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A member registered Dec 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hope you see and play my game!
This is my first game jam, but I'm fairly proud of what I churned out in the end. 
(Downloadable game link)

Pretty neat visuals and audio, but I did find the gameplay to not be as tense as it should be, especially when the enemies seem to stop when near the player's emitted light and the auto aiming.

I really like the flash animation work through-on-through! The volatile nature of the tornado as it sucks the animated buildings is consistently satisfying. Some of the sprites did look off even for this style, but I would say there is a lot of visual work put into this.

The gameplay is somewhat satisfying, but the dash movement did feel jerky to use, and the avatar would sometimes get stuck on random unclear borders.

Simple tried-and-true gameplay. :) Love the atmosphere work.

Hope you see and play my game!
This is my first game jam, but I'm fairly proud of what I churned out in the end. 
(Downloadable game link)

Hope you see and play my game!
This is my first game jam, but I'm fairly proud of what I churned out in the end. 
(Downloadable game link)

(3 edits)

Wow. A retro suspense-filled game bit. Not what I was expecting, but a swell change of pace.
In all seriousness, I like how you put a false sense of repetition that leaves the player vulnerable to a shock when the anticipation kicks in.

(1 edit)

Hope you see and play my game!
This is my first game jam, but I'm fairly proud of what I churned out in the end. 
(Downloadable game link)

Edit: I just played and rated your game, and wow did it give me a surprise. Have you been thinking about making suspenseful games or media? Cause this was a good demonstration of it!

Hope you see and play my 2D top-down game!
This is my first game jam, but I'm fairly proud of what I churned out in the end. 
(Downloadable game link)

Hope you see and play my game!
This is my first game jam, but I'm fairly proud of what I churned out in the end. 
(Downloadable game link)

Hope you see and play my game!
This is my first game jam, but I'm fairly proud of what I churned out in the end.

(1 edit)

Hope you see and play my game!
This is my first game jam, but I'm fairly proud of what I churned out in the end.

I adore the dynamic of compensating for the wind when drawing routes for boats through wavering paths. Really exercises problem solving skills, which are satisfied by efficient sound design for playing and completing or failing a level.

The procedural generation does lead into impossible levels and an inconsistent difficulty curve, which is not so great for a level-based marathon game. It's especially hurtful for newcomers who are just trying to get into it only to be met with complicated layouts in the beginning due to RNG. Perhaps a static tutorial section would levy this.

Also, in one of the rounds, all of the boats were destroyed before I could even draw their routes.

This was a pretty cozy, no-stakes run you provided here. The black-n-white outlined style lends into a cozy stormy night whilst still making items identifiable as lights or platforms. I also like the subtle level layout that entails what can be jumped on and from where, really taking advantage of the appeal of curiosity and experimentation of low-stakes gameplay.

There are two things that irk me when playing, though. One is that the jumping controls can feel clunky. The jump is static, and the pounce sometimes doesn't given enough horizontal control for platforming. You can probably keep the horizontal controls for cat-like platforming,  but the lack of adjusting jump height feels jarring. The second is that the platforms are hard to distinguish the background elements from the interactive elements. There's no rim lighting on the top of platforms that distinguish those areas from decorations.

For something done in only a day, this is something to be proud of making!

The only issue I can across is that it was monotonous to find nearby people to warn. Without some tracker of the nearest people at the moment, I immediately noticed the empty space when wandering around trying to scout for people to warn.

Apologies for the initially rough submission. I just fixed some issues that came up just when trying to submit this project before 3am. Saturday.

I would like to offer my game for the stream. 

Sorry that I wasn't specific before, but the cooldowns weren't short. It was just that the yarn ball didn't end up being a consistent deterrent for the cats compared to the cat bowl, yet the two abilities shared similar cooldown times.

You simply provided me the most challenging game experience is just one single level: a buggy "Start" button.

The game loop of throwing cats off of oneself with yarn ball projectiles and bowls of cat food is pretty fun, though the balancing between the player abilities could use some tweaking.

Also, the audio can be graining to me ears, sometimes.

This is a game that I can definitely feel like I could imagine playing many times over. The premise makes for a comedic and engrossing game loop of making tons of ice cream scoops and chucking them at hungry naughty children to get their money heavily reminds me of the funny ice cream snowball fight scene in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I love how careful you need to be in this frantic situation with so few ice cream scoops and slow projectiles, demanding both resource management and predictive aim. The ice cream making section is alright for what it's for, especially with the scoop upgrade being an interesting double-edge sword for more potential ice cream at the risk of the player's timing skill.

There is one caveat I gained when playing, though. The child enemy's "dying" animation isn't distinct enough to quickly recognize I hit them, making me waste a shot and positioning to get an enemy I already defeated. This is especially apparent when one gets hit behind the truck, majorly obscuring the death animation. This may only sound like a visual nitpick, but with the player's relatively slow movement, limited ammo count, and slow projectiles being situated in a game about managing a surrounding horde, knowing that I successfully defeated an enemy instantly in a frantic situation becomes pivotal with committal gameplay and major crowd control.

This is a pretty fun game that recontextualizes the fighting game genre into a more complex version of RPS, which most FGC games tend to lean on. I love that it treads on the good aspects of both games, with the simplistic approach and leverage time for thinking of RPS and the variety of options and situational awareness of FGC.

Ok. Apparently, it now works.... Wha...?

I'm currently running into some bug involving the interaction between triggers. When one trigger collision box becomes active and detects another trigger collision box, it successfully recognizes the interaction. However, if deactivated and then reactivated to interact with the same collision box, it doesn't react. It only reacts again if the first trigger collision box moves for whatever reason. Can anyone tell me why this is and how I can possibly fix it