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A member registered Nov 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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A solid game even if it was only somewhat fitting of the jam. I think the chaos mechanics are cool, though it felt like it was too long before the effects triggered. I had to play through a few times to experience some of the other effects. The enemies also seemed to be too tanky, and combined with the lack of interesting terrain, there wasn’t much in the way of interesting movement or combat. Lot of that can be chalked to time constraints, but the bulky enemies still felt a bit much, I think weaker but a few more enemies would have worked beter. Good work regardless!

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That was really fun, the gameplay was cool and a nice twist on traditional turn-based. I got the hang of it fast and really wanted to keep playing after I was done. The attack animations were really nice too.

As some other people said, it would have been nice to have more items that weren’t only useful for Biboo. Even if they still had non-damaging effects it didn’t feel as good to pick them up most of the time.

I had a small issue with a few rounds where Kaela and the opponent moved off screen as a result of using attacks/knockback, usually to the right. Maybe that was only because I didn’t switch off the web version though, cause it doesn’t seem like anyone else commented on it.

Great game, would love to see more if you want to continue working on it!

That was really fun, a solid gameplay loop and a fun gimmick. I’d love to see the concept expanded, lot of ways to incorporate the dice into a game like this. Maybe I didn’t notice it but I wish there was a direct benefit to rolling a higher number outside challenging yourself, something like Bae taking more damage to encourage faster clear times off of harder fights.

Another thing I would have liked was louder audio and sfx, even pumped up to the max it still felt a bit too quiet, though still it’s better that it’s not blowing out my eardrums. A sound effect for Bae getting hit would have been appreciated, and maybe a damage flash effect for her as well because it wasn’t always obvious when I was hitting her.

Great work, I really liked it!

Thank you for giving the game a try! Hopefully you enjoy the finished experience when it’s done!

Thank you for playing! Hopefully you enjoy the post-jam version!

Fun game, admittedly still have not played Vampire Survivors nor HoloCure but I think the weapon switch mechanic is a fun take on the style. I loved trying the different weapons, though the tentacle spin seemed to be the best option by leaps and bounds from what I was able to try.

Enemies seemed a bit too tanky, it didn’t feel like I was close to getting anywhere to handling the number of Boros on screen. Especially with the sword, not being able to handle multiple enemies and struggling to take out the ones I was attacking made it feel like a chore. It also seemed like there wasn’t a cap on the Boros spawns and at some point I think it was causing the game to chug, I definitely felt the game slow down as a wave of Boros approached me at one point.

A score system would have been nice for this type of game too, since there’s no real end goal outside continuing to play.

I’d love to see the game get expanded on, there’s a lot of potential and I enjoyed it a lot. Great work!

I like the concept, the inspiration is clear but shaken up in a positive way which is cool. The art and music are also nice, it’s very solid aesthetically. I think the game could maybe use a bit of a speed boost, it’s nice that it’s decently easy to maneuver around objects but I think it would have been a bit more engaging with faster speeds on the movement and projectile. Great job, I’m interested in seeing what you do with a post-jam version!

The animation inspiration and artstyle really make the game stand out. The movement and punch animations were really clean, I like how animated it is.

Gameplay-wise though, definitely could have used some more meat and more feedback on hit. No sounds and no effects really hurt the feeling of attacking or getting attacking. I understand it was the time constraints that limited it though. One comment I had is that enemy spawns a bit too slow to the point where it’s easy to hit most of them before they even start moving, which made the game feel a bit lacking in urgency when I was sitting around waiting for the next lone spawn to hit.

I’d love to see something like this further expanded on as a game, good work!

I’ll be honest, I didn’t get far enough into the game to really get to everything. I still rated it based on as much as I could, but I don’t like Jump King and have no real experience in it so even passing screen 2 took longer than I would like to admit. I think the gravity flip mechanic was interesting though, and hearing other mechanics get added to freshen up the basic formula is neat.

I know it’s not really in the spirit of a Jump King-esque game, but I personally wished for some kind of indicator on how powerful the jump would be. That was probably most of my frustration but again, I’m not very experienced so maybe it’s partly a skill issue.

Otherwise though, great job on the game. I might come back and finish it later.

