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Bad Star Games

A member registered May 31, 2024 · View creator page →

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Massive respect 🫡

I’m gonna do my own art as best I can, but this is great to see!

Thank you! My wife drew the Wolf Dragon! I was so thrilled that she wanted to do it, especially since she has NO interest in RPGs haha

Wow! What an amazing system for creating a whodunnit. I love the whole setup, the boon and bane are both interesting. I really like the mottos for each family too. And I love the thought of someone roleplaying the devil as someone who’s maliciously compliant haha.

Thank you so much! Yours was brilliant! I watched Erik Frankhouse’s stream reviewing it last night 👏👏👏

Thank you! It’s deceptively simple! You should try with some isometric grid paper, it’s a lot of fun when you’re just tracing over blue lines 😅

Hey! I was Malachi Starkey in the comments, I watched as much of the stream as I could, great stuff! Thanks for keeping the hype train going! I'm subbed :)

Also, I won't be mad if you skip my rating on account of the A5 page thing haha, it's all in good fun XD

Do it! And then send me the link!

Bad Star Games was my Father, call me Bad Star

It was a little tricky 😅 I had a character based off of that cover, but his role dwindled as space ran out. I put in a description based on the color of his clothes, but then I went and made the Weird Tales covers greyscale… so that was smart haha

What a great way to build out a full tower in such a compact space! The purple tones are VERY nice.

Wow, what an incredible setup! I'm planning on running a campaign with some ley-line / plane shifting nonsense, and this is gonna fit right at home!

Wow, the vibes are off the charts here. Werewolfs + Tapeworms is a combo I didn't know I needed haha.

This is my favorite type of art to see in OSR materials! It feels so raw, but has so much personality. Love it!

Wow... is it too early to say congratulations on top 5 XD

"WHY SEND THESE FIRST LEVEL CHUMPS?" Is such a good table haha. Great job!

Jaw dropping beautiful work!

This guys Shadowdarks! Beautiful work.

S-Tier work. I LOOOVE the art!

Woah, those maps are next level. I could use those diagrams to safely exit the building in the case of an emergency XD  Very nice!

Really great! Reminds me of a Trilemma adventure, a one page dungeon with supporting pages! Super "gameable".

It is! I wanted it to sit nicely next to my Cursed Scroll Zines.  I didn't even think about it being at 9 pages in the export though, just hoping that doesn't disqualify me haha

Very clean, great vibes!

Beautiful work! I LOVE that cover. And I haven't seen too many adventures yet use shadowdark's real time mechanics, nice job!

Great vibes! Gargoyles plus the Old West is such a fun mix.

Wow! Beautiful work.  The art is not "mediocre" at all!

Hahaha, this is such a great idea! Company men goblins and corporate baby-makin'. I loved your art, and I appreciate your AI statement. We were assigned two of the same covers, Hour of the Dragon, and the Wolf Woman. It's interesting to see how we interpreted the assignment so differently! Great work!

Really great setting! I really like the random encounter rolls, I've never seen that method before!

He could! Haha, thanks!

Couldn’t agree more! It was a great lesson in trimming the fat. I think in future projects with no page limit, it’s still good practice to edit things back to the strongest parts.

I'm blown away! Beautiful work!