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A member registered Jul 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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This garbaż?! It is very very hot!
Another comedy classic Beard or Die title. Very gamejam game.
You will give this game bonus points because it contains a grapple hook cameo. You will do it today without any ado. This game is not so ado so it does not require any particular game player skills except of being unity dev, but anyone could be one, so you can play without ado.

The fire was indeed awesome!

I found the swords a bit difficult to control and I wasn't sure how to fight the knights (my hits wouldn't land). The atmosphere was cool, I liked the tension-creating music in the background. 

The game opens in the form of a VR simulator.  Maybe you have to turn off the sim before build. But now I see the comment from Beard or Die and it looks like he played it so maybe there is something wrong with my station.

Looks like the start of a new survival game. If I could suggest something - it's a common practice to not place things that look interactable (like the ladder) if you are not planning to give them interactability, that breaks the immersion a little, unless I missed something.

Big map to explore with wrecks of spaceships, flaming containers, and nice driving mechanics. I thought I had to go to a giant spaceship but that was not the case. Cool particles. 

That's a cool prototype of a defense game, it reminds me of the "Elven Assassins" or In Death (defense mode). The throwing mechanic is simple but the monsters were a bit too small so I fought just a few waves and I did have some fun. Excellent use of theme ;)

Beard or Die never disappoints with game feel. Cool atmosphere, juicy lighting up. This is the first serious(not comedy) game from this dev I played and I enjoyed it. The experience is simple but atmospheric, sounds were awesome. Just one thing - I would replace the green small crystal mechanic with something else, as in my opinion, it does not follow the overall dynamic of the game.

Overall, it's a very atmospheric backrooms experience - on my first playthrough I obviously chose the left path. Initially amused by the nice green creatures, I started to wonder if it was a smokescreen. What if the next light doesn't turn on? What if it does and I have that girl from The Ring or another Momo in front of me? Struggling with my thoughts, I walked through more corridors, more turns... more mysterious backrooms ;)

And then I went right and had a strong feeling that this atmosphere was familiar to me, and indeed it is the creator of one of my favorite jam games - Hello Flesh. You definitely know how to create an atmosphere in games.

I really enjoyed the scenes, and... SPOILER ALERT... I thought I would fall into a trapdoor on the ground, not that I would exit through it. I didn't expect that. The coffee drinking was funny ;) Some objects, like the crowbar, seemed to be misconfigured. When I grabbed them, they would throw me around the room, but those are minor bugs ;P Overall, congratulations, you made a playable, fun experience in 7 days! Really good job.

Intro with a climactic atmosphere! The cupid animations were really great. The final dancing scene was hilariously funny. You forgot to add colliders in some places, and the win was a bit of a surprise, but overall it's a cool prototype in the style of Sniper Elite VR meets Pistol Whip ;)

That's a great idea! You could save a lot of lives from suffocation or some other common kissing-related injuries like twisted tongue, or broken teeth, or fractured voice cord ect. I wish that Vr was there in my school years! 

First of all, Mr. Heart is the heart of this game ;) I really liked him at first, but unfortunately, the constant repetition of levels made me like him a little less now. I played this game for a while, probably the longest of all Lovebytes experiences, so there is a hook here. Unfortunately, it seems that despite correct answers I sometimes got negative points, especially with drinks and quizzes. And the constant pumping was a bit tiring. And as for her favorite color, I would argue ;) I know you think it's the color of her dress - (red in my case) - and maybe even she thinks so, but she kept ordering green cupcakes and green presents ;) Overall great experience, the plush materials looked great.

Very simple but polished experience. There is a menu and a tutorial - congratulations on making this work in a week! The game is simple in its mechanics but I admit I ran around a lot collecting falling collectibles. The cool menu reminded me a bit of In Death with the way you enter the next levels ;) Good job!

Fantastic adventure for all cat lovers and beyond. Very nice level design, whenever I reached one cat I could see where the next one was or the path to the next cat. The nature was beautiful but perhaps some of the leaves shaders were not ready for VR. The best visual moment was the cat family by the campfire, very sweet. The cat in the swamp and the cat in the cave were also very atmospheric. It was worth collecting all the hearts, the fireworks were great ;). Overall a nice slow-paced cozy walking sim with simple gameplay mechanics like in The First Tree. I challenge new players to find the fish ;)

Wow! This experience made me laugh out loud, the idea of moving the tongue is amazing. Very creative comedy game, this could be a level in a VR version of JazzPunk! Overall a solid entry, cool menu, just like in Stork Taxi ;) Great educational value - you can learn not to suffocate your partner while kissing :P I strongly recommend this developer ;) Great Work!