It’s a nice concept, I like the idea of turning Bomberman bombs into an dungeon-crawling type game (maybe it’s been done before and I don’t know).

I’m not sure if I just didn’t get far enough, but I wasn’t sure if there was a goal that I missed or time constraints cut out a lot of the progression. I think my only criticism that wasn’t design cutting into the game is that it seems you can walk off the edge of the map. Not sure how far you can escape but it’s out of camera visibility regardless.

Fun start though, I’d be interested to see more.

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It’s a nice little fun game, it’s simple but works well and it’s just fun to rack up a high score. The art and music are also nice.

The buff/debuff system doesn’t seem as prominent as it should be though. I’m not exactly sure what any of them did and without any feedback beside the new icon popping up, I didn’t even realize when I was getting anything new. A description of the types of effects somewhere and/or a stronger notification like a sound when you gain an effect would have been nice. I also agree with comments below that the challenge didn’t increase too much over time, so eventually it didn’t feel as interesting to keep going. I like the suggestion of having more taiyaki in the waves, would have been an interesting diifficulty increase.

Regardless, very fun, great job on the game!

You’ve got the idea correct, a few more things other than that but it’s the concept we were intending to go for. We’ll consider the possibility of a few more mechanics too. Thank you for showing interest in the post-jam version, hopefully it live up to the potential.

A fun idle game, genre isn’t my cup of tea usually but it was fun for what it is. Being able to see all the different combinations was fun. It does struggle to get across the theme a little, would have been cool for more chaotic concepts for the baerat designs and behaviours, but I understand time constraints hampered that. Strong potential though, I’d love to see more of the original vision added if you’re interested in continuing it.

I had a lot of fun with this, maybe it’s just cause I’m weird and like casual math but I thought the concept of the game was cool. I wasn’t able to fully sit down and understand some of the additional combat parameters but I really liked the combat system giving you a lot of opportunity to make weird numbers work out in the end.

I completely understand not wanting to work on it any longer but I think the potential of the idea is great, great work regardless!

I made a card game for my last game jam (in Unreal too so it felt very familiar haha), I thought the idea was cool, lot of potential for fun references. The visual effects also look very nice, though the storm one made me think the game broke for a moment. Unfortunate that the enemy turn was broken in the build but I’d love to see a more polished version in the future!

I enjoyed the game, I wasn’t able to get too far in it with the limited time I have, but it was fun when everything clicked. The roguelike elements were cool.

It took a while for me to understand there was an end to the stage because the overhead number wasn’t obvious at first and I wasn’t seeing it go down even after killing a couple enemies, maybe it was and I didn’t notice but I only saw the number decrease after killing multiple pebbles. It also wasn’t obvious to me how the bullet system worked at first, I only saw the recharge timer a lot later on. I think making it a bit more obvious or making the recharge sound more noticeable would have helped.

Great job overall, I’ll try to give it another try later.

Chaotic sure was right, I had fun but I’m still not entirely sure how I won first playthrough, I got very lost trying it a second time to better understand. I think the concept is cool though, roguelike is a good fit for the theme.

The spin felt weird to attack with, was hard to judge where the hitbox could reach while staying safe, reminded me of Top Spin from Mega Man 3 in a bad way.

There were a few places that seemed to have weird collisions, it was weird to be able to go on the grass in one area and then not being able to in another. I wasn’t entirely sure what was supposed to be intentional or not in that regard.

Overall though, I enjoyed the game, I’d be interested to see an updated version with more additions.

I wasn’t able to try out the multiplayer but the idea seems really cool, and having networked multiplayer in a game jam game is very commendable.

More feedback on when you’re out of bullets would be nice, it’s easy enough to hit reload constantly to have no ammo issue but otherwise all you have is the text on screen and realizing you have no bullets right before you get hit and lose instantly.

Small bugs I ran into, it’s possible to get hit after Bae is defeated which puts the game over screen over the win screen. I’ve also hit the side transitions at the same time as hitting an enemy which causes you to game over on the load screen as it transitions you into the next area and it looks weird.

I’d like to see an updated version in the future!

