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Strange Tides: A Confluence (OST Comp Jam #7)View project page

Battle through an unfamiliar world to find your beloved.
Submitted by CHAMELIA — 1 hour, 30 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#1183.8943.894

Ranked from 85 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

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  • It is so nice to listen to something that so instantly grabs my attention and holds it throughout. I very much appreciated the eclectic instrumental choices as well as consistent variety of material and tone-- all while keeping a consistent identity-- no small feat that! It was a real treat to listen to the "rock-forward" music you so seamlessly work into the material. Bringing this kind of unique palette really makes your entry stand out-- you have a unique approach that I haven't heard anywhere else, I'm sure it will serve you well in the future! It is honestly hard for me to find anything to critique here-- perhaps the one note would be that I feel the distorted rock guitar parts occasionally feel like they need just a bit of a tuck into the mix, as at times I had to focus to really listen in to the other parts when they were really shredding-- but I suppose that could just be the way that style/genre works. "The Buzz Merchant" brought a smile to my face-- I will admit that at first it was a little "unique" compared to the other tracks, but then you bring in the drum kit and it just clicked into place for me, and the segue to the misbegotten gods is at once smooth and still appropriately dramatic. "Cavern of Dreams" was wonderfully evocative. "Confluence" opens with some seriously great textures-- wonderful work with the march-like snare against the lithe vocal line. It is a unique, interesting, and beautiful texture in a submission that is just a complete feast of them. "'Inside my world" rounded things out perfectly-- again bringing a unique approach to the whole without departing so much that I felt it came from some other work. The live vocals here are much appreciated and a brave choice. This whole thing had me smiling from beginning to end. Fantastic work.

You awaken knowing two things:

1. This world is not the one you know.
2. Your beloved lies waiting in a prison in the sea.

Strange Tides: A Confluence is a narrative-first action-adventure game about fighting your way through the sea inside a strange new world. Combat fierce endemic life, meet a colorful cast of friends and foes, overcome obstacles of the natural and spiritual world, and find your way to the one closest to your heart.

The album for Strange Tides: A Confluence was developed for the OST Composition Jam #7. It is a genre-defying mix of various orchestral instruments and native instruments of various diasporas, amplified with modern synths featuring rock-forward boss fights.

The album is a brief 11 minute sampler of four tracks:

- Awaken by the Verdant Sea, infamous for the occasional Ironshank Rampage.
- Find the amicable and mysterious Buzz Merchant, but thieves beware: the shopkeeper does not tolerate Misbeegotten Goods.
- Travel deep through the Cavern of Dreams to face against the tyrannical Herald of the Maelstrom.
- Two souls meet in Confluence and lose each other Inside My World.

Strange Tides: A Confluence is made possible through Reason by Reason Studios. The electric guitar tracks were created with the Ample Metal Hellrazer VST by Ample Sound, and the jaw harp tracks were created with the Cowboy Harp VST by New Nation Audio. Vocals provided by Reed Coale and Amelia Giarusso. All other instruments, effects, mixing, and mastering was made and performed within Reason and its freely included Rack Extensions, including the Orkester Sound Bank, Humana Vocal Ensemble, and Klang Tuned Percussion.

Strange Tides: A Confluence is inspired by:
- The genre-bending melodic storytelling of Darren Korb (Supergiant Games), Yoann Laulan (Dead Cells), and Borislav Slavov (Larian Studios)
- The imaginative and dense worldbuilding of games such as the Monster Hunter franchise and Felix Isaac’s tabletop roleplaying game, The Wildsea.

Cover art by Reed Coale.

Message from the artist
To Reed, my confidant and muse, whose soul can fill an orchestra beyond measure.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
“Inside My World” is both literal and figurative; your soul mate lies trapped inside their world as you travel deeper and deeper to the inside of the world to face them. The illustrated theme shows two people, two souls so close yet separated by the thinnest veil between worlds, drifting in an unfamiliar and colorful sea.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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Incredible! All of the tracks have so much personality, and so much life to them. Would love to see an actual game based on this. Fantastic work!


This is the most diverse music collection I've ever heard, with each track being equally rich in composition! Listening to the four songs feels like playing four different games!~0  o0~


WHAAT this is amazing, the composition and creativity is absolutely mind blowing!! Every song shines in their own unique way and its actually so impressive I'm jealous

I think my favorites were the first and last tracks. Super refreshing to hear these incredible vocals, its the first I've heard for this jam! Kudos to the vocalist

Brilliant work, this was one of my favorites I've heard! Good luck to you :)


This is such a fun score!!! I think you created a brilliant album! It hits all the right moods and feels well orchestrated.


This is such a fun score!!! I think you created a brilliant album! It hits all the right moods and feels well orchestrated.


“...-Are you really that stupid? An unimaginable idiot is what you are! You've unwisely used every possible gift this world could give you. You've ruined everything that...

-Shut up! Go away! Run! I don't want...

-No, you shut up! Just, please, please be quiet for a while. Your brain is overloaded with information you don't need right now. Okay? You already don't know how to use your brain.

-What? -You're saying that again?

