I like the visuals and little log snippets to make the world feel more alive. I think one qol I'd like to have is to shoot in direction of mouse, rather than movement direction. It'd make the controls feel smoother and more intuitive to maneuver around boss. Otherwise, cool game!
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Incident at Station Delta's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
player's weapon inventory is in a rotation represented by spinning wheel. Bosses has at least one attack that involves spinning
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
used this font for ingame text: https://www.dafont.com/good-old-dos.font?l[]=10&l[]=1
I like a lot the visuals, the space feel is great here, the movement and mechanics are fine, also the roulette to pick weapon is something I like and feels organic in the game, the boss fights are fun and hard, I like it a lot. I checked your game before and I may be wrong, but wasnt there closed doors before? I mean all doors are open now, Im sorry if i saw this wrong. I rate graphics, fun, music and control the most, all is cool, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
looks are good, gameplay is good. I liked the bosses and the wheel spin to choose the weapon! If you want, you can rate my game back!
It's a fun and beautiful game! It reminds us a little of Helldivers! GG 🖤🌻
Really fun game you made! the art is quite nice as well as effects! Like another comment, I do wish the bosses did have more telegraphing because the attacks just feel a little sudden! Overall great game!
(PS: If you're willing to I'd love it if you can rate and leave some feedback on my game! This is my first ever jam and I'd love to see where I can improve for the future!)
Fun game. I like the look of this a lot. Only thing I would want here is some more telegraphing on some attacks from the bosses. On the first bosses it could be as small as lighting the crystals on the bosses hands before doing the red bullet line attack. I also like the recharge animation on the dodge, information like that on screen is always a nice touch.
thumbs up for 2d platformer.
Check out mine duck game. Also same genre.
Very cool story you've made here :D Art was also fantastic and bosses were quite fun to fight against. The spinning weapon wheel is an interesting mechanic. Good job!
I liked the feel of the double jump. A few nit picks would be I like being able to move while shooting and the rocket boot effect doesn't fire unless you are on the descent of your jump when you double jump. Very fun and well put together game.
Really cool arts and visuals! I had a hard time beating any boss. Maybe my gaming skills are terrible! haha, Really cool game! Feel free to try ours if you like!
Pixel art is fantastic, I loved the intro :) The attack patterns were also really easy to understand and get used to. But I would add some sort of visual or audio cue like a second before the boss does an attack to give the player time to react and dodge it. But besides that, this was super fun!
Really liked the intro art and cutscene. The graphics for the game were also really nice. the only thing I didn't like that much was the character movement as it felt a bit rigid.
Does a good job of building story and atmosphere, the graphics and boss designs are cool as well. Some attacks aren't telegraphed enough but overall the gameplay feels fair.
Great atmosphere, and good use of the theme. The game has a couple of balance problems, most notably the shotgun, and a few boss attacks are too hard to dodge, but other than that, amazing game.
I liked the freedom of being able to create my own wheel of weapons and items. I filled it with all shotguns.
I kind of circumvented the entire wheel by doing that, but I think the concept is very strong.
The controls feel super clean and the bosses feel fair. Patterns are recognizable and they arent too tanky compared to the player. Was fun to learn their patterns and developed a loadout to beat each one. (although that was normally all shotgun and a few heals haha). Great entry! If I had to nitpick, personally i felt it was hard to use weapons other then the shotgun due to the angles the smaller bosses would position themselves in, but i'm also not very good at contra style games so might just be me haha
I like it because it reminds me of the "contra", it's very cute <3
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