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Team HalfBeard

A member registered Aug 25, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hey there! We released in early access on Steam, you can check it out here

Adding "building" ability was a very nice difficulty increase for multitasking, even though it somewhat broke the pathfinding.

Lvl 27, 6:33! This is hard! Loved the game!

There are too many ways to softlock yourself in the game - missing colliders on the left side, pits without any way to climb out, etc., and the restart button does not work. 

The overall style and level transitions are amazing, though, very good job with that! Having everything in a single map is a great idea, I liked that a lot.

Got 34 capybaras, but still didn't get to see what's far up in the clouds... 

Fun game!

Not a lot of climbing, but nice job nonetheless! Too sad we didn't see the third (gravitational?) block, seems quite interesting.

I concur about the level design and the difficulty curve. Nice job! Love the movement speed up for buffered commands.

I'm not sure how always getting eaten has got me to the top of the chain, but ok :D And there's no way to run away from the enemies, since they're always faster than you

I ate them all. Nom.

Took a minute to figure out where to pull, but found them all in the end! Super adorable art style! Good job!

Good job on the game!

Can't seem to click the yes/no buttons at the start of the game? The art looks very promising, though!

The pillows should have been sleeping instead of dead :(

Nice puzzle design! Good job!

The bloated bird looks amazing and funny! Good job!

Very cute art style!

Long unskippable dialogues are kinda meh. Good entry otherwise!

Beaten in 56 minutes of idle play. Nice!

Had to switch from "I'm managing this little solar system" mindset to "Build and forget" after some time, but got it in the end. Good job!

The gameplay is quite hectic - gardening is usually meant to be calm and relaxing, and here it's VERY chaotic :D

Love the art style!

Very nice game for 48 hours! I like the play on the title for GMTK jam ;)

Pretty nice for 48 hours!

Great game! Love the style!

Level 5 is either impossible (you can't build far enough up without hitting the ceiling) or tooo reliant on RNG (must roll many little blocks? Dunno). 

Either way, a very good entry!

You can accumulate speed by ramming into a building and standing in one place. And then go FAST :D


2x scaling during upgrades makes the game sooo easy :D even if fighters are locked at lvl3 (bug?). Lvl5 power simply outperforms any damage you can receive. Ended up building three deathfleets of 80 ships that shot all across the map. Nice game!

(2 edits)

The only thing missing from the tutorial is that you can grapple downwards and move vertically UP. Got stuck on that for a few minutes.

What an amazing little game! I'm immediately reminded of old classics like Commander Keen and Dangerous Dave both in style and in level design. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with this. 

And yeah, you can jump on space.

The start of the game is reallly slow, but I really like the style! Great!

You can jump over EVERYTHING :D

I found the scale mechanic quite confusing. Sometimes it costs scale to shoot, sometimes not. Sometimes it recharges automatically, sometimes coins stop the recharge... So I destroyed five camps, then got into a firefight with some big fellas, somehow shrunk very rapidly and died :(

The second level is already sooo overwhelming :(

Also, is there cursor in the game? Because I didn't have one and couldn't click on X to restart. Had to refresh the page.

I didn't get to eat the impending-doom-seagull for revenge as a big crabbo :(

"Going right to win" is not quite obvious - I started exploring the map and went left on my first time and didn't quite understand why I'm not making progress

428 feet. Not sure how far I was from the top :D

Hand controls waaaay too slow and unpredictably, could hardly aim it. But still got quite high!

The idea is there, but I hardly could pass through first two swords, let alone the guard :( even the biggest timed version does not jump high enough to avoid damage

That's a cute game! Nice art, polished, good idea, good gameplay, pacing. Well done!

Nice little game, good job! The art is nice, the controls are good, and I like how new mechanics are introduced constantly.

Nice one! Control were a bit hard for me, but maybe I just need to get better?

Nice job with the game! I would love to see some extra complexity, though. Maybe placing your own buildings?

That was brutal! :D But nice idea with the scaling + weapon!

I would like to have more roads early game, but overall that's a nice game!

That's a nice game! Good job!

Hey, thank you for your video! We are sorry to unveil your true self :D