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A Journey toward OriginsView project page

Submission of the OST Composition Jam #7
Submitted by Kagegona — 1 day, 3 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#174.2924.292

Ranked from 96 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

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  • There is a lot of great material here-- a consistent theme that I noticed was a careful attention to expressive performance that isn't overly snapped to a tyrannical grid. Really lovely writing throughout and consistently great instrumental and compositional choices that kept me interested the whole way through. Good work on keeping the music itself varied too-- I was a bit concerned that the style wasn't going to quite vary enough, but then "Origins" begins with that beautiful cello solo and pizz. strings just bounding along and I found myself smiling. The opening track too is notable for its quiet, restrained beauty-- the piano avoids over-quantization and a wonderfully rubato human performance, which I think is key for what you are going for. The music in "In the Middle of Bubbles" made me smile because of its beauty. I see that you are intending for this to be implemented by cutting up these tracks into loops, which is a great thing to have in mind from the very beginning. In this case there is a lot of material that can be used to do that, and I think the result would work very well. I do, however, feel like there should still probably be a bit more material in each track, and each track should be shaped a little more to tell its own individual story, as these aspects tend to really help out the implementation process by presenting a "one true canonical version" of each tracks' story that is just a bit more extended than what is presented here. Still, that's a great bit of feedback to get-- I loved it so much that I'd like to hear even more!

Hi everyone ! Here is my submission for OST Composing Jam #7. If you're interested, I made a little story below that image the moods of the tracks. Enjoy!

The type of the Game:

It is a 2D atmospheric platformer (inspiration: GRIS).

Compositional aspects:

In game, each track would be divided into a few loops that would change accordingly to zones, situations or cinematics happening.


An amnesic little girl, wanting to discover more about her and her origins, begins a journey through a colorful world full of bubbles.


1. "In the Middle of Bubbles"
This is the beginning of the journey through this strange world filled with floating and illuminated bubbles . They sound like carillons and seem to lead the little girl through her progression.
2. "Where no Bubble dares to dwell"
The little girl lost herself in this damp and dark place where neither light nor bubble are allowed. She encounters a strange man that shows her the way out.
3. "Interlude"
4. "Origins"
The little girl feels that the end of the journey is near and that she will soon find answers to all her questions. The bubbles are all around her, guiding her toward a human shape in the horizon.

Artwork by @kawaakar._ (

Message from the artist
Thank you for this opportunity, I loved to compose this during this week! :D


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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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I really enjoyed how there was a lot of "negative space" in the first three pieces. It made all of the notes all the more impactful and meaningful


Yeah, I like to let the time erase what has just been played!


I adored the buildup to the climax in In the middle of bubbles it was really cool.

I also liked the instrument changeup for Origins. it kept things fresh instrument wise.

I did think that some of the parts in the second song were too abruptly loud following near silence but it was still pretty great!


Thanks! For this second track, I tried to enhance constrast between dynamics but I may have done it too much! The loud grave piano was representing the overwhelming environment while the shy response was the little girl progressing.


Absolutely loved the 2nd track "Where No Bubble Dares To Dwell". You captured the dread feeling so so well


Ty! That was a really fun track to make!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Love your instrument selection deeply!  They all bring rich warmth into your mix, as solo or as accompaniment.  A lot of clarity in your mix, so I can appreciate the expressions and dynamics more intensely!  Your piano playing is wonderful to listen to with a lot of satisfying runs and chord tones!  Nice job!


Thank you! I'm never sure of my mix as I haven't a lot of techniques yet!


Sound/instrument selection and carefully crafting the arrangement are some most essential steps for a good mix, so you're already doing pretty well!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The quality of your piano writing is fantastic, genuinely no complaints, just pure vibes :D


Ty! The piano is my main instrument, I improvise and search ideas :D Now I think, I should try to write things a little more in control of things x)


Ridiculous levels of talent... The writing is beautiful I have no words really! Beautiful is all i can muster! Followed and liked immediately!


Thank you for those kind words!


Beautiful piano writing, the composition is super strong! Interlude is so relaxing. Origins might be my favorite track, I love how the piano closes it out. Amazing work!


From someone who did such an amazing job, I can only say thank you :D 


This was such a nice listen! You absolutely nailed the mood of this soundtrack and I can definitely see the GRIS inspiration. Your instrumentation is also lovely. Beautiful submission!


