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A member registered Jul 18, 2024 · View creator page →

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I do plan on doing some updates to it when I get the chance to at least get it closer to the state that I wanted it to be in. And thank you! My main focus was to have a semi-complex order of events. I've got a whole flow chart of ways that items could be found.

Nice job! Thank you for playing! I wanted to make it apparent that I knew it was unfinished and give an idea of some things that had planned to get done so I'm glad I covered all of those bases. Audio was definitely something that I ran out of time on. I also wanted to change the sprites on the objects to show that they were open and empty when they were done with. I hope to make an update in the future to add these thing to it but it might take some time.

Thanks for playing! And yeah there was a lot I didn't get done, the background being a big one. The one that's there was my initial planning sketch that I was using as a placeholder. But, you're right about the contrast between the objects and the background. I would have either made them contrast or, if I went with a similar art style, would have added a highlight around the edge when hovering to show that it was something interactive.

Thank you! My initial plan, and as a way to include the "Through the Teeth" wildcard, was to have a voice providing hints over a radio and urge the player to repair the doll. Once the repairs were complete, the doll would have revealed that it was the source of the voice and would have attacked the player, ending the game.

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Oh wow, I wasn't expecting to see a turn-based, sci-fi, tactics game in this jam! It definitely an interesting concept and a good start but judging by the state that it is in I assume it was a bit of a tall order. Which I was originally thinking when I realized what it was. There's quite a bit that you managed to get it and working which is impressive though it also seems like there are a few bugs and some features that could use some polish. Unsure if it was intended, but one thing I may suggest is having the timer tick down a certain amount each round of the turn-based combat instead of having it run freely. It would make combat less of a rush but allow the timed element of the overall game-play to remain.

Overall great concept, I hope to see an updated version of this if you plan working on it further!

All fair points! I know it was just a jam so the limited time probably didn't help. It sounds like you had ideas that weren't able to be completed and I kinda assumed that's what had happened. I'll definitely give that game a look, too. Thanks for the suggestion!

It feels like you've executed well on the idea that you had. Very much feels like Pac-Man and the limited visibility allows a new layer of challenge since ghosts are still visible out of the flashlight range. I had to keep a keen eye on the walls around me to know if I was safe or not. The audio levels were a little low for me compared to the footsteps. I  couldn't make them go any higher.

I had a hell of a good time with this one! Honestly, not being able to control the car made it better. Bibley needs to be the final boss fort he ultimate lie!

Great character and creature designs! I also was a little confused on whether the terminals were fixed and didn't really ever get hurt by the monster but I instead accepted it as my new partner and we tried to solve the puzzles together. Hopefully I won't find her sleeping on company time next time. 

I do think the puzzles could work better if there was an indicator of success (at least there wasn't one that I noticed).

Very well made, story-driven game! It tells its tale well and hits on the reality of the issue. The game play is limited but that doesn't seem to be the intended focus anyway, so I don't think that's a bad thing. The artwork and atmosphere really shine in this style.

A good start! It's unfortunate that you got stuck with the wrong build. I could see this expanding into something interesting pretty easily. Good work! I would like to echo the stages without boundaries thing. I lost myself a few times but for the most part I went where I was supposed top go anyway :v

A charming game with fun mechanics! I enjoyed tracking the hunter through the directional audio. And I also enjoy that one NPC that just shooting a TV

I know I said I wouldn't leave a comment but I am anyway! I just wanted to say that this was a very fun entry. I really enjoyed the gun building mechanics. They allow for a wide variety of builds and customization. Excellent work!

An excellent metroidvania entry! It was well paced, complete, had a mischievous companions, and I got to do th ings that OSHA would never approve of!

Orange you glad you joined the jam? I enjoyed the different approach to the theme! A stealth game is also something I haven't seen yet this jam. Excellent work on the audio cues for being seen.

I did find a few points where I could actually escape the tiles and free roam the grey void. One was near the beginning area with the fans and the other  was down near the green, ribbed tiles. I have a video of the areas if you end up needing it.

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While I enjoy the concept, I was a little disappointed with this game. The art and puns are great and I enjoy the "crafting" games (e.g. Potion Craft) but I got a little less puzzle from this game than I was initially expecting. I thought the runes that were used in place of the ingredients were based off of a font or something and that I could actually decipher them and learn them over time. I overhyped myself on the concept and ended up feeling that the puzzles seemed a little brute force-y instead. I do think the game is a good concept, but I also think that this could improve it puzzliness and make solving the pages a bit more satisfying. 

Another thing that I wanted to mention was that because I was hyping myself on this idea, I put myself in a position where I wanted to get to the puzzle faster. The amount of text before actually getting to touch anything on the in game screen made me want to skip it faster. It wouldn't be respectful of me to leave that there without offering some sort of suggestion. So, I'd suggest making that conversation automatic. It can be happening but the player is free to poke and prod at the interactive bits as they see fit.