The idea of having to stab hearts to then climb them is pretty cool. I wonder how it would work in a more realistic aesthetic. Unfortunately, I couldn't find my other half, I fell into a small box once where there were no hearts and I had to reset the game, otherwise broken hearts would kill me ;) Overall I had fun playing this one. Very nice design in the initial room, maybe a bit too much text, but overall a solid entry ;)

Awesome spooky vibes in this one! Cool experience! Definitely, this one could be a full game! I see here potential, there could be a voiceover or some communication with other dispatch and some conspiracy-themed story! The special effects during the travel between dimensions were awesome!

Awesome game! Cool music, and a nice running vignette. Cool shurikens with nice trail effect! Using a grapple hook was a little bit hard since its limitation but overall cool game! 

TIP for players: You have to go to the stairs.
Cool atmospheric game! I sorted all parcels ;)  Nice voiceover!

Good work! Reminds me Pistol Whip. This one really focuses on Use of Theme :)

I'm a Spider-Man! Cool game. I delivered all pizzas. The fences around the tops of the building where making delivery harder but overall an awesome prototype. The swinging mechanic needs some improvements, it is hard to aim, and sometimes pulling wasn't working but after fixing some issues this one definitely could full game on Queststore. Cool level design made some cool moments like swinging beneath bridge. The wind effect really adds to the experience!

Good Job!  Just finished all levels!
Wow! This one reminds the HL Alyx Mod Codename OF. 
TIP for players: You can open doors with your gun!
Nice voiceover ;)

Awesome physics! Pushing, grabbing, and throwing snowpeople was fun!

Cool blaster!  I see in your assets that you got some Medieval Weapons and Zombies, but after searching for clues on the base I went outside and searched the whole map and couldn't find them. Is there a way to activate the portal?

Awesome job! The printer was really stylish and juicy ;) The idea is cool, you could push this one to Apple or Quest pro, with the new cameras and passthrough I see that game using the station with passthrough/AR and switching to normal VR load and help robot. 

Awesome experience! I loaded my car with all the food at first, but I was dropping it on the go, so during the next run first I went on up and checked what is customer needed and then delivered it! There were some little bugs on the way like glitching material on the building, seemed like the shader is not VR compatible but it could also be my poor PC ;) Overall cool game, with some polish could be an awesome cyberpunkish taxi game or police chasing, or multiplayer 3D bumper cars... possibilities are endless.

Maybe my PC is not enough for this game, it started to glitch when I was driving and a baby on the passenger seat was missing, but overall cool idea. Nice use of Theme, we went with a similar route by making a game about baby delivery ;)

Oh and,  could you share what is the trick to render other cameras? I tried to use the additional camera in my project to render the rear mirror but the image on Quest started to glitch.

Comicbook Poof and Boom made the job ;) Satysfaying destruction sim !

Awesome game! Cool egg destruction. I see that concept as a mission in VR RPG Game ;)

Good Job Cyjorg! This is cool VR game! Awesome Zombie model! Pizza Box design is very realistic and pro!

Cool game ;) The Stinky Troll was so big and scary that I cheated a little bit: I was hiding behind the lives panel ;) Awesome experience!

I was trying to get the Special Parcel in the gameJam version but I kept losing my hand and the level was restarting I think. BUT today I played a new version and I finally had my chance to deliver the Special Delivery parcel I was in heaven literally ;) The concept reminded me of the old C64 DonaldDuck level at the Airport where you were sorting luggage.  Throwing parcels is a little bit hard to master but overall awesome experience with an extremally rewarding ending. With different locomotion options, this one could be QuestStore game ;)

The flashlight is cool and satisfying! A lil bit long texts but overall cool concept ;)

I think you forgot to add the game file ;) But I imagine myself as a postman in postal :P

We got portals in VR Yeah! On the next VR gamejam you could combain all games into one with portals so we could experience MetaVerse before ZuckerVerse and we could make some publicity and history ;)

Thank you! There is an entrance to the cave, Surely is not clearly visible ;) We made it in a different color in AfterGameJam version 0.3 thanks to your comment ;)

At the start we implemented the T-Pose as Glide  but we wanted to have the steering by the angle of hands to the headset. But the testing and math gave us a headache.  So,  we decided that: after the flap the bird glides for some time (I think it's 5s) and then starts to fall.  The colliders were big, you are right! I think we played the game during this week like a 1000 times so we mastered it and before Jam ending I made the colliders bigger :P  After the bridge section there is a cave and canyon section - simple obstacle course to get you a chance to drop the baby and  then the tower to deliver the baby ;) So Bigger flaps next time please :P BTW. We dropped the 0.3  build with EasyMode ;)

Funny prototype! It was a bit too long to wait for pelicans, I started to walk around on the last baby and I fell down through the building, but overall cool experience.