Really liked yours too, thank you :D


It's so pleasant to listen to  (=Q=)

Keep going <3


Thank you! Means a lot <3


Beautiful chord progression and piano playing in the first track! I’m a big fan of the melancholic vibe of the whole soundtrack - you’ve created a very engaging take on the bubble theme! Some beautiful lines in ‘Origins’ with the chimes! Well done!


Thank you for this kind review : )


In the Middle of Bubbles: The bubbles are clearly represented here and I think it opens the track very nicely. The soft piano with subtle strings feel so calming and would keep me at ease through this beginning part of the game.

Where no Bubble dares to dwell: The dynamic contrast and dark harmonies lead to a very ominous feeling in this area fitting the setting very well. The cello line is beautifully written and stands out when placed so bare in this composition with the accompaniment doing more decoration than foundation work. The lack of extra sound is a nice effect juxtaposed with the bubble sounds from the previous track.

Interlude: This is a nice little musical break. I think it was a great idea to bridge the contrasting styles between the dark track preceding and jovial track following.

Origins: I think it is a testament to your compositional style that even though there was a lot of energy up front, I felt that the climax of the entire OST occurred at one of the softest moments. 

Overall: Silence and pianissimo were your friends in this soundtrack. I often have trouble knowing when to back off and am often afraid to do so. You leaned into it here and it paid off because you were able to create some really striking imagery with very slight instrumentation nuances. Well done and thank you for sharing!


Thank you for your track-by-track return! I now must learn to extend the range of genras that I can do, I think!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Beautiful submission, well composed and very relaxing, with great uses of your dynamic range, the inspiration from GRIS really shows. I liked it a lot! 


I really loved Gris indeed :D


This was a soothing composition. I liked the way you handled the pianos, they had weight and movement that carried the piece to its conclusion. This is a job well done!


Thank you! I'll go listen to your submission right away!


Quite sweet and sombre sounding soundtrack. I really like your choice of instruments throughout your tracks and the Atmosphere you are building. Simple but potent.


Thank you! Very glad that you liked it :D


I loved the harmony you used in the first track, it was beautiful !! and you succeed to create a great ambiance, like the music you made for the Marmelade x)


Thank you x) Hope to see you again around another gamejam (maybe for a collab 👀)!


I love the idea of sounds that adapt to the situation within the game. You capture angst, emotion, and loneliness all at the same time in some place. It's something special for sure. 

Simple chordal writing done to an absolute tee, congrats!!!


Very happy that you appreciated that!! 


Absolutely lovely, what a sweet piece. I can see your inspiration coming through. Its very simple and minimalist yet efficient. its well writte too. I would've love to add some real subtle reverb pads in the background to just boost a little bit the  overall ambiance in some pieces. I think its great the way it is but give it a try, I think it will make a nice difference. Well done !


great idea! It could remove the dry side of a few moments throughout the tracks! I'll definitely give it a try!


Really well composed stuff here and the piano & strings sound beautiful throughout sonically and melodically.


Thank you! I'll listen to your submission as well!


J'adore ! L'ambiance c'est vraiment le point fort de tes tracks. Ca manque peut être de leitmotiv, mais les sons sont incroyablement texturés, ils ont beaucoup de caractère, donc ça palie. Si on chipote, un choix de sons et un mix peut être trop " acéré " pour un monde de bulles.


J'ai pas encore trop réussi à créer de leitmotiv qui soient clairs en effet! J'ai tenté de répéter certaines mélodies/modes de jeux mais je pense que ça participe surtout à la cohérence entre les morceaux plutôt que d'être un réel leitmotiv. Je vois ce que tu veux dire pour le côté acéré, je m'y connais pas trop en mix encore et c'est vrai qu'à certains moments, des aigus un peu moins agressifs auraient participé à l'ensemble.

Merci pour ton retour en tout cas :D


I REALLY LOVE THIS! Dynamic instruments and sounds which lends a lot to the quality of the soundtrack itself. Origins was my favorite soundtrack it felt like home. It was pleasant, cohesive, and well-made. The only thing I would want more is some sort of really recognizable melody or motif I can come back to and really feel that the tracks are related to one another. 

Definitely one of my favorites!


Thank you! I tried to add some leitmotiv (the rising melody of the first track is repeated in the beginning of the second once) but I think they were not obvious enough!


I gotta listen to it again then- :DDD

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