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A jam submission

DreamialityView project page

Submitted by HeyImZatchari — 21 hours, 13 minutes before the deadline
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Dreamiality's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#5292.8662.944

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Genre: Melancholia
DAW: FL Studio

Message from the artist
I'm still an amateur, but I appreciate any feedback I can get!


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
I took a lot of inspiration from the feeling of being in a dream like state.

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Very creative submission. Each track vastly differed from the others and had very experimental composition and instrumentation. I think my favorite track is Sullied Dreams because it sounds so weird in a good way.

Overall, very experimental submission. Keep it up!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

"Amidst My Sleep" was an interesting ambient piece and I liked the distorted arpeggios. The panning snaps in "Dark Dreams, Shady Business" was a cool effect. "Sullied Dreams" was my favorite of the bunch, has dirty and angry vibe.


This was a pretty cool varied set of tracks, each of which has some interesting concepts and executions in them.

Amidst My Sleep is befitting of the title; the melody in the background is dreamy, and the lead synth over it is kind of lazily plodding along with some nice dynamics - I like the prolonged decay & release in particular. Good use of cymbal percussion to add a basic rhythm and heartbeat to the track.

I love the vibes in Dark Thoughts, Shady Business - it's got this cheeky kind of bounce to it. Minimal percussion again but it does the job of establishing a rhythm and letting the bass (great sounding patch, by the way) weave and bounce around it. Good use of rests here too - a little bit of a less-is-more approach that can be hard to do well, but I think it works nicely here.

Big change of tone in Sullied Dreams, but it works considering what the track is going for. Percussion is more present off the bat with some ominously low piano notes to set the stage. The live guitar is pretty good - finds its niche and sits comfortably in it, and delivers more than a standard low-pitched gritty synth would. I dig the middle section of this where the keys playing is very staccato and rushed - adds this sense of urgency and almost BotW sounding whimsy.

Solid job all in all, this made for a fun listen. Nice and varied, produced well and plenty to like. Best of luck!



Really nice OST, one of the few metal albums I've found in the jam. I have enjoyed it a lot, thank you so much!!

Great job!!!


Thank you so much for listening!


In the middle of my apartment is the Sleep - Tin tsuu Tin tsuu... A wonderful introduction!

Gloomy thoughts, questionable business - OK... I like this BASS!!!1!

Sullied Dreams is a very broken piano... creating a special atmosphere... stop... THIS IS ROCK!!

Overall, you have an interesting soundtrack! You have good potential for your future work) Good luck!


Thank you very much dude, the feedback is greatly appreciated!


"Dark Thoughts, Shady Business" is like planning an evil scheme about something so trivial kind of beat. Like a track that plays when I cut my friend's eraser in half and put it back in its sleeve. Truly an evil moment when they tried to erase and then the eraser pops out in half.


That's the exact vibe I was going for! Thank you very much for listening!


I was the most interested in the third one as it felt like it had more darker themes for me to sink my teeth into whereas the first two were equally super calm (and maybe they were recorded at a soft level).  The progression on the first track was very nice with the binary back and forth melodic core.  Overall very pleased with this submission, keep up the good work.


Thanks dude!


I liked the distortion guitar you used in the last track!


Thank you very much!


Amidst My Sleep is a peaceful yet somewhat tense song that is really interesting! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you!


I really like your OSTs, but my favorite is Sullied Dream (a real banger). The guitar tone for Sullied Dream is a bit weak for my liking, but it served its purpose throughout the OST. That's my only remark. Anyway, great work!


Thanks, yeah that was my first time using the guitar plugin that I used, so I could only learn so much with the time I had lol


I think this project is fun. I also love the cover art! The writing of the songs is quite good but the instrument sounds are fairly basic. I think with some more sounds at your disposal would go a long way for you. 

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks a bunch!


I definitely liked these tracks individually but I’m not sure I’m seeing a common thread. I really like the third track, it had a cool kind of Kirby’s Epic Yarn feeling at times. Maybe if you have some time you could write some longer descriptions for the tracks to explain them a bit further, more than just “Title theme” and “Shop theme”. Otherwise these were fun, I liked the direction you were going!


Thanks a lot dude!


Would agree with the others, I actually quite like the first track, the arpeggio feels quite nice and the melody glides over it in a pleasing way even if it's a very simple piece it's pretty decent.

The 2nd and 3rd track do feel a bit jarring and directionless when it comes to the melody and rhythms. I think I can hear what you're going for with the more discordant sound and janky rhythms but they sound a little bit too random rather than being intentional.


Thanks for the feedback! 


I’m new to composition so can’t really give a lot of criticism. My kids jammed to Sullied Dreams Ahaha!
Like FoxHyode said it seems it’s a bit straightforward at times, I feel like up and downs would help improve the pieces.

Great job nonetheless!


Thank you very much!


Okay so I think you have some interesting and original ideas but does not know exactly how to express them. I think composition wise main thing is, there is no motion in any of your songs, you need your melody to move, your chords to move. Look up how to voice your chords, triads in the low spectrum sounds pretty rough. Sullied dreams the whole mix felt like you put a low pass on it, there is no high end at all you can probalby look into that. The composition of this track has some great ideas but once again the executions is a little rough. You can probably stick to a toanlity at first and see what works in terms of music theory and play with that. Hope this helps :)


Very much appreciated, thank you!