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A member registered 33 days ago

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Never thought i'd take interest in this game genre, but you somehow reeled me in. love the graphics, love the bosses, music did get a bit repetitive after a while but they're still bangers! great entry!

was kind of confused in a lot of parts, but the dialogue was funny, i managed to win in the end and i didn't even know what i was doing XD

This Game was honestly addicting, the controls are fun, the artwork is charming (the player gives me Mr.Game&Watch vibes) and the game definetely made me feel like i was playing a retro gameboy game. Amazing Entry!

this was challenging, managed to get through all the locks w one heart like a marathon man XD

the black cat jumpscare was terrifying, very spooky

does kinda lack the gameboy feel in a lot of aspects, but on its own if it looks like a decent game!

this is genuinely terrifying

PPFFFFFFFFFFFFF, legit this entry is just funny, i love it XD

I mean I'm happy that you learned to used godot, but i'm not sure what else to say about this entry tbh... although admittedly the sfx on the enemies were satisfying.

The Concept, the mechanics, the gameplay, i really enjoy almost every aspect of this game. although it barely feels like a gameboy game, the concept of this game alone it stands on its own two feet. great entry! side note though, i legit thought the player was kissing the slime for a moment due to the sfx and animation, which threw me off, it wasn't till i realized it was a friendly ghost that accompanies him XD

got stuck on the 2nd boss, and the guide didn't really help. although i do like the concept of the game

(1 edit)

scared the hell out of me

neat game. although the lack of audio makes the game feel  kinda empty. the gameplay and graphics makes up for it

i like this puzzle game, its good for what it is, i like the music, although it's easy to get lost in the graphics, and i think i heard a Michael Myers "Halloween" leitmotif in there, so props for that.

most of the game was great, and i liked the concept and mechanics, however i can't sugarcoat my critic when i say, that last boss is practically IMPOSSIBLE!, barely any breathing room, your shots with the shift key take forever to reload while accidentally activating sticky keys, and i nearly rage quitted, but i managed to get through somehow from sheer luck. that negative aside, that shouldn't change my perspective on the game as a whole. it is simple and fun for the most part, though the sprites like the caterpillars and the giant hands scared the heck out of me.

love the cute concept of this game, it's simple but hard sometimes XD. my record was 37:01:56, 

the games were simple and challenging, but it does lack the gameboy soul a bit. you still gave me one heck of a feat to overcome with that bomb challenge at the end.  :)

pretty good entry, one of the platforms does bury you, which i assumed wasn't intentional, but the graphics, the music, and of course the exorcise minigames hold up pretty well. good entry!

One thing this game is great at, is its graphics! really good game

You Sir, have created your own Genre, like i was confused at first, but taking out the dwarves and hiding their bodies on a time limit was a unique concept. however even now i don't understand the "crack" portion of the game, but it was so loud that it made me jump for a sec, cuz i thought it was a jumpscare XD. Either way the game is fun, the dialogue (especially on the final night) was funny, and its a really good entry. ps the lighting on the 2nd and 3rd levels give me breaking bad vibes. lol

ungrateful little skeleton XD, i did manage to win on my 2nd try. i like the art, i rofl from the dialogue, and i like the feel of the game... but i am intimidated. LOL

Real Neat concept, love the graphics, and i see how you sneaked the Lavender Town leitmotif into the soundtrack. it does make me think back to Pokemon either way, anyways love this game. :)

LOVE THIS GAME! it not only feels like a Zelda game, but it feels smoother than Zelda, and my hands just fell in love with the controls. definitely one of my favorite entries on this jam!

puzzles were fun, boss was challenging yet also fun, and the pitfall traps mixed in with vampires turning into bats every time they hit the walls twice was clever. the only downside was it required me to use multiple keys, which felt less like a gameboy game, however on its own its still a VERY fun game

i really like how you added lil Jumpscares when you get touched by an enemy. graphics are pretty good, and i like the concept, and all this under 10 days, well done! PS- i beat Molly

I really love the concept of this game. it was hard to get used to at first but i got the hang of it eventually. i look forward to seeing more!

2 words my friend, dash ability.