This was actually a blast to play. Great submission!
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That's a shame, honestly, although I get the feeling. After marinating in my project over the past weekend, I definitely just ... kind of hate what I've made, sadly.
Regardless, I know folks always say this sort of thing a lot while giving jam feedback, but seriously -- y'all should consider incorporating the stuff that didn't make the cut due to time constraints and releasing a revised version of this, it's a ton of fun to play!
Wow! This is actually really fun to play, and it seems like there's a fair bit of depth here. And the amount of polish and juice in this is off the charts. The art and music are lovely and professional, the writing is funny and sets the tone well, and everything seems really solid (I didn't encounter any bugs or other hiccups).
My compliments to all three of you, it seems like you each hit a home run! Great job!
Thank you for playing, and thank you for your kind words about the art -- that's honestly where I focused most of my time on this. Big agree about wanting to be able to attack in the air! I wanted to fix that but ran out of time, unfortunately. If I ever add this kind of attack in a platformer again I'm going to make sure you can attack in the air out of the starting gate.
Thank you! Yeah, I wish I had gone with something a little more creative than a platformer in retrospect. I think for my next jam I'm going to make a point of going out of my comfort zone and trying to do something more adventurous. I appreciate your feedback, and thanks for playing and leaving a comment! :)
This was a ton of fun, even if it was a little difficult to control. I had a blast just flying around trying to dodge asteroids and evade the space cops. I was only able to get a high score of 11, but I'd love to know what the threshold is to end the game -- I'm assuming there's some point where you collect enough crates to save the Earth. Graphics are simple but nice, especially the use of parallax to give a sense of depth. Having that planet looming in the background and changing as you collect crates was a great touch.
All in all, this is a great entry, good job!
Wow! The art, the music, and the use of light in this game is incredible! Of the games I've played so far from this jam, I think this game has the best atmosphere. You did an incredible job setting the mood.
I only have two minor complaints: 1) the controls were a little unorthodox and I found them hard to get used to, and 2) I had trouble figuring out how to exit the cave after finding all my ducklings -- I kept swimming around looking for an actual exit to the cave.
But really, those are non-issues. This is a great little game, and honestly I think it's a special one. You did a great job!
This is a fun little game! I love the variety of light sources you were able to come up with -- it kept each level fresh and gave a bit of extra challenge. The writing is honestly quite funny, and does a good job of setting the tone for the game and giving it some personality. Also, I actually laughed like an idiot at "Motham City", so good job for that! The art is minimal but cute, and the lighting effects are good. The music is similarly minimal but well-executed.
Overall this is a great entry and I think it would be fun to see some more levels with new types of challenges!
So, I'm going to level with you: I have one of those 'chase the mouse' games for cats on my phone, and my four-month-old kitten loves it. This reminds me of that a lot. I'm not entirely convinced that a cat didn't make this game.
With that admission out of the way --
This is a very simple game, but it is a complete game, and it is very charming. The art is cute and well-drawn, and the gameplay overall seems solid. Obviously there's limited replay value, and I feel like the tie to the theme is a little tenuous, but all-in-all this is a good submission, especially considering it is your first solo project according to your submission info. I hope you keep making games, and I hope we see more submissions from you in future Wild Jams!
This has an absurd amount of polish and juice for a jam game, holy crap. The controls are really tight, the writing is solid, the audio is good, and the art is simple but extremely cute and very well animated - the little details like the secondary animation of the duck's tail in its run cycle add a ton to this. And you employed the theme in a great way. Fantastic work all around!
I think this might be my favorite of the jam games I've played so in terms fun, it's genuinely just a fun game. The art is simple but cute, and it's immediately readable (important for this kind of game). The music is simple but pleasant, and never gets grating. And the levels are a good challenge, but not in a frustrating way; I cleared all but the last two, but I kept wanting to go back and try one more time.
Fantastic job!
I found navigating a little confusing, and ended up looping around and getting killed a bunch of times by aggressive ducks! But the atmosphere is fantastic, and you did a great job of using the theme to really make a fun and interesting mechanic. I love the art and music, also -- the vibes are a great mix of unnerving yet strangely tranquil.