Yeah, I can relate to the time constraints and scope issue, that was one of the big reasons as to why our game didn’t pan out at all. I think the mode idea is interesting but I’m not sure how far I would have tried to get through the level if you only toggled the effects at the start of the game (assuming I understood what you meant), so I like having the pickup instead. I think it’s a better one-shot experience.

I think I could have gotten all 3 pieces if I gave it another try, I just had to move on. I think at minimum making it so you don’t have to redo the tutorial section on retry would have been nice (unless that already is in and I didn’t realize). The ideas you have also would work too, maybe a one-time save in certain rooms like (0,0) that you could also choose to retain in memory.

I enjoyed the concept, it’s simple but still chill and fun. It did feel a little too relaxed with the lack of real penalty but I assume it was a result of deadline constraints. I’d love to see what a future version can expand on, the potential is great!

I love the spritework on the game, beyond the level of what I’d expect from a jam. The quality and polish on that is incredible.

I liked the gameplay and concept, I didn’t finish it but probably could have toughed it out if it wasn’t for all the snipers in the platforming area where you switch blocks. Would have been nice to have a tutorial section for that, especially because the only indication on how the gimmick works is to randomly switch over yourself.

I assume it was a time constraints issue, but there didn’t seem to be any negatives to not picking up the chaos item, if you get stopped at some point for not having it then I didn’t get far enough for that. I don’t know if it’s intentional that effects stack on death, but it was too much to have speed-up and reversed controls at the same time, the reason I tried to ignore it on a subsequent playthrough was because I struggled too hard having both of those at once.

A minor suggestion I have is I kept skipping dialogue on accident usually by pressing Space bar to jump not expecting a dialogue trigger. I think a different unused button would be nice to avoid that. Also agree about the attacks feeling a bit slow, I like the weight behind them but I was getting hit often expecting them to come out faster. I felt the rocks should also be less sturdy too.

Sorry for the amount of feedback but only because I really want to see an updated version, great work overall and I’ll keep my eyes on any future updates!

Thank you for trying the build! It was unfortunate we couldn’t get much in the time constraints but now that we no longer have a deadline, we should be able to get the post-jam version closer to our original plans with the actual interesting gameplay parts. I don’t think we’ll be going into a full game with this, partly cause of future availability of the team, but definitely will get up to the what the jam release should have been.

We’ll also take the feedback on the font into account, thank you for that!

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The atmosphere of the game was really cool, the ambience of the environment was really cool, really felt like it was the world’s end. I had fun with the game but I don’t think I came to full grips with all the mechanics. I still was able to get through most of it though I didn’t finish (only had 2/3 pieces).

I felt it was a bit cumbersome to have as much menu-ing as the game did, I rarely did not want to pick up an item that I encountered, and in that regard I think perhaps an automatic addition to your memory (and only asking to replace on full memory) would have been fine. I do understand if there was a reasonable strategy for it that I didn’t come across during my gameplay.

I also wasn’t a fan of the camera angle obscuring the depth under some tiles, it would have been nice if there was a silhouette of Mumei if she was behind a wall.

I still enjoyed the game though, great job! I’d love to see an updated version.

The assets were really nice, I liked the look of the game and it was fun to traverse (though I do wish there was a slightly faster movement option). The polish overall felt really nice, especially for a single-person effort.

I don’t know if it was intentional that the palm tree leaves were only front-facing, just wondering if it is. My other comment was that the click to return from the pause menu bleeds into the game and overwrites your existing movement, it’s minor and not a huge deal but still something you could think about if you go back to the project.

I had fun overall, great work!

Shows how far I got, but yeah those would be nice changes to make.

A nice fun game, I wasn’t the best at it but I liked the simplicity and overall concept of playing off tried-and-true RPS formula.

Parroting the previous comment, I did think it was sometimes a bit hard to read the current hand some times with how similar it looks to the hands in the back. I think darkening the queued hands or just removing them would have kept the challenge while making it a little more readable.

That said though, I still enjoyed it!

We probably won’t get to the point of expanding on the concept too much, but the level we’ll have is already something similar to your idea, so we hope you’ll enjoy it.

Thank you for giving the game a try! I’m glad you have interest in a more complete version, we hope we can live up to the potential (I promise we don’t feel any pressure).

