I really liked the dynamics, great game.
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Wheel Of Dunamis's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
You the player spin the wheel to get upgrades and buffs, fight spinning bosses with your spinning attacks!
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Nice idea and I like it but shopkeeper gets the stolen items from the bosses? That's a kind of confusing for me :-)
great and fun little game! love the pixel art and mechanics you put in with spinning, attacking, and dashing for the character felt all well balanced around the gameplay for the bosses. i did have an issue with the sound setting not working as intended when lowered in the settings menu, but had a great time playing!
I really enjoyed the gameplay, man! Even though art is quite reserved and humble, it was very fun to "spin to win" and stuff. Thanks!
Wheel of Dinamics!!!!! ( Proposital typo )
Wow, this improved a lot! I have only two critiques:
1. More like a glitch, sometimes when you kill the bosses, their doors to the lobby dont apear so you gotta quit through the menu.
2. Add invincibility frames when taking damage to those spinning red things on the last boss, they tank your hp wheel super fast :S
But these two are minimal.
Other than that, really fun game! Like the lobby, it captures perfectly the vibe it wants and some of the dialogue is funny. The mechanics are very well balanced, the spin and hit feel really good! Anyway, good job and good luck!
Thankss for the feedback!
first i have enough time to code to make the player return to the lobby after beating the bosses so you can only go back from the pause menu :(
and yeah your absolutely right about the lasers doing big damage to the player. I will make an update to fix all the bugs and add more polish!
happy that you enjoyed the game :)
Played it in its development stages, this game good! its improved alot
Very nice game, I feel the controls were pretty good and I like the mechanics, charging up mana with your basic attacks feels good, especially when you charge up enough to unleash a long spin attack. I think I encountered a bug here or there but regardless this was pretty good. Nice job!
I liked the dialogues and the little sound effects. The lobby part was beautiful and chill. I has some bugs that makes it annoying while playing. But other than that the only thing it needs is some juice and consistence to make it an amazing experience. I enjoyed the boss fights
Heya! I think this game has potential. Personally, I think having more diverse music for bosses, re-vamping some of the boss art, and fixing the little dialogue bugs would improve the game drastically. Overall, it's an interesting idea, and I'd love to see a bug free revamp! Good job.
Lil' nice game.Need some work with visual and code-errors, but otherall - prety good =3
Fun experience over all! The dash was a bit unresponsive at times and the tutorial could have been done a little clearer. The visuals are charming but some 2-color shading could have gone a long way in improving the general feel of the game. I liked the different implementations of spin!
Okay, so I started the game and had fun with the tutorial boss. I like the gameplay and mechanics. The music and SFX were WAY too loud though. But when I got to the first actual boss, I got softlocked... I don't know what happened but then it happened again? If you fix the softlock and the volume, send me a patch/reply to this comment and I will play more! I really liked the little hub world and the shop guy's face actually changes with what hes saying so its really neat and polished :D
Thanks for the feedback!
for the softlock i will try my best to fix it but you can get through it by just restarting in the pause menu (and maybe don't dash) it's not always there but sometimes it happens
and yes the music is loud and i sadly didn't have enough time to code the volume settings :(
if you can try the other bosses you can start with anyone you like
Nice little game! The spinning being used as "invulnerability" is very interesting and a fun concept, introduces a lot of options: do you want to sacrifice your resources in a powerful attack, or do you want to keep them to defend yourself? I also liked the fact that there was a dash, it's a nice movement option to have in these kind of games, but this time it's actually not your main method of dodging!
Tho, I think the bosses could use a bit more fleshing out in their attacks and "impact" overall (also maybe a death animation would be cool). Also I don't know if I did something wrong, but whenever I defeated a boss I couldn't find a way to exit the arena, so I just exited through the options menu.
Also I...think the shopkeeper's wheel broke? Whenever I was spinning it, it kept displaying blank upgrades, and saying "no upgrade selected", even tho it was consuming the tickets. Could it have something to do with the fact that I skipped the shopkeeper's dialogues at the start of my second playthrough? (After I got locked into the boss animation I couldn't figure out how to unlock it because it kept locking up after restarting, so I restarted, but then I found the strategy of dashing towards the boss instead of walking which seems to fix the issue).
Overall, nice game, would need some polish but the fun factor is there!
Thank you for your honest feedback!
I was planning on adding a death animation but i just didn't have enough time :,(
also I didn't code the game to return you back after you win against the bosses so yeah you can only exit by the pause menu
and yeah the wheel in general is broken due to well... not having enough time to polish it
and for the boss animation which is the dialogue animation yeah it's a bug and it locks you and you can just restart
in general yeah you are right it need the polish which i stupidly left it only for the last 2 days but i will update the game after the jam
and again thanks for the feedback :)
I feel the last boss is too long, but I like the idea to make the player respawn each time for some of "parkour" section before hitting it ! Other than that, i had some pretty good fun on your game honestly, it might be helped by your spinning and hitting sound which add some crazyness taste all around the game. Also, good difference between lobby atmosphere and fightsroom atmosphere, well done on that ! Could have been a little bit more polished, but hey for a Jam this is pretty solid 🙂
the overall mood of this game is nice, the controls could probbably have been helped by a bit more visual feedback or taking the player’s control (eg; maybe the spin could have made you move forward without you having to press a movement key, maybe also having a little screen shake?) the bosses and characters having dialouge is a really fun touch and adds a lot of life to the game, the bosses all feel defined and like their own thing, but i feel like this game struggles a bit with art, sound and music
I really liked what I was able to play here. Unfortunately I had a lot of bugs while playing such as the game freezing if you try to walk during dialogue, and not being able to leave when beating bosses. The art, music, story and mechanics are all really good though, so if you can get it fixed, then I'll definitely give it another shot.
I gave it another try on he windows version. I wasn't able to figure out how to unlock the final boss, but I was able to beat the other 2, and it was a lot of fun. Sometimes the dash felt a little off, but I've enjoyed my time with this one, and I'll be sure to try it again if you get the bugs fixed.
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