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A member registered Jan 27, 2024 · View creator page →

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I really like your guy’s game! The core mechanics are the same as mine, but there are changes that make them very different to play. That being said, take my feedback with a grain of salt, as I’m super biased based on the game I made.
I messed up the rotation in my game, but you could check it out to get some ideas on how you could do yours. I allowed the player to adjust without any snapping to certain positions, which ended up being super finicky and frustrating. I have a few ideas on how to fix this thanks to all the great comments I got on my game.
I feel like your music is a bit distracting from the gameplay, but my game has no background music, so that’s probably why I feel that way. I’m sure I could have turned down the music in the settings, but I never tried it out.
Also, is it intentional that the beams are always a couple degrees off from 90 degree reflections?

Anyway, great game! I really like the story behind the gameplay and the art work. Very well done!

Wow! This is one of the best games in the jam! It’s a fun little puzzle game that’s easy enough, but takes a bit of thought!
Well done!

Really interesting idea. I didn’t get that you could move everything at first, but ended up playing a couple matches against myself. I lost…

Hah! That’s great! I ended up rotating the velocity of the beam, then reversing the y velocity then reversing the rotation. It seemed like the easiest way to avoid most of the trig. I checked out your game before - it’s one of them that looks the most appealing, and it was super fun, but it seems like it’d benefit quite a bit from a controller. I have a controller I need to pull out and use it before I can give you guys a fair review. :)

Great game! I accidentally deleted the goal a bunch of times, which was frustrating, but I really like the idea! It was a really fun puzzle that I’d come back to again!

This game can definitely crash if you setup the right combinations.

It might help if you pretend, like Felix Dubois said, that it makes it more realistic: if you wanted to adjust the mirror, as soon as you touch it, it bumps a little in a super frustrating way! XD
All joking aside, I couldn’t figure out how to fix this and it was pretty frustrating to me too. I think I have an idea of how to take care of it, and I’ll fix it after the jam.
I thought it would be fun to add scoring to it, but I should have made it more lax. Ideally, each level for have a par, but that sounded boring to try and get right, so instead the score for each level is calculated exactly the same (lazy) way: if you have fewer than 9 shots and 3 mirrors, you get 3 stars; fewer than 16 shots and 6 mirrors, you get 2 stars; all else gets you 1 star.
On the note that you could get 3 stars if you set it all up right after starting over, that’s actually how I envisioned somebody could get a perfect score, which I’m currently okay with, unless you have a better idea. It looks like your message might’ve gotten cut off, though.
When I work on the game more after the jam, there will be mirrors that need white light, so the prism won’t suffice.
Thanks so much for playing and leaving such detailed feedback!

That’s a great idea with the slow-rotation mode! Assigning shift to rotate the mirror half as much would be a great way of doing it!
Originally I just had the mirror rotating 22.5 degrees each click of the rotate button, but I wanted to allow for more fine-grain control. This came at the cost of making the game a bit more frustrating, but I didn’t know how to allow for both. I think with a slow rotate mode would be a big help here.
I think I’ll probably add a laser pointer after the jam’s over, but it seemed like a lot of work, so I didn’t look into it yet. Somebody else mentioned that the beams are too slow, which probably adds to the fact that this is a game that ends up draining quite a bit of patience…
Thanks so much for the feedback! It helps to be able to reflect on how to make this game better and how to learn from this experience!

That’s sweet that you able to burn down the kitchen like that! I didn’t even realize there was potential, but I definitely wanted to leave it a bit open on how to solve each thing.
I got to the end of my timeframe and had about 6 levels that I used for testing different mechanics. I spent way too long on cleaning up the first two levels to be the tutorial and ended up feeling like the game was too short. I spammed out a bunch more levels, finally got the prism working right and spammed out the rest, so yeah, too many levels. Thanks for naming about when it started to feel stale! I’m planning to work on the game after the jam too, so I’ll shrink what I have to about 12 levels, and try to add some new and interesting concepts for future levels.
And so you know, the laser physics are a bit wrong. I was having a hard time getting Godot collisions working how I wanted them at the start, so I changed to using Area2D’s for the mirrors. Well, the beams ended up drilling through a bit and crashing into the walls on the other side if they were too close. I fattened the collision box which solved the drill-thru but now it feels just a bit off…
I’m grateful for all the feedback, so thank you for making the game better.