-Yes! -I am! You don't know how to fight inside your fantasy! How can you fight the real world when even inside your own brain, chaos rules? Chaos in which you always die!

-Okay... I'll die again! But...


-Take you bastard with me!

Cassandra grabbed a knife from the kitchen table and plunged it into the neck of the uninvited guest. The guest, baying for blood, could do nothing but whisper pitifully, “Fool.”

-And you won't even die permanently...I've killed you exactly the same way six times already. And each time you've hurt me again.

Cassandra walked over to the writhing dead man, took off his glasses and put them back on. Pulled a penknife from his pockets and plunged it into his heart.

-The bastard... “I can't handle it... I promise I'll find him. HE will set me free…”

The Verdant Sea:

“Beach... A girl of medium build sat in a small cave just off the beach, waiting for dawn to break. Nearby was everything she needed: knives, coconuts, a bonfire, a fantasy sword and an incredible amount of hate. In the girl's pocket was a small photograph of an unknown man without age, or any identifying information. The only thing that gave any hope of identifying the person from the photo was the tiny caption, “I am inside your world”...”

Ironshank Rampage:

“...Cassandra entered the fray. With light and graceful, yet incredibly fierce blows, she sliced into small pieces the “ironclad” pirates that wanted to rob her

-Idiots. Who keeps sending you here? Is there any usable stuff left on sunken ships? Alcoholics. That's all I can say.

Cassandra wondered.

“What if it's true... There is something on the ships?”

The waves of the ocean of fantasy threw unfortunate ships ashore quite often. Few survived. And if anyone did survive, they remained a living legend to their entire settlement…”

The Buzz Merchant:

“...-Okay. This town is a little...weird? No one wants to talk to me. There are robots everywhere.

There were robots living around the neighborhoods of Buzztown (as well as within the city itself). It's unclear how they can even survive near the shoreline without fear of the ocean, but they live here. The houses are small, two stories at best. There are rusty robots walking everywhere.

“Heh... I think I've been here many times. Sometimes going to the bar, sometimes arguing with the vineyard owners... But I've never seen the owner of the town... What do they even live off of? They don't look like hermits.”

-And-and-if you want to talk to us, just be polite.....

-WHAT?! Why didn't you talk to me before?

-B-b-b-b-because you always wanted to chop us with your sword before....

-Oh, right. Sorry... So, who's your master?

-Buzz. Buzz is a merchant. He lives over there

The tiny robot pointed toward a not-too-high but very grassy mountain.

-You see the house? There are Buzz. Only he doesn't like to talk to people.

-He doesn't know our language?

-He only knows one language well: the language of money…”

Misbegotten Goods:



-I offered you doubloons. Why didn't you take the doubloons?

-Why did you chop off all my limbs?
-Because you tried to kill me!

-Because you offered me substandard money! The doubloons are long gone...

The girl chopped off the robot's last arm.

-Where'd you get a quality sword?

-Is it quality?

-Of course it is! When they tried to execute me in the capital, the executioner failed. My neck is too strong. They tried to chop off my fingers--

-I get it. If you're wondering where I got this sword...

-Of course. I'll pay you handsomely for it!

-Shut up

Cassandra plunged the sword into Buzz's head. The robot's head exploded into many small pieces. Inside the head, instead of brains, were doubloons.


Cavern Of Dreams:

“-The walls of these mysterious caverns contain the souls of warriors who wanted to hide here.

-Who were they hiding from? I don't remember there being anyone dangerous around here...

-Of course you don't remember! You were just a child then! Back then, you were playing peacefully in the royal garden and--

-Please don't remind me of King Rememgir. I can't stand his wolf face.

-I'm sorry... -Just understand. There used to be powerful dragons flying around here, slaying huge armies. They were feared by everyone: soldiers, kings, trolls, giant underwater snakes, and majestic mole geniuses!

-Even I was afraid?

-You were afraid of them. I remember once when you saw a flying dragon in the sky and ran in fear to your bedroom in the castle. I ran away then too, but I ran to the basement.

Cassandra began to remember....


Herald Of The Maelstrom:

“...The huge old dragon was dead. Ronald, hiding behind the rocks, didn't even realize that the girl was alive.

-Bot, you can come out now.

-You w-what did you do? HOW?

-Remember the time I hid in the castle when I saw the dragon?

-I remember.

-I ran to the bedroom to get my sword. Do you remember when the dragon got scared of someone and flew away?

-I remember.

-"He flew into those caves. He flew away from me.”


“...Cassandra was climbing a tall staircase in a great tower. At the top, there must be someone who must help her. Someone should help her. Someone who had given her that picture back when she was a small child and knew nothing of herself or her illnesses....

Someone... has to help her....

...Cassandra made her way to the top of the tower. Swiftly she opened the door to the confinement cell and…”

Inside My World:

“...the breathless body of a young girl of average build lay in a detention cell on the highest head of the fantasy world. Standing over the body was an ugly old man with glasses and a penknife in his hand.

