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A member registered Jan 27, 2024 · View creator page →

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I did it!!! Finally!!


Oh, and I really like the ending.

This is one of my favorite games in the jam. I wish that it had a couple changes, but it doesn’t stop it from being a great game.

  • keybinding would be great
  • the money is small, so if it attracted to you from a short distance, it would make the much better for me
  • sometimes the money jumps into the wall and is unretrievable because it isn’t attracted to the player
  • if you could make picking up the orb the same as throwing it (like pxlpush suggested) it would the game a bit easier to handle

When I first played I got pretty stuck with the controls because I didn’t get any feedback from attacks and the objective was unclear. Well, I just gave it another shot, and it’s a really great game! Well done! I would say that something to make it more appealing would be to include some screenshots on this itch page.

Thanks for playing! And thank you! I wanted to bring it as close to being a game as I could in the time limit, and it makes me so happy to hear when call it’s a game. :)

As far as explanation, I had a lot I could have done. Even down in the description, I could have explained that you can spit on the guys, the max score, explained there was no end screen (oops).

The guys spawn more often with a higher score, and don’t spawn below a score of -10.
The fires spawn more often with a lower score, and don’t spawn above a score of 10.
This could’ve used balancing as it’s easy to get above 20, but very difficult to get below -15.

Oh, and the green guys probably make shuffling sounds and say “oh, hi there!” when they spawn and when passing one another “excuse me, sir”.
And when they’re mad they just grumble about “kids these days” - and maybe sometimes “ducks these days” - and some other inarticulate sounds.

Thank you very much! I learned a ton, so I’m excited to make something really great next time! Instead of… this…

Thanks for pointing out what I spent my time on! I wanted to get to powerups, but I spent all my time learning the basics, like collisions (spit puts out fire, but doesn’t collide with the duck) and movement. I have a hard time moving on from something that doesn’t feel right yet, which isn’t always a good thing in a jam.

As far the audio, especially from playing the other games, it’s super obvious that was an easy miss for me. It was my first game in godot, so I’m still not sure how to do audio, but I would guess it’s pretty easy. I guess I wanted to only learn so much, and I wanted to polish off the gameplay before I added another feature like audio.

Thanks for noticing the arcs! This was very much a learning project for me and I played around with the physics quite a bit! The sprite angle is based on the y velocity, which took some work to get right. If I made the spit totally round, I could’ve saved probably 3-5 hours!

I super wanted to put power ups in the game, including one that would spray/shotgun the spit. Then it would be much harder to only hit the one or the other.
If I had that, then having some levels would be pretty cool: I could make some areas nearly impossible to only spit out the fires, or on the guys.

Thanks! I was going to try to take my theme a little deeper (with background changing, etc.), but I ran out of time. I’m still learning this engine, so I’m gonna have to make up for it with some practice projects before the next jam!

You could check out a few of the games my friend made (the older ones were with GameMaker), including a good way to do cover art.

Very unfinished, but I like what I see (especially the keybinding menu :)

Great game! It was a bit difficult to stay in the light, so I didn’t play long, but I had fun while I did. :)

Some feedback, as you asked for it:

  • It was a bit short and buggy
  • The game felt a bit too easy overall, such as needing to shoot 5 enemies, when I can easily get 10.
  • There should be more effects when you defeat enemies and when you got hurt.
  • The character felt a bit floaty, maybe increase gravity and increase jump speed.
  • Really nice spriting and animation from light to dark.
  • I’m not sure what the difference between light and dark is.
  • Starting out, I’m not sure what the goal of the game is - why am I here? I have no connection to the robot.
  • For accessibility, I would include some options, such as key binding.
  • Having good cover art helps a ton for people to click on your game.

Don’t use my game as an example, this is my first jam and I could’ve definitely better in every way, but especially having good cover art.

Pretty nice game! Was very confused at first (could’ve used more indication of what the objective was and what the enemies were), but once I got the hang of it it was really fun! Definitely could play it for a while if there was more in-game feedback - sfx, mostly.

Really neat game! But out of the blue my character started charging off to the right and won’t stop. :/

Well done! The game could use some work on controls and difficulty (there were times I got stuck and had to reset), but it was a neat little game!