I  had fun with this one! The idea is simple but complete which I think shows off good scoping practices. The enemies (zombies? ghosts? ) were a little simple in their attacking methods but I think if they were sped up just a little they would be more challenging. I really enjoyed having to lure one of them out. That was a nice touch for having to finally confront the enemies when before I just avoided them.

An excellent entry! I love the art style and I'm a sucker for storefront games (e.g. Potion Craft). All the elements of the game seemed pretty unique and the summoning circle style of "crafting" is something I haven't seen before.

I do think the timer punished me a bit in the beginning for reading the flavor text, so I'd like to suggest maybe pausing it while the book is up. Most of my time was spent trying to figure out the combinations after reading the entries anyway.

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Fun idea! I love a horde shooter and the guns in this one feel pretty good with their different firing methods.  The background did hurt my eyes a bit with the speed that I moved. I also noticed that the ghosts spawn on top of me pretty quickly after entering a room which leaves little time for evading them.

I like the concept but it definitely needs more baking. The level progression seems a bit shoehorned and ends up being tedious. I think it's a good starting point and had there been more time or man hours able to be put into it,  it could come out rather well.

One improvement suggestion I'd like to offer for the potential future is consequences from having the enemies on the screen. Perhaps there were plans for it already that went unrealized but at the current state, they do just sit there waiting to be shot.

I liked the environment and the 2D, FPS style gun play! The overall gameplay was great. I like the ill timed jams and reloads I had to make; it made me pay more attention to my ammo count. I think displaying the costs on the shop UI would have been a nice touch.

I love the "ever-present threats" style of horror games and the async multiplayer interaction is really cool! Very good!

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I like the design of the hammer and the whack-a-mole style gameplay. Hitting things with a hammer is purest form of entertainment! The game felt bit fast paced for what I'm used to but I'm also not used to fast paced games. I did have a strange "double-hit" bug that might have been preventing the true experience.

Very well made! It's easy to die in the beginning but with some practice you can learn how to properly sneak around. The atmosphere and artwork are great and the enemy behaviours interplay very well with the mechanics. 

I did happen upon an interesting pathing bug where the dolls and even the puppet would get stuck running into walls. I'm not sure how it came about yet but there should be a recording of the stream when I played it that might help.

I ran out of time to move forward. I want to scheme more. My marsupials will take over the world; they will surpass even I!

Fun clicker, I like the extra idle additions and customizability. Also your voice acting was amazing!

Interesting game idea! I like the dialogue audio and the comment that the aunt makes. The UI and different mechanics for the actions that can be performed on the furniture gave a lot of avenues for replayability and approaches to getting a higher score.

I really like the concept of the possessions giving your ghost abilities or being used to for specific purposes. They all have their place in the puzzles and I think they'd allow for a lot more expansion of the levels based on their different combinations. A very cute game and fun to figure out the puzzles! I think I couldn't figure out the umbrella one, though.

Heads up: I think I soft locked myself in the top left room; with the umbrella. I unpossessed it as it was trying to take me back up top and it froze the ghost in place when they became visible again.

A very good game, especially for a solo dev! The amount of effort was well spread and makes for an overall well balanced experience. 10/10 would hit with a book again

I think this a fun puzzle game but I'm not entirely sold on the haunting theme. Still had a blast! 

Very fun game! Excellent artwork! I enjoy the stretchy cat paw. The leaderboards were a very cool addition!

Very good game! It has a fun game loop and the challenge of hitting the precise "perfect" marks had me setting ambushes for the monsters' paths. Artwork is very good as well!

I would have loved to get some puzzles in! Especially since Myst was fueling my point-and-click desire at the moment. Seeing that I was already over-scoped as it was, though I'd definitely need a larger team to get that done. Thanks for playing!

Well animated, interesting level layouts, and a good challenge! I also enjoyed the fun facts between the levels. It was a good place for them. It was a little difficult to tell where the  dragon's collider was at first but I did get used to it quickly. Great job!

That was a fun game! The art looks great and it was relaxing to explore the level layouts. It took me a second to figure out that some jumps needed the coyote-time to do but I think it was a clever use of its implementation. 

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Very fun! I'm a sucker for puzzle platformers and snarky AI narrators. Mechanics and their subversions keep things fresh and it feels like you got good mileage out of their combinations. Great game! Platforming was a little floaty sometimes but it seems that was worked into a mechanic rather than a bug.

Thank you for the feedback, though! I'll look into pushing an update for the build.

Oh no, the resolution messed up again? I fixed that twice yesterday!

Good to know! I'll give it a go when I get a chance and leave some feedback on the page for you.

Ah, that's a good idea that I don't think we considered! you're right, it would have lent itself well to understanding who's projectiles where supposed to be dodged.

Thanks! We did have plans to make it more obvious that the player had died but, like most of the stuff we didn't get to, we ran out of time for it. It was a good lesson in scoping!