-Are you really that stupid? An unimaginable idiot, that's what you are! You've used every possible gift this world could give you unwisely. You've ruined everything! You, in a fit of rage and determination, have destroyed everything in your path. Even all the beautiful worlds your brain and your imagination creates... You destroy it all! Why? Self-love will never be the reward for forever interacting with your world. Let it go! Stop twisting your childish dreams! Dragons don't exist. Kings are long extinct. No Ronald, your robot childhood friend, never existed! It's all just part of your imagination!

...please, my beloved Cassandra. Let it all go. Stop holding on to your childhood world with your adult hands... Let it go... Let it go....

Please. For my sake... I didn't give you my college picture to make you crazy....

Please... Grow up...


I love you. Cassandra.”


I saw one



Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

The pitch bend on the guitar in the first song instantly reminded me of the Forest Naval in Pikmin!

The warbly bells in the second track reminded me of Serena Beach hotel in Mario sunshine a lot! And also the plasm wraith chase in Pikmin 3.

It is now my mission to relate every track to something else at this point I'm 2 for 4!

The third track is reminding me a lot of Twilight Town in Paper Mario TTYD with the bells! Just the first part of course the second half is absolutely its own thing and it goes hard! Also the title has the word cavern and there are a lot of caverns in Pikmin 2

You said the word "Moth" in the fourth track and there is a moth boss in pikmin 4 I WIN!

I was able to relate every song to Pikmin now that's a good OST!

Always fresh like a Wendy's Beef Patty


Ooh, I got goosebumps from 3rd track a little

And then guitar started playing and it was just wow


reason solidarity.  love the fun vibes across every track, and that they're all so dynamic!  you only have four tracks but cram a lot of ideas into them and make the most of the runtime.  loved being able to recognize some of the reason stock instruments like that harpsichord in the buzz merchant lmao


The Verdant Sea - It sounds like cowboys are about to set sail in the wild sea and face some pirates, giving them the good ole justice! Very interesting set of sounds you have here with a nice rock flare near the end.

The Buzz Merchant - A pretty fun shop theme with that groovy bass line, that beat change up was a nice touch and a change of pace to something more electronic and house like.

Cavern Of Dreams - Can for sure here this as a dungeon/level crawling background music, guitar melody sounds like something out of Risk of Rain. That Metal change-up was also a really nice touch!

Confluence - That Wild West vibe is for sure giving me a little bit of Wild Arms vibes from how you structure that vocal melody. Nice and chill!

Enjoyed this a lot!


Its one of the Best that I Heared! Every track ist so good! I Like the First Track and the Metal Guitar. The Vocals on the last Song Are majestic and every Melodie is so good to remember! 


HUH, this flew under my radar. Easily one of the best composed & best produced soundtracks of the jam. EVERY song is so flavorful. Fantastic work!


Ok this was very cool, I was starting to get kinda of a western vibe and then boom heavy gtrs. Loved it.  As a guitar player my only advice would be to simulate a double tracking for the riffs and hard pan them then leave the lead in center.  I really enjoyed the last song as well, very good work!


i remember you posting your progress in the discord, i was always amazed by your progress!

i know you put a lot of effort into your OST and it shows, this is really an incredible soundtrack, especially with the way you switch styles so seamlessly. my favorite addition was your use of vocals in your final track, Confluence/ Inside My World (feat. Reed Coale), which really added a lot of personality to your track. You don't see a lot of vocals in OSTs and it was really cool to see!

This is definitely the most creative OST i've rated so far!! great job!


The Verdant Sea/Ironshank Rampage: Right off the bat some very interesting textures. I'm trying to place which game that bird sfx reminds me of! Damn this perc and bass. Fun Phrygian Dominant use. The guitar damn! I need to learn to use AMH as good as you.

The Buzz Merchant/Misbeegotten Goods: Cute Earthbound vibes but not lacking in powerful drums. And then almost a cyberpunk vibe! This goes hard.

Cavern Of Dreams/Herald Of The Maelstrom: Great percussion and cave vibes. Nice chromatic descent progression. The 9/8 time signature goes hard. Simply an amazing track. This is one of my single favorite tracks from the jam!

Confluence/Inside My World: Great vocals. I really love the choice of progression for a closing track.

Great work! 


Quite the listening experience. 1:51 kicked in on Verdant Sea and I was impressed by the switch. Same goes for 1:17 on Buzz Merchant. Cavern of Dreams was epic and I got happily surprised by the vocals on Confluence. What a creative entry. Very nice work!


A nice mix of styles. Really liked this one


i love this one! i also like how you change styles after each track too!

fav tracks: The Verdant Sea, Ironshank Rampage <-- love this one!!!, Misbeegotten Goods, Cavern of Dreams, Herald of Maelstrom, Confluence, Inside My World


Beautiful entry!! The rock elements are so well executed, coupled with the dreamy sound design in 'Cavern of Dreams'. The vibe feels really distinct. And wow whoever is singing in 'Confluence', does a perfect job. It fits so well. Production quality is really solid too! PS I can't tell you how much I adore Buzz Merchant


Amazing stuff!

My only "gripe" was the buildup on the second track that didn't go anywhere! I was like gearing up for a bass drop that never came! Haha. Oh well, good stuff.

It's a really cool atmosphere you made.

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