I would say don’t remove a heart when resetting and make the jumps in between platforms a bit easier earlier on.

Wow! What wonderful voice acting! (or maybe you prefer “voice acting”)

Super fun! I would say it might benefit from a seizure warning.


Sorry about confusing you. :I
I really like the puns, by the way.


I loved this. Let me know if you continue this concept after the jam!

Very impressive. I think I have to call it quits, though…


Wow. I noticed a couple bugs, but nothing to stop me from rating this 5/5…

Very good. I’m glad to have played it.

I super love the second camera! It made the game much more engaging and like I was being chased by something real!

Here’s another couple things I noticed after playing it a few more times and watching my friend play it:

  • several of the sprites will freeze and it’s common for the enemy sprite to freeze while walking.
  • the flashlight sprites will sometimes disappear but the hitbox won’t, so it can be hard to know where your safe when running.
  • on the power up screen, the background should lighten instead of the text darkening - it feels backward.

I showed this game to a friend and realized he had the same confusion with how to select a weapon that I did.
I think it would make more sense to select a weapon by firing at the button instead of running into it.
And clarifying on what I was saying about bullets per second, why would you ever pick the “double” instead of the minigun unless one or the other has more bullets per second?

Good job.


Pretty great! A simple and enjoyable game.

It would be nice to be able to restart without refreshing, then I wouldn’t have to rebind my controls. I super love that I can bind the controls, though! Thanks!


Pretty good.

  • end game buttons don’t seem to work - win or game over

Really fun and well made. Good job.

Some notes:

  • it’s not very clear that the player can only fire when on a lighted circle
    • having an indication of whether can fire would be great
  • the health bar isn’t very obvious
  • some of the games fit the theme superficially, but this one feels like it fits the theme through and through and in different ways
  • having a pause menu would be helpful
  • the first enemies aren’t very strong compared to how menacing they look/sound
  • super cool wave based system - I like that you can go to the store in between waves
  • it’s not super obvious that the store is a store

Nah, it was just the ant. XD

I super like how it looks and feels! Well done!

Some notes:

  • the recoil makes the second boss super hard
  • would be nice if the theme changed a little more for the bosses
  • controller support would be sweet, but maybe I just don’t know how to hook up my controller to it?
    • either way, this definitely feels like a game that would benefit a lot from using a controller for aiming
    • I spent most of my time trying to figure out where my cursor was
  • overall, really fun game! I found myself having reminding myself it wasn’t a full game that was fully balanced
  • on that note, I’m not sure the different weapons have the same bullets per second, which seems like that’s most of what matters?

I liked it a lot. Well done.

Some notes:

  • it would super nice to be able do fullscreen
  • it would be nice to be able to change my controls
  • on the first level, it wasn’t very intuitive that you could jump over the light
  • wow, this game is fluid and clean looking - the lights swinging back and forth are just so pleasant to look at
  • it would be nice to be able to set my controls
  • I think the last level was too hard if you want most people to be able to beat your game
  • good duck sound

Very well done! In many ways it’s well done (fitting the theme, the art, and the originality), but I did find a bug.

Wow. A curse is right.


Overall, I like what I see, but I’m pretty as to what’s going on.

I think I found out the controls and gameplay:

  • WASD for movement.
  • Space for lighting/unlighting yourself
  • Refill light with torch
  • Light runs out when on
  • Will reset when hit by monsters when unlit

There’s a really big text box that pops up that says something about scrolling, but it wasn’t working well then it disappeared.

I found a chicken at some point.

Oh, and a few more things:

  • I like the title - what it means and that you defined it in the description
  • the graphic at the end of the world being sucked clean of resources
  • I like how you incorporated the duck


Some feedback:

  • It was pretty hard to rotate and connect the pipes for me, so I gave on trying to.
  • Do the power-ups affect much? I selected the shield power up 3 times and it took 5 shots to destroy an enemy in the opposite atmosphere just as if I didn’t power up at all.
  • Is the game endless? It wasn’t very hard to break the pipes and it didn’t seem to be getting harder over time.
  • I like how the little plane looks - especially when you move up and down.
  • It seemed like the pipes would often be impossible to solve, is that so?
  • Oh, like fatalsparrow said, it would have been nice to make it fullscreen.