Very cool. How could you do this within a month! amazing.
Come check out my simple duck game.
Game's Take on the Theme
We have a drill. It spins and we spin with it!
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Very cool. How could you do this within a month! amazing.
Come check out my simple duck game.
very well put together! The drilling is very cool and would take a while to master. I did have it crash on me but I couldn't replicate it so it didn't happen. Once I got the mechanics down it was a little too easy but overall really great take on the theme and extremely well polished!
I loved the models, textures, and animations! Drilling around was pretty fun. I think my biggest nitpick is that the movement options felt a little slow/floaty at times, I appreciated the occlusion mask for when you drill inside things. Lots of neat ideas in this!
I liked the art style and visuals, a little too bright, but it's not critical. About the bosses, first boss had no intuitive level design and i had no idea what to do. The second one we had a bike, and that's a good new exp, but it was little slow for this dynamic gameplay, and the rather tried to dodge you than attack. But i got used fast to it, so can recommend it.
Wasn't quite sure what was going on and it took me some time to get used to the controls but i think there's a ton of great ideas in this.
My favourite boss was the motorbike fella, that was quite fun. I thought the credits were pretty funny, good job all of you
That player character design sent me back to my childhood, very evocative of custom robo arena. Loved how spacious the tree boss's arena was, gave me a ton of space to move around without really being in danger - perfect for a first boss were you've only just learned the controls.Appreciated the in-game tutorials, though the drilling controls remained a bit unintuitive - it started to click more in the tree level where the main use of it was to get verticality but it still felt weird to suddenly be lurching upwards if I was holding W before entering.
Managed to beat the tree boss but I ended up giving up on car boss as I just couldn't ever catch up to it. Kinda wish I was just moving normally instead of on the bike but I do also appreciate the vibe of being on the bike for a stage like that. Feels like there are threads of a deeper narrative here too, would love to see a full version!
The visuals bring back memories of PS2 games. The polish on the character is awesome, the UI fits nicely with mood of the game. Great entry overall with a good amount of content!
Maan this game looks incredible! Amazing Job! The filter makes it look very very good, I really loved it, the controlls where a bit hard to understand at first, it was a bit hard to controll the digging, but it was soo good visually, and also the fact that its voiced makes it even better. Really a great game, congrats! :D
Wow! I'm absolutely impressed with the amount of content you were able to get in within a month. I really love the art style and voice acting and the controls were pretty responsive. It felt like I was playing a game from the Mega Man Legends era. Nice work!
This was very ambitious and impressive given the time scales. I had some issues with the movement but got the hang of it. The style + voice acting added a lot to it for me. Very impressive given the month time indeed!
Really impressed, I could easily see this game on a console, or on the machines I played on as a child. The graphics are outstanding, although I like the game's filter, I appreciate the option to disable it because it made my eyes a little tired. A great gaming experience, congratulations
Really impressive what you've done here in the span of such a short span of time.
I did have some slight trouble navigating terrain due to getting stuck mid-jump and the predetermined upward drill direction, but that was something that I was able to more or less acclimate to.
Love to see all the Mega Man homage too!
Not bad, I liked how the main character is done with all his animations and stuff, seems to be pretty polished.
I would say you don't really need to use the drill mode, like I mainly used it to get up on the terrain on 1st boss. Then second boss is missing that mechanic from what I understand, and for 3rd one you just need double jump and dash. So would be better to see some encouragement to use it, like perhaps during drilling you could get some kind of drill power to use powerful attacks or just to get bonus damage on attacks. Also 3rd boss seemed a bit too easy, you can just skip all the enemies, attack the generator and jump on boss, and repeat 3 times.
I'm impressed by how ambitious it is.
The game looks amazing and the controls felt pretty good, I liked the voice acting too.
I was kinda confused by the 3rd boss gimmick tho, where you have to destroy those machines to make the weak points appear, and the "crt tv" + chromatic aberration visual did hurt my head a little bit after a while, but I really enjoyed playing as Zer-, I mean, Spinnet overall.
Good work !
I'm really impressed by how much effort went into this game! I loved the character design and the voice acting, it was a really nice surprise, kudos!
Very cool game overall! The player movement is really dynamic and fluid and I found myself having fun moving around the world basically wave dashing with the downward drill and dash. Great visuals, sound, and music. Only place I can see rooms for improvement on is the boss battles. Great work!
This is awesome! The main character is so well designed and animated, and the 3d + pixel art aesthetic works really well. Jumping currently feels a little bit too floaty, and the character gets stuck to walls, but those are things that I'm sure you guys can iron out in due time as the game develops more! Overall, I enjoyed playing it! Well done!
It's obvious how much work went into this, its very ambitious! Art is polished and consistent and you guys did voice acting too?
I didn't quite figure out how to steer the drill, but it defaulting to launching me up got me where I needed to go :)
It would have been nice to see a little more variety in the boss attacks, and I wish the third boss was a little more active (trying to swipe at player for example) while the player searches for the terminals, but I think given the time restraint, you guys had your priorities in the right place, and you've made a very polished game :)
(and I was really suprised when the second boss used totally different movement- that must have been lots of work!)
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