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A member registered Aug 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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This was a really cool little experience; really unsettling like what others have said. The way the music got more jarring as each loop occurred was really offputting in a good way; it gave me a little bit of a jump the first time the guy came back.

I can tell this little experience is close to your heart after reading some of the things you’ve said, and I think I can relate to the story you’re trying to tell. I think you told it really well too; good job.

Thanks, glad you like the music :). I’m proud that I was able to get that music done in such a short span of time. I wish I could’ve polished some of the visuals more, like you said with layers, but I’ve never used Unity tilemaps like this before so I really just wanted to get something playable.

Hey, that was fun :). There was no sound in the game; I don’t know if this is due to the web emulator being strange or if there isn’t any sound. I would’ve loved some glass smashing sounds as the gerbil hits the test tubes and stuff.

I think it’s really impressive that you’ve made a game for an ancient system in such a short span of time; I’ve not looked into genesis development before but I imagine it’s pretty difficult, so pulling together something playable in that space of time is impressive to say the least. The boss battle was fun, a bit of a memory game, but satisfying once I beat him for good :). Really cool game, well done.

Hey, this was a lot of fun. The game looks really good, colourful and vibrant, and it was fun to watch enemies burn with the particle effects placed on them after being killed. The game felt really good, with the movement system being really nice to use. I didn’t need to use the blocking system because I found the enemy attacks were easy to dodge, and meant I could continue shooting near constantly, so I would’ve liked a clearer or more obvious benefit to blocking over just running around, but overall I enjoyed playing it :).

Cool, thanks for showing us how you did it :).

This is mine: https://itch.io/jam/acerola-jam-0/rate/2581403

Hey, I love the way this game looks, really gives me a ps1 vibe, a bit like LSD: Dream Emulator (particularly with the visible pixels of the forest and skybox). I was pointed towards this game by someone who said my game felt similar to yours, and I agree that you’ve gone for a similar, abberant experience of wandering weird worlds (although I think your game is a lot more visually appealing). I think you’ve nailed it too; the very start of the game was a real “wtf just happened” moment (kinda similar to when I first played Superliminal actually), and from then on exploring each unique world was a lot of fun too :).

I’d love to know what some of your influences were, more to see if we’ve shared any (and if not to pick up a few new game recommendations; I’m always looking for weird experiences like this). Overall, I think you did really well, especially for a first finished project; well done!

This is amazing!!! Everything about this game is perfect, from the visuals to the music to the overarching story; I have no idea how you managed to make all of this in such a short span of time. The levels are all well thought out, not too hard but not too simple, especially with the added challenge of controlling multiple cubes at once. It felt so satisfying to get them all to jump one at a time like a wave, running a finger across they keyboard felt so satisfying.

Your writing is not cringeworthy at all, I think it was the best part of the game; you made me feel a hell of a lot of emotion for a few little cubes, which I think is a testament to your skills as a storyteller. The music fit so well with the game too, although audio quality in the web version wasn’t great (I assume this is isolated to the web version; it didn’t take away from the experience though).

This is hand down one of the best games I’ve played during this jam, I cannot believe how good it is. I would not be suprised if it makes top 10, because in my eyes it deserves it :).

Seconded, this was a cool concept.

This is so much fun. It takes a bit to understand how to use the shift mechanic, but once you get it and you can start using it properly it’s great. All of the levels seem really well designed, and the visuals and music fit really well; great job :). I also really like the flavor text that appears between levels, it’s a really nice touch.

Thanks for your feedback :). I know the ending is a little unclear, but I didn’t have the time to make anything better, and I think ending it like that fits well with the rest of the game’s weirdness.

Thanks, I’m glad that some of my inspiration came through clearly while you were playing.

Hey, if you get around to it I’d love for you to check out my game: https://itch.io/jam/acerola-jam-0/rate/2581403

Hey, thanks for the feedback. I’ve not seen walled world yet, but I will be adding both it and your game to my ever growing list of submissions that look cool :)

The single player game was a lot of fun, considering it was put in last minute. I enjoyed the mechanics of the game, but wish the mini challenges were clearer, and also that there was a more concrete win condition than just ‘survive’ as seemed to be the case.

The monster design was really unique, so well done :).

10/10, Game of the Year, absolute cinematic masterpiece.

That laugh will be stuck in my head for the rest of the night, thank you for that.

This was awesome! I’ve never seen anyone use HTML quite like this, so I’m really impressed :). The game may be short, but it is an amazing display of what’s possible in such a short span of time with enough creativity and imagination. The bridge was one of the best puzzles I’ve seen, and the final level presents a bit of a technical platforming challenge (at least for me, I’m not good at platformers).

The game feels like it took me back to a different, simpler time, and I really enjoyed that feeling. This is awesome, thanks for making it.

Thanks, I’m glad you thought the atmosphere of the game was good :).

Made me smile :). Very simple gameplay but an entertaining ending. You’ve put a lot of effort into the art for this game, and it looks really great. Well done for your first game, hope you keep going down this path.

This was way too much fun! Everything about this game fit perfectly with the 90s TV vibes you were looking for. The sound design were great (that music was really catchy and 90s imo), as was the art, and in particular the shader effects. The host’s excitement about what was going on certainly made the game offputting, as was the moment I realised the game knew what country I was in.

The minigames were fun to play, as was progressing further through the game with each attempt (although I’ve only done 2 of the 4 endings). I’m amazed you were able to do all of this in 2 weeks, because it’s a really impressive game. If I had seen this on Steam for $5 I probably would’ve bought it, because it looks that good from the get-go, so I think you did really really well.

