This was an amazing game! Super fun! It's so smart to spawn items from a room and trying to guess which one it is and then select the ones adjacent to it. Never would have expected it! The concept is amazing, really.
But the delivery is what its best. The design looks incredibly well thought out. The art style and music both are amazing. And it's so entertaining to move the mouse and throw everything around you, so satisfying! I had a lot of fun just doing that lmao. The UI and how you interact with the game is some of the best I've seen here. It all feels so well integrated into each other! Like, you select a button to go to the guide, and you then have to knock the door. The fact that you have to open the door to go where you want to is genius. It really feels like it's all there together, well planned and crafted coherently.
The core game idea is fun too. It's challenging, and you can have fun trying to learn what each room has. I understand that it may be difficult, and I do agree that giving the player the floor plan might help. Though, I understand why you didn't. After I played a while and had an idea of what each room had and where they communicated to, I looked at the floor plan and it kinda dumbs things down. Given that there's only one floor, knowing its layout makes it super easy to progress. I understand that giving the player access at all times (maybe having it at a corner of the screen) would only work if you could procedurally generate new floors, so you can't memorize them. As it is, I think it's fine the way you left it.
I really like how it gets progressively challenging too. I think you nailed it. First with having more and more stuff and the one type that there's the most is the actual room. That's smart! And then you play with lighting! It's really well designed.
I enjoyed this a lot, thanks for this!
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