It took me a couple failed tries to get a grasp on the controls, but once I did I actually had a lot of fun with this! It reminded me of the kind of flash game that I could've burned hours and hours on back in the day, I can see the potential for simple, addictive gameplay here. The art and music are really nice, and the inclusion of a leaderboard helped bring a little bit of replayability as I wanted to see how high I could get on the high scores. Good use of the theme as well!
The controls are a little frustrating IMO -- I felt like I had trouble being precise with jumps. And, I think other folks are right when they mentioned the gravity feeling a little too strong. But the artwork and audio are beautiful and creepy (I love the unnerving cryptid vocalizations), and you've employed the jam's theme beautifully. The puzzles were enjoyable and seem to be the right amount of difficult. And, I had fun riding in the little cart. :)
Overall I think this is a really good submission, great job!
This was short but honestly quite a bit of fun. I love a good horizontal shmup, and this was solid for a jam game. The art is really good, especially the boss. I'm not sure how you made your art, but this quasi-digitized photo cutout look is actually really stylish, and your choice of colors was great and very atmospheric. And, the audio -- the music was great, and the random pitch-shifted quacks gave me a laugh.
Great job!
Wow! This was a blast to play and pulled me in immediately.
My beast ship was very difficult to control, to the point of being frustrating at a few points, but I will give you tremendous props for making it feel weighty -- there is immediately an impression that this is a large, unwieldy creature that is difficult to steer. I also love the ability to upgrade your ship, although I do feel like the options were a little underpowered. For example, I wish the lights had illuminated things better or maybe extended my viewing range.
I love the allusions you make to a deeper lore. The text, the aesthetic, the audio -- everything is suitably mysterious and eerie. There's some really nice worldbuilding here, and you made really good use of the theme!
Overall I found this game unexpectedly relaxing. It was quite a zen experience cruising around in the darkness snagging pick-ups while looking for the next island to visit. Also, oh my god the artwork in this is beautiful; I'd love to know what you used to create it -- it almost looks vector based, but I think I see a lot of subtle texturing here and there, so I'm guessing Photoshop?
You did a great job with this!
As Octahedral noted, this is really short, but what's here is very cute (I like the art style, and the way you drew your duck is honestly adorable), and I like the spitting mechanic (as unusual as it is lol). I would love to see more and more varied gameplay, especially some kind of control over spit power based on how long you hold the mouse button.
Congrats on the submission, I hope to see more from you in future jams!
EDIT: Oh, and I managed 22 as a high score. Not sure if there's a theoretical cap, the fires didn't respawn for me.
Thank you! We developed this in Godot 4.2. Most of the heavy lifting code-wise was done by busride studio, our team's resident programmer.
Honestly, you had me at "you're in some weird dungeon."
Seriously though, even though I'm not a huge fan of point-and-click style adventure games, this was actually really fun, and it's clear y'all put a ton of effort and polish into it. There's a ton of game here for a nine-day jam!
The art is playful, well-drawn, and consistent throughout, and matches the tone. The audio... The audio is great and I laughed a lot. Overall, this is a really great little game and I'm going to come back and give it a more thorough go when I have time.
I hope you and your sons had a blast making this together. I'm guessing you did!
I laughed harder than I probably should have at this, it's gonzo and absurd in the most endearing way I can imagine.
I absolutely adore the art and the music. These combined with the very deadpan writing make for a much more artful end product than one would maybe expect at first glance. I suspect that the MS Paint graphics and silly tone belie much deeper talent on the part of the creator.
There isn't much to the gameplay, but I really hope you continue to participate in future jams, I'm genuinely excited to see what you come up with in the future.
Wow, this is a lot of game for just nine days of work!
The art style is super charming and really well made, especially the cutscene art and the main character's sprite -- my compliments to whoever drew that run animation, they did a really great job conveying the character's motion. The inconsistency of art styles between the varying assets was a little jarring, but given that this is a jam entry that's to be expected, and I don't think it detracted from the game at all. The music and sound effects are minimal but also very good, and I think they do a good job of reinforcing the atmosphere I think you were aiming for.
Like others, I ran into a bit of slowdown here and there, I'm guessing due to particle effects. And I found the controls a bit frustrating, although this could just be the old-timer in me coming out (I don't personally care for using the mouse to attack, I'd rather have a button to attack on the keyboard and attack in whatever direction I'm facing, a la Zelda).
Overall, y'all did a fantastic job on this! It's very creative and I can tell you put a lot of love into it!