Thank you for giving the game a try! The game won’t have any weird chronological complexities, for the record, but that is a good idea I didn’t think about with the concept. Hopefully you give the completed version a play as well!

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Thank you for giving the game a try, glad you enjoyed the art and music! Sorry again that there’s not much to do yet but we hope you’ll give it another play when it’s complete!

Also, sorry to scare you with the menu theme, was it because it was too loud or another reason? If it’s volume issues then let us know and we will adjust it for the post-jam version.

Glad to hear the improvements, I’ll give it another try when it’s up!

I really liked the concept, it was creative and has a lot of promise! It was a handful of systems to keep track off for what I expected, but it’s cool how much was put together within the jam timeframe.

I think the gameplay could be a little snappier, it takes some time to load everything, and combined with the lag in space travel, the gameplay loop overall feels somewhat sluggish. I also got confused by the different stations until I read one of your replies, I agree that a location indicator would be nice in an updated version.

Great work overall though! I’d like to see more from this concept in the future with the later versions!

I enjoyed the game a lot! Was a really chill game, the music track and the palette added a lot to the experience, and the puzzles were fun when I figured everything out.

Outside of a bug mentioned in another comment where I was unable to return to the game after clicking at some point, one thing I noticed was that some of the slots in level 3 at times overlapped at similar speeds and covered each other at some points. It made it hard to tell what slot I was hovering over at times.

Besides that though, I really liked this game, great work!

I think the game has a nice setting and an interesting concept. The sprites and areas are really pretty, I loved moving around the world and through the environment.

I don’t think there’s a problem necessarily with a rock-paper-scissors style of combat per se, but centering the whole combat system around it to the point where you need to consistently win versus a random AI made the game very luck-based and tedious at times. I hit ties very often against the foe, and having it not progress the battle at all wasn’t enjoyable. I’m glad to hear combat will be updated though.

Overall I really liked the concept though, would be excited to see updated in the future! Great work!

Thank you for playing! I’m happy you like the art and palettes, very happy with how they turned out. Glad to hear of your interest in future versions, still need more time to work on the post-jam version but we hope you’ll give the game another try when it’s done!

Thank you for playing! I think the completed game might still lean a little towards the easier side, but I would definitely like to tweak the battery values and create some more difficult obstacles in the upcoming update. We hope you may be interested in giving the game another try when it’s complete!

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I like the idea of the game, it was very similar to the original intent of my team’s game in terms of building up accessible space by gathering resources. I also really like the sprite work and palette.

The repetition really got to me as the game went on though. The prices of unlocking new areas and repairing ladders seemed quite daunting for how much you get daily. While I get there needs to be some length of time to make the game more substantial, combined with rock locations not changing, it made collection tedious after the first few sols. I understand it’s hard to get many creative events and world changes in the time frame though (especially given what you’ve said about your team).

Also of note, you can pick up the R+ on the edges of the ladder-blocked areas without needing to open them, which seems to be a bug. It has the unfortunate side effect of making some unlocks even less satisfying, when you only unlock another 2 rocks to grind from for example.

All that said though, I did enjoy the concept, and what was completed was still cool to experience! I’d be interested in playing an updated version some day!

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That was a great game, I love the atmosphere it captured with the story and aesthetic. It took a while to get used to the physics (and I still probably didn’t fully get used to it even after finishing) but the feeling of travelling was really nice when you get the hang of it, I replayed it a little to check something and blasting through the early sections after knowing what to do was very satisfying.

I did find a bug where you can clip out of bounds using the bunnies to push your through a few corners, such as the start of the long diagonal corridors before the open section. It doesn’t help in some places (fortunately not a softlock since you can retry) but in the aforementioned corridors, you can use it to go through the checkpoint from the other end.

Great work overall, I had a lot of fun!

I liked the game aesthetic a lot! Very nice palette and cute sprites, and I enjoyed the music too.

I’m not particularly great or experienced with bullet hells, but I found the ship’s hitbox to be a little too big, I felt that combined with the small space made the game a bit more unforgiving than the few games I’ve tried. I also kept softlocking on dying after the second boss (the crab with the two minions) in which the ship would not stop exploding and restart the level.

Regardless, great work!