Title Theme: I really like the upbeat and playful nature of this opening track! The twinkling sounds give a great dream-like quality along with the pads. The guitar-work you have is excellent - that is always something I struggle with. I’m curious if your guitar instrument strums for you? Or if not, how did you produce that type of sound?
Home Theme: The more retro sound gives this a nostalgic flare that works so well for a home theme. Wow that saxophone melody over the arpeggiating synth and drum kit groove gives this song a really fun, warm power. This track is my favorite of your OST!
Town Theme: This has an Earthbound sound to it right off the bat. I really like the experimental nature of the melody and chord progression - it makes this a really fun track while giving character to the town that it accompanies.
RAM-EATER: This is a unique and fun battle-sounding theme. I can tell you are fighting a technological enemy based on the sounds chosen.
Overall: Gosh, I really can’t imagine what else you would come up with if you had time to write the entire 10 track soundtrack. The four songs you gave us have lots of personality and energy and provide both variety and cohesion. Your influences are clear, but this also demonstrates your unique style, which I am a fan of! Excellent work and thank you for sharing!
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