I love this so much, it oozes 90s character at the start, with that song almost out of Ridge Racer or something combined with the ending of each level spiraling up to show the whole level. Crazy Bob was kinda creepy, even from the start; I was constantly wondering when something was going to happen, haunted ROM style. I loved the voice acting, again felt like it was straight out of the 90s. I wish the game was a little easier to control, but in a way it emulated the poor, non-standard controls from that era too.

I thought you did really well making the maze itself turn creepy, particularly in the first level where things started getting creepy, and detuning all the audio helped a lot too. You did well to make the game unnerving without being obvious about what was going to happen next. Overall, I think you hit the creepy feeling you were going for perfectly :).

This was really really cool, such a unique twist on the stealth game. It did what it set out to do really well, with the cutesy teddies, environment and music suddenly shifting into a horrifying new dimension. The models and animations look amazing, and fit really well in either world. You managed to strike a really good balance between both worlds, although I kinda wish you could see the locations of the skulls in the normal world to better plan out your next move (however I guess having to go in and out of the other dimension while searching for the last couple skulls adds to the use of the adrenaline mechanic, shining more light on that). It was really fun overall :).

A cool little VN with awesome art, especially considering the time constraints. Your art style is really nice, and to have the confidence to tackle a project that’s this art-heavy is really impressive.

I would’ve loved some music, or some ambient sounds even (like others have said I couldn’t hear anything despite volume sliders, although they might be there as RenPy defaults; I’ve never used it so I don’t know). Some cleaning up and polishing would be nice if you do end up continuing the project, like removing the option to click the options through Chapter 1 (such as room selection) twice, and some general proofreading, particularly with names.

The story was solid, if short, but I thought it was pretty good. I can’t wait to see how it continues, and if Cosmo and Ji-Hu will escape their shadow realm. I got all three current endings, can’t wait to see the rest. Overall I enjoyed reading and playing though :).

The escape key just closes the game, I just thought it was more fitting with the game to put it that way. If you’re seeing that prompt it means you finished the game :).

I like this concept a lot, the echoes are such an interesting mechanic to play around with, really unique way of thinking. Almost everything about this game feels like Celeste, both visually and musically to an extent, which I think is really cool. The game gives you just enough hand-holding with the first echo orb things before throwing you in the deep end, but it’s really satisfying once you’re able to get through. I found the game quite hard, but I’m also really bad at platformers; none the less I enjoyed playing it a lot. Nice work :).

I like this concept a lot, and the overall aesthetic, from the hard drive spinning in the background to the triumphant fanfare every 500 points to charming retro graphics, was fantastic. I wish there was more to the game, as it gets very repetitive to keep mashing the F5 key (funny story, my first instinct when I saw F5 was to hit that key on my keyboard, which reloaded the page… lol). Overall a really well presented game, good work.

Also, this is an accurate simulation of me attempting to open my bios settings - probably my fault for having the bios wait time too short ig :).

This was not what I was expecting, but it was really fun. Certainly a chaotic race against you’re opponent, and a bit of a challenge to think ahead and keep track of all your resources, particularly once your opponent gets goblins to mess you up (at least in my experience). Sound design is great, and the game’s UI is really clear and fairly easy to read at a glance. The progression felt good, and racing to get to the end felt good as you clicked on each new node of the tree. Overall, really enjoyable :).

It was pretty fun for a quick game, I enjoyed riding like a lunatic (something I don’t get to do irl). The visuals are cool, especially the way the bike tilts, and the menu design is a nice bit of attention to detail. Well done :).

Thanks for the shout out, it means a lot that you really enjoyed my game. All of the other games on this list look like they deserve a lot of praise too, I will be playing them later today.

If you’re still looking for games to play: https://itch.io/jam/acerola-jam-0/rate/2581403

Thanks for playing! The feedback means a lot. I still have a lot to improve with my pixel art animations, but I think it’s a good starting point. Also that Japanese style is exactly what I was going for; my biggest inspirations are all Japanese games, in particular Yume Nikki, LSD: Dream Emulator and to an extent the PS1 Persona games.

This kept me hooked for a lot longer than I thought it would, and certainly had me more excited about mowing the lawns than I’ve ever been before :). The art is simple but varied, and I love the attention to detail with the lawn mower getting upgraded visuals as you upgrade it. I wish the progression was clearer and a little more balanced (leveling up the mower quickly makes earning money really easy), but overall a solid, fun game.

If you want an RPG Maker inspired atmosphere try out my game Dream Door: https://itch.io/jam/acerola-jam-0/rate/2581403. I will check out yours tomorrow, it looks fun (and right up my alley as a clicker game).

I would be really happy if you gave mine a play: https://itch.io/jam/acerola-jam-0/rate/2581403. Hopefully I’ll be there to watch some of the other games get played too.

:) Thanks for the feedback, I’m glad the uneasy, feeling of suspense and “something’s not right” came through.

Thank you. Probably the thing I was most stressed about when I decided to join the jam was not being able to finish something in time, but I’m really pleased that I got the game to the point I felt I could submit.

Thanks for playing :). I wish I had more time to polish it up (like everyone I think), but I’m happy that my intentions and the feeling I wanted to create still came through.

Thanks, that feeling of being lost and confused in a dream-like state was what I was going for :).

Hi, thanks for playing this on stream :). I wish I could’ve been there live to see your reaction to the game, but I’ve watched the recording now, and it looked like you had fun with it. That black screen means you were trapped in the dream (as you didn’t reach the goal in time), but this was intentionally kept unclear to add to the mystery of the game.

I hope you’ll keep streaming through the rest of the rating period, as there’s a lot of games made for this jam that deserve more visibility.

If you want to check out my game that would be awesome: https://itch.io/jam/acerola-jam-0/rate/2581403