a great way to compose music imo.

Love the harmony, the production, the melodies, the story - everything.

Awesome job!


Didn't see the Rachmaninoff inspirations but it is true! Thank you for this kind return!


Very touching work. Everything felt so delicate and intentional the emotional effect is quite profound.


Glad that it moved you!


beautiful work and very high quality.


Thank you :D


Your composition skills are phenomenal, the piano parts of each track are some of the best composed parts out of all of the submissions I have heard! The chord progressions and harmonies in all of the songs honestly leave me in awe, I aspire to be able to create such emotional depth in my music. I also love the use of bells to represent bubbles, it ties your songs back to the image theme really nicely.

Fantastic job!


Thank you so much, hearing that my music moved you is the best thing I could hope for!


So much drama! I love your piano-writing - you've got some wonderful romantic swells and fabulous harmonic vocabulary. Really enjoyed the emotions and feel of this one. Excellent!


I love romantic swells x)


Beautiful vibe, I love the ambient atmosphere. Well crafted pieces! :).


Thank you! :D


First three are wonderfully sparse with so much emotion! Energy, vibrance in 'Origins in A Journey' fits musically, story-wise while offering contrast--I like the ostinato, maybe varied would further support the deep cello writing. Really pretty score!!


Thank you! :D


Loved that sudden melancholy descent on the first song! Beautiful opening :)

Super cool chords to convey the ambiance in the second one. It feels a bit scary and mysterious all along. I really like the composition on that one! 

I could see the bubbles with Origins starting, a much more light and playful song that evoked a possible brighter future after the previous songs.

Very beautiful music !


Thank you! Glad that you liked my story told through music!


i love the mysteriousness of these pieces! in "In the Middle of Bubbles," the bell-like sounds representing the bubbles are a very nice touch and add a lot of soul to the song. i especially like your piano sound, though, very pleasant! "origins" is by far my favorite, there's a lot going on but it doesn't subtract from the piece, it's very bouncy and adds to your bubble theme, and is a very nice credits theme. the ending returns to that mysterious feel of your first track while maintaining the feel of a journey now ended.

this was a great listen! i love your musical decisions within each song to represent the scene you were building. nice work!


Thank you for those kind words! :D


I think your pieces were of super high quality. Gris is one of my favorite indie games and also one of the inspirations for my soundtrack!

1. I liked the sparseness of this piece starting only with a few instruments and gradually growing to a climax. The oddly time rhythm and panning effects made the song feel expressive and mysterious but not dark.

2. In contrast to the first piece this one felt very eerie. The use of the high and low registers in the piano made the first portion feel a little like a Ghibli piece. The introduction of the cello is where I guess the old man comes in. It has an air of danger and mystery to it at first but drowns out the eerie drone and leads to an solemn piano solo that feels reliving because of the lack of the drone. I really liked how this piece tells a whole story.

3. A nice floaty piano interlude. Always love it.

4. I liked the layering of bells and pittz, and the their little "tumbling" motion in 0:32. The strings sound really expressive and emotional. The first half seems to convey the excitement of reaching the end of a journey, while changing to an introspective mood for the 2nd half of the piece gives the soundtrack a fitting end.

Incredibly done!


Thank you for all those returns! I didn't know if what I had thought in term of narration and development in my tracks would be understandable and it is really heart-warming to know that it is! Haven't yet listened to your submission, I'll go do it right away!


I love how dynamic and expressive you've made everything, love it!


Always a pleasure to know that my music was appreciated :D


Your work breathes like it's alive, for real, but also it's very delicate. I'm understanding what's in my song that makes you uneasy.


I always begin by improvising and singing so I know I can feel what I am doing and not just putting notes on a grid (although a lot of genra need to do that and will look their expressivity through other means!


I love the minimalism - it really lets the emotions of the pieces shine through. Love how the pieces are contrasting in emotion but still are part of a coherent whole. 

Beautiful beautiful music - well done!


Thank you !! :D


OMG your music sounds delightful! It has such a magical feeling, I can totally imagine this in the Gris soundtrack :) Also the piano parts are so pretty. Amazing work!


Thank you :D


I like how it starts and ends with the distant bell sounds, it give the soundtrack a connectedness. Good use of dynamic range in Where No Bubbles Dares To Dwel, the contrast between the soft and loud parts  along with the drawn out dissonant chords make add a lot of distress to the track. Overall a very expressive and emotional soundtrack, excellently composed.

By the way, the piano is gorgeous, what library did you use?


That was what I looked for in this second track which was a bit more dark!

I used "Noire" by Native Instrument, I really love this piano!!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

A very well done submission that captures the listener with its simple yet beautiful composition, nice! For me, I personally really like the ominous atmosphere from "Where No Bubble Dares To Dwell" which also does a good job explaining the story through music, but all the songs are really good as well!

Overall just some simplistic yet well thought out and beautiful tracks! You also did a good job telling the different themes each song represents in the story.

That's all I have to say really, have a great day!


Thank you for this return! Have a nice day too!

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