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A member registered Nov 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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This game is nuts. It's one of the first entries I played, right before the submissions opened. Just replayed it and I appreciate it even more. Brilliant concept and a great interpretation of the mode theme. Switching between the happy healing froggies and the deranged demons is an insane experience. Love the care that went into the aesthetic and art choices. Really really great entry, well done!

Haha great game! Really funny, and you did a great job recreating that authentic gameboy style. And I liked putting toppings on my ICE CRM. Nice work!

Cool take on pacman, very clever to let the player play as one of the ghosts. Nice work!

Loved this game. A lot of people go for various retro styles, but you guys absolutely nailed the style of the original gameboy. It feels very authentic, everything from the color palette, the text boxes, the incredible music, the transitions between rooms, and the occasional posterized graphic images, was just insanely spot-on for games of this era. Great presentation all around. The game is really funny and amazingly bizarre. My favorite bit was probably seeing the moon through the telescope, just totally ridiculous. I'm impressed that you guys also managed to include a lot of different gameplay styles, like the platforming and kiss battle. I managed to finish the game in one sitting, but definitely would have enjoyed playing for longer. Well done!

Had a lot of fun playing this! Great central game concept, I love that the slowmo and anti-grav modes each draw from different magic meters, and that I had to balance my use of each to solve the puzzles. I feel like the game peaked at the last level, and I wanted to keep playing! Overall great job.

Great work, there are a lot of things I liked in this game. For one thing, I loved all the art design - the spooky dithered landscape, the flat shaded 3d graphics, the music, the billboards, the retro UI and the leaderboard, everything was just eye candy. The game itself is very fun, especially in the 3D mode. It reminded me of classic starfox games. Overall, the game is really unique and interesting. Nice job!

Cool game, I appreciate any game that lets me be a bad guy. Had a great time snitching on rebel insurgents. Great job!

Really nice game. It was a great idea to combine tetris with platforming, it worked out really well. In the later levels, there was a surprising amount of challenge and I had to be really thoughtful with my block placements. Awesome work!

Loved the artwork, especially the enemy sprites and the UI. The music was also fantastic. But overall the game is just a ton of fun, pretty addicting honestly. Great take on a survivor-shooter, awesome job implementing an upgrade system and the inclusion of the minimap was great too.  Really impressive work and a super fun game - you should be really proud!

Really fun game. I want to call out the fantastic animation work on the characters. Awesome job!

Thank you for allowing me to craft such a handsome deep-sea man. Nice work!

I've played this game three times now. Excellent vibes, love everything about it. One of my faves in the jam.

I vibed with this game, had a nice charm to it. Everything in it made me laugh. Nice work!

Hade a lot of fun playing this! You really did a good job making the jump feel tight and fun. Little details like having the background tilt with the player direction go a long way. Also, the 8bit thriller track was a beautiful choice. Nice work!

Fun little game! Nice and simple. Very proud of my mandragora. Great work!

Nice game! I like the banger of a track that plays when the icecream truck shows up. Great style and originality. SweetiePie is one of the GOAT protagonists.

Goodass game, I liked rebel elf mode the best.

Really impressive that this was built in JS! Awesome work. What a bad man!

Nice game! Maomao is a cool little slimeball/hamster guy and I'm glad I got to spend some time with him. Nice job layering in puzzle mechanics, it got pretty hard after a while! Awesome work.

Nice job, really great sound design. Each level had an ethereal quality that was really enjoyable. I loved how the instrument sounds kept changing in each world. Great work!

Nice job on this! The gun recall mechanic was clever. Awesome work.

So cool, as a kid I wanted to be able to actually see the worlds of text-based games like Zork. You totally delivered on that and turned it into a really unique gameplay concept, and a very creative interpretation of the mode theme. Brilliant concept and execution - well done!

Love that Depeche Mode is your interpretation of the theme haha! I had a lot of fun with the game, the bouncing just feels so good, really nice job. It honestly reminded me of Portal, in the sense that you have to place things around a room to build momentum for jumps. One thing though - the game needs sound to do justice to the great gameplay! Besides that, really nice work!

Haha nice game. Really appreciate the DIY vibe, all the hand-drawn art and sprite animations are very charming, along with the voice acting. Laughed when I saw the win mode screen. Nice work!

Hey, this is really great! When I realized the inventory was shared between the 3 games, my mind was blown. Love the concept and execution of all 3 games, but Sunken Fear is the standout for me. I loved the vibe and moody atmosphere, and you guys nailed the retro ps1 look horror/realism look that was prominent in that era. Can't believe you guys managed to get 3 fleshed-out games together for the same jam. Awesome work!

Fun game! Proud to say that I beat nature's all-terrain-vehicle. One thing I really liked was the pace of the leveling. This game does a really good job at having the player start out feeling super underpowered and having them claw their way up bit by bit. So satisfying when you finally start to catch up. Really good stuff, nice job!

Lol, love this entry.

Awesome puzzle game, really dig this entry. One thing that I really appreciate about this game is that it had a really good tutorial that was actually fun from the very beginning while teaching the game mechanics and without being too wordy. You struck a great balance with the learning curve and difficulty ramp of this game, which is not easy when designing a puzzler. There are lots of other things I appreciated - the music, art style, overall vibe and tone of the game were great. Some of the later puzzles were definitely tough but the game felt rewarding enough for the challenge. Really great work!

(1 edit)

Nice game! Impressive that you implemented an upgrade system, really solid little game loop. I also really liked the difficulty ramp, it gets pretty chaotic after a while! Solid work.

Cool oldschool dungeon crawler! Great aesthetic choices, great pixel art and animations, awesome lofi sound effects. Definitely an immersive retro experience. Nice work!

Great lil dungeon crawler game with stardew vibes. The intro sequence was really funny and the game was solid! Loved exploring deeper and deeper in to the dungeon. You have a really great variety of environments and enemies, especially for a 2 week game jam! Well done!

Hell yeah, I am now a big fan of Bobby. Nice presentation, I really appreciate the background art and the music goes HARD which I also appreciate. Had a lot of fun with this one, overall great job!!

Haha glad you picked up on the ski-free inspiration. That game came up a lot while we were designing this. Thanks for playing!

Haha loved the world of this game. Every robot character was great. Solid take on the theme - I loved finding platformer elements baked in to the top-down detective world, kinda reminded me of Paper Mario in a way. Honestly I am really impressed by the amount of work that must have gone in to the environment design. Solid color palette and art style on everything, and just a very detailed world for a 2-week game jam. Really impressive work!

Really creative game! I'm impressed you were able to put this together in the time allotted for the game jam.  Just a really really great concept and execution. Well done!

Really fun game with awesome pixel art and animation. Great presentation in terms of music and art. I'm surprised this is the first time I've seen an indie spin on the pikmin formula, it worked really well! Great job on this.

Cute puzzle game! Love the name and your take on the theme. Really solid work!

Damn, this game goes HARD. I would call this the super mario 64 of lawnmower games. From the second I heard the hardcore music, I was amped to go mow some mf grass. Absolute banger of a game, well done!