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Packed In!View game page

Tetris-style game where your goal is to break the most tiles in a 5x5 grid area without running out of possible moves
Submitted by DevGio, rev.sat9 — 14 hours, 32 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Gameboy Soul#154.4624.462
Interpretation of the Secondary Theme#264.3854.385

Ranked from 26 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game match the theme?
The game is all about managing space! You have to keep track of both the pieces you have available to you and where you're able to place them in the limited 5x5 grid. When limited to this small amount of space it gets tricky finding combinations to fit pieces and line them up to clear room for even more pieces.

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Very unique! When I first saw it, I thought this was going to be a pretty typical tetris game. But the lack of the blocks falling and being able to revisit the bottom of the map later helps to freshen the formula up. Well done!


Nice simple concept & great "just one more" gameplay.
Audio is great too!


Super chill and enjoyable game :D


Super chill and enjoyable game :D


Amazing game! Great interpretation of the theme, great music, and fun effects.


Excellent puzzle game! 

It's super intuitive and fun! When you're about to place a piece in occupied spaces, readability gets trickier. Maybe adding a 1px white outline to the piece you're placing would help.
Also, the different textures for different pieces kinda convey there's going to be a different behavior from them at first. But that makes screenshots a lot more interesting!


I don't have much to add; this is a fantastic puzzle game! It did take me a couple of turns to realize that the different textures on the blocks are purely decorative (and to distinguish moves), but that's about it. Great work!


Ok, one of my favorites of the Jam.  Really solid puzzle game, great music and sound and intense Gameboy feel!  About the only thing I'd rate it down on was the size, at least for me it was hard to see.  FWIW they did allow you to scale the resolution keeping the same number of pixels and colors.  I'd love to play it more.  Definitely going to come back for more.  


Yeah, I realized only after the jam that the issues i had with the borders around the game was due to a small type in building the game, where i set the height to 280 instead of 288... Oops! Thanks for the feedback!


Yeah, I'm gonna play this more than once FOR SURE. It's simply amazing, super well made puzzle
game, really original mechanic, the music rocks and the theme of the jam is well implemented... One of my favorites no doubt, here is my best score in the 30 mins I played :)

If you end up making this a full release on itch, I'm gonna buy it instantly <3


Thank you! I am planning on revamping this whole game in a 'HD' version, with more mechanics and of course more fun. I'm not planning on charging money for it at the moment, but if it becomes a big project then maybe... most likely though, it'll be a free release for all the enjoy!


awesome game! great music, loved how it feels, the feedback and effects, and also addictive. great job 


I can definitely see this having been available on the DMG GB alongside Tetris and Boxxle. Reminds me a lot of a mobile game I love, Blockudoku, so I'll be coming back for more of this I'm sure!


Nice game. Definitely a Gameboy vibes, space cramping puzzle with awesome music!


Excellent game! Once I figured out that cycling the available blocks wasn’t penalized, it became a lot more strategic. I only got up to 55770 though haha. UI is really well done, and the music was great! Well done!


This is one of the most novel interpretations I've seen of the secondary theme. The concept is awesome and executed very well and packaged (haha get it?) neatly. My only gripe is I wish there were more ways the game was made difficult after the introduction of blocked corners.


I'm hoping to make a new version of the game in 'HD' per se. Will allow me to add a lot more mechanics including some I wasn't able to because of the constraints, such as having a timer on moves which would ensure a level of difficulty! Thanks for your feedback!


Fun little space arrangement game. Reminiscent of Tetris, yet... different as well. Good graphics and music.

I did get a soft-lock at one point. It was impossible for me to legally place the piece no matter how I rotated it, but the game wouldn't move on from there.


Were you able to cycle to a piece which would fit, or did none of your available pieces fit? If the latter, definitely something I'm going to have to look into... Thanks for the feedback!


Oh boy. I can't be sure. I remember being stuck and not knowing how to move on...


Extremely good game, the music is not annoying to listen on repeat (which is quite important for such a game), there is a lot of player feedback in every action, the controls are intuitive, the pixelart is beautiful and it even detects when you are out of possible moves, the amount of polish and detail on this in insane, I sure hope that you get a high position on any category, considering how good this is It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest :D


Thank you! When composing the music one of the goals we had was to have a track that was varied enough and sounded good enough to where it doesn't get annoying to listen to on loop, and sat9, the music artist, definitely provided! Huge shoutout to them, the music wraps up this game neatly, and I don't think it would be as well received without it!



Submitted (2 edits) (+2)

I decided to play it again and ... I might have beaten your highscore by just a smidge.

By which I mean I got a score of 173040.

Small critique: It'd be nice if the highscore was a bit more prominent on the menu, just so it can be shown off easier, because I am pretty happy with that score and am sad that it's tucked away into a corner. I think the fact I got that kind of score to begin with says enough about how much I like this game, though!


Congrats! Also I'm just realizing now, that I never put in the line of code to reset the secret in game multiplier after the game ends... Oops! Though, I have no doubt you're still able to beat my high score even without this little error

Submitted (1 edit)

Hot dang, that music! Certified bops right there.

I didn't understand the cycling at first, so I was very confused as to why I didn't get a game over when I could no longer place my tile. Once I understood it and tried again though, the game felt quite addictive! The new tile shapes keep the gameplay fresh and fun, though I've only managed to get 26860 points so far.

If I had any critique, it'd be that the placed tiles having so many different patterns makes it a bit hard to tell where my own piece is overlapping an existing one. (The tile being shown on the side alleviates this, thankfully.) It looks cool and adds some extra flair, but early on I keep thinking "is that a special tile type? will anything in particular happen if I line it up?" - Especially since the first pattern I got looked like an explosion, making me wonder if it was a bomb of some kind.


Thanks for playing, and thanks for the feedback! What's funny is, originally I did plan on having pieces with tiles in that would be special, like a bomb tile that would blow up a 3x3 radius if destroyed, but I didn't get around to that this time around. I do think I will continue development, except starting from scratch in sort of a "Packed In HD" fashion, and flesh out some more mechanics. But yeah, the tile sprites are just decorative and in fact, that sprite specifically was intended to be one of those powerup tiles, so I see why its misleading haha.

And I agree, sat9 did some awesome work with the music!