Wow! That was super well done! I wanna play more!! A little bit chaotic and pretty fun with the past reflections running around and interacting with the blocks on the last level! Super cool that a reflection can win the level for you. :)
Well done!


Great! A lot of fun.

Thanks for playing, Jibby!
I’m actually not sure where I want to go with the graphics. They seem to fit the style of what I want the game like pretty good, but they still seem do be lacking… something…
Definitely plenty I can do with audio, and we’ll see where we go with that.

Nice! I’m glad the mirror quirkiness that I couldn’t massage out can be explained away as “realistic” and “life-like”! I have the rotation being modified based on the origin of the rotation button, and didn’t end up finding a better way… Actually I just thought of one: I can record the position of the mouse on the click and compare against that. Duh. Well, I guess I can fix that after the jam!
I think another good thing to help with this would be to allow the player to input the degrees for each mirror somehow.
Thanks for playing! I’m glad that didn’t drive you crazy! (presumably)

Thanks for playing and I’m glad you enjoyed it!
I figured that people could figure out where the mirrors should go and retry the level once they have a better plan. That way they might be able to do it with fewer shots the next time. Not super planned out…
As I really love spamming the lasers. :) When testing I had a laser score over 50 most of the time.
Thanks again!

And no hard feelings. Thanks for playing and leaving a comment! All very good feedback that I’ll plan on updating after the jam!

A couple things:

  • before I released it, I got feedback that the bullets were much too fast, and I must’ve tonight it back a bit too much. It feels slow to me too.
  • one of things I wanted to put in was to ability to set angles be degrees instead of moving with the button.
  • the bullets sticking was a bit of an afterthought because of the one wildcard. I thought about adding bullet trajectory, but it times like too much hassle.
  • which level would you say it started to feel like filler? I was worried that it would that feel that way, but hoped I was doing enough variety. Hopefully you found the level select screen and were able to play around with the prisms a bit before you threw in your hat.

I really love the concept of this game! I had a blast for about 5 seconds before my computer crashed and I had to hard reboot by holding the power button.
I’m on an ubuntu machine and nothing was responding (alt-tab, alt-f4, etc.) and this hasn’t happened before.
I’ll try it out again sometime if I get on a Windows machine.
Again, really awesome idea and I hope it works for everyone else!

I like it! Especially the voice work. There were a few things that made me quit early. If you fix them after the jam, let me know so I can finish it!

  • The right side being brighter made it so I focused on that one - because I was paying attention to that one, I had my controls backward every time and had to refocus on the darker screen.
  • Not being able to set it to fullscreen, made it a bit hard for me to see. I think this is something you can update in the itch settings for the game.
    • If you fix this one, I’ll try it again during the jam.

Good job!

Great! I’m glad to hear it! Also, to confirm, I see you as a contributor now. :)

I see something like this on past projects and it looks like I still can add people and change contributor: image.png
If you want, we could hop on a call in Discord and I could try to help you find it.

Pretty neat game! I like the sound work - I always like hearing somebody learning something new instead of just using whatever online assets they can find.
Something kinda fun that I found was that your back button turns into a bac button on hover in the level select screen:
By the way, I have a level select screen in my game too and it was the first time I’d built something like that. How did you store whether or not a player has already played a certain level?
The movement ends up feeling a little tedious when you have to walk so far.
I stopped playing at level 10 because I want to be able to get to many of the other games in the jam. I really like the gameplay and it feels like a really good puzzle game. I enjoy the feeling of realizing what I’m supposed to do without being beaten over the head with it, yet it not being stupidly “subtle”. Some puzzle games will hide things in such a way that there would be no reason you would think of doing it that way. Transferring to another golem based on proximity was intuitive and a neat puzzle.
Because I’m stopping early, I didn’t get to see how reflection tied into your game, but I read in your description about it. Good luck!

Weird… Are you still able to vote? On the past two jams I’ve been on a team and it lists all the contributors. Wait, I think I know what the problem is: you can add people to the game, but not list them as a contributor of the game. It’s just a little checkbox in the settings.

That was a really enjoyable game! Unfortunately, I was having a hard time with it because I couldn’t see the game very well. It looks like the game wasn’t set to scale, so everything ended up being too small for me to enjoy it very much.

I did get the idea of it pretty quick, so other than having a hard time seeing it, I had a lot of fun for the first couple levels! I’m glad you got the undo working - it doesn’t seem useful most of the time, but it’s nice to have and meets the wildcard.

Good job Ryan and Kat! If you end up fixing the display thing after the jam, please let me know in Discord so I can try it out again!

Thanks, CodeCrow! I noticed that the multicolor prisms could end up in a loop, but I didn’t think about how that would affect the shot count and score!
After the jam I’m planning on working on this still and one of the things I’m going to fix is that the beam angles coming from the prism will change based on the angle the beam hit the prism at. This already happens with the normal mirrors, but I ran out of time getting it to work right with the prisms. It wouldn’t entirely fix this problem, but it was something that bugged me.
I think the right solution would just to be that only the white beams could be split into different colors… Thanks for the feedback! Now I have a good idea of how to fix that!
Also, for some reason itch isn’t linking to your game, but did you work on this one? The game doesn’t list you as a contributor, but your profile does:

Thanks for that, hansory!
I noticed my friends being confused about it when I showed it to people in person, but totally forgot about it! I put a note on the game page, but not sure if that’ll be obvious enough…

I hope you work on this after the jam! I love it!

Thanks so much for the compliment! I forget to put the controls in the game description because I’d already put them in the game controls menu…

As far as the BGM, I had something, but for some reason I had a hard time getting it to loop. It’s also pretty quiet because I didn’t want it to be obnoxious. I guess I went too far the other way…

Thanks so much for playing! Smiley_Bonez did all the art (I probably could have put that in the credits), so I’ll make sure to forward on the compliment!

Very impressive! I like the easter egg of your last jam game. :)

Including an upgrade system would have complicated it a bit, but making the cart take less damage from each rock or other obstacle would have gone a long way. The lack of balancing we did before we called it “good enough” was a major issue for the full release.

As far as random generation, that was one of our original ideas, but had to be cut due to time. I haven’t set it up before, and I didn’t have to time to learn and implement it.

At the last minute we added the fake stalactites without any way to distinguish which were fake. When I watched people play the game that hadn’t before, I realized it was really frustrating that there wasn’t any way to tell them apart! It should blink or some particles could fall, etc, and I’m sure it would have made it much more enjoyable!

As others have mentioned, the last challenge would really have benefited from a checkpoint just before, so that players didn’t have to wade through the starting challenges again and again…
Sorry about that! It would have been nice to have a game that most people could beat without having to get overly frustrated.

Thank you! We planned to have auto-generated tiles, but I haven’t done that before, so it was part of the scope that we cut. Then we could have scoring based on how far the player got… That sounds like it could really have upped the appeal!

Thanks for the feedback!

I guess I assumed people would check out the controls before playing. But something that would have made it clearer that you could shoot would be a little gun that pointed toward the cursor, and “Right Click/E to Fix”, etc. In hindsight it wasn’t clear enough. I think I’ll have to have a couple play-testers the next time around.

It didn’t quite feel right with only as much feedback as the game had, but oh well.
We were planning to have some skeletons that hopped onto the cart and walked around and beat it up, but we ran out of time for that too.

Someone suggested an enemy that crawled out of a hole in the ground and you could knock a spike onto them to fill the hole before they got out. It would be something that we would add if we continued to work on the game.

And thank you for the congratulations. <3

Congratulations!! I’m glad you didn’t give up when the level became unforgiving.

Your game was pretty neat, although I wish I knew what was going on better as I played. I didn’t understand what many of the buttons did until I used them, and perhaps a few times. After I got the hang of it, it was pretty enjoyable. Definitely a good idle game.

Save points make a lot of sense! The game was too short Friday night and when it was made much longer, I didn’t think that it would be pretty annoying having to restart every time. Thanks for the feedback and for playing!

As far as the ambiance, I’m curious if you can tell what classical song is playing in the background. I distorted it with a bunch of effects in Audacity, so most of the time it’s pretty hard to tell.

Thanks very much for the feedback! I was hoping to get to a point where I could make the guy blink when he got hit, but I ran out of time - as we all say… My friend has some really cool animation effects that I wanted to implemented something like:

And thanks very much for playing! If there’s anything else, please send another message. We’re learning and it’s nice to hear what can be improved on.

LOVED the death sound. <3
A very hard game - I wish I could tell what an upgrade would do before I bought it. I saved up for the rifle bullet (which kept getting more expensive for some reason), then when I bought it I found out it didn’t fly very far. I died just after. :/

Other